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org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.impl.JournalImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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This artifact provides a single jar that contains all classes required to use remote EJB and JMS, including all dependencies. It is intended for use by those not using maven, maven users should just import the EJB and JMS BOM's instead (shaded JAR's cause lots of problems with maven, as it is very easy to inadvertently end up with different versions on classes on the class path).

There is a newer version: 32.0.0.Final
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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.impl;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;

import org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.ActiveMQBuffer;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.ActiveMQBuffers;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.Pair;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.EncodingSupport;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.IOAsyncTask;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.IOCompletion;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.JournalLoadInformation;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.LoaderCallback;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.PreparedTransactionInfo;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.RecordInfo;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.SequentialFile;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.SequentialFileFactory;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.TestableJournal;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.TransactionFailureCallback;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.impl.dataformat.ByteArrayEncoding;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.impl.dataformat.JournalAddRecord;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.impl.dataformat.JournalAddRecordTX;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.impl.dataformat.JournalCompleteRecordTX;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.impl.dataformat.JournalCompleteRecordTX.TX_RECORD_TYPE;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.impl.dataformat.JournalDeleteRecord;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.impl.dataformat.JournalDeleteRecordTX;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.impl.dataformat.JournalInternalRecord;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.journal.impl.dataformat.JournalRollbackRecordTX;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.journal.ActiveMQJournalBundle;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.journal.ActiveMQJournalLogger;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.utils.ConcurrentHashSet;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.utils.DataConstants;


A circular log implementation.


Look at {@link JournalImpl#load(LoaderCallback)} for the file layout */ public class JournalImpl extends JournalBase implements TestableJournal, JournalRecordProvider { // Constants ----------------------------------------------------- public static final int FORMAT_VERSION = 2; private static final int[] COMPATIBLE_VERSIONS = new int[]{1}; // Static -------------------------------------------------------- private static final boolean trace = ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.isTraceEnabled(); // This is useful at debug time... // if you set it to true, all the appends, deletes, rollbacks, commits, etc.. are sent to System.out private static final boolean TRACE_RECORDS = trace; // This method exists just to make debug easier. // I could replace log.trace by temporarily while I was debugging // Journal private static void trace(final String message) { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.trace(message); } private static void traceRecord(final String message) { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.trace(message); } // The sizes of primitive types public static final int MIN_FILE_SIZE = 1024; // FileID(Long) + JournalVersion + UserVersion public static final int SIZE_HEADER = DataConstants.SIZE_LONG + DataConstants.SIZE_INT + DataConstants.SIZE_INT; private static final int BASIC_SIZE = DataConstants.SIZE_BYTE + DataConstants.SIZE_INT + DataConstants.SIZE_INT; public static final int SIZE_ADD_RECORD = JournalImpl.BASIC_SIZE + DataConstants.SIZE_LONG + DataConstants.SIZE_BYTE + DataConstants.SIZE_INT /* + record.length */; // Record markers - they must be all unique public static final byte ADD_RECORD = 11; public static final byte UPDATE_RECORD = 12; public static final int SIZE_ADD_RECORD_TX = JournalImpl.BASIC_SIZE + DataConstants.SIZE_LONG + DataConstants.SIZE_BYTE + DataConstants.SIZE_LONG + DataConstants.SIZE_INT /* + record.length */; public static final byte ADD_RECORD_TX = 13; public static final byte UPDATE_RECORD_TX = 14; public static final int SIZE_DELETE_RECORD_TX = JournalImpl.BASIC_SIZE + DataConstants.SIZE_LONG + DataConstants.SIZE_LONG + DataConstants.SIZE_INT /* + record.length */; public static final byte DELETE_RECORD_TX = 15; public static final int SIZE_DELETE_RECORD = JournalImpl.BASIC_SIZE + DataConstants.SIZE_LONG; public static final byte DELETE_RECORD = 16; public static final int SIZE_COMPLETE_TRANSACTION_RECORD = JournalImpl.BASIC_SIZE + DataConstants.SIZE_LONG + DataConstants.SIZE_INT; public static final int SIZE_PREPARE_RECORD = JournalImpl.SIZE_COMPLETE_TRANSACTION_RECORD + DataConstants.SIZE_INT; public static final byte PREPARE_RECORD = 17; public static final int SIZE_COMMIT_RECORD = JournalImpl.SIZE_COMPLETE_TRANSACTION_RECORD; public static final byte COMMIT_RECORD = 18; public static final int SIZE_ROLLBACK_RECORD = JournalImpl.BASIC_SIZE + DataConstants.SIZE_LONG; public static final byte ROLLBACK_RECORD = 19; protected static final byte FILL_CHARACTER = (byte) 'J'; // Attributes ---------------------------------------------------- private volatile boolean autoReclaim = true; private final int userVersion; private final int minFiles; private final float compactPercentage; private final int compactMinFiles; private final SequentialFileFactory fileFactory; private final JournalFilesRepository filesRepository; // Compacting may replace this structure private final ConcurrentMap records = new ConcurrentHashMap(); // Compacting may replace this structure private final ConcurrentMap transactions = new ConcurrentHashMap(); // This will be set only while the JournalCompactor is being executed private volatile JournalCompactor compactor; private final AtomicBoolean compactorRunning = new AtomicBoolean(); private ExecutorService filesExecutor = null; private ExecutorService compactorExecutor = null; private ConcurrentHashSet latches = new ConcurrentHashSet(); // Lock used during the append of records // This lock doesn't represent a global lock. // After a record is appended, the usedFile can't be changed until the positives and negatives are updated private final ReentrantLock lockAppend = new ReentrantLock(); /** * We don't lock the journal during the whole compacting operation. During compacting we only * lock it (i) when gathering the initial structure, and (ii) when replicating the structures * after finished compacting. *

* However we need to lock it while taking and updating snapshots */ private final ReadWriteLock journalLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); private final ReadWriteLock compactorLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); private volatile JournalFile currentFile; private volatile JournalState state = JournalState.STOPPED; private final Reclaimer reclaimer = new Reclaimer(); // Constructors -------------------------------------------------- public JournalImpl(final int fileSize, final int minFiles, final int compactMinFiles, final int compactPercentage, final SequentialFileFactory fileFactory, final String filePrefix, final String fileExtension, final int maxAIO) { this(fileSize, minFiles, compactMinFiles, compactPercentage, fileFactory, filePrefix, fileExtension, maxAIO, 0); } public JournalImpl(final int fileSize, final int minFiles, final int compactMinFiles, final int compactPercentage, final SequentialFileFactory fileFactory, final String filePrefix, final String fileExtension, final int maxAIO, final int userVersion) { super(fileFactory.isSupportsCallbacks(), fileSize); if (fileSize % fileFactory.getAlignment() != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid journal-file-size " + fileSize + ", It should be multiple of " + fileFactory.getAlignment()); } if (minFiles < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("minFiles cannot be less than 2"); } if (compactPercentage < 0 || compactPercentage > 100) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Compact Percentage out of range"); } if (compactPercentage == 0) { this.compactPercentage = 0; } else { this.compactPercentage = compactPercentage / 100f; } this.compactMinFiles = compactMinFiles; this.minFiles = minFiles; this.fileFactory = fileFactory; filesRepository = new JournalFilesRepository(fileFactory, this, filePrefix, fileExtension, userVersion, maxAIO, fileSize, minFiles); this.userVersion = userVersion; } @Override public String toString() { return "JournalImpl(state=" + state + ", currentFile=[" + currentFile + "], hash=" + super.toString() + ")"; } public void runDirectJournalBlast() throws Exception { final int numIts = 100000000; ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.runningJournalBlast(numIts); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(numIts * 2); class MyIOAsyncTask implements IOCompletion { public void done() { latch.countDown(); } public void onError(final int errorCode, final String errorMessage) { } public void storeLineUp() { } } final MyIOAsyncTask task = new MyIOAsyncTask(); final int recordSize = 1024; final byte[] bytes = new byte[recordSize]; class MyRecord implements EncodingSupport { public void decode(final ActiveMQBuffer buffer) { } public void encode(final ActiveMQBuffer buffer) { buffer.writeBytes(bytes); } public int getEncodeSize() { return recordSize; } } MyRecord record = new MyRecord(); for (int i = 0; i < numIts; i++) { appendAddRecord(i, (byte) 1, record, true, task); appendDeleteRecord(i, true, task); } latch.await(); } public Map getRecords() { return records; } public JournalFile getCurrentFile() { return currentFile; } public JournalCompactor getCompactor() { return compactor; } /** * this method is used internally only however tools may use it to maintenance. * It won't be part of the interface as the tools should be specific to the implementation */ public List orderFiles() throws Exception { List fileNames = fileFactory.listFiles(filesRepository.getFileExtension()); List orderedFiles = new ArrayList(fileNames.size()); for (String fileName : fileNames) { SequentialFile file = fileFactory.createSequentialFile(fileName, filesRepository.getMaxAIO());, false); try { JournalFileImpl jrnFile = readFileHeader(file); orderedFiles.add(jrnFile); } finally { file.close(); } } // Now order them by ordering id - we can't use the file name for ordering // since we can re-use dataFiles Collections.sort(orderedFiles, new JournalFileComparator()); return orderedFiles; } /** * this method is used internally only however tools may use it to maintenance. */ public static int readJournalFile(final SequentialFileFactory fileFactory, final JournalFile file, final JournalReaderCallback reader) throws Exception { file.getFile().open(1, false); ByteBuffer wholeFileBuffer = null; try { final int filesize = (int) file.getFile().size(); wholeFileBuffer = fileFactory.newBuffer(filesize); final int journalFileSize = file.getFile().read(wholeFileBuffer); if (journalFileSize != filesize) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid read! The system couldn't read the entire file into memory"); } // First long is the ordering timestamp, we just jump its position wholeFileBuffer.position(JournalImpl.SIZE_HEADER); int lastDataPos = JournalImpl.SIZE_HEADER; while (wholeFileBuffer.hasRemaining()) { final int pos = wholeFileBuffer.position(); byte recordType = wholeFileBuffer.get(); if (recordType < JournalImpl.ADD_RECORD || recordType > JournalImpl.ROLLBACK_RECORD) { // I - We scan for any valid record on the file. If a hole // happened on the middle of the file we keep looking until all // the possibilities are gone continue; } if (JournalImpl.isInvalidSize(journalFileSize, wholeFileBuffer.position(), DataConstants.SIZE_INT)) { reader.markAsDataFile(file); wholeFileBuffer.position(pos + 1); // II - Ignore this record, let's keep looking continue; } // III - Every record has the file-id. // This is what supports us from not re-filling the whole file int readFileId = wholeFileBuffer.getInt(); // This record is from a previous file-usage. The file was // reused and we need to ignore this record if (readFileId != file.getRecordID()) { wholeFileBuffer.position(pos + 1); continue; } short compactCount = 0; if (file.getJournalVersion() >= 2) { if (JournalImpl.isInvalidSize(journalFileSize, wholeFileBuffer.position(), DataConstants.SIZE_BYTE)) { reader.markAsDataFile(file); wholeFileBuffer.position(pos + 1); continue; } compactCount = wholeFileBuffer.get(); } long transactionID = 0; if (JournalImpl.isTransaction(recordType)) { if (JournalImpl.isInvalidSize(journalFileSize, wholeFileBuffer.position(), DataConstants.SIZE_LONG)) { wholeFileBuffer.position(pos + 1); reader.markAsDataFile(file); continue; } transactionID = wholeFileBuffer.getLong(); } long recordID = 0; // If prepare or commit if (!JournalImpl.isCompleteTransaction(recordType)) { if (JournalImpl.isInvalidSize(journalFileSize, wholeFileBuffer.position(), DataConstants.SIZE_LONG)) { wholeFileBuffer.position(pos + 1); reader.markAsDataFile(file); continue; } recordID = wholeFileBuffer.getLong(); } // We use the size of the record to validate the health of the // record. // (V) We verify the size of the record // The variable record portion used on Updates and Appends int variableSize = 0; // Used to hold extra data on transaction prepares int preparedTransactionExtraDataSize = 0; byte userRecordType = 0; byte[] record = null; if (JournalImpl.isContainsBody(recordType)) { if (JournalImpl.isInvalidSize(journalFileSize, wholeFileBuffer.position(), DataConstants.SIZE_INT)) { wholeFileBuffer.position(pos + 1); reader.markAsDataFile(file); continue; } variableSize = wholeFileBuffer.getInt(); if (recordType != JournalImpl.DELETE_RECORD_TX) { if (JournalImpl.isInvalidSize(journalFileSize, wholeFileBuffer.position(), 1)) { wholeFileBuffer.position(pos + 1); continue; } userRecordType = wholeFileBuffer.get(); } if (JournalImpl.isInvalidSize(journalFileSize, wholeFileBuffer.position(), variableSize)) { wholeFileBuffer.position(pos + 1); continue; } record = new byte[variableSize]; wholeFileBuffer.get(record); } // Case this is a transaction, this will contain the number of pendingTransactions on a transaction, at the // currentFile int transactionCheckNumberOfRecords = 0; if (recordType == JournalImpl.PREPARE_RECORD || recordType == JournalImpl.COMMIT_RECORD) { if (JournalImpl.isInvalidSize(journalFileSize, wholeFileBuffer.position(), DataConstants.SIZE_INT)) { wholeFileBuffer.position(pos + 1); continue; } transactionCheckNumberOfRecords = wholeFileBuffer.getInt(); if (recordType == JournalImpl.PREPARE_RECORD) { if (JournalImpl.isInvalidSize(journalFileSize, wholeFileBuffer.position(), DataConstants.SIZE_INT)) { wholeFileBuffer.position(pos + 1); continue; } // Add the variable size required for preparedTransactions preparedTransactionExtraDataSize = wholeFileBuffer.getInt(); } variableSize = 0; } int recordSize = JournalImpl.getRecordSize(recordType, file.getJournalVersion()); // VI - this is completing V, We will validate the size at the end // of the record, // But we avoid buffer overflows by damaged data if (JournalImpl.isInvalidSize(journalFileSize, pos, recordSize + variableSize + preparedTransactionExtraDataSize)) { // Avoid a buffer overflow caused by damaged data... continue // scanning for more pendingTransactions... JournalImpl.trace("Record at position " + pos + " recordType = " + recordType + " file:" + file.getFile().getFileName() + " recordSize: " + recordSize + " variableSize: " + variableSize + " preparedTransactionExtraDataSize: " + preparedTransactionExtraDataSize + " is corrupted and it is being ignored (II)"); // If a file has damaged pendingTransactions, we make it a dataFile, and the // next reclaiming will fix it reader.markAsDataFile(file); wholeFileBuffer.position(pos + 1); continue; } int oldPos = wholeFileBuffer.position(); wholeFileBuffer.position(pos + variableSize + recordSize + preparedTransactionExtraDataSize - DataConstants.SIZE_INT); int checkSize = wholeFileBuffer.getInt(); // VII - The checkSize at the end has to match with the size // informed at the beginning. // This is like testing a hash for the record. (We could replace the // checkSize by some sort of calculated hash) if (checkSize != variableSize + recordSize + preparedTransactionExtraDataSize) { JournalImpl.trace("Record at position " + pos + " recordType = " + recordType + " possible transactionID = " + transactionID + " possible recordID = " + recordID + " file:" + file.getFile().getFileName() + " is corrupted and it is being ignored (III)"); // If a file has damaged pendingTransactions, we make it a dataFile, and the // next reclaiming will fix it reader.markAsDataFile(file); wholeFileBuffer.position(pos + DataConstants.SIZE_BYTE); continue; } wholeFileBuffer.position(oldPos); // At this point everything is checked. So we relax and just load // the data now. switch (recordType) { case ADD_RECORD: { reader.onReadAddRecord(new RecordInfo(recordID, userRecordType, record, false, compactCount)); break; } case UPDATE_RECORD: { reader.onReadUpdateRecord(new RecordInfo(recordID, userRecordType, record, true, compactCount)); break; } case DELETE_RECORD: { reader.onReadDeleteRecord(recordID); break; } case ADD_RECORD_TX: { reader.onReadAddRecordTX(transactionID, new RecordInfo(recordID, userRecordType, record, false, compactCount)); break; } case UPDATE_RECORD_TX: { reader.onReadUpdateRecordTX(transactionID, new RecordInfo(recordID, userRecordType, record, true, compactCount)); break; } case DELETE_RECORD_TX: { reader.onReadDeleteRecordTX(transactionID, new RecordInfo(recordID, (byte) 0, record, true, compactCount)); break; } case PREPARE_RECORD: { byte[] extraData = new byte[preparedTransactionExtraDataSize]; wholeFileBuffer.get(extraData); reader.onReadPrepareRecord(transactionID, extraData, transactionCheckNumberOfRecords); break; } case COMMIT_RECORD: { reader.onReadCommitRecord(transactionID, transactionCheckNumberOfRecords); break; } case ROLLBACK_RECORD: { reader.onReadRollbackRecord(transactionID); break; } default: { throw new IllegalStateException("Journal " + file.getFile().getFileName() + " is corrupt, invalid record type " + recordType); } } checkSize = wholeFileBuffer.getInt(); // This is a sanity check about the loading code itself. // If this checkSize doesn't match, it means the reading method is // not doing what it was supposed to do if (checkSize != variableSize + recordSize + preparedTransactionExtraDataSize) { throw new IllegalStateException("Internal error on loading file. Position doesn't match with checkSize, file = " + file.getFile() + ", pos = " + pos); } lastDataPos = wholeFileBuffer.position(); } return lastDataPos; } catch (Throwable e) { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.errorReadingFile(e); throw new Exception(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (wholeFileBuffer != null) { fileFactory.releaseBuffer(wholeFileBuffer); } try { file.getFile().close(); } catch (Throwable ignored) { } } } // Journal implementation // ---------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void appendAddRecord(final long id, final byte recordType, final EncodingSupport record, final boolean sync, final IOCompletion callback) throws Exception { checkJournalIsLoaded(); journalLock.readLock().lock(); try { JournalInternalRecord addRecord = new JournalAddRecord(true, id, recordType, record); if (callback != null) { callback.storeLineUp(); } lockAppend.lock(); try { JournalFile usedFile = appendRecord(addRecord, false, sync, null, callback); if (JournalImpl.TRACE_RECORDS) { JournalImpl.traceRecord("appendAddRecord::id=" + id + ", userRecordType=" + recordType + ", usedFile = " + usedFile); } records.put(id, new JournalRecord(usedFile, addRecord.getEncodeSize())); } finally { lockAppend.unlock(); } } finally { journalLock.readLock().unlock(); } } @Override public void appendUpdateRecord(final long id, final byte recordType, final EncodingSupport record, final boolean sync, final IOCompletion callback) throws Exception { checkJournalIsLoaded(); journalLock.readLock().lock(); try { JournalRecord jrnRecord = records.get(id); if (jrnRecord == null) { if (!(compactor != null && compactor.lookupRecord(id))) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find add info " + id); } } JournalInternalRecord updateRecord = new JournalAddRecord(false, id, recordType, record); if (callback != null) { callback.storeLineUp(); } lockAppend.lock(); try { JournalFile usedFile = appendRecord(updateRecord, false, sync, null, callback); if (JournalImpl.TRACE_RECORDS) { JournalImpl.traceRecord("appendUpdateRecord::id=" + id + ", userRecordType=" + recordType + ", usedFile = " + usedFile); } // record== null here could only mean there is a compactor, and computing the delete should be done after // compacting is done if (jrnRecord == null) { compactor.addCommandUpdate(id, usedFile, updateRecord.getEncodeSize()); } else { jrnRecord.addUpdateFile(usedFile, updateRecord.getEncodeSize()); } } finally { lockAppend.unlock(); } } finally { journalLock.readLock().unlock(); } } @Override public void appendDeleteRecord(final long id, final boolean sync, final IOCompletion callback) throws Exception { checkJournalIsLoaded(); journalLock.readLock().lock(); try { JournalRecord record = null; if (compactor == null) { record = records.remove(id); if (record == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find add info " + id); } } else { if (!records.containsKey(id) && !compactor.lookupRecord(id)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find add info " + id + " on compactor or current records"); } } JournalInternalRecord deleteRecord = new JournalDeleteRecord(id); if (callback != null) { callback.storeLineUp(); } lockAppend.lock(); try { JournalFile usedFile = appendRecord(deleteRecord, false, sync, null, callback); if (JournalImpl.TRACE_RECORDS) { JournalImpl.traceRecord("appendDeleteRecord::id=" + id + ", usedFile = " + usedFile); } // record== null here could only mean there is a compactor, and computing the delete should be done after // compacting is done if (record == null) { compactor.addCommandDelete(id, usedFile); } else { record.delete(usedFile); } } finally { lockAppend.unlock(); } } finally { journalLock.readLock().unlock(); } } @Override public void appendAddRecordTransactional(final long txID, final long id, final byte recordType, final EncodingSupport record) throws Exception { checkJournalIsLoaded(); journalLock.readLock().lock(); try { JournalInternalRecord addRecord = new JournalAddRecordTX(true, txID, id, recordType, record); JournalTransaction tx = getTransactionInfo(txID); lockAppend.lock(); try { JournalFile usedFile = appendRecord(addRecord, false, false, tx, null); if (JournalImpl.TRACE_RECORDS) { JournalImpl.traceRecord("appendAddRecordTransactional:txID=" + txID + ",id=" + id + ", userRecordType=" + recordType + ", usedFile = " + usedFile); } tx.addPositive(usedFile, id, addRecord.getEncodeSize()); } finally { lockAppend.unlock(); } } finally { journalLock.readLock().unlock(); } } private void checkJournalIsLoaded() { if (state != JournalState.LOADED && state != JournalState.SYNCING) { throw new IllegalStateException("Journal must be in state=" + JournalState.LOADED + ", was [" + state + "]"); } } private void setJournalState(JournalState newState) { state = newState; } @Override public void appendUpdateRecordTransactional(final long txID, final long id, final byte recordType, final EncodingSupport record) throws Exception { checkJournalIsLoaded(); journalLock.readLock().lock(); try { JournalInternalRecord updateRecordTX = new JournalAddRecordTX(false, txID, id, recordType, record); JournalTransaction tx = getTransactionInfo(txID); lockAppend.lock(); try { JournalFile usedFile = appendRecord(updateRecordTX, false, false, tx, null); if (JournalImpl.TRACE_RECORDS) { JournalImpl.traceRecord("appendUpdateRecordTransactional::txID=" + txID + ",id=" + id + ", userRecordType=" + recordType + ", usedFile = " + usedFile); } tx.addPositive(usedFile, id, updateRecordTX.getEncodeSize()); } finally { lockAppend.unlock(); } } finally { journalLock.readLock().unlock(); } } @Override public void appendDeleteRecordTransactional(final long txID, final long id, final EncodingSupport record) throws Exception { checkJournalIsLoaded(); journalLock.readLock().lock(); try { JournalInternalRecord deleteRecordTX = new JournalDeleteRecordTX(txID, id, record); JournalTransaction tx = getTransactionInfo(txID); lockAppend.lock(); try { JournalFile usedFile = appendRecord(deleteRecordTX, false, false, tx, null); if (JournalImpl.TRACE_RECORDS) { JournalImpl.traceRecord("appendDeleteRecordTransactional::txID=" + txID + ", id=" + id + ", usedFile = " + usedFile); } tx.addNegative(usedFile, id); } finally { lockAppend.unlock(); } } finally { journalLock.readLock().unlock(); } } /** *

If the system crashed after a prepare was called, it should store information that is required to bring the transaction * back to a state it could be committed.



transactionData allows you to store any other supporting user-data related to the transaction



This method also uses the same logic applied on {@link JournalImpl#appendCommitRecord(long, boolean)} * * @param txID * @param transactionData extra user data for the prepare * @throws Exception */ @Override public void appendPrepareRecord(final long txID, final EncodingSupport transactionData, final boolean sync, final IOCompletion callback) throws Exception { checkJournalIsLoaded(); journalLock.readLock().lock(); try { JournalTransaction tx = getTransactionInfo(txID); JournalInternalRecord prepareRecord = new JournalCompleteRecordTX(TX_RECORD_TYPE.PREPARE, txID, transactionData); if (callback != null) { callback.storeLineUp(); } lockAppend.lock(); try { JournalFile usedFile = appendRecord(prepareRecord, true, sync, tx, callback); if (JournalImpl.TRACE_RECORDS) { JournalImpl.traceRecord("appendPrepareRecord::txID=" + txID + ", usedFile = " + usedFile); } tx.prepare(usedFile); } finally { lockAppend.unlock(); } } finally { journalLock.readLock().unlock(); } } @Override public void lineUpContext(IOCompletion callback) { callback.storeLineUp(); } /** * Regarding the number of operations in a given file see {@link JournalCompleteRecordTX}. */ @Override public void appendCommitRecord(final long txID, final boolean sync, final IOCompletion callback, boolean lineUpContext) throws Exception { checkJournalIsLoaded(); journalLock.readLock().lock(); try { JournalTransaction tx = transactions.remove(txID); if (tx == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find tx with id " + txID); } JournalInternalRecord commitRecord = new JournalCompleteRecordTX(TX_RECORD_TYPE.COMMIT, txID, null); if (callback != null && lineUpContext) { callback.storeLineUp(); } lockAppend.lock(); try { JournalFile usedFile = appendRecord(commitRecord, true, sync, tx, callback); if (JournalImpl.TRACE_RECORDS) { JournalImpl.traceRecord("appendCommitRecord::txID=" + txID + ", usedFile = " + usedFile); } tx.commit(usedFile); } finally { lockAppend.unlock(); } } finally { journalLock.readLock().unlock(); } } @Override public void appendRollbackRecord(final long txID, final boolean sync, final IOCompletion callback) throws Exception { checkJournalIsLoaded(); journalLock.readLock().lock(); JournalTransaction tx = null; try { tx = transactions.remove(txID); if (tx == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find tx with id " + txID); } JournalInternalRecord rollbackRecord = new JournalRollbackRecordTX(txID); if (callback != null) { callback.storeLineUp(); } lockAppend.lock(); try { JournalFile usedFile = appendRecord(rollbackRecord, false, sync, tx, callback); tx.rollback(usedFile); } finally { lockAppend.unlock(); } } finally { journalLock.readLock().unlock(); } } // XXX make it protected? public int getAlignment() throws Exception { return fileFactory.getAlignment(); } private static final class DummyLoader implements LoaderCallback { static final LoaderCallback INSTANCE = new DummyLoader(); public void failedTransaction(final long transactionID, final List records, final List recordsToDelete) { } public void updateRecord(final RecordInfo info) { } public void deleteRecord(final long id) { } public void addRecord(final RecordInfo info) { } public void addPreparedTransaction(final PreparedTransactionInfo preparedTransaction) { } } public synchronized JournalLoadInformation loadInternalOnly() throws Exception { return load(DummyLoader.INSTANCE, true, null); } public synchronized JournalLoadInformation loadSyncOnly(JournalState syncState) throws Exception { assert syncState == JournalState.SYNCING || syncState == JournalState.SYNCING_UP_TO_DATE; return load(DummyLoader.INSTANCE, true, syncState); } public JournalLoadInformation load(final List committedRecords, final List preparedTransactions, final TransactionFailureCallback failureCallback) throws Exception { return load(committedRecords, preparedTransactions, failureCallback, true); } /** * @see JournalImpl#load(LoaderCallback) */ public synchronized JournalLoadInformation load(final List committedRecords, final List preparedTransactions, final TransactionFailureCallback failureCallback, final boolean fixBadTX) throws Exception { final Set recordsToDelete = new HashSet(); // ArrayList was taking too long to delete elements on checkDeleteSize final List records = new LinkedList(); final int DELETE_FLUSH = 20000; JournalLoadInformation info = load(new LoaderCallback() { Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); private void checkDeleteSize() { // HORNETQ-482 - Flush deletes only if memory is critical if (recordsToDelete.size() > DELETE_FLUSH && runtime.freeMemory() < runtime.maxMemory() * 0.2) { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.debug("Flushing deletes during loading, deleteCount = " + recordsToDelete.size()); // Clean up when the list is too large, or it won't be possible to load large sets of files // Done as part of JBMESSAGING-1678 Iterator iter = records.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { RecordInfo record =; if (recordsToDelete.contains( { iter.remove(); } } recordsToDelete.clear(); ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.debug("flush delete done"); } } public void addPreparedTransaction(final PreparedTransactionInfo preparedTransaction) { preparedTransactions.add(preparedTransaction); checkDeleteSize(); } public void addRecord(final RecordInfo info) { records.add(info); checkDeleteSize(); } public void updateRecord(final RecordInfo info) { records.add(info); checkDeleteSize(); } public void deleteRecord(final long id) { recordsToDelete.add(id); checkDeleteSize(); } public void failedTransaction(final long transactionID, final List records, final List recordsToDelete) { if (failureCallback != null) { failureCallback.failedTransaction(transactionID, records, recordsToDelete); } } }, fixBadTX, null); for (RecordInfo record : records) { if (!recordsToDelete.contains( { committedRecords.add(record); } } return info; } public void scheduleCompactAndBlock(int timeout) throws Exception { final AtomicInteger errors = new AtomicInteger(0); final CountDownLatch latch = newLatch(1); compactorRunning.set(true); // We can't use the executor for the compacting... or we would dead lock because of file open and creation // operations (that will use the executor) compactorExecutor.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { JournalImpl.this.compact(); } catch (Throwable e) { errors.incrementAndGet(); ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.errorCompacting(e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { latch.countDown(); } } }); try { awaitLatch(latch, timeout); if (errors.get() > 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Error during compact, look at the logs"); } } finally { compactorRunning.set(false); } } /** * Note: This method can't be called from the main executor, as it will invoke other methods * depending on it. *

* Note: only synchronized methods on journal are methods responsible for the life-cycle such as * stop, start records will still come as this is being executed */ protected synchronized void compact() throws Exception { if (compactor != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("There is pending compacting operation"); } compactorLock.writeLock().lock(); try { ArrayList dataFilesToProcess = new ArrayList(filesRepository.getDataFilesCount()); boolean previousReclaimValue = isAutoReclaim(); try { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.debug("Starting compacting operation on journal"); onCompactStart(); // We need to guarantee that the journal is frozen for this short time // We don't freeze the journal as we compact, only for the short time where we replace records journalLock.writeLock().lock(); try { if (state != JournalState.LOADED) { return; } onCompactLockingTheJournal(); setAutoReclaim(false); // We need to move to the next file, as we need a clear start for negatives and positives counts moveNextFile(false); // Take the snapshots and replace the structures dataFilesToProcess.addAll(filesRepository.getDataFiles()); filesRepository.clearDataFiles(); if (dataFilesToProcess.size() == 0) { trace("Finishing compacting, nothing to process"); return; } compactor = new JournalCompactor(fileFactory, this, filesRepository, records.keySet(), dataFilesToProcess.get(0).getFileID()); for (Map.Entry entry : transactions.entrySet()) { compactor.addPendingTransaction(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getPositiveArray()); entry.getValue().setCompacting(); } // We will calculate the new records during compacting, what will take the position the records will take // after compacting records.clear(); } finally { journalLock.writeLock().unlock(); } Collections.sort(dataFilesToProcess, new JournalFileComparator()); // This is where most of the work is done, taking most of the time of the compacting routine. // Notice there are no locks while this is being done. // Read the files, and use the JournalCompactor class to create the new outputFiles, and the new collections as // well for (final JournalFile file : dataFilesToProcess) { try { JournalImpl.readJournalFile(fileFactory, file, compactor); } catch (Throwable e) { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.compactReadError(file); throw new Exception("Error on reading compacting for " + file, e); } } compactor.flush(); // pointcut for tests // We need to test concurrent updates on the journal, as the compacting is being performed. // Usually tests will use this to hold the compacting while other structures are being updated. onCompactDone(); List newDatafiles = null; JournalCompactor localCompactor = compactor; SequentialFile controlFile = createControlFile(dataFilesToProcess, compactor.getNewDataFiles(), null); journalLock.writeLock().lock(); try { // Need to clear the compactor here, or the replay commands will send commands back (infinite loop) compactor = null; onCompactLockingTheJournal(); newDatafiles = localCompactor.getNewDataFiles(); // Restore newRecords created during compacting for (Map.Entry newRecordEntry : localCompactor.getNewRecords().entrySet()) { records.put(newRecordEntry.getKey(), newRecordEntry.getValue()); } // Restore compacted dataFiles for (int i = newDatafiles.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { JournalFile fileToAdd = newDatafiles.get(i); if (JournalImpl.trace) { JournalImpl.trace("Adding file " + fileToAdd + " back as datafile"); } filesRepository.addDataFileOnTop(fileToAdd); } if (JournalImpl.trace) { JournalImpl.trace("There are " + filesRepository.getDataFilesCount() + " datafiles Now"); } // Replay pending commands (including updates, deletes and commits) for (JournalTransaction newTransaction : localCompactor.getNewTransactions().values()) { newTransaction.replaceRecordProvider(this); } localCompactor.replayPendingCommands(); // Merge transactions back after compacting. // This has to be done after the replay pending commands, as we need to delete commits // that happened during the compacting for (JournalTransaction newTransaction : localCompactor.getNewTransactions().values()) { if (JournalImpl.trace) { JournalImpl.trace("Merging pending transaction " + newTransaction + " after compacting the journal"); } JournalTransaction liveTransaction = transactions.get(newTransaction.getId()); if (liveTransaction != null) { liveTransaction.merge(newTransaction); } else { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.compactMergeError(newTransaction.getId()); } } } finally { journalLock.writeLock().unlock(); } // At this point the journal is unlocked. We keep renaming files while the journal is already operational renameFiles(dataFilesToProcess, newDatafiles); deleteControlFile(controlFile); ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.debug("Finished compacting on journal"); } finally { // An Exception was probably thrown, and the compactor was not cleared if (compactor != null) { try { compactor.flush(); } catch (Throwable ignored) { } compactor = null; } setAutoReclaim(previousReclaimValue); } } finally { compactorLock.writeLock().unlock(); } } /** *

Load data accordingly to the record layouts



Basic record layout:

* * * * * * * * * * *
Field NameSize
RecordTypeByte (1)
FileIDInteger (4 bytes)
Compactor Counter1 byte
TransactionID (if record is transactional)Long (8 bytes)
RecordIDLong (8 bytes)
BodySize(Add, update and delete)Integer (4 bytes)
UserDefinedRecordType (If add/update only)Byte (1) *
RecordBodyByte Array (size=BodySize)
Check SizeInteger (4 bytes)


The check-size is used to validate if the record is valid and complete



Commit/Prepare record layout:

* * * * * * * * * * * *
Field NameSize
RecordTypeByte (1)
FileIDInteger (4 bytes)
Compactor Counter1 byte
TransactionID (if record is transactional)Long (8 bytes)
ExtraDataLength (Prepares only)Integer (4 bytes)
Number Of Files (N)Integer (4 bytes)
ExtraDataBytesBytes (sized by ExtraDataLength)
* FileID(n)Integer (4 bytes)
* NumberOfElements(n)Integer (4 bytes)
CheckSizeInteger (4 bytes) *


* FileID and NumberOfElements are the transaction summary, and they will be repeated (N)umberOfFiles times

*/ public JournalLoadInformation load(final LoaderCallback loadManager) throws Exception { return load(loadManager, true, null); } /** * @param loadManager * @param changeData * @param replicationSync {@code true} will place * @return * @throws Exception */ private synchronized JournalLoadInformation load(final LoaderCallback loadManager, final boolean changeData, final JournalState replicationSync) throws Exception { if (state == JournalState.STOPPED || state == JournalState.LOADED) { throw new IllegalStateException("Journal " + this + " must be in " + JournalState.STARTED + " state, was " + state); } if (state == replicationSync) { throw new IllegalStateException("Journal cannot be in state " + JournalState.STARTED); } checkControlFile(); records.clear(); filesRepository.clear(); transactions.clear(); currentFile = null; final Map loadTransactions = new LinkedHashMap(); final List orderedFiles = orderFiles(); filesRepository.calculateNextfileID(orderedFiles); int lastDataPos = JournalImpl.SIZE_HEADER; // AtomicLong is used only as a reference, not as an Atomic value final AtomicLong maxID = new AtomicLong(-1); for (final JournalFile file : orderedFiles) { JournalImpl.trace("Loading file " + file.getFile().getFileName()); final AtomicBoolean hasData = new AtomicBoolean(false); int resultLastPost = JournalImpl.readJournalFile(fileFactory, file, new JournalReaderCallback() { private void checkID(final long id) { if (id > maxID.longValue()) { maxID.set(id); } } public void onReadAddRecord(final RecordInfo info) throws Exception { checkID(; hasData.set(true); loadManager.addRecord(info); records.put(, new JournalRecord(file, + JournalImpl.SIZE_ADD_RECORD + 1)); } public void onReadUpdateRecord(final RecordInfo info) throws Exception { checkID(; hasData.set(true); loadManager.updateRecord(info); JournalRecord posFiles = records.get(; if (posFiles != null) { // It's legal for this to be null. The file(s) with the may // have been deleted // just leaving some updates in this file posFiles.addUpdateFile(file, + JournalImpl.SIZE_ADD_RECORD + 1); // +1 = compact // count } } public void onReadDeleteRecord(final long recordID) throws Exception { hasData.set(true); loadManager.deleteRecord(recordID); JournalRecord posFiles = records.remove(recordID); if (posFiles != null) { posFiles.delete(file); } } public void onReadUpdateRecordTX(final long transactionID, final RecordInfo info) throws Exception { onReadAddRecordTX(transactionID, info); } public void onReadAddRecordTX(final long transactionID, final RecordInfo info) throws Exception { checkID(; hasData.set(true); TransactionHolder tx = loadTransactions.get(transactionID); if (tx == null) { tx = new TransactionHolder(transactionID); loadTransactions.put(transactionID, tx); } tx.recordInfos.add(info); JournalTransaction tnp = transactions.get(transactionID); if (tnp == null) { tnp = new JournalTransaction(transactionID, JournalImpl.this); transactions.put(transactionID, tnp); } tnp.addPositive(file,, + JournalImpl.SIZE_ADD_RECORD_TX + 1); // +1 = compact // count } public void onReadDeleteRecordTX(final long transactionID, final RecordInfo info) throws Exception { hasData.set(true); TransactionHolder tx = loadTransactions.get(transactionID); if (tx == null) { tx = new TransactionHolder(transactionID); loadTransactions.put(transactionID, tx); } tx.recordsToDelete.add(info); JournalTransaction tnp = transactions.get(transactionID); if (tnp == null) { tnp = new JournalTransaction(transactionID, JournalImpl.this); transactions.put(transactionID, tnp); } tnp.addNegative(file,; } public void onReadPrepareRecord(final long transactionID, final byte[] extraData, final int numberOfRecords) throws Exception { hasData.set(true); TransactionHolder tx = loadTransactions.get(transactionID); if (tx == null) { // The user could choose to prepare empty transactions tx = new TransactionHolder(transactionID); loadTransactions.put(transactionID, tx); } tx.prepared = true; tx.extraData = extraData; JournalTransaction journalTransaction = transactions.get(transactionID); if (journalTransaction == null) { journalTransaction = new JournalTransaction(transactionID, JournalImpl.this); transactions.put(transactionID, journalTransaction); } boolean healthy = checkTransactionHealth(file, journalTransaction, orderedFiles, numberOfRecords); if (healthy) { journalTransaction.prepare(file); } else { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.preparedTXIncomplete(transactionID); tx.invalid = true; } } public void onReadCommitRecord(final long transactionID, final int numberOfRecords) throws Exception { TransactionHolder tx = loadTransactions.remove(transactionID); // The commit could be alone on its own journal-file and the // whole transaction body was reclaimed but not the // commit-record // So it is completely legal to not find a transaction at this // point // If we can't find it, we assume the TX was reclaimed and we // ignore this if (tx != null) { JournalTransaction journalTransaction = transactions.remove(transactionID); if (journalTransaction == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find tx " + transactionID); } boolean healthy = checkTransactionHealth(file, journalTransaction, orderedFiles, numberOfRecords); if (healthy) { for (RecordInfo txRecord : tx.recordInfos) { if (txRecord.isUpdate) { loadManager.updateRecord(txRecord); } else { loadManager.addRecord(txRecord); } } for (RecordInfo deleteValue : tx.recordsToDelete) { loadManager.deleteRecord(; } journalTransaction.commit(file); } else { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.txMissingElements(transactionID); journalTransaction.forget(); } hasData.set(true); } } public void onReadRollbackRecord(final long transactionID) throws Exception { TransactionHolder tx = loadTransactions.remove(transactionID); // The rollback could be alone on its own journal-file and the // whole transaction body was reclaimed but the commit-record // So it is completely legal to not find a transaction at this // point if (tx != null) { JournalTransaction tnp = transactions.remove(transactionID); if (tnp == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find tx " + transactionID); } // There is no need to validate summaries/holes on // Rollbacks.. We will ignore the data anyway. tnp.rollback(file); hasData.set(true); } } public void markAsDataFile(final JournalFile file) { hasData.set(true); } }); if (hasData.get()) { lastDataPos = resultLastPost; filesRepository.addDataFileOnBottom(file); } else { if (changeData) { // Empty dataFiles with no data filesRepository.addFreeFile(file, false, false); } } } if (replicationSync == JournalState.SYNCING) { assert filesRepository.getDataFiles().isEmpty(); setJournalState(JournalState.SYNCING); return new JournalLoadInformation(0, -1); } setUpCurrentFile(lastDataPos); setJournalState(JournalState.LOADED); for (TransactionHolder transaction : loadTransactions.values()) { if ((!transaction.prepared || transaction.invalid) && replicationSync != JournalState.SYNCING_UP_TO_DATE) { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.uncomittedTxFound(transaction.transactionID); if (changeData) { // I append a rollback record here, because otherwise compacting will be throwing messages because of unknown transactions this.appendRollbackRecord(transaction.transactionID, false); } loadManager.failedTransaction(transaction.transactionID, transaction.recordInfos, transaction.recordsToDelete); } else { for (RecordInfo info : transaction.recordInfos) { if ( > maxID.get()) { maxID.set(; } } PreparedTransactionInfo info = new PreparedTransactionInfo(transaction.transactionID, transaction.extraData); info.records.addAll(transaction.recordInfos); info.recordsToDelete.addAll(transaction.recordsToDelete); loadManager.addPreparedTransaction(info); } } checkReclaimStatus(); return new JournalLoadInformation(records.size(), maxID.longValue()); } /** * @return true if cleanup was called */ public final boolean checkReclaimStatus() throws Exception { if (compactorRunning.get()) { return false; } // We can't start reclaim while compacting is working while (true) { if (state != JournalImpl.JournalState.LOADED) return false; if (!isAutoReclaim()) return false; if (journalLock.readLock().tryLock(250, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) break; } try { reclaimer.scan(getDataFiles()); for (JournalFile file : filesRepository.getDataFiles()) { if (file.isCanReclaim()) { // File can be reclaimed or deleted if (JournalImpl.trace) { JournalImpl.trace("Reclaiming file " + file); } filesRepository.removeDataFile(file); filesRepository.addFreeFile(file, false); } } } finally { journalLock.readLock().unlock(); } return false; } private boolean needsCompact() throws Exception { JournalFile[] dataFiles = getDataFiles(); long totalLiveSize = 0; for (JournalFile file : dataFiles) { totalLiveSize += file.getLiveSize(); } long totalBytes = dataFiles.length * (long) fileSize; long compactMargin = (long) (totalBytes * compactPercentage); boolean needCompact = totalLiveSize < compactMargin && dataFiles.length > compactMinFiles; return needCompact; } private void checkCompact() throws Exception { if (compactMinFiles == 0) { // compacting is disabled return; } if (state != JournalState.LOADED) { return; } if (!compactorRunning.get() && needsCompact()) { scheduleCompact(); } } private void scheduleCompact() { if (!compactorRunning.compareAndSet(false, true)) { return; } // We can't use the executor for the compacting... or we would dead lock because of file open and creation // operations (that will use the executor) compactorExecutor.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { JournalImpl.this.compact(); } catch (Throwable e) { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.errorCompacting(e); } finally { compactorRunning.set(false); } } }); } // TestableJournal implementation // -------------------------------------------------------------- public final void setAutoReclaim(final boolean autoReclaim) { this.autoReclaim = autoReclaim; } public final boolean isAutoReclaim() { return autoReclaim; } /* Only meant to be used in tests. */ @Override public String debug() throws Exception { reclaimer.scan(getDataFiles()); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (JournalFile file : filesRepository.getDataFiles()) { builder.append("DataFile:" + file + " posCounter = " + file.getPosCount() + " reclaimStatus = " + file.isCanReclaim() + " live size = " + file.getLiveSize() + "\n"); if (file instanceof JournalFileImpl) { builder.append(((JournalFileImpl) file).debug()); } } for (JournalFile file : filesRepository.getFreeFiles()) { builder.append("FreeFile:" + file + "\n"); } if (currentFile != null) { builder.append("CurrentFile:" + currentFile + " posCounter = " + currentFile.getPosCount() + "\n"); if (currentFile instanceof JournalFileImpl) { builder.append(((JournalFileImpl) currentFile).debug()); } } else { builder.append("CurrentFile: No current file at this point!"); } return builder.toString(); } /** * Method for use on testcases. * It will call waitComplete on every transaction, so any assertions on the file system will be correct after this */ public void debugWait() throws InterruptedException { fileFactory.flush(); for (JournalTransaction tx : transactions.values()) { tx.waitCallbacks(); } if (filesExecutor != null && !filesExecutor.isShutdown()) { // Send something to the closingExecutor, just to make sure we went // until its end final CountDownLatch latch = newLatch(1); filesExecutor.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { latch.countDown(); } }); awaitLatch(latch, -1); } } public int getDataFilesCount() { return filesRepository.getDataFilesCount(); } public JournalFile[] getDataFiles() { return filesRepository.getDataFilesArray(); } public int getFreeFilesCount() { return filesRepository.getFreeFilesCount(); } public int getOpenedFilesCount() { return filesRepository.getOpenedFilesCount(); } public int getIDMapSize() { return records.size(); } @Override public int getFileSize() { return fileSize; } public int getMinFiles() { return minFiles; } public String getFilePrefix() { return filesRepository.getFilePrefix(); } public String getFileExtension() { return filesRepository.getFileExtension(); } public int getMaxAIO() { return filesRepository.getMaxAIO(); } public int getUserVersion() { return userVersion; } // In some tests we need to force the journal to move to a next file public void forceMoveNextFile() throws Exception { journalLock.readLock().lock(); try { lockAppend.lock(); try { moveNextFile(false); debugWait(); } finally { lockAppend.unlock(); } } finally { journalLock.readLock().unlock(); } } public void perfBlast(final int pages) { new PerfBlast(pages).start(); } // ActiveMQComponent implementation // --------------------------------------------------- public synchronized boolean isStarted() { return state != JournalState.STOPPED; } public synchronized void start() { if (state != JournalState.STOPPED) { throw new IllegalStateException("Journal " + this + " is not stopped, state is " + state); } filesExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(new ThreadFactory() { public Thread newThread(final Runnable r) { return new Thread(r, "JournalImpl::FilesExecutor"); } }); compactorExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(new ThreadFactory() { public Thread newThread(final Runnable r) { return new Thread(r, "JournalImpl::CompactorExecutor"); } }); filesRepository.setExecutor(filesExecutor); fileFactory.start(); setJournalState(JournalState.STARTED); } public synchronized void stop() throws Exception { if (state == JournalState.STOPPED) { throw new IllegalStateException("Journal is already stopped"); } journalLock.writeLock().lock(); try { lockAppend.lock(); try { setJournalState(JournalState.STOPPED); compactorExecutor.shutdown(); if (!compactorExecutor.awaitTermination(120, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.couldNotStopCompactor(); } filesExecutor.shutdown(); filesRepository.setExecutor(null); if (!filesExecutor.awaitTermination(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.couldNotStopJournalExecutor(); } try { for (CountDownLatch latch : latches) { latch.countDown(); } } catch (Throwable e) { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } fileFactory.deactivateBuffer(); if (currentFile != null && currentFile.getFile().isOpen()) { currentFile.getFile().close(); } filesRepository.clear(); fileFactory.stop(); currentFile = null; } finally { lockAppend.unlock(); } } finally { journalLock.writeLock().unlock(); } } public int getNumberOfRecords() { return records.size(); } protected SequentialFile createControlFile(final List files, final List newFiles, final Pair cleanupRename) throws Exception { ArrayList> cleanupList; if (cleanupRename == null) { cleanupList = null; } else { cleanupList = new ArrayList>(); cleanupList.add(cleanupRename); } return AbstractJournalUpdateTask.writeControlFile(fileFactory, files, newFiles, cleanupList); } protected void deleteControlFile(final SequentialFile controlFile) throws Exception { controlFile.delete(); } /** * being protected as testcases can override this method */ protected void renameFiles(final List oldFiles, final List newFiles) throws Exception { // addFreeFiles has to be called through filesExecutor, or the fileID on the orderedFiles may end up in a wrong // order // These files are already freed, and are described on the compactor file control. // In case of crash they will be cleared anyways final CountDownLatch done = newLatch(1); filesExecutor.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { for (JournalFile file : oldFiles) { try { filesRepository.addFreeFile(file, false); } catch (Throwable e) { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.errorReinitializingFile(e, file); } } } finally { done.countDown(); } } }); // need to wait all old files to be freed // to avoid a race where the CTR file is deleted before the init for these files is already done // what could cause a duplicate in case of a crash after the CTR is deleted and before the file is initialized awaitLatch(done, -1); for (JournalFile file : newFiles) { String newName = JournalImpl.renameExtensionFile(file.getFile().getFileName(), ".cmp"); file.getFile().renameTo(newName); } } /** * @param name * @return */ protected static String renameExtensionFile(String name, final String extension) { name = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf(extension)); return name; } /** * This is an interception point for testcases, when the compacted files are written, before replacing the data structures */ protected void onCompactStart() throws Exception { } /** * This is an interception point for testcases, when the compacted files are written, to be called * as soon as the compactor gets a writeLock */ protected void onCompactLockingTheJournal() throws Exception { } /** * This is an interception point for testcases, when the compacted files are written, before replacing the data structures */ protected void onCompactDone() { } // Private // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** *

* Checks for holes on the transaction (a commit written but with an incomplete transaction). *

* This method will validate if the transaction (PREPARE/COMMIT) is complete as stated on the * COMMIT-RECORD. *

* For details see {@link JournalCompleteRecordTX} about how the transaction-summary is recorded. * * @param journalTransaction * @param orderedFiles * @param numberOfRecords * @return */ private boolean checkTransactionHealth(final JournalFile currentFile, final JournalTransaction journalTransaction, final List orderedFiles, final int numberOfRecords) { return journalTransaction.getCounter(currentFile) == numberOfRecords; } private static boolean isTransaction(final byte recordType) { return recordType == JournalImpl.ADD_RECORD_TX || recordType == JournalImpl.UPDATE_RECORD_TX || recordType == JournalImpl.DELETE_RECORD_TX || JournalImpl.isCompleteTransaction(recordType); } private static boolean isCompleteTransaction(final byte recordType) { return recordType == JournalImpl.COMMIT_RECORD || recordType == JournalImpl.PREPARE_RECORD || recordType == JournalImpl.ROLLBACK_RECORD; } private static boolean isContainsBody(final byte recordType) { return recordType >= JournalImpl.ADD_RECORD && recordType <= JournalImpl.DELETE_RECORD_TX; } private static int getRecordSize(final byte recordType, final int journalVersion) { // The record size (without the variable portion) int recordSize = 0; switch (recordType) { case ADD_RECORD: recordSize = JournalImpl.SIZE_ADD_RECORD; break; case UPDATE_RECORD: recordSize = JournalImpl.SIZE_ADD_RECORD; break; case ADD_RECORD_TX: recordSize = JournalImpl.SIZE_ADD_RECORD_TX; break; case UPDATE_RECORD_TX: recordSize = JournalImpl.SIZE_ADD_RECORD_TX; break; case DELETE_RECORD: recordSize = JournalImpl.SIZE_DELETE_RECORD; break; case DELETE_RECORD_TX: recordSize = JournalImpl.SIZE_DELETE_RECORD_TX; break; case PREPARE_RECORD: recordSize = JournalImpl.SIZE_PREPARE_RECORD; break; case COMMIT_RECORD: recordSize = JournalImpl.SIZE_COMMIT_RECORD; break; case ROLLBACK_RECORD: recordSize = JournalImpl.SIZE_ROLLBACK_RECORD; break; default: // Sanity check, this was previously tested, nothing different // should be on this switch throw new IllegalStateException("Record other than expected"); } if (journalVersion >= 2) { return recordSize + 1; } else { return recordSize; } } /** * @param file * @return * @throws Exception */ private JournalFileImpl readFileHeader(final SequentialFile file) throws Exception { ByteBuffer bb = fileFactory.newBuffer(JournalImpl.SIZE_HEADER);; int journalVersion = bb.getInt(); if (journalVersion != JournalImpl.FORMAT_VERSION) { boolean isCompatible = false; for (int v : JournalImpl.COMPATIBLE_VERSIONS) { if (v == journalVersion) { isCompatible = true; } } if (!isCompatible) { throw ActiveMQJournalBundle.BUNDLE.journalFileMisMatch(); } } int readUserVersion = bb.getInt(); if (readUserVersion != userVersion) { throw ActiveMQJournalBundle.BUNDLE.journalDifferentVersion(); } long fileID = bb.getLong(); fileFactory.releaseBuffer(bb); bb = null; return new JournalFileImpl(file, fileID, journalVersion); } /** * @param fileID * @param sequentialFile * @throws Exception */ public static int initFileHeader(final SequentialFileFactory fileFactory, final SequentialFile sequentialFile, final int userVersion, final long fileID) throws Exception { // We don't need to release buffers while writing. ByteBuffer bb = fileFactory.newBuffer(JournalImpl.SIZE_HEADER); ActiveMQBuffer buffer = ActiveMQBuffers.wrappedBuffer(bb); try { JournalImpl.writeHeader(buffer, userVersion, fileID); bb.rewind(); int bufferSize = bb.limit(); sequentialFile.position(0); sequentialFile.writeDirect(bb, true); return bufferSize; } finally { // release it by first unwrap the unreleasable buffer and then release it. buffer.byteBuf().unwrap().release(); } } /** * @param buffer * @param userVersion * @param fileID */ public static void writeHeader(final ActiveMQBuffer buffer, final int userVersion, final long fileID) { buffer.writeInt(JournalImpl.FORMAT_VERSION); buffer.writeInt(userVersion); buffer.writeLong(fileID); } /** * @param completeTransaction If the appendRecord is for a prepare or commit, where we should * update the number of pendingTransactions on the current file * @throws Exception */ private JournalFile appendRecord(final JournalInternalRecord encoder, final boolean completeTransaction, final boolean sync, final JournalTransaction tx, final IOAsyncTask parameterCallback) throws Exception { checkJournalIsLoaded(); final IOAsyncTask callback; final int size = encoder.getEncodeSize(); switchFileIfNecessary(size); if (tx != null) { // The callback of a transaction has to be taken inside the lock, // when we guarantee the currentFile will not be changed, // since we individualize the callback per file if (fileFactory.isSupportsCallbacks()) { // Set the delegated callback as a parameter TransactionCallback txcallback = tx.getCallback(currentFile); if (parameterCallback != null) { txcallback.setDelegateCompletion(parameterCallback); } callback = txcallback; } else { callback = null; } // We need to add the number of records on currentFile if prepare or commit if (completeTransaction) { // Filling the number of pendingTransactions at the current file tx.fillNumberOfRecords(currentFile, encoder); } } else { callback = parameterCallback; } // Adding fileID encoder.setFileID(currentFile.getRecordID()); if (callback != null) { currentFile.getFile().write(encoder, sync, callback); } else { currentFile.getFile().write(encoder, sync); } return currentFile; } @Override void scheduleReclaim() { if (state != JournalState.LOADED) { return; } if (isAutoReclaim() && !compactorRunning.get()) { compactorExecutor.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (!checkReclaimStatus()) { checkCompact(); } } catch (Exception e) { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.errorSchedulingCompacting(e); } } }); } } private JournalTransaction getTransactionInfo(final long txID) { JournalTransaction tx = transactions.get(txID); if (tx == null) { tx = new JournalTransaction(txID, this); JournalTransaction trans = transactions.putIfAbsent(txID, tx); if (trans != null) { tx = trans; } } return tx; } /** * @throws Exception */ private void checkControlFile() throws Exception { ArrayList dataFiles = new ArrayList(); ArrayList newFiles = new ArrayList(); ArrayList> renames = new ArrayList>(); SequentialFile controlFile = JournalCompactor.readControlFile(fileFactory, dataFiles, newFiles, renames); if (controlFile != null) { for (String dataFile : dataFiles) { SequentialFile file = fileFactory.createSequentialFile(dataFile, 1); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } } for (String newFile : newFiles) { SequentialFile file = fileFactory.createSequentialFile(newFile, 1); if (file.exists()) { final String originalName = file.getFileName(); final String newName = originalName.substring(0, originalName.lastIndexOf(".cmp")); file.renameTo(newName); } } for (Pair rename : renames) { SequentialFile fileTmp = fileFactory.createSequentialFile(rename.getA(), 1); SequentialFile fileTo = fileFactory.createSequentialFile(rename.getB(), 1); // We should do the rename only if the tmp file still exist, or else we could // delete a valid file depending on where the crash occurred during the control file delete if (fileTmp.exists()) { fileTo.delete(); fileTmp.renameTo(rename.getB()); } } controlFile.delete(); } cleanupTmpFiles(".cmp"); cleanupTmpFiles(".tmp"); return; } /** * @throws Exception */ private void cleanupTmpFiles(final String extension) throws Exception { List leftFiles = fileFactory.listFiles(getFileExtension() + extension); if (leftFiles.size() > 0) { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.tempFilesLeftOpen(); for (String fileToDelete : leftFiles) { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.deletingOrphanedFile(fileToDelete); SequentialFile file = fileFactory.createSequentialFile(fileToDelete, 1); file.delete(); } } } private static boolean isInvalidSize(final int fileSize, final int bufferPos, final int size) { if (size < 0) { return true; } else { final int position = bufferPos + size; return position > fileSize || position < 0; } } // Inner classes // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Used on Load private static final class TransactionHolder { public TransactionHolder(final long id) { transactionID = id; } public final long transactionID; public final List recordInfos = new ArrayList(); public final List recordsToDelete = new ArrayList(); public boolean prepared; public boolean invalid; public byte[] extraData; } private static final class JournalFileComparator implements Comparator, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6264728973604070321L; public int compare(final JournalFile f1, final JournalFile f2) { long id1 = f1.getFileID(); long id2 = f2.getFileID(); return id1 < id2 ? -1 : id1 == id2 ? 0 : 1; } } private final class PerfBlast extends Thread { private final int pages; private PerfBlast(final int pages) { super("activemq-perfblast-thread"); this.pages = pages; } @Override public void run() { lockAppend.lock(); try { final ByteArrayEncoding byteEncoder = new ByteArrayEncoding(new byte[128 * 1024]); JournalInternalRecord blastRecord = new JournalInternalRecord() { @Override public int getEncodeSize() { return byteEncoder.getEncodeSize(); } public void encode(final ActiveMQBuffer buffer) { byteEncoder.encode(buffer); } }; for (int i = 0; i < pages; i++) { appendRecord(blastRecord, false, false, null, null); } } catch (Exception e) { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.failedToPerfBlast(e); } finally { lockAppend.unlock(); } } } public final void synchronizationLock() { compactorLock.writeLock().lock(); journalLock.writeLock().lock(); } public final void synchronizationUnlock() { try { compactorLock.writeLock().unlock(); } finally { journalLock.writeLock().unlock(); } } /** * Returns Map with a {@link JournalFile} for all existing files. *

* These are the files needed to be sent to a backup in order to synchronize it. * * @param fileIds * @return map with the IDs and corresponding {@link JournalFile}s * @throws Exception */ @Override public synchronized Map createFilesForBackupSync(long[] fileIds) throws Exception { synchronizationLock(); try { Map map = new HashMap(); long maxID = -1; for (long id : fileIds) { maxID = Math.max(maxID, id); map.put(Long.valueOf(id), filesRepository.createRemoteBackupSyncFile(id)); } filesRepository.setNextFileID(maxID); return map; } finally { synchronizationUnlock(); } } @Override public SequentialFileFactory getFileFactory() { return fileFactory; } /** * @param lastDataPos * @return * @throws Exception */ protected JournalFile setUpCurrentFile(int lastDataPos) throws Exception { // Create any more files we need filesRepository.ensureMinFiles(); // The current file is the last one that has data currentFile = filesRepository.pollLastDataFile(); if (currentFile != null) { if (!currentFile.getFile().isOpen()) currentFile.getFile().open(); currentFile.getFile().position(currentFile.getFile().calculateBlockStart(lastDataPos)); } else { currentFile = filesRepository.getFreeFile(); filesRepository.openFile(currentFile, true); } fileFactory.activateBuffer(currentFile.getFile()); filesRepository.pushOpenedFile(); return currentFile; } /** * @param size * @return * @throws Exception */ protected JournalFile switchFileIfNecessary(int size) throws Exception { // We take into account the fileID used on the Header if (size > fileSize - currentFile.getFile().calculateBlockStart(JournalImpl.SIZE_HEADER)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Record is too large to store " + size); } if (!currentFile.getFile().fits(size)) { moveNextFile(true); // The same check needs to be done at the new file also if (!currentFile.getFile().fits(size)) { // Sanity check, this should never happen throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid logic on buffer allocation"); } } return currentFile; } private CountDownLatch newLatch(int countDown) { if (state == JournalState.STOPPED) { throw new RuntimeException("Server is not started"); } CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(countDown); latches.add(latch); return latch; } private void awaitLatch(CountDownLatch latch, int timeout) throws InterruptedException { try { if (timeout < 0) { latch.await(); } else { latch.await(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } // in case of an interrupted server, we need to make sure we don't proceed on anything if (state == JournalState.STOPPED) { throw new RuntimeException("Server is not started"); } } finally { latches.remove(latch); } } /** * You need to guarantee lock.acquire() before calling this method! */ private void moveNextFile(final boolean scheduleReclaim) throws Exception { filesRepository.closeFile(currentFile); currentFile = filesRepository.openFile(); if (scheduleReclaim) { scheduleReclaim(); } if (trace) { ActiveMQJournalLogger.LOGGER.trace("Moving next file " + currentFile); } fileFactory.activateBuffer(currentFile.getFile()); } @Override public void replicationSyncPreserveOldFiles() { setAutoReclaim(false); } @Override public void replicationSyncFinished() { setAutoReclaim(true); } @Override public void testCompact() { try { scheduleCompactAndBlock(60); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }

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