Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// $Id:,v 1.4 2010-01-05 13:49:54 ylafon Exp $
// From Philippe Le Hegaret ([email protected])
// (c) COPYRIGHT MIT and INRIA, 1997.
// Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT.html
import org.w3c.css.parser.CssStyle;
import org.w3c.css.util.ApplContext;
import org.w3c.css.util.InvalidParamException;
import org.w3c.css.values.CssExpression;
* 'padding-top'
* Value: <length> | <percentage>
* Initial: 0
* Applies to: all elements
* Inherited: no
* Percentage values: refer to parent element's width
* This property sets the top padding of an element.
* BLOCKQUOTE { padding-top: 0.3em }
* Padding values cannot be negative.
* @version $Revision: 1.4 $
public class CssPaddingTopCSS3 extends CssPaddingSideCSS3 {
* Create a new CssPaddingTopCSS3
public CssPaddingTopCSS3() {
* Create a new CssPaddingTopCSS3 with an another CssPaddingSideCSS3.
* @param another The another side.
public CssPaddingTopCSS3(CssPaddingSideCSS3 another) {
* Create a new CssPaddingTopCSS3
* @param expression The expression for this property.
* @exception InvalidParamException Values are incorrect
public CssPaddingTopCSS3(ApplContext ac, CssExpression expression,
boolean check) throws InvalidParamException {
super(ac, expression, check);
public CssPaddingTopCSS3(ApplContext ac, CssExpression expression)
throws InvalidParamException {
this(ac, expression, false);
* Returns the name of this property
public String getPropertyName() {
return "padding-top";
* Add this property to the CssStyle.
* @param style The CssStyle
public void addToStyle(ApplContext ac, CssStyle style) {
if (((Css3Style) style).cssPaddingTopCSS3 != null)
style.addRedefinitionWarning(ac, this);
((Css3Style) style).cssPaddingTopCSS3 = this;
* Get this property in the style.
* @param style The style where the property is
* @param resolve if true, resolve the style to find this property
public CssProperty getPropertyInStyle(CssStyle style, boolean resolve) {
if (resolve) {
return ((Css3Style) style).getPaddingTopCSS3();
} else {
return ((Css3Style) style).cssPaddingCSS3.getTop();
* Compares two properties for equality.
* @param value The other property.
public boolean equals(CssProperty property) {
return (property instanceof CssPaddingTopCSS3 && value.equals(((CssPaddingTopCSS3) property).value));