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org.jgroups.protocols.tom.SenderManager Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package org.jgroups.protocols.tom;

import org.jgroups.Address;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;

 * Keeps track of all sent messages, until the final sequence number is known
 * @author Pedro Ruivo
 * @since 3.1
public class SenderManager {

    public static final long NOT_READY = -1;

    private final ConcurrentMap sentMessages = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

     * Add a new message sent
     * @param messageID             the message ID
     * @param destinations          the destination set
     * @param initialSequenceNumber the initial sequence number
     * @param deliverToMyself       true if *this* member is in destination sent, false otherwise
    public void addNewMessageToSend(MessageID messageID, Collection
destinations, long initialSequenceNumber, boolean deliverToMyself) { MessageInfo messageInfo = new MessageInfo(destinations, initialSequenceNumber, deliverToMyself); if (deliverToMyself) { messageInfo.setProposeReceived(messageID.getAddress()); } sentMessages.put(messageID, messageInfo); } /** * Add a propose from a member in destination set * @param messageID the message ID * @param from the originator of the propose * @param sequenceNumber the proposed sequence number * @return NOT_READY if the final sequence number is not know, or the final sequence number */ public long addPropose(MessageID messageID, Address from, long sequenceNumber) { MessageInfo messageInfo = sentMessages.get(messageID); if (messageInfo != null && messageInfo.addPropose(from, sequenceNumber)) { return messageInfo.getAndMarkFinalSent(); } return NOT_READY; } /** * Mark the message as sent * @param messageID the message ID * @return return true if *this* member is in destination set */ public boolean markSent(MessageID messageID) { MessageInfo messageInfo = sentMessages.remove(messageID); return messageInfo != null && messageInfo.toSelfDeliver; } /** * obtains the destination set of a message * @param messageID the message ID * @return the destination set */ public Set
getDestination(MessageID messageID) { MessageInfo messageInfo = sentMessages.get(messageID); Set
destination; if (messageInfo != null) { destination = new HashSet<>(messageInfo.destinations); } else { destination = Collections.emptySet(); } return destination; } /** * removes all pending messages */ public void clear() { sentMessages.clear(); } public Collection getPendingMessageIDs() { return sentMessages.keySet(); } public long removeLeavers(MessageID messageID, Collection
leavers) { MessageInfo messageInfo = sentMessages.get(messageID); if (messageInfo != null && messageInfo.removeLeavers(leavers)) { return messageInfo.getAndMarkFinalSent(); } return NOT_READY; } /** * The state of a message (destination, proposes missing, the highest sequence number proposed, etc...) */ private static class MessageInfo { private ArrayList
destinations; private long highestSequenceNumberReceived; private BitSet receivedPropose; private boolean finalMessageSent = false; private boolean toSelfDeliver = false; private MessageInfo(Collection
addresses, long sequenceNumber, boolean selfDeliver) { this.destinations = new ArrayList<>(addresses); this.highestSequenceNumberReceived = sequenceNumber; createNewBitSet(addresses.size()); this.toSelfDeliver = selfDeliver; } private synchronized boolean addPropose(Address from, long sequenceNumber) { setProposeReceived(from); highestSequenceNumberReceived = Math.max(highestSequenceNumberReceived, sequenceNumber); return checkAllProposesReceived(); } private synchronized long getAndMarkFinalSent() { if (checkAllProposesReceived() && !finalMessageSent) { finalMessageSent = true; return highestSequenceNumberReceived; } return NOT_READY; } private void createNewBitSet(int maxElements) { receivedPropose = new BitSet(maxElements); for (int i = 0; i < maxElements; ++i) { receivedPropose.set(i); } } private void setProposeReceived(Address address) { int idx = destinations.indexOf(address); if (idx == -1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Address doesn't exists in destination list. Address is " + address); } receivedPropose.set(idx, false); } private boolean checkAllProposesReceived() { return receivedPropose.isEmpty(); } public synchronized boolean removeLeavers(Collection
leavers) { for (Address address : leavers) { int idx = destinations.indexOf(address); if (idx == -1) { continue; } receivedPropose.set(idx, false); } return checkAllProposesReceived(); } } }

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