org.webpieces.httpparser.impl.HttpParserImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.webpieces.httpparser.impl;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.HttpParser;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.HttpParserFactory;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.MarshalState;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.Memento;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.ParseException;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.common.Header;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.common.KnownHeaderName;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.Http2MarkerMessage;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.HttpChunk;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.HttpChunkExtension;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.HttpData;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.HttpLastChunk;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.HttpMessage;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.HttpMessageType;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.HttpPayload;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.HttpRequest;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.HttpRequestLine;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.HttpRequestMethod;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.HttpResponse;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.HttpResponseStatus;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.HttpResponseStatusLine;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.HttpUri;
import org.webpieces.httpparser.api.dto.HttpVersion;
import org.webpieces.util.logging.Logger;
import org.webpieces.util.logging.LoggerFactory;
public class HttpParserImpl implements HttpParser {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HttpParserImpl.class);
private static final Charset iso8859_1 = HttpParserFactory.iso8859_1;
private static final String TRAILER_STR = "\r\n";
private static final DataWrapperGenerator dataGen = DataWrapperGeneratorFactory.createDataWrapperGenerator();
private ConvertAscii conversion = new ConvertAscii();
private BufferPool pool;
public HttpParserImpl(BufferPool pool) {
this.pool = pool;
public MarshalState prepareToMarshal() {
return new MarshalStateImpl();
public ByteBuffer marshalToByteBuffer(MarshalState state, HttpPayload request) {
//modify later to go from String straight to ByteBuffer instead...
byte[] data = marshalToBytes(state, request);
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
return buffer;
public byte[] marshalToBytes(MarshalState s, HttpPayload payload) {
MarshalStateImpl state = (MarshalStateImpl) s;
if(state.getParsingDataSize() != null) {
return parseData(state, payload);
} else if(payload.getMessageType() == HttpMessageType.CHUNK || payload.getMessageType() == HttpMessageType.LAST_CHUNK) {
return chunkedBytes((HttpChunk)payload);
HttpMessage msg = (HttpMessage) payload;
String result = marshalHeaders(payload);
Header header = msg.getHeaderLookupStruct().getHeader(KnownHeaderName.CONTENT_LENGTH);
if(header != null && !header.getValue().equals("0")) {
String value = header.getValue();
int lengthOfBodyFromHeader = toInteger(value, ""+header);
byte[] stringPiece = result.getBytes(iso8859_1);
return stringPiece;
private byte[] parseData(MarshalStateImpl state, HttpPayload payload) {
if(!(payload instanceof HttpData))
throw new IllegalStateException("You passed in a request or response earlier with Content-Length so must pass in all the HttpData next not this="+payload);
HttpData data = payload.getHttpData();
DataWrapper body = data.getBodyNonNull();
if(state.getTotalRead() > state.getParsingDataSize())
throw new IllegalStateException("Content-Length was "+state.getParsingDataSize()+" but you have so far passed in "+state.getTotalRead()+" bytes");
else if(state.getTotalRead() == state.getParsingDataSize()) {
return body.createByteArray();
private void copyData(DataWrapper body, byte[] data, int offset) {
for(int i = 0; i < body.getReadableSize(); i++) {
//TODO: Think about using System.arrayCopy here(what is faster?)
data[offset + i] = body.readByteAt(i);
private byte[] chunkedBytes(HttpChunk request) {
DataWrapper dataWrapper = request.getBody();
int size = dataWrapper.getReadableSize();
String metaLine = request.createMetaLine();
String lastPart = request.createTrailer();
byte[] hex = metaLine.getBytes(iso8859_1);
byte[] endData = lastPart.getBytes(iso8859_1);
byte[] data = new byte[hex.length+size+endData.length];
//copy chunk header of /r/n
System.arraycopy(hex, 0, data, 0, hex.length);
copyData(dataWrapper, data, hex.length);
//copy closing /r/n (and headers if isLastChunk)
System.arraycopy(endData, 0, data, data.length-endData.length, endData.length);
return data;
private Integer toInteger(String value, String line) {
try {
return Integer.valueOf(value);
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("HttpMessage contains illegal line(could not convert value to Integer)="+line);
public String marshalToString(HttpPayload httpMsg) {
//TODO: We could check Content-Type header and if text type, we could marshall it still?
if(httpMsg.getMessageType() == HttpMessageType.CHUNK
|| httpMsg.getMessageType() == HttpMessageType.DATA)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot marshal http message with a body to a string");
return marshalHeaders(httpMsg);
private String marshalHeaders(HttpPayload httpMsg) {
if(httpMsg.getMessageType() == HttpMessageType.REQUEST)
else if(httpMsg.getMessageType() == HttpMessageType.RESPONSE)
//TODO: perhaps optimize and use StringBuilder on the Header for loop
//Java optimizes most to StringBuilder but for a for loop, it doesn't all the time...
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.append(httpMsg + "");
return builder.toString();
private void validate(HttpResponse response) {
HttpResponseStatusLine statusLine = response.getStatusLine();
if(statusLine == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("response.statusLine is not set(call response.setStatusLine");
HttpResponseStatus status = statusLine.getStatus();
if(status == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("response.statusLine.status is not set(call response.getStatusLine().setStatus())");
} else if(status.getCode() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("response.statusLine.status.code is not set(call response.getStatusLine().getStatus().setCode())");
} else if(status.getReason() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("response.statusLine.status.reason is not set");
} else if(statusLine.getVersion() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("response.statusLine.version is not set");
private void validate(HttpRequest request) {
HttpRequestLine requestLine = request.getRequestLine();
if(requestLine == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("request.requestLine is not set(call request.setRequestLine()");
} else if(requestLine.getMethod() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("request.requestLine.method is not set(call request.getRequestLine().setMethod()");
} else if(requestLine.getVersion() == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("request.requestLine.version is not set(call request.getRequestLine().setVersion()");
public Memento prepareToParse() {
MementoImpl memento = new MementoImpl();
return memento;
public Memento parse(Memento state, DataWrapper moreData) {
if(!(state instanceof MementoImpl)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("You must always pass in the "
+ "memento created in prepareToParse which we always hand back"
+ "to you from this method. It contains state of leftover data");
MementoImpl memento = (MementoImpl) state;
int totalData = state.getLeftOverData().getReadableSize()+moreData.getReadableSize();
memento = parse(memento, moreData);
int bytesParsed = totalData - memento.getLeftOverData().getReadableSize();
return memento;
private MementoImpl parse(MementoImpl memento, DataWrapper moreData) {
log.trace(()->"Trying to parse message");
// if(log.isDebugEnabled()) {
// byte[] someData = moreData.createByteArray();
// String readable = conversion.convertToReadableForm(someData);
//"about to parse=\n\n'"+readable+"'\n\n");
// }
//initialize state to need more data
memento.setParsedMessages(new ArrayList<>());
DataWrapper leftOverData = memento.getLeftOverData();
DataWrapper allData = dataGen.chainDataWrappers(leftOverData, moreData);
if(memento.isInChunkParsingMode()) {
} else if(memento.getContentLengthLeftToRead() != null) {
} else if(memento.getHalfParsedChunk() != null) {
readInChunkBody(memento, false);
if(memento.getHalfParsedChunk() != null || memento.getContentLengthLeftToRead() != null)
return memento; //we are still reading in the body of a chunk
//This is a bit tricky but memento.getReadingHttpMessagePoint will cause this method to
//return immediately if we are in the middle of processChunks or readInBody
//BUT this is here because AFTER processChunks or readInBody is complete, it should process the next
//response as well!!!
return memento;
private void readInContentLengthBody(MementoImpl memento) {
Integer toRead = memento.getContentLengthLeftToRead();
DataWrapper data = memento.getLeftOverData();
int readSize = Math.min(toRead, data.getReadableSize());
if(readSize == 0) {
//wait for more data
int newSizeLeft = toRead - readSize;
boolean isEos;
if(newSizeLeft == 0) {
isEos = true;
} else {
isEos = false;
List extends DataWrapper> split = dataGen.split(data, readSize);
HttpData httpData = new HttpData(split.get(0), isEos);
private void findCrLnCrLnAndParseMessage(MementoImpl memento) {
// DataWrapper leftOverData2 = memento.getLeftOverData();
// String msg = leftOverData2.createStringFrom(0, leftOverData2.getReadableSize(), Charset.defaultCharset());
// System.out.println("msg="+msg);
//We are looking for the \r\n\r\n (or \n\n from bad systems) to
//discover entire payload
int i = memento.getReadingHttpMessagePointer();
for(; i < memento.getLeftOverData().getReadableSize() - 3; i++) {
boolean parsedAndSplitBuffer = processUntilRead(memento, i);
if(parsedAndSplitBuffer) {
//reset the index for reading
i = 0;
//do not continue if we are reading the body...
if(memento.getHalfParsedChunk() != null || memento.getContentLengthLeftToRead() != null) {
} else if(memento.isHasHttpMarkerMsg())
* Returns true if we split the buffers up or else false
private boolean processUntilRead(MementoImpl memento, int i) {
DataWrapper dataToRead = memento.getLeftOverData();
byte firstByte = dataToRead.readByteAt(i);
byte secondByte = dataToRead.readByteAt(i+1);
byte thirdByte = dataToRead.readByteAt(i+2);
byte fourthByte = dataToRead.readByteAt(i+3);
//For debugging to see the 4 bytes that we are processing easier
// log.error("This should be commented out, don't forget or we log this error");
// byte[] data = dataToRead.createByteArray();
// String fourBytesAre = conversion.convertToReadableForm(data, i, 4);
boolean isFirstCr = conversion.isCarriageReturn(firstByte);
boolean isSecondLineFeed = conversion.isLineFeed(secondByte);
boolean isThirdCr = conversion.isCarriageReturn(thirdByte);
boolean isFourthLineField = conversion.isLineFeed(fourthByte);
if(isFirstCr && isSecondLineFeed && isThirdCr && isFourthLineField) {
//Found end of http headers...
processHttpMessageAndMaybeBody(memento, dataToRead, i);
return true;
//mark any positions for \r\n
if(isFirstCr && isSecondLineFeed) {
return false;
private void processHttpMessageAndMaybeBody(MementoImpl memento, DataWrapper dataToRead, int i) {
List markedPositions = memento.getLeftOverMarkedPositions();
memento.setLeftOverMarkedPositions(new ArrayList());
List extends DataWrapper> tuple = dataGen.split(dataToRead, i+4);
DataWrapper toBeParsed = tuple.get(0);
HttpMessage message = parseHttpMessage(memento, toBeParsed, markedPositions);
if(memento.isHttp2()) {
//shortcut to cut out so http2 parser can begin
Header contentLenHeader = message.getHeaderLookupStruct().getHeader(KnownHeaderName.CONTENT_LENGTH);
Header transferHeader = message.getHeaderLookupStruct().getLastInstanceOfHeader(KnownHeaderName.TRANSFER_ENCODING);
if(transferHeader != null && "chunked".equals(transferHeader.getValue())) {
} else if(contentLenHeader != null && !"0".equals(contentLenHeader.getValue())) {
String value = contentLenHeader.getValue();
int length = toInteger(value, ""+contentLenHeader);
private void processChunks(MementoImpl memento) {
if(memento.getHalfParsedChunk() != null) {
readInChunkBody(memento, true);
if(memento.getHalfParsedChunk() != null)
return; //we are still reading in the body
int i = memento.getReadingHttpMessagePointer();
for(;i < memento.getLeftOverData().getReadableSize() - 1; i++)
DataWrapper dataToRead = memento.getLeftOverData();
byte firstByte = dataToRead.readByteAt(i);
byte secondByte = dataToRead.readByteAt(i+1);
boolean isFirstCr = conversion.isCarriageReturn(firstByte);
boolean isSecondLineFeed = conversion.isLineFeed(secondByte);
if(isFirstCr && isSecondLineFeed) {
readChunk(memento, i);
//since we swapped out memento.getLeftOverData to be
//what's left, we can read from 0 again
i = 0;
if(!memento.isInChunkParsingMode() //we are done processing chunks
|| memento.getHalfParsedChunk() != null) //we are in the middle of processing chunk body
private void readChunk(MementoImpl memento, int i) {
HttpChunk chunk = createHttpChunk(memento, i);
readInChunkBody(memento, true);
if(chunk.getBody() != null && chunk.getBody().getReadableSize() == 0) {
//this is the last chunk as it is 0 size
private HttpChunk createHttpChunk(MementoImpl memento, int i) {
DataWrapper dataToRead = memento.getLeftOverData();
//split off the header AND /r/n (ie. the +2)
List extends DataWrapper> split = dataGen.split(dataToRead, i+2);
DataWrapper chunkMetaData = split.get(0);
List extensions = new ArrayList<>();
String chunkMetaStr = chunkMetaData.createStringFrom(0, chunkMetaData.getReadableSize(), iso8859_1);
String hexSize = chunkMetaStr.trim();
if(chunkMetaStr.contains(";")) {
String[] extensionsArray = chunkMetaStr.split(";");
hexSize = extensionsArray[0];
for(int n = 1; n < extensionsArray.length; n++) {
HttpChunkExtension ext = createExtension(extensionsArray[n]);
int chunkSize = Integer.parseInt(hexSize, 16);
HttpChunk chunk = new HttpChunk();
if(chunkSize == 0)
chunk = new HttpLastChunk();
//must read in all the data of the chunk AND /r/n
int size = 2 + chunkSize;
return chunk;
private HttpChunkExtension createExtension(String extension) {
if(!extension.contains("=")) {
return new HttpChunkExtension(extension);
//if there are multiple '=' in the extensions, we can only split on first one
int indexOf = extension.indexOf('=');
String name = extension.substring(0, indexOf);
String value = extension.substring(indexOf);
return new HttpChunkExtension(name, value);
//Returns true if body read in and false otherwise
private void readInChunkBody(MementoImpl memento, boolean stripAndCompareLastTwo) {
HttpChunk message = memento.getHalfParsedChunk();
DataWrapper dataToRead = memento.getLeftOverData();
int readableSize = dataToRead.getReadableSize();
int numBytesNeeded = memento.getNumBytesLeftToReadOnChunk();
if(numBytesNeeded <= readableSize) {
List extends DataWrapper> split = dataGen.split(dataToRead, numBytesNeeded);
DataWrapper data = split.get(0);
if(stripAndCompareLastTwo) {
List extends DataWrapper> splitPieces = dataGen.split(data, data.getReadableSize()-2);
data = splitPieces.get(0);
DataWrapper trailer = splitPieces.get(1);
String trailerStr = trailer.createStringFrom(0, trailer.getReadableSize(), iso8859_1);
throw new IllegalStateException("The chunk did not end with \\r\\n . The format is invalid");
//clear any cached message we were waiting for more data for
private HttpMessage parseHttpMessage(MementoImpl memento, DataWrapper toBeParsed, List markedPositions) {
List lines = new ArrayList<>();
//Add the last line..
int offset = 0;
for(Integer mark : markedPositions) {
int len = mark - offset;
String line = toBeParsed.createStringFrom(offset, len, iso8859_1);
offset = mark;
//buffer processed...release to be re-used now..
String firstLine = lines.get(0).trim();
if(memento.isHttp2()) {
return checkSecondCase(memento, lines);
} else if(firstLine.startsWith("HTTP/")) {
return parseResponse(memento, lines);
} else if(lines.size() == 1 && memento.getParsedMessages().size() == 0) {
//special case where there is no headers AND it could be http 2 preface
return checkSpecialCase(memento, lines);
} else {
return parseRequest(memento, lines);
private HttpMessage checkSecondCase(MementoImpl memento, List lines) {
String requestLine = lines.get(0);
if("SM".equals(requestLine)) {
Http2MarkerMessage msg = new Http2MarkerMessage();
//we are http2 so return an Http2Message and SHORT-CIRCUIT FURTHER PARSING
return msg;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("PRI * HTTP/2.0\\r\\n received but then missing SM="+requestLine);
private HttpMessage checkSpecialCase(MementoImpl memento, List lines) {
String requestLine = lines.get(0);
if("PRI * HTTP/2.0".equals(requestLine)) {
//we are http2 so return an Http2Message and SHORT-CIRCUIT FURTHER PARSING
return null;
return parseRequest(memento, lines);
private HttpMessage parseRequest(MementoImpl memento, List lines) {
//remove first line...
String firstLine = lines.remove(0);
String[] firstLinePieces = firstLine.split("\\s+");
if(firstLinePieces.length != 3) {
throw new ParseException("Unable to parse invalid http request due to first line being invalid=" + firstLine+" all Lines="+lines);
HttpRequestMethod method = new HttpRequestMethod(firstLinePieces[0]);
HttpUri uri = new HttpUri(firstLinePieces[1]);
HttpVersion version = parseVersion(firstLinePieces[2], firstLine);
HttpRequestLine httpRequestLine = new HttpRequestLine();
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
parseHeaders(lines, request);
return request;
private HttpVersion parseVersion(String versionString, String firstLine) {
if(!versionString.startsWith("HTTP/")) {
throw new ParseException("Invalid version in http request first line not prefixed with HTTP/. line="+firstLine);
String ver = versionString.substring(5, versionString.length());
HttpVersion version = new HttpVersion();
return version;
private void parseHeaders(List lines, HttpMessage httpMessage) {
//TODO: one header can be multiline and we need to fix this code for that
//ie. the spec says you can split a head in multiple lines(ick!!!)
for(String line : lines) {
Header header = parseHeader(line);
private Header parseHeader(String line) {
//can't use split in case there are two ':' in the value and one as the delimeter
int indexOf = line.indexOf(":");
if(indexOf < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad header line="+ line);
String value = line.substring(indexOf+1).trim();
String name = line.substring(0, indexOf);
Header header = new Header();
return header;
private HttpMessage parseResponse(MementoImpl memento, List lines) {
//remove first line...
String firstLine = lines.remove(0);
//In the case of response, a reason may contain spaces so we must split on first and second
//whitespace only
int indexOf = firstLine.indexOf(" ");
if(indexOf < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The first line of http request is invalid="+ firstLine);
String versionStr = firstLine.substring(0, indexOf).trim();
String tail = firstLine.substring(indexOf).trim();
int indexOf2 = tail.indexOf(" ");
if(indexOf2 < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The first line of http request is invalid="+ firstLine);
String codeStr = tail.substring(0, indexOf2).trim();
String reason = tail.substring(indexOf2).trim();
HttpVersion version2 = parseVersion(versionStr, firstLine);
HttpResponseStatus status = new HttpResponseStatus();
Integer codeVal = toInteger(codeStr, firstLine);
if(codeVal <= 0 || codeVal >= 1000)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid status code. response line="+firstLine);
HttpResponseStatusLine httpRequestLine = new HttpResponseStatusLine();
HttpResponse response = new HttpResponse();
parseHeaders(lines, response);
return response;
// @Override
// public HttpPayload unmarshal(byte[] msg) {
// Memento memento = prepareToParse();
// DataWrapper dataWrapper = dataGen.wrapByteArray(msg);
// Memento parsedData = parse(memento, dataWrapper);
// if(parsedData.getStatus() == ParsedStatus.MSG_PARSED_AND_LEFTOVER_DATA)
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("There is more data than one http message. Use unmarshalAsync instead");
// else if(parsedData.getStatus() == ParsedStatus.NEED_MORE_DATA)
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("This http message is not complete. Use unmarshalAsynch instead or "
// + "fix client code to pass in complete http message(or report a bug if it is this libraries fault)");
// List messages = parsedData.getParsedMessages();
// if(messages.size() != 1)
// throw new IllegalArgumentException("You passed in data for more than one http messages. number of http messages="+messages.size());
// return messages.get(0);
// }
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