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import static;

import java.text.Normalizer;

 * Preparation of Internationalized Strings ("stringprep") by RFC 3454
 * @author David M. Lloyd
 * @author Jan Kalina
public final class StringPrep {
    // these flags must keep their numeric values permanently, and must not conflict

    // mappings

    public static final long MAP_TO_NOTHING             = 1L << 0;
    public static final long MAP_TO_SPACE               = 1L << 1;
    // XXX case folding would go here

    public static final long MAP_SCRAM_LOGIN_CHARS      = 1L << 30;
    public static final long MAP_GS2_LOGIN_CHARS        = 1L << 31;

    public static final long UNMAP_SCRAM_LOGIN_CHARS    = 1L << 28;
    public static final long UNMAP_GS2_LOGIN_CHARS      = 1L << 29;

    // normalizations

    public static final long NORMALIZE_KC               = 1L << 2;

    // prohibitions

    public static final long FORBID_NON_ASCII_SPACES                = 1L << 3;
    public static final long FORBID_ASCII_CONTROL                   = 1L << 4;
    public static final long FORBID_NON_ASCII_CONTROL               = 1L << 5;
    public static final long FORBID_PRIVATE_USE                     = 1L << 6;
    public static final long FORBID_NON_CHARACTER                   = 1L << 7;
    public static final long FORBID_SURROGATE                       = 1L << 8;
    public static final long FORBID_INAPPROPRIATE_FOR_PLAIN_TEXT    = 1L << 9;
    public static final long FORBID_INAPPROPRIATE_FOR_CANON_REP     = 1L << 10;
    public static final long FORBID_CHANGE_DISPLAY_AND_DEPRECATED   = 1L << 11;
    public static final long FORBID_TAGGING                         = 1L << 12;
    public static final long FORBID_UNASSIGNED                      = 1L << 13;

    public static final long PROFILE_SASL_QUERY = 0
        | MAP_TO_NOTHING
        | MAP_TO_SPACE
        | NORMALIZE_KC

    public static final long PROFILE_SASL_STORED = 0

    public static final long PROFILE_SASL_STORED_NON_NORMALIZED = (0
            | PROFILE_SASL_STORED)
            & ~NORMALIZE_KC;

    // StringPrep section 3 - Mapping

    public static boolean mapCodePointToNothing(int input) {
        return input == 0xAD
            || input == 0x034F
            || input == 0x1806
            || input >= 0x180B && input <= 0x180D
            || input >= 0x200B && input <= 0x200D
            || input == 0x2060
            || input >= 0xFE00 && input <= 0xFE0F
            || input == 0xFEFF;

    public static boolean mapCodePointToSpace(int input) {
        return input == 0xA0
            || input == 0x1680
            || input >= 0x2000 && input <= 0x200B
            || input == 0x202F
            || input == 0x205F
            || input == 0x3000;

    // StringPrep section 5 - Prohibited I/O

    public static void forbidNonAsciiSpaces(int input) {
        if (mapCodePointToSpace(input)) {
            throw log.invalidNonAsciiSpace(input);

    public static void forbidAsciiControl(int input) {
        if (input < 0x20 || input == 0x7F) {
            throw log.invalidAsciiControl(input);

    public static void forbidNonAsciiControl(int input) {
        if (input >= 0x80 && input <= 0x9F
            || input == 0x06DD
            || input == 0x070F
            || input == 0x180E
            || input >= 0x200C && input <= 0x200D
            || input >= 0x2028 && input <= 0x2029
            || input >= 0x2060 && input <= 0x2063
            || input >= 0x206A && input <= 0x206F
            || input == 0xFEFF
            || input >= 0xFFF9 && input <= 0xFFFC
            || input >= 0x01D173 && input <= 0x01D17A
        ) {
            throw log.invalidNonAsciiControl(input);

    public static void forbidPrivateUse(int input) {
        if (input >= 0xE000 && input <= 0xF8FF || input >= 0xF0000 && input <= 0xFFFFD || input >= 0x100000 && input <= 0x10FFFD) {
            throw log.invalidPrivateUseCharacter(input);

    public static void forbidNonCharacter(int input) {
        if ((input & 0xFFFE) == 0xFFFE || input >= 0xFDD0 && input <= 0xFDEF) {
            throw log.invalidNonCharacterCodePoint(input);

    public static void forbidSurrogate(int input) {
        if (input >= 0xD800 && input <= 0xDFFF) {
            throw log.invalidSurrogateCodePoint(input);

    public static void forbidInappropriateForPlainText(int input) {
        if (input >= 0xFFF9 && input <= 0xFFFD) {
            throw log.invalidPlainTextCodePoint(input);

    public static void forbidInappropriateForCanonicalRepresentation(int input) {
        if (input >= 0x2FF0 && input <= 0x2FFB) {
            throw log.invalidNonCanonicalCodePoint(input);

    public static void forbidChangeDisplayPropertiesOrDeprecated(int input) {
        if (input >= 0x0340 && input <= 0x0341
            || input >= 0x200E && input <= 0x200F
            || input >= 0x202A && input <= 0x202E
            || input >= 0x206A && input <= 0x206F) {
            throw log.invalidControlCharacter(input);

    public static void forbidTagging(int input) {
        if (input == 0x0E0001 || input >= 0x0E0020 && input <= 0x0E007F) {
            throw log.invalidTaggingCharacter(input);

    public static void forbidUnassigned(int input) {
        if (Character.getType(input) == Character.UNASSIGNED) {
            throw log.unassignedCodePoint(input);

    private static boolean isSet(long test, long bit) {
        return (test & bit) != 0L;

    // Encoding

    public static void encode(char[] string, org.wildfly.common.bytes.ByteStringBuilder target, long profile) {
        encode(new String(string), target, profile);

    public static void encode(String string, org.wildfly.common.bytes.ByteStringBuilder target, long profile) {
        // technically we're supposed to normalize after mapping, but it should be equivalent if we don't
        if (isSet(profile, NORMALIZE_KC)) string = Normalizer.normalize(string, Normalizer.Form.NFKC);
        final int len = string.length();
        boolean isRALString = false;
        boolean first = true;
        int i = 0;
        while (i < len) {
            char ch = string.charAt(i++);
            int cp;
            if (Character.isHighSurrogate(ch)) {
                if (i == len) {
                    throw log.invalidSurrogatePairHightAtEnd(ch);
                char low = string.charAt(i++);
                if (!Character.isLowSurrogate(low)) {
                    throw log.invalidSurrogatePairSecondIsNotLow(ch, low);
                cp = Character.toCodePoint(ch, low);
            } else if (Character.isLowSurrogate(ch)) {
                throw log.invalidSurrogatePairLowWithoutHigh(ch);
            } else {
                cp = ch;

            if (!Character.isValidCodePoint(cp)) {
                throw log.invalidCodePoint(cp);

            assert Character.MIN_CODE_POINT <= cp && cp <= Character.MAX_CODE_POINT;

            // StringPrep 6 - Bidirectional Characters
            switch (Character.getDirectionality(cp)) {
                case Character.DIRECTIONALITY_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC:
                case Character.DIRECTIONALITY_RIGHT_TO_LEFT: // R/AL character
                    if (first) {
                        isRALString = true;
                    } else if (!isRALString) {
                        throw log.disallowedRalDirectionalityInL();
                case Character.DIRECTIONALITY_LEFT_TO_RIGHT: // L character
                    if (isRALString) {
                        throw log.disallowedLDirectionalityInRal();
                default: // neutral character
                    if (i == len && isRALString) {
                        throw log.missingTrailingRal();
            if (first) {
                first = false;

            // StringPrep 3 - Mapping
            if (isSet(profile, MAP_TO_NOTHING) && mapCodePointToNothing(cp)) continue;
            if (isSet(profile, MAP_TO_SPACE) && mapCodePointToSpace(cp)) {
                target.append(' ');

            // Escaping used in GS2 and SCRAM username/authzid (RFC 5801,5802)
            if (isSet(profile, MAP_SCRAM_LOGIN_CHARS) || isSet(profile, MAP_GS2_LOGIN_CHARS)) {
                if (cp == '=') {
                } else if (cp == ',') {

            // Unescaping used in GS2 and SCRAM username/authzid (RFC 5801,5802)
            else if (isSet(profile, UNMAP_SCRAM_LOGIN_CHARS) || isSet(profile, UNMAP_GS2_LOGIN_CHARS)) {
                if (cp == '=') {
                    if (i + 1 >= len) {
                        throw log.invalidEscapeSequence();
                    char ch1 = string.charAt(i++);
                    char ch2 = string.charAt(i++);

                    if (ch1 == '3' && ch2 == 'D') {
                    } else if (ch1 == '2' && ch2 == 'C') {
                    } else {
                        throw log.invalidEscapeSequence();

            // StringPrep 5 - Prohibition
            if (isSet(profile, FORBID_NON_ASCII_SPACES)) forbidNonAsciiSpaces(cp);
            if (isSet(profile, FORBID_ASCII_CONTROL)) forbidAsciiControl(cp);
            if (isSet(profile, FORBID_NON_ASCII_CONTROL)) forbidNonAsciiControl(cp);
            if (isSet(profile, FORBID_PRIVATE_USE)) forbidPrivateUse(cp);
            if (isSet(profile, FORBID_NON_CHARACTER)) forbidNonCharacter(cp);
            if (isSet(profile, FORBID_SURROGATE)) forbidSurrogate(cp);
            if (isSet(profile, FORBID_INAPPROPRIATE_FOR_PLAIN_TEXT)) forbidInappropriateForPlainText(cp);
            if (isSet(profile, FORBID_INAPPROPRIATE_FOR_CANON_REP)) forbidInappropriateForCanonicalRepresentation(cp);
            if (isSet(profile, FORBID_CHANGE_DISPLAY_AND_DEPRECATED)) forbidChangeDisplayPropertiesOrDeprecated(cp);
            if (isSet(profile, FORBID_TAGGING)) forbidTagging(cp);
            if (isSet(profile, FORBID_UNASSIGNED)) forbidUnassigned(cp);

            // Now, encode that one

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