Download org.webjars.bowergithub.streetturtle JAR files with all dependencies
delaunay-triangulate from group org.webjars.npm (version 1.1.6)
WebJar for delaunay-triangulate
jooby-assets-nodejs from group org.jooby (version 1.0.0.CR8)
serial from group org.immutables (version 2.2)
jbpm-form-modeler-editor-backend from group org.jbpm (version 6.4.0.Final)
sfm from group org.simpleflatmapper (version 2.9.5)
Java library to map flat record - ResultSet, csv - to java object with minimum configuration and low footprint.
npm-user-validate from group org.webjars.npm (version 0.1.2)
WebJar for npm-user-validate
walkmod-git-plugin from group org.walkmod (version 1.1.0)
Walkmod plugin to apply walkmod only into your last git changes
vertexium-accumulo-blueprints from group org.vertexium (version 2.4.1)
ipf-platform-camel-core-legacy from group org.openehealth.ipf.platform-camel (version 3.1.1)
This module is retained for backwards-compatibility only. It contains Camel DSL extensions from earlier IPF versions
that have been either reimplemented by the camel-groovy component or clashes with EIP methods that were added by
recent Camel versions.
Group: org.openehealth.ipf.platform-camel Artifact: ipf-platform-camel-core-legacy
Show documentation Show source
Show documentation Show source
authzforce-ce-server-rest-service from group org.ow2.authzforce (version 5.1.2)
Implementation of RESTful API defined by authzforce-ce-rest-api-model package
MetaModel-sugarcrm from group org.apache.metamodel (version 4.5.2)
doxia-module-apt from group org.apache.maven.doxia (version 1.7)
A Doxia module for Almost Plain Text source documents.
APT format is supported both as source and target formats.
molgenis-ontology-core from group org.molgenis (version 1.21.3)
jsf-myfaces-richfaces-spring-boot-starter from group org.joinfaces (version 2.2.0)
Jsf Spring Boot Starter for Tomcat and MyFaces and Richfaces
Group: org.joinfaces Artifact: jsf-myfaces-richfaces-spring-boot-starter
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Show documentation Show source
zeromq-scala-binding_2.9.1 from group org.zeromq (version 0.0.6)
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