org.wartremover.contrib.warts.OldTime.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package org.wartremover
package contrib.warts
import scala.collection.mutable
* Forbids use of
* - java.util.{ Date, Calendar, GregorianCalendar, TimeZone }
* - java.text.{ DateFormat, SimpleDateFormat }
* - org.joda.time._
object OldTime extends WartTraverser {
val javaError = "The old Java time API is disabled. Use Java 8 java.time._ API instead."
val jodaError = "JodaTime is disabled. Use Java 8 java.time._ API instead."
val javaTime: Set[String] = Set(
private[this] final case class LineInFile(path: String, line: Int)
def apply(u: WartUniverse): u.Traverser = {
import u.universe._
import u.universe.Flag._
def isJodaTime(s: Symbol): Boolean = s.fullName.startsWith("org.joda.time")
def isJavaTime(s: Symbol): Boolean = javaTime.contains(s.fullName)
def isJavaTimeImport(tree: Tree, selectors: List[ImportSelector]): Boolean =
selectors.map(tree.symbol.fullName + "." + _.name).exists(javaTime.contains)
val linesWithError = mutable.Set.empty[LineInFile]
def addError(pos: Position, message: String): Unit = {
error(u)(pos, message)
linesWithError.add(LineInFile(pos.source.path, pos.line))
def errorAlreadyExists(pos: Position): Boolean = {
linesWithError.contains(LineInFile(pos.source.path, pos.line))
new u.Traverser {
override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
// Ignore trees marked by SuppressWarnings
case t if hasWartAnnotation(u)(t) =>
case _ if errorAlreadyExists(tree.pos) =>
// forbid use of any type from org.joda
case TypeTree() if isJodaTime(tree.symbol) =>
addError(tree.pos, jodaError)
// forbid use of any type that's part of the old java time API
case TypeTree() if isJavaTime(tree.symbol) =>
addError(tree.pos, javaError)
case tt @ TypeTree() =>
tt.tpe match {
// forbid org.joda.time types in type bounds
case TypeBounds(a, b) if isJodaTime(a.typeSymbol) || isJodaTime(b.typeSymbol) =>
addError(tree.pos, jodaError)
// forbid old java time API types in type bounds
case TypeBounds(a, b) if isJavaTime(a.typeSymbol) || isJavaTime(b.typeSymbol) =>
addError(tree.pos, javaError)
// forbid org.joda.time types as type arguments
case _ if tt.tpe.typeArgs.exists(t => isJodaTime(t.typeSymbol)) =>
addError(tree.pos, jodaError)
// forbid old java time API types as type arguments
case _ if tt.tpe.typeArgs.exists(t => isJavaTime(t.typeSymbol)) =>
addError(tree.pos, javaError)
case _ =>
// forbid use of org.joda.time members
case Select(qual, name) if qual.toString.startsWith("org.joda.time") =>
addError(tree.pos, jodaError)
// forbid use of old java time API members
case Select(qual, name) if javaTime.contains(qual.toString + "." + name) =>
addError(tree.pos, javaError)
// forbid org.joda.time types in type applications
case TypeApply(fun, args) if args.exists(t => isJodaTime(t.symbol)) =>
addError(tree.pos, jodaError)
// forbid old java time API types in type applications
case TypeApply(fun, args) if args.exists(t => isJavaTime(t.symbol)) =>
addError(tree.pos, javaError)
case _ =>
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