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* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
* Copyright 2020 Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
* as indicated by the @author tags.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message.NONE;
import static org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.DEBUG;
import static org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.ERROR;
import static org.jboss.logging.Logger.Level.WARN;
import org.jboss.logging.BasicLogger;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Cause;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.LogMessage;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageLogger;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.ValidIdRange;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.ValidIdRanges;
* Log messages and exceptions for Elytron.
* @author David M. Lloyd
* @author Darran Lofthouse
@MessageLogger(projectCode = "ELY", length = 5)
@ValidIdRange(min = 23000, max = 23999)
interface ElytronMessages extends BasicLogger {
ElytronMessages log = Logger.getMessageLogger(ElytronMessages.class, "");
@Message(id = 23000, value = "Unexpected HTTP status code in response from OIDC provider \"%d\"")
OidcException unexpectedResponseCodeFromOidcProvider(int responseCode);
@Message(id = 23001, value = "No entity in response from OIDC provider")
OidcException noEntityInResponse();
@Message(id = 23002, value = "Unexpected error sending request to OIDC provider")
OidcException unexpectedErrorSendingRequestToOidcProvider(@Cause Exception cause);
@Message(id = 23003, value = "Either provider-url or auth-server-url needs to be configured")
IllegalArgumentException providerUrlOrAuthServerUrlNeedsToBeConfigured();
@Message(id = 23004, value = "Loaded OpenID provider metadata from '%s'")
void loadedOpenIdProviderMetadata(String discoveryUrl);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(id = 23005, value = "Unable to load OpenID provider metadata from %s")
void unableToLoadOpenIdProviderMetadata(String discoveryUrl);
@Message(id = 23006, value = "Failed to decode request URI")
RuntimeException failedToDecodeRequestUri(@Cause Exception cause);
@Message(id = 23007, value = "Failed to write to response output stream")
RuntimeException failedToWriteToResponseOutputStream(@Cause Exception cause);
@Message(id = 23008, value = "Unable to parse token")
IllegalArgumentException unableToParseToken();
@Message(id = 23009, value = "OIDC client configuration file not found")
RuntimeException oidcConfigFileNotFound(@Cause Exception cause);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(id = 23010, value = "Failed to invoke remote logout")
void failedToInvokeRemoteLogout(@Cause Throwable cause);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(id = 23011, value = "Refresh token failure")
void refreshTokenFailure(@Cause Throwable cause);
@LogMessage(level = DEBUG)
@Message(id = 23012, value = "Refresh token failure status: %d %s")
void refreshTokenFailureStatus(int status, String error);
@LogMessage(level = DEBUG)
@Message(id = 23013, value = "Failed verification of token: %s")
void failedVerificationOfToken(String error);
@LogMessage(level = ERROR)
@Message(id = 23014, value = "Failed to refresh the token with a longer time-to-live than the minimum")
void failedToRefreshTokenWithALongerTTLThanMin();
@Message(id = 23015, value = "No expected issuer given")
IllegalArgumentException noExpectedIssuerGiven();
@Message(id = 23016, value = "No client ID given")
IllegalArgumentException noClientIDGiven();
@Message(id = 23017, value = "No expected JWS algorithm given")
IllegalArgumentException noExpectedJwsAlgorithmGiven();
@Message(id = 23018, value = "No JWKS public key or client secret key given")
IllegalArgumentException noJwksPublicKeyOrClientSecretKeyGiven();
@Message(id = 23019, value = "Invalid ID token")
OidcException invalidIDToken(@Cause Throwable cause);
@Message(id = NONE, value = "Unexpected value for azp (issued for) claim")
String unexpectedValueForIssuedForClaim();
@Message(id = 23020, value = "Invalid token claim value")
IllegalArgumentException invalidTokenClaimValue();
@Message(id = 23021, value = "Invalid ID token claims")
OidcException invalidIDTokenClaims();
@Message(id = 23022, value = "Must set 'realm' in config")
RuntimeException keycloakRealmMissing();
@Message(id = 23023, value = "Must set 'resource' or 'client-id'")
RuntimeException resourceOrClientIdMustBeSet();
@Message(id = 23024, value = "For bearer auth, you must set the 'realm-public-key' or one of 'auth-server-url' and 'provider-url'")
IllegalArgumentException invalidConfigurationForBearerAuth();
@Message(id = 23025, value = "Must set 'auth-server-url' or 'provider-url'")
RuntimeException authServerUrlOrProviderUrlMustBeSet();
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(id = 23026, value = "Client '%s' does not have a secret configured")
void noClientSecretConfigured(String clientId);
@Message(id = 23027, value = "Unsupported public key")
IllegalArgumentException unsupportedPublicKey();
@Message(id = 23028, value = "Unable to create signed token")
IllegalArgumentException unableToCreateSignedToken();
@Message(id = 23029, value = "Configuration of jwt credentials is missing or incorrect for client '%s'")
RuntimeException invalidJwtClientCredentialsConfig(String clientId);
@Message(id = 23030, value = "Missing parameter '%s' in jwt credentials for client %s")
RuntimeException missingParameterInJwtClientCredentialsConfig(String parameter, String clientId);
@Message(id = 23031, value = "Unable to parse key '%s' with value '%s'")
IllegalArgumentException unableToParseKeyWithValue(String key, Object value);
@Message(id = 23032, value = "Unable to load key with alias '%s' from keystore")
RuntimeException unableToLoadKeyWithAlias(String alias);
@Message(id = 23033, value = "Unable to load private key from keystore")
RuntimeException unableToLoadPrivateKey(@Cause Throwable cause);
@Message(id = 23034, value = "Unable to find keystore file '%s'")
RuntimeException unableToFindKeystoreFile(String keystoreFile);
@Message(id = 23035, value = "Configuration of secret jwt client credentials is missing or incorrect for client '%s'")
RuntimeException invalidJwtClientCredentialsUsingSecretConfig(String clientId);
@Message(id = 23036, value = "Invalid value for 'algorithm' in secret jwt client credentials configuration for client '%s'")
RuntimeException invalidAlgorithmInJwtClientCredentialsConfig(String clientId);
@Message(id = 23037, value = "Unable to determine client credentials provider type for client '%s'")
RuntimeException unableToDetermineClientCredentialsProviderType(String clientId);
@Message(id = 23038, value = "Unable to find client credentials provider '%s'")
RuntimeException unableToFindClientCredentialsProvider(String provider);
@Message(id = 23039, value = "Unable to load keystore")
RuntimeException unableToLoadKeyStore(@Cause Throwable cause);
@Message(id = 23040, value = "Unable to load truststore")
RuntimeException unableToLoadTrustStore(@Cause Throwable cause);
@Message(id = 23041, value = "Unable to find truststore file '%s'")
RuntimeException unableToFindTrustStoreFile(String trustStoreFile);
@Message(id = 23042, value = "Unexpected value for at_hash claim")
String unexpectedValueForAtHashClaim();
@Message(id = 23043, value = "Uknown algorithm: '%s'")
IllegalArgumentException unknownAlgorithm(String algorithm);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(id = 23044, value = "Failed to parse token from cookie")
void failedToParseTokenFromCookie(@Cause Throwable cause);
@Message(id = 23045, value = "Unable to create redirect response")
IllegalArgumentException unableToCreateRedirectResponse(@Cause Throwable cause);
@Message(id = 23046, value = "Unable to set auth server URL")
RuntimeException unableToSetAuthServerUrl(@Cause Throwable cause);
@Message(id = 23047, value = "Unable resolve a relative URL")
RuntimeException unableToResolveARelativeUrl();
@Message(id = 23048, value = "Invalid URI: '%s'")
RuntimeException invalidUri(String uri);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(id = 23049, value = "Invalid 'auth-server-url' or 'provider-url': '%s'")
void invalidAuthServerUrlOrProviderUrl(String url);
@Message(id = 23050, value = "Invalid bearer token claims")
OidcException invalidBearerTokenClaims();
@Message(id = 23051, value = "Invalid bearer token")
OidcException invalidBearerToken(@Cause Throwable cause);
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(id = 23052, value = "No trusted certificates in token")
void noTrustedCertificatesInToken();
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(id = 23053, value = "No peer certificates established on the connection")
void noPeerCertificatesEstablishedOnConnection();
@Message(id = 23054, value = "Unexpected value for typ claim")
String unexpectedValueForTypeClaim();
@Message(id = 23055, value = "Unable to obtain token: %d")
IOException unableToObtainToken(int status);
@Message(id = 23056, value = "No message entity")
IOException noMessageEntity();
@LogMessage(level = DEBUG)
@Message(id = 23057, value = "principal-attribute '%s' claim does not exist, falling back to 'sub'")
void principalAttributeClaimDoesNotExist(String principalAttributeClaim);
@Message(id = 23058, value = "Invalid keystore configuration for signing Request Objects.")
IOException invalidKeyStoreConfiguration();
@Message(id = 23059, value = "The signature algorithm specified is not supported by the OpenID Provider.")
IOException invalidRequestObjectSignatureAlgorithm();
@Message(id = 23060, value = "The encryption algorithm specified is not supported by the OpenID Provider.")
IOException invalidRequestObjectEncryptionAlgorithm();
@Message(id = 23061, value = "The content encryption algorithm (enc value) specified is not supported by the OpenID Provider.")
IOException invalidRequestObjectEncryptionEncValue();
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(id = 23062, value = "The OpenID provider does not support request parameters. Sending the request using OAuth2 format.")
void requestParameterNotSupported();
@Message(id = 23063, value = "Both request object encryption algorithm and request object content encryption algorithm must be configured to encrypt the request object.")
IllegalArgumentException invalidRequestObjectEncryptionAlgorithmConfiguration();
@Message(id = 23064, value = "Failed to create the authentication request using the request parameter.")
RuntimeException unableToCreateRequestWithRequestParameter(@Cause Exception cause);
@Message(id = 23065, value = "Failed to create the authentication request using the request_uri parameter.")
RuntimeException unableToCreateRequestUriWithRequestParameter(@Cause Exception cause);
@Message (id = 23066, value = "Failed to send a request to the OpenID provider's Pushed Authorization Request endpoint.")
RuntimeException failedToSendPushedAuthorizationRequest(@Cause Exception cause);
@Message(id = 23067, value = "Cannot retrieve the request_uri as the pushed authorization request endpoint is not available for the OpenID provider.")
RuntimeException pushedAuthorizationRequestEndpointNotAvailable();
@LogMessage(level = WARN)
@Message(id = 23068, value = "The request object will be unsigned. This should not be used in a production environment. To sign the request object, for use in a production environment, please specify the request object signing algorithm.")
void unsignedRequestObjectIsUsed();
@Message(id = 23069, value = "The client secret has not been configured. Unable to sign the request object using the client secret.")
RuntimeException clientSecretNotConfigured();
@Message(id = 23070, value = "Authentication request format must be one of the following: oauth2, request, request_uri.")
RuntimeException invalidAuthenticationRequestFormat();