controllers.WebJarAssets.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package controllers
import{ RequirejsProducer }
import play.api.mvc.Controller
import play.api.mvc.Action
import play.api.mvc.AnyContent
import play.Application
import play.Configuration
import play.api.Play.current
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import play.api.Play
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils
import java.util.Arrays
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeMap
import org.webjars.WebJarAssetLocator
* A Play framework controller that is able to resolve webjar paths.
* In addition a various JavaScript modules can be produced that are able to
* resolve WebJar paths on the client side. requirejs is an example of this.
* can be used to declare a regex for the
* files that should be looked for when searching within webjars. By default
* all files are searched for.
* specifies where WebJar resources are
* loaded from. /webjars is the default.
class WebJarAssets extends Controller with RequirejsProducer {
val WebjarFilterExprDefault = """.*"""
val WebjarFilterExprProp = ""
val WebjarPathPrefixDefault = "/webjars"
val WebjarPathPrefixProp = ""
val WebjarRequireJsConfigFile = "/webjars-requirejs.js"
val webJarFilterExpr = current.configuration.getString(WebjarFilterExprProp)
val webJarPathPrefix = current.configuration.getString(WebjarPathPrefixProp)
val webJarAssetLocator = new WebJarAssetLocator(
new Regex(webJarFilterExpr).pattern, Play.application.classloader))
val routes = webJarAssetLocator.getFullPathIndex.asScala.filter { pair =>
pair._2.lengthCompare(WebJarAssetLocator.WEBJARS_PATH_PREFIX.length) > 0 &&
}.mapValues { webJarPath =>
val relWebJarPath = webJarPath.stripPrefix(WebJarAssetLocator.WEBJARS_PATH_PREFIX)
val assetPath = webJarPathPrefix + relWebJarPath
val requireJsConfigPath = webJarPathPrefix + requirejsConfigPath(relWebJarPath)
Route(assetPath, List[String](requireJsConfigPath))
* Returns the contents of a WebJar asset
def at(file: String): Action[AnyContent] = {"/" + WebJarAssetLocator.WEBJARS_PATH_PREFIX, file)
* Return the path of a WebJar asset
* Transforms a file lookup like "jquery.min.js" to the path sans-the webjars prefix,
* like "jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"
def locate(file: String): String = {
webJarAssetLocator.getFullPath(file).stripPrefix(WebJarAssetLocator.WEBJARS_PATH_PREFIX + "/")
* Return the bootstrapping required for require.js so that assets can be
* located using the "webjars!" loader plugin convention.
def requirejs = Action {
* Extract a requirejs configuration path given a relative webjar path.
private def requirejsConfigPath(relWebJarPath: String): String = {
val artifactIdDelim = relWebJarPath.indexOf('/', 1)
if (artifactIdDelim < 0) {
return ""
val artifactId = relWebJarPath.substring(0, artifactIdDelim)
val versionDelim = relWebJarPath.indexOf('/', artifactIdDelim + 1)
if (versionDelim < 0) {
return ""
val version = relWebJarPath.substring(artifactIdDelim, versionDelim)
artifactId + version + WebjarRequireJsConfigFile
object WebJarAssets extends WebJarAssets