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org.jgroups.protocols.SCOPE Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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This artifact provides a single jar that contains all classes required to use remote EJB and JMS, including all dependencies. It is intended for use by those not using maven, maven users should just import the EJB and JMS BOM's instead (shaded JAR's cause lots of problems with maven, as it is very easy to inadvertently end up with different versions on classes on the class path).

There is a newer version: 32.0.0.Final
Show newest version
package org.jgroups.protocols;

import org.jgroups.*;
import org.jgroups.util.*;
import org.jgroups.util.ThreadFactory;
import org.jgroups.annotations.*;
import org.jgroups.stack.Protocol;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

 * Implements, which allows for concurrent delivery of messages from the
 * same sender based on scopes. Similar to using OOB messages, but messages within the same scope are ordered.
 * @author Bela Ban
 * @since 2.10
 * @deprecated Use the async invocation API instead:
@MBean(description="Implementation of scopes (concurrent delivery of messages from the same sender)")
public class SCOPE extends Protocol {

    protected int thread_pool_min_threads=2;

    protected int thread_pool_max_threads=10;

    protected long thread_pool_keep_alive_time=30000;

    @Property(description="Thread naming pattern for threads in this channel. Default is cl")
    protected String thread_naming_pattern="cl";

    @Property(description="Time in milliseconds after which an expired scope will get removed. An expired scope is one " +
            "to which no messages have been added in max_expiration_time milliseconds. 0 never expires scopes")
    protected long expiration_time=30000;

    @Property(description="Interval in milliseconds at which the expiry task tries to remove expired scopes")
    protected long expiration_interval=60000;

    protected Future expiry_task=null;

     * Used to find the correct AckReceiverWindow on message reception and deliver it in the right order
    protected final ConcurrentMap> queues=Util.createConcurrentMap();

    protected String cluster_name;

    protected Address local_addr;

    protected Executor thread_pool;

    protected ThreadFactory thread_factory;

    protected TimeScheduler timer;

    public SCOPE() {

    @ManagedAttribute(description="Number of scopes in queues")
    public int getNumberOfReceiverScopes() {
        int retval=0;
        for(ConcurrentMap map: queues.values())
        return retval;

    @ManagedAttribute(description="Total number of messages in all queues")
    public int getNumberOfMessages() {
        int retval=0;
        for(ConcurrentMap map: queues.values()) {
            for(MessageQueue queue: map.values())

        return retval;

    @Property(name="thread_pool.min_threads",description="Minimum thread pool size for the regular thread pool")
    public void setThreadPoolMinThreads(int size) {
        if(thread_pool instanceof ThreadPoolExecutor)

    public int getThreadPoolMinThreads() {return thread_pool_min_threads;}

    @Property(name="thread_pool.max_threads",description="Maximum thread pool size for the regular thread pool")
    public void setThreadPoolMaxThreads(int size) {
        if(thread_pool instanceof ThreadPoolExecutor)

    public int getThreadPoolMaxThreads() {return thread_pool_max_threads;}

    @Property(name="thread_pool.keep_alive_time",description="Timeout in milliseconds to remove idle thread from regular pool")
    public void setThreadPoolKeepAliveTime(long time) {
        if(thread_pool instanceof ThreadPoolExecutor)
            ((ThreadPoolExecutor)thread_pool).setKeepAliveTime(time, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    public long getThreadPoolKeepAliveTime() {return thread_pool_keep_alive_time;}

    @ManagedOperation(description="Removes all queues and scopes - only used for testing, might get removed any time !")
    public void removeAllQueues() {

     * Multicasts an EXPIRE message to all members, and - on reception - each member removes the scope locally
     * @param scope
    @ManagedOperation(description="Expires the given scope around the cluster")
    public void expire(short scope) {
        ScopeHeader hdr=ScopeHeader.createExpireHeader(scope);
        Message expiry_msg=new Message();
        expiry_msg.putHeader(Global.SCOPE_ID, hdr);
        down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, expiry_msg));

    public void removeScope(Address member, short scope) {
        if(member == null) return;
        ConcurrentMap val=queues.get(member);
        if(val != null) {
            MessageQueue queue=val.remove(scope);
            if(queue != null)

    @ManagedOperation(description="Dumps all scopes associated with members")
    public String dumpScopes() {
        StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
        for(Map.Entry> entry: queues.entrySet()) {
            sb.append(entry.getKey()).append(": ").append(new TreeSet<>(entry.getValue().keySet())).append("\n");
        return sb.toString();

    @ManagedAttribute(description="Number of active thread in the pool")
    public int getNumActiveThreads() {
        if(thread_pool instanceof ThreadPoolExecutor)
            return ((ThreadPoolExecutor)thread_pool).getActiveCount();
        return 0;

    public void init() throws Exception {
        thread_factory=new DefaultThreadFactory("SCOPE", false, true);
        setInAllThreadFactories(cluster_name, local_addr, thread_naming_pattern);

        // sanity check for expiration
        if((expiration_interval > 0 && expiration_time <= 0) || (expiration_interval <= 0 && expiration_time > 0))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("expiration_interval (" + expiration_interval + ") and expiration_time (" +
                    expiration_time + ") don't match");

    public void start() throws Exception {
        thread_pool=createThreadPool(thread_pool_min_threads, thread_pool_max_threads,
                                     thread_pool_keep_alive_time, thread_factory);
        if(expiration_interval > 0 && expiration_time > 0)

    public void stop() {
        for(ConcurrentMap map: queues.values()) {
            for(MessageQueue queue: map.values())
                queue.release(); // to prevent a thread killed on shutdown() from holding on to the lock

    public Object down(Event evt) {
        switch(evt.getType()) {
            case Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS:

            case Event.VIEW_CHANGE:

            case Event.CONNECT:
            case Event.CONNECT_WITH_STATE_TRANSFER:
            case Event.CONNECT_USE_FLUSH:
                setInAllThreadFactories(cluster_name, local_addr, thread_naming_pattern);
        return down_prot.down(evt);

    public Object up(Event evt) {
        switch(evt.getType()) {
            case Event.MSG:
                Message msg=(Message)evt.getArg();

                // we don't handle unscoped or OOB messages
                if(!msg.isFlagSet(Message.SCOPED) || msg.isFlagSet(Message.Flag.OOB))
                ScopeHeader hdr=(ScopeHeader)msg.getHeader(id);
                if(hdr == null)
                    throw new IllegalStateException("message doesn't have a ScopeHeader attached");

                if(hdr.type == ScopeHeader.EXPIRE) {
                    removeScope(msg.getSrc(), hdr.scope);
                    return null;

                MessageQueue queue=getOrCreateQueue(msg.getSrc(), hdr.scope);
                    return null;

                QueueThread thread=new QueueThread(queue);
                return null;
            case Event.VIEW_CHANGE:

        return up_prot.up(evt);

    public void up(MessageBatch batch) {
        for(Message msg: batch) {
            if(!msg.isFlagSet(Message.SCOPED) || msg.isFlagSet(Message.Flag.OOB)) // we don't handle unscoped or OOB messages

            ScopeHeader hdr=(ScopeHeader)msg.getHeader(id);
            if(hdr == null) {
                log.error("message doesn't have a ScopeHeader attached");

            batch.remove(msg); // we do handle the message from here on

            if(hdr.type == ScopeHeader.EXPIRE) {
                removeScope(msg.getSrc(), hdr.scope);

            MessageQueue queue=getOrCreateQueue(msg.getSrc(), hdr.scope);
                thread_pool.execute(new QueueThread(queue));


    protected MessageQueue getOrCreateQueue(Address sender, short scope) {
        ConcurrentMap val=queues.get(sender);
        if(val == null) {
            ConcurrentMap tmp=queues.putIfAbsent(sender, val);
            if(tmp != null)
        MessageQueue queue=val.get(scope);
        if(queue == null) {
            queue=new MessageQueue();
            MessageQueue old=val.putIfAbsent(scope, queue);
            if(old != null)

        return queue;

    protected synchronized void startExpiryTask() {
        if(expiry_task == null || expiry_task.isDone())
            expiry_task=timer.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new ExpiryTask(), expiration_interval, expiration_interval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    protected synchronized void stopExpiryTask() {
        if(expiry_task != null) {

    protected static ExecutorService createThreadPool(int min_threads, int max_threads, long keep_alive_time,
                                                      final org.jgroups.util.ThreadFactory factory) {

        ThreadPoolExecutor pool=new ThreadPoolExecutor(min_threads, max_threads, keep_alive_time,
                                                       TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new SynchronousQueue());
        pool.setRejectedExecutionHandler(new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy());
        return pool;

    protected static void shutdownThreadPool(Executor thread_pool) {
        if(thread_pool instanceof ExecutorService) {
            ExecutorService service=(ExecutorService)thread_pool;
            try {
                service.awaitTermination(Global.THREADPOOL_SHUTDOWN_WAIT_TIME, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
            catch(InterruptedException e) {

    private void setInAllThreadFactories(String cluster_name, Address local_address, String pattern) {
        ThreadFactory[] factories= {thread_factory};

        for(ThreadFactory factory:factories) {
            if(pattern != null)
            if(cluster_name != null)
            if(local_address != null)

    private void handleView(View view) {
members=view.getMembers(); // Remove all non members from receiver_table Set
keys=new HashSet<>(queues.keySet()); keys.removeAll(members); for(Address key: keys) clearQueue(key); } public void clearQueue(Address member) { ConcurrentMap val=queues.remove(member); if(val != null) { Collection values=val.values(); for(MessageQueue queue: values) queue.clear(); } if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("removed " + member + " from receiver_table"); } protected static class MessageQueue { private final Queue queue=new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>(); private final AtomicBoolean processing=new AtomicBoolean(false); private long last_update=System.currentTimeMillis(); public boolean acquire() { return processing.compareAndSet(false, true); } public boolean release() { boolean result=processing.compareAndSet(true, false); if(result) last_update=System.currentTimeMillis(); return result; } public void add(Message msg) { queue.add(msg); } public Message remove() { return queue.poll(); } public void clear() { queue.clear(); } public int size() { return queue.size(); } public long getLastUpdate() { return last_update; } } protected class QueueThread implements Runnable { protected final MessageQueue queue; protected boolean first=true; public QueueThread(MessageQueue queue) { this.queue=queue; } /** Try to remove as many messages as possible from the queue and pass them up. The outer and inner loop and * the size() check at the end prevent the following scenario: *
         * - Threads T1 and T2
         * - T1 has the CAS
         * - T1: remove() == null
         * - T2: add()
         * - T2: attempt to set the CAS: false, return
         * - T1: set the CAS to false, return
         * ==> Result: we have a message in the queue that nobody takes care of !

*/ public void run() { while(true) { // outer loop if(first) // we already have the queue CAS acquired first=false; else { if(!queue.acquire()) return; } try { Message msg_to_deliver; while((msg_to_deliver=queue.remove()) != null) { // inner loop try { up_prot.up(new Event(Event.MSG, msg_to_deliver)); } catch(Throwable t) { log.error("couldn't deliver message " + msg_to_deliver, t); } } } finally { queue.release(); } // although ConcurrentLinkedQueue.size() iterates through the list, this is not costly, // as at this point, the queue is almost always empty, or has only a few elements if(queue.size() == 0) // prevents a concurrent add() (which returned) to leave a dangling message in the queue break; } } } protected class ExpiryTask implements Runnable { public void run() { try { _run(); } catch(Throwable t) { log.error("failed expiring old scopes", t); } } protected void _run() { long current_time=System.currentTimeMillis(); for(Map.Entry> entry: queues.entrySet()) { ConcurrentMap map=entry.getValue(); for(Iterator> it=map.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Map.Entry; Short scope=entry2.getKey(); MessageQueue queue=entry2.getValue(); long diff=current_time - queue.getLastUpdate(); if(diff >= expiration_time && queue.size() == 0) { it.remove(); if(log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("expired scope " + entry.getKey() + "::" + scope + " (" + diff + " ms old)"); } } } } } public static class ScopeHeader extends Header { public static final byte MSG = 1; public static final byte EXPIRE = 2; byte type; short scope=0; // starts with 1 public static ScopeHeader createMessageHeader(short scope) { return new ScopeHeader(MSG, scope); } public static ScopeHeader createExpireHeader(short scope) { return new ScopeHeader(EXPIRE, scope); } public ScopeHeader() { } private ScopeHeader(byte type, short scope) { this.type=type; this.scope=scope; } public short getScope() { return scope; } public int size() { switch(type) { case MSG: case EXPIRE: return Global.BYTE_SIZE + Global.SHORT_SIZE; default: throw new IllegalStateException("type has to be MSG or EXPIRE"); } } public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws Exception { out.writeByte(type); switch(type) { case MSG: case EXPIRE: out.writeShort(scope); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("type has to be MSG or EXPIRE"); } } public void readFrom(DataInput in) throws Exception { type=in.readByte(); switch(type) { case MSG: case EXPIRE: scope=in.readShort(); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("type has to be MSG or EXPIRE"); } } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(typeToString(type)); switch(type) { case MSG: case EXPIRE: sb.append(": scope=").append(scope); break; default: sb.append("n/a"); } return sb.toString(); } public static String typeToString(byte type) { switch(type) { case MSG: return "MSG"; case EXPIRE: return "EXPIRE"; default: return "n/a"; } } } }

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