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 * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
 * Copyright 2016 Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
 * as indicated by the @author tags.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import org.wildfly.common.iteration.ByteIterator;
import org.wildfly.common.iteration.CodePointIterator;

import javax.json.Json;
import javax.json.JsonArray;
import javax.json.JsonObject;
import javax.json.JsonReader;
import javax.json.JsonString;
import javax.json.JsonValue;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import static java.util.Arrays.asList;
import static org.wildfly.common.Assert.checkNotNullParam;
import static;
import static;


A {@link TokenValidator} capable of validating and parsing JWT. Most of the validations performed by this validator are * based on RFC-7523 (JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Client Authentication and Authorization Grants). * *

This validator can also be used as a JWT parser only. In this case, for security reasons, you need to make sure that * JWT validations such as issuer, audience and signature checks are performed before obtaining identities from this realm. * * @author Pedro Igor */ public class JwtValidator implements TokenValidator { /** * Returns a {@link Builder} instance that can be used to configure and create a {@link JwtValidator}. * * @return a {@link Builder} instance */ public static Builder builder() { return new Builder(); } private final Set issuers; private final Set audiences; private final JwkManager jwkManager; private final Map namedKeys; private final PublicKey defaultPublicKey; JwtValidator(Builder configuration) { this.issuers = checkNotNullParam("issuers", configuration.issuers); this.audiences = checkNotNullParam("audience", configuration.audience); this.defaultPublicKey = configuration.publicKey; this.namedKeys = configuration.namedKeys; if (configuration.sslContext != null) { this.jwkManager = new JwkManager(configuration.sslContext, configuration.hostnameVerifier != null ? configuration.hostnameVerifier : HttpsURLConnection.getDefaultHostnameVerifier(), configuration.updateTimeout, configuration.connectionTimeout, configuration.readTimeout, configuration.minTimeBetweenRequests); } else { log.tokenRealmJwtNoSSLIgnoringJku(); this.jwkManager = null; } if (defaultPublicKey == null && jwkManager == null && namedKeys.isEmpty()) { log.tokenRealmJwtWarnNoPublicKeyIgnoringSignatureCheck(); } if (issuers.isEmpty()) { log.tokenRealmJwtWarnNoIssuerIgnoringIssuerCheck(); } if (audiences.isEmpty()) { log.tokenRealmJwtWarnNoAudienceIgnoringAudienceCheck(); } } @Override public Attributes validate(BearerTokenEvidence evidence) throws RealmUnavailableException { checkNotNullParam("evidence", evidence); String jwt = evidence.getToken(); String[] parts = jwt.split("\\.", -1); if (parts.length < 3) { throw log.tokenRealmJwtInvalidFormat(); } String encodedHeader = parts[0]; String encodedClaims = parts[1]; String encodedSignature = parts[2]; JsonObject claims = extractClaims(encodedClaims); if (verifySignature(encodedHeader, encodedClaims, encodedSignature) && hasValidIssuer(claims) && hasValidAudience(claims) && verifyTimeConstraints(claims)) { return toAttributes(claims); } return null; } private boolean verifyTimeConstraints(JsonObject claims) { long currentTime = currentTimeInSeconds(); if (claims.containsKey("exp")) { boolean expired = currentTime > claims.getJsonNumber("exp").longValue(); if (expired) { log.debug("Token expired"); return false; } } if (claims.containsKey("nbf")) { boolean notBefore = currentTime >= claims.getJsonNumber("nbf").longValue(); if (!notBefore) { log.debugf("Token is before [%s]", notBefore); return false; } } return true; } private JsonObject extractClaims(String encodedClaims) throws RealmUnavailableException { JsonObject retValue = null; JsonReader jsonReader = null; try { Base64.Decoder urlDecoder = Base64.getUrlDecoder(); CodePointIterator decodedClaims = CodePointIterator.ofUtf8Bytes(urlDecoder.decode(encodedClaims)); jsonReader = Json.createReader(decodedClaims.asUtf8().asInputStream()); retValue = jsonReader.readObject(); } catch (Exception cause) { throw log.tokenRealmJwtParseFailed(cause); } finally { if (jsonReader != null) { jsonReader.close(); } } return retValue; } private boolean verifySignature(String encodedHeader, String encodedClaims, String encodedSignature) throws RealmUnavailableException { if (defaultPublicKey == null && jwkManager == null && namedKeys.isEmpty()) { return true; } try { Base64.Decoder urlDecoder = Base64.getUrlDecoder(); byte[] decodedSignature = urlDecoder.decode(encodedSignature); Signature signature = createSignature(encodedHeader, encodedClaims); boolean verify = signature != null ? ByteIterator.ofBytes(decodedSignature).verify(signature) : false; if (!verify) { log.debug("Signature verification failed"); } return verify; } catch (Exception cause) { throw log.tokenRealmJwtSignatureCheckFailed(cause); } } private boolean hasValidAudience(JsonObject claims) throws RealmUnavailableException { if (this.audiences.isEmpty()) return true; JsonValue audience = claims.get("aud"); if (audience == null) { log.debug("Token does not contain an audience claim"); return false; } JsonArray audClaimArray; if (JsonValue.ValueType.STRING.equals(audience.getValueType())) { audClaimArray = Json.createArrayBuilder().add(audience).build(); } else { audClaimArray = (JsonArray) audience; } boolean valid = .map(jsonValue -> (JsonString) jsonValue) .anyMatch(audience1 -> audiences.contains(audience1.getString())); if (!valid) { log.debugf("Audience check failed. Provided [%s] but was expected [%s].", audClaimArray.toArray(), this.audiences); } return valid; } private boolean hasValidIssuer(JsonObject claims) throws RealmUnavailableException { if (this.issuers.isEmpty()) return true; String issuer = claims.getString("iss", null); if (issuer == null) { log.debug("Token does not contain an issuer claim"); return false; } boolean valid = this.issuers.contains(issuer); if (!valid) { log.debugf("Issuer check failed. Provided [%s] but was expected [%s].", issuer, this.issuers); } return valid; } private Signature createSignature(String encodedHeader, String encodedClaims) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, SignatureException, RealmUnavailableException { byte[] headerDecoded = Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(encodedHeader); JsonObject headers = null; try (final JsonReader jsonReader = Json.createReader(ByteIterator.ofBytes(headerDecoded).asInputStream())) { headers = jsonReader.readObject(); } String headerAlg = resolveAlgorithm(headers); Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(headerAlg); try { PublicKey publicKey = resolvePublicKey(headers); if (publicKey == null) { log.debug("Public key could not be resolved."); return null; } signature.initVerify(publicKey); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } signature.update((encodedHeader + "." + encodedClaims).getBytes()); return signature; } private String resolveAlgorithm(JsonObject headers) { JsonString algClaim = (JsonString) headers.get("alg"); if (algClaim == null) { throw log.tokenRealmJwtSignatureInvalidAlgorithm("not_provided"); } String algorithm = algClaim.getString(); log.debugf("Token is using algorithm [%s]", algorithm); switch (algorithm) { case "RS256": return "SHA256withRSA"; case "RS384": return "SHA384withRSA"; case "RS512": return "SHA512withRSA"; default: throw log.tokenRealmJwtSignatureInvalidAlgorithm(algorithm); } } private PublicKey resolvePublicKey(JsonObject headers) { JsonString kid = headers.getJsonString("kid"); JsonString jku = headers.getJsonString("jku"); if (kid == null) { if (defaultPublicKey == null) { log.debug("Default public key not configured. Cannot validate token without kid claim."); return null; } return defaultPublicKey; } if (jku != null) { if (jwkManager == null) { log.debugf("Cannot validate token with jku [%s]. SSL is not configured and jku claim is not supported.", jku); return null; } try { return jwkManager.getPublicKey(kid.getString(), new URL(jku.getString())); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { log.debug("Invalid jku URL."); return null; } } else { if (namedKeys.isEmpty()) { log.debug("Cannot validate token with kid claim."); return null; } PublicKey res = namedKeys.get(kid.getString()); if (res == null) { log.debug("Unknown kid."); } return res; } } private static long currentTimeInSeconds() { return System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000; } public static class Builder { private static final int CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 2000;//2s private static final int MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_REQUESTS = 10000; // 10s private Set issuers = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private Set audience = new LinkedHashSet<>(); private PublicKey publicKey; private Map namedKeys = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier; private SSLContext sslContext; private long updateTimeout = 120000; private int connectionTimeout = CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; private int readTimeout = CONNECTION_TIMEOUT; private int minTimeBetweenRequests = MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_REQUESTS; private Builder() { } /** *

Defines one or more string values representing an unique identifier for the entities that are allowed as issuers of a given JWT. During validation * JWT tokens must have a iss claim that contains one of the values defined here. * *

If not provided, the validator will not perform validations based on the issuer claim. * * @param issuer one or more string values representing the valid issuers * @return this instance */ public Builder issuer(String... issuer) { this.issuers.addAll(asList(issuer)); return this; } /** *

Defines one or more string values representing the audiences supported by this configuration. During validation JWT tokens * must have an aud claim that contains one of the values defined here. * *

If not provided, the validator will not perform validations based on the audience claim. * * @param audience one or more string values representing the valid audiences * @return this instance */ public Builder audience(String... audience) { this.audience.addAll(asList(audience)); return this; } /** *

A default public key in its PEM format used to validate the signature of tokens without kid header parameter. * *

If not provided, the validator will not validate signatures. * * @param publicKeyPem the public key in its PEM format * @return this instance */ public Builder publicKey(byte[] publicKeyPem) { Iterator> pemEntryIterator = Pem.parsePemContent(CodePointIterator.ofUtf8Bytes(publicKeyPem)); PublicKey publicKey =; if (publicKey == null) { throw log.tokenRealmJwtInvalidPublicKeyPem(); } this.publicKey = publicKey; return this; } /** *

A default {@link PublicKey} format used to validate the signature of tokens without kid header parameter. * *

If not provided, the validator will not validate signatures. * * @param publicKey the public key in its PEM format * @return this instance */ public Builder publicKey(PublicKey publicKey) { this.publicKey = publicKey; return this; } /** *

A {@link PublicKey} map, which is used for validating tokens with kid and without jku header parameter. * * @param namedKeys map of public keys for toen verification, where the maps key stand for kid * @return this instance */ public Builder publicKeys(Map namedKeys) { this.namedKeys.putAll(namedKeys); return this; } /** *

A predefined {@link SSLContext} that will be used to connect to the jku endpoint when retrieving remote keys. This configuration is mandatory * if using jku claims. * * @param sslContext the SSL context * @return this instance */ public Builder useSslContext(SSLContext sslContext) { this.sslContext = sslContext; return this; } /** *

A {@link HostnameVerifier} that will be used to validate the hostname when using SSL/TLS. This configuration is mandatory * if using jku claims. * * @param hostnameVerifier the hostname verifier * @return this instance */ public Builder useSslHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier hostnameVerifier) { this.hostnameVerifier = hostnameVerifier; return this; } /** *

A timeout for cached jwks when using jku claim. After this timeout, the keys of need to be re-cached before use. * Default value is 2 minutes. * * @param timeout timeout in ms before keys needs to be re-cached * @return this instance */ public Builder setJkuTimeout(long timeout) { this.updateTimeout = timeout; return this; } /** * Sets the connection timeout to a specified timeout, in milliseconds. A non-zero value specifies the timeout when connecting * to a resource. A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. * @param connectionTimeout the connection timeout * @return this instance */ public Builder connectionTimeout(int connectionTimeout) { this.connectionTimeout = connectionTimeout; return this; } /** * Sets the read timeout to a specified timeout, in milliseconds. A non-zero value specifies the timeout when reading * from Input stream when a connection is established to a resource. A timeout of zero is interpreted as an infinite timeout. * @param readTimeout the read timeout * @return this instance */ public Builder readTimeout(int readTimeout) { this.readTimeout = readTimeout; return this; } /** *

The time in which there will be no more requests to retrieve * the keys from the jkws URL.

* * @param minTimeBetweenRequests The time in millis * @return this instance */ public Builder setJkuMinTimeBetweenRequests(int minTimeBetweenRequests) { this.minTimeBetweenRequests = minTimeBetweenRequests; return this; } /** * Returns a {@link JwtValidator} instance based on all the configuration provided with this builder. * * @return a new {@link JwtValidator} instance with all the given configuration */ public JwtValidator build() { return new JwtValidator(this); } } }

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