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org.whizu.jquery.JQueryImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2013 Rudy D'hauwe @ Whizu
* Licensed under the EUPL V.1.1
* This Software is provided to You under the terms of the European
* Union Public License (the "EUPL") version 1.1 as published by the
* European Union. Any use of this Software, other than as authorized
* under this License is strictly prohibited (to the extent such use
* is covered by a right of the copyright holder of this Software).
* This Software is provided under the License on an "AS IS" basis and
* without warranties of any kind concerning the Software, including
* without limitation merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose,
* absence of defects or errors, accuracy, and non-infringement of
* intellectual property rights other than copyright. This disclaimer
* of warranty is an essential part of the License and a condition for
* the grant of any rights to this Software.
* For more details, see .
* Contributors:
* 2013 - Rudy D'hauwe @ Whizu - initial API and implementation
package org.whizu.jquery;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.whizu.annotation.Bean;
import org.whizu.dom.Content;
import org.whizu.dom.Identity;
import org.whizu.js.Expression;
import org.whizu.js.Script;
* @author Rudy D'hauwe
class JQueryImpl extends Expression implements JQuery {
* static JQuery self() { return new JQueryImpl("$(this)"); }
private String selector = "";
JQueryImpl(Identity element) {
this.selector = getSelector(element);
JQueryImpl(Identity... elements) {
this.selector = getSelector(elements);
JQueryImpl(String selector) {
this.selector = selector;
public JQueryImpl() {
public JQuery addClass(String style) {
return call("addClass", style);
public JQuery after(String... content) {
return call("after", content);
public JQuery append(Content content) {
return call("append", content);
public JQuery append(String... content) {
return call("append", content);
public JQuery appendTo(String target) {
return call("appendTo", target);
public String attr(String attributeName) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public JQuery before(String... content) {
return call("before", content);
public JQuery button() {
return call("button");
public JQuery call(String function) {
return concat(".", function, "()");
public JQuery call(String function, String arg) {
return concat(".", function, "(\"", arg, "\")");
private JQuery call(String function, Content arg) {
concat(".", function, "(\"");
return this;
public JQuery call(String function, String... args) {
String arguments = "\"" + args[0] + "\"";
for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
arguments = arguments.concat(",").concat("'").concat(args[i]).concat("'");
return concat(".", function, "(", arguments, ")");
public JQuery call(String function, String arg0, String... args) {
String arguments = "'" + arg0 + "'";
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
arguments = arguments.concat(",").concat("'").concat(args[i]).concat("'");
return concat(".", function, "(", arguments, ")");
public JQuery callunquoted(String function, String arglist) {
return concat(".", function, "(", arglist, ")");
public JQuery click(Function function) {
Script script = RequestContext.getRequest().compile(function);
return concat(".", "click", "(function(event) { ", script.toJavaScript(), " })");
public JQuery closest(String name) {
return call("closest", name);
public JQuery concat(String... js) {
for (String part : js) {
// this.expression += part;
return this;
public JQuery document() {
return new JQueryImpl("$('#y-body')");
public JQuery empty() {
return call("empty");
public JQuery find(String selector) {
return concat(".", "find(", quote(selector), ")");
public JQuery get(String url, Function data, Function callback, String type) {
return concat(".", "get(", quote(url), ", ", RequestContext.getRequest().evaluate(data), ", ", RequestContext
.getRequest().define(callback), ", ", quote(type), ")");
private String getSelector(Identity... objs) {
String selector = "$(\"";
int i = 0;
for (Identity component : objs) {
if (i > 0) {
selector += ",";
selector += "#" +;
selector += "\")";
return selector;
public JQuery html(String arg) {
String html = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJavaScript(arg);
return call("html", html);
public JQuery insertAfter(String target) {
return call("insertAfter", target);
public JQuery insertBefore(String target) {
return call("insertBefore", target);
public JQuery prepend(String arg) {
return call("prepend", arg);
public JQuery prepend(String... content) {
return call("prepend", content);
public JQuery prependTo(String target) {
return call("prependTo", target);
private String quote(String type) {
return "'".concat(type).concat("'");
public JQuery remove() {
return call("remove");
public JQuery remove(String selector) {
return call("remove", selector);
public JQuery replaceAll(String target) {
return call("replaceAll", target);
public JQuery replaceWith(String newContent) {
return call("replaceWith", newContent);
public JQuery serialize() {
return call("serialize");
public JQuery text(String arg) {
return call("text", arg);
public JQuery toggle() {
return call("toggle");
public String toJavaScript() {
// return selector.concat(expression);
return selector.concat(super.toJavaScript());
public JQuery trigger(String event) {
return call("trigger", event);
public JQuery val(String arg) {
return call("val", arg);
public JQuery width(String value) {
return call("width", value);
public JQuery wrap(String wrappingElement) {
return call("wrap", wrappingElement);
public JQuery wrapAll(String wrappingElement) {
return call("wrapAll", wrappingElement);
public JQuery wrapInner(String wrappingElement) {
return call("wrapInner", wrappingElement);
public JQuery prepend(Content content) {
return prepend(content.render());
public JQuery firstOfType(String element) {
//return call("filter", element + ":first-of-type");
return call("filter", element);
public JQuery lastChild(String element) {
return call("filter", element + ":last-child");