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org.jgroups.tests.perf.MPerfRpc Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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This artifact provides a single jar that contains all classes required to use remote Jakarta Enterprise Beans and Jakarta Messaging, including all dependencies. It is intended for use by those not using maven, maven users should just import the Jakarta Enterprise Beans and Jakarta Messaging BOM's instead (shaded JAR's cause lots of problems with maven, as it is very easy to inadvertently end up with different versions on classes on the class path).

There is a newer version: 35.0.1.Final
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package org.jgroups.tests.perf;

import org.jgroups.*;
import org.jgroups.blocks.*;
import org.jgroups.jmx.JmxConfigurator;
import org.jgroups.logging.Log;
import org.jgroups.logging.LogFactory;
import org.jgroups.stack.ProtocolStack;
import org.jgroups.util.*;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

 * Dynamic tool to measure multicast RPC performance of JGroups; every member invokes N RPCs and we measure how long it
 * takes for all receivers to receive them.

* Initially copied from {@link MPerf}. * @author Bela Ban ([email protected]) * @since 3.3 */ public class MPerfRpc extends ReceiverAdapter { protected String props; protected JChannel channel; protected RpcDispatcher disp; protected Address local_addr; protected String name; protected int num_msgs=1000 * 1000; protected int msg_size=1000; protected int num_threads=1; protected int log_interval=num_msgs / 10; // log every 10% protected int receive_log_interval=num_msgs / 10; protected int num_senders=-1; // <= 0: all protected boolean sync=true; // sync RPCs by default protected boolean oob=false; // mark messages as OOB /** Maintains stats per sender, will be sent to perf originator when all messages have been received */ protected final ConcurrentMap received_msgs=Util.createConcurrentMap(); protected final AtomicLong total_received_msgs=new AtomicLong(0); protected final List

members=new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); protected final Log log=LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); protected boolean looping=true; protected long last_interval=0; protected final ResponseCollector results=new ResponseCollector<>(); // the member which will collect and display the overall results protected volatile Address result_collector=null; protected volatile boolean initiator=false; protected RequestOptions send_options=RequestOptions.ASYNC(); protected static final NumberFormat format=NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); // Callbacks invoked protected static final short handleData = 0; protected static final short startSending = 1; protected static final short sendingDone = 2; protected static final short result = 3; protected static final short clearResults = 4; protected static final short configChange = 5; protected static final short configReq = 6; protected static final short configRsp = 7; protected static final short exit = 8; protected static final Method[] METHODS=new Method[9]; static { format.setGroupingUsed(false); format.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); try { METHODS[handleData]=MPerfRpc.class.getMethod("handleData", Address.class, byte[].class, long.class, boolean.class); METHODS[startSending]=MPerfRpc.class.getMethod("startSending", Address.class); METHODS[sendingDone]=MPerfRpc.class.getMethod("sendingDone", Address.class); METHODS[result]=MPerfRpc.class.getMethod("result", Address.class, Result.class); METHODS[clearResults]=MPerfRpc.class.getMethod("clearResults"); METHODS[configChange]=MPerfRpc.class.getMethod("configChange", ConfigChange.class); METHODS[configReq]=MPerfRpc.class.getMethod("configReq", Address.class); METHODS[configRsp]=MPerfRpc.class.getMethod("configRsp", Configuration.class); METHODS[exit]=MPerfRpc.class.getMethod("exit"); } catch(NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void start(String props, String name) throws Exception { this.props=props;; StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\n\n----------------------- MPerf -----------------------\n"); sb.append("Date: ").append(new Date()).append('\n'); sb.append("Run by: ").append(System.getProperty("")).append("\n"); sb.append("JGroups version: ").append(Version.description).append('\n'); System.out.println(sb); channel=new JChannel(props); channel.setName(name); disp=new RpcDispatcher(channel, null, this, this); disp.setMethodLookup(new MethodLookup() { public Method findMethod(short id) { return METHODS[id]; } }); disp.setRequestMarshaller(new MperfMarshaller()); disp.setResponseMarshaller(new MperfMarshaller()); send_options.setMode(sync? ResponseMode.GET_ALL : ResponseMode.GET_NONE); if(oob) send_options.setFlags(Message.Flag.OOB); channel.connect("mperf"); local_addr=channel.getAddress(); JmxConfigurator.registerChannel(channel, Util.getMBeanServer(), "jgroups", "mperf", true); // send a CONFIG_REQ to the current coordinator, so we can get the current config Address coord=channel.getView().getMembers().get(0); if(coord != null && !local_addr.equals(coord)) invokeRpc(configReq, coord, RequestOptions.ASYNC().setFlags(Message.Flag.RSVP), local_addr); } protected void loop() { int c; final String INPUT="[1] Send [2] View\n" + "[3] Set num RPCs (%d) [4] Set msg size (%s) [5] Set threads (%d)\n" + "[6] Number of senders (%s) [s] Toggle sync (%s) [o] Toggle OOB (%s)\n" + "[x] Exit this [X] Exit all"; while(looping) { try { c=Util.keyPress(String.format(INPUT, num_msgs, Util.printBytes(msg_size), num_threads, num_senders <= 0? "all" : String.valueOf(num_senders), sync, oob)); switch(c) { case '1': initiator=true; results.reset(getSenders()); invokeRpc(clearResults,RequestOptions.SYNC().setFlags(Message.Flag.RSVP)); invokeRpc(startSending, RequestOptions.ASYNC(), local_addr); break; case '2': System.out.println("view: " + channel.getView() + " (local address=" + channel.getAddress() + ")"); break; case '3': configChange("num_msgs"); break; case '4': configChange("msg_size"); break; case '5': configChange("num_threads"); break; case '6': configChange("num_senders"); break; case 's': ConfigChange change=new ConfigChange("sync", !sync); invokeRpc(configChange,RequestOptions.SYNC().setFlags(Message.Flag.RSVP), change); break; case 'o': change=new ConfigChange("oob", !oob); invokeRpc(configChange,RequestOptions.SYNC().setFlags(Message.Flag.RSVP), change); break; case 'x': looping=false; break; case 'X': invokeRpc(exit,RequestOptions.ASYNC()); break; } } catch(Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } stop(); } protected void displayResults() { System.out.println("\nResults:\n"); Map tmp_results=results.getResults(); for(Map.Entry entry: tmp_results.entrySet()) { Result val=entry.getValue(); if(val != null) System.out.println(entry.getKey() + ": " + computeStats(val.time, val.msgs, msg_size)); } long total_msgs=0, total_time=0, num=0; for(Result result: tmp_results.values()) { if(result != null) { total_time+=result.time; total_msgs+=result.msgs; num++; } } if(num > 0) { System.out.println("\n==============================================================================="); System.out.println("\033[1m Average/node: " + computeStats(total_time / num, total_msgs / num, msg_size)); System.out.println("\033[0m Average/cluster: " + computeStats(total_time/num, total_msgs, msg_size)); System.out.println("================================================================================\n\n"); } else { System.out.println("\n==============================================================================="); System.out.println("\033[1m Received no results"); System.out.println("\033[0m"); System.out.println("================================================================================\n\n"); } } protected void configChange(String name) throws Exception { int tmp=Util.readIntFromStdin(name + ": "); ConfigChange change=new ConfigChange(name, tmp); invokeRpc(configChange,RequestOptions.SYNC().setFlags(Message.Flag.RSVP),change); } protected RspList invokeRpc(short method_id, RequestOptions options, Object ... args) throws Exception { MethodCall call=new MethodCall(method_id, args); return disp.callRemoteMethods(null, call, options); } protected Object invokeRpc(short method_id, Address dest, RequestOptions options, Object ... args) throws Exception { MethodCall call=new MethodCall(method_id, args); return disp.callRemoteMethod(dest, call, options); } public void stop() { looping=false; try { JmxConfigurator.unregisterChannel(channel, Util.getMBeanServer(), "jgroups", "mperf"); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Util.close(channel); } // we're checking the *application's* seqno, and multiple sender threads can screw this up, // that's why we check for correct order only when we only have 1 sender thread // This is *different* from NAKACK{2} order, which is correct public void handleData(Address src, byte[] payload, long seqno, boolean check_order) { // 0 int length=payload.length; if(length == 0) return; Stats tmp_result=received_msgs.get(src); if(tmp_result == null) { tmp_result=new Stats(); Stats tmp=received_msgs.putIfAbsent(src,tmp_result); if(tmp != null) tmp_result=tmp; } tmp_result.addMessage(seqno,check_order); if(last_interval == 0) last_interval=System.currentTimeMillis(); long received_so_far=total_received_msgs.incrementAndGet(); if(received_so_far % receive_log_interval == 0) { long curr_time=System.currentTimeMillis(); long diff=curr_time - last_interval; double msgs_sec=receive_log_interval / (diff / 1000.0); double throughput=msgs_sec * msg_size; last_interval=curr_time; System.out.println("-- received " + received_so_far + " rpcs " + "(" + diff + " ms, " + format.format(msgs_sec) + " rpcs/sec, " + Util.printBytes(throughput) + "/sec)"); } } public void startSending(Address initiator) { // 1 if(num_senders > 0) { int my_rank=Util.getRank(members, local_addr); if(my_rank >= 0 && my_rank > num_senders) return; } result_collector=initiator; sendMessages(); } public void sendingDone(Address sender) { // 2 Stats tmp=received_msgs.get(sender); if(tmp != null) tmp.stop(); boolean all_done=true; List
senders=getSenders(); for(Map.Entry entry: received_msgs.entrySet()) { Address mbr=entry.getKey(); Stats tmp_result=entry.getValue(); if(!senders.contains(mbr)) continue; if(!tmp_result.isDone()) { all_done=false; break; } } // Compute the number messages plus time it took to receive them, for *all* members. The time is computed // as the time the first message was received and the time the last message was received if(all_done && result_collector != null) { long start=0, stop=0, msgs=0; for(Stats result: received_msgs.values()) { if(result.start > 0) start=start == 0? result.start : Math.min(start, result.start); if(result.stop > 0) stop=stop == 0? result.stop : Math.max(stop, result.stop); msgs+=result.num_msgs_received; } Result tmp_result=new Result(stop-start, msgs); try { if(result_collector != null) invokeRpc(result, result_collector, RequestOptions.SYNC().setFlags(Message.Flag.RSVP), local_addr, tmp_result); } catch(Exception e) { System.err.println("failed sending results to " + result_collector + ": " +e); } } } /** Called when a result from a node is received */ public void result(Address sender, Result res) { // 3 results.add(sender, res); if(initiator && results.hasAllResponses()) { initiator=false; displayResults(); } } public void clearResults() { // 4 for(Stats result: received_msgs.values()) result.reset(); total_received_msgs.set(0); last_interval=0; } public void configChange(ConfigChange config_change) { // 5 String attr_name=config_change.attr_name; try { Object attr_value=config_change.getValue(); Field field=Util.getField(this.getClass(), attr_name); Util.setField(field, this, attr_value); System.out.println(config_change.attr_name + "=" + attr_value); log_interval=num_msgs / 10; receive_log_interval=num_msgs * Math.max(1, members.size()) / 10; send_options.setMode(sync? ResponseMode.GET_ALL : ResponseMode.GET_NONE); if(oob) send_options.setFlags(Message.Flag.OOB); } catch(Exception e) { System.err.println("failed applying config change for attr " + attr_name + ": " + e); } } public void configReq(Address sender) throws Exception { // 6 Configuration cfg=new Configuration(); cfg.addChange("num_msgs", num_msgs); cfg.addChange("msg_size", msg_size); cfg.addChange("num_threads", num_threads); cfg.addChange("num_senders", num_senders); cfg.addChange("sync", sync); cfg.addChange("oob", oob); invokeRpc(configRsp, sender, RequestOptions.ASYNC(), cfg); } public void configRsp(Configuration cfg) { // 7 for(ConfigChange change: cfg.changes) configChange(change); } public void exit() { // 8 ProtocolStack stack=channel.getProtocolStack(); String cluster_name=channel.getClusterName(); try { JmxConfigurator.unregisterChannel(channel, Util.getMBeanServer(), "jgroups", "mperf"); } catch(Exception e) { } stack.stopStack(cluster_name); stack.destroy(); } /** Returns all members if num_senders <= 0, or the members with rank <= num_senders */ protected List
getSenders() { if(num_senders <= 0) return new ArrayList<>(members); List
retval=new ArrayList<>(); for(int i=0; i < num_senders; i++) retval.add(members.get(i)); return retval; } public void viewAccepted(View view) { System.out.println("** " + view); final List
mbrs=view.getMembers(); members.clear(); members.addAll(mbrs); receive_log_interval=num_msgs * mbrs.size() / 10; // Remove non members from received messages received_msgs.keySet().retainAll(mbrs); // Add non-existing elements for(Address member: mbrs) received_msgs.putIfAbsent(member, new Stats()); results.retainAll(mbrs); if(result_collector != null && !mbrs.contains(result_collector)) result_collector=null; } protected void sendMessages() { final AtomicInteger num_msgs_sent=new AtomicInteger(0); // all threads will increment this final AtomicLong seqno=new AtomicLong(1); // monotonically increasing seqno, to be used by all threads final Sender[] senders=new Sender[num_threads]; final CyclicBarrier barrier=new CyclicBarrier(num_threads +1); final byte[] payload=new byte[msg_size]; for(int i=0; i < num_threads; i++) { senders[i]=new Sender(barrier, num_msgs_sent, seqno, payload); senders[i].setName("sender-" + i); senders[i].start(); } try { System.out.println("-- sending " + num_msgs + " msgs"); barrier.await(); } catch(Exception e) { System.err.println("failed triggering send threads: " + e); } } protected static String computeStats(long time, long msgs, int size) { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); double msgs_sec, throughput=0; msgs_sec=msgs / (time/1000.0); throughput=(msgs * size) / (time / 1000.0); sb.append(msgs).append(" msgs, "); sb.append(Util.printBytes(msgs * size)).append(" received"); sb.append(", time=").append(format.format(time)).append("ms"); sb.append(", rpcs/sec=").append(format.format(msgs_sec)); sb.append(", throughput=").append(Util.printBytes(throughput)); return sb.toString(); } protected class Sender extends Thread { protected final CyclicBarrier barrier; protected final AtomicInteger num_msgs_sent; protected final AtomicLong seqno; protected final byte[] payload; protected Sender(CyclicBarrier barrier, AtomicInteger num_msgs_sent, AtomicLong seqno, byte[] payload) { this.barrier=barrier; this.num_msgs_sent=num_msgs_sent; this.seqno=seqno; this.payload=payload; } public void run() { try { barrier.await(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } for(;;) { try { int tmp=num_msgs_sent.incrementAndGet(); if(tmp > num_msgs) break; long new_seqno=seqno.getAndIncrement(); invokeRpc(handleData, send_options, local_addr, payload, new_seqno, num_threads == 1); if(tmp % log_interval == 0) System.out.println("++ sent " + tmp); if(tmp == num_msgs) { // last message, send SENDING_DONE message RequestOptions opts=RequestOptions.ASYNC().setFlags(Message.Flag.RSVP); invokeRpc(sendingDone, opts, local_addr); } } catch(Exception e) { } } } } protected static class ConfigChange implements Streamable { protected String attr_name; protected byte[] attr_value; public ConfigChange() { } public ConfigChange(String attr_name, Object val) throws Exception { this.attr_name=attr_name; this.attr_value=Util.objectToByteBuffer(val); } public Object getValue() throws Exception { return Util.objectFromByteBuffer(attr_value); } public int size() { return Util.size(attr_name) + Util.size(attr_value); } public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws Exception { Bits.writeString(attr_name,out); Util.writeByteBuffer(attr_value, out); } public void readFrom(DataInput in) throws Exception { attr_name=Bits.readString(in); attr_value=Util.readByteBuffer(in); } } protected static class Configuration implements Streamable { protected List changes=new ArrayList<>(); public Configuration() { } public Configuration addChange(String key, Object val) throws Exception { if(key != null && val != null) { changes.add(new ConfigChange(key, val)); } return this; } public int size() { int retval=Global.INT_SIZE; for(ConfigChange change: changes) retval+=change.size(); return retval; } public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws Exception { out.writeInt(changes.size()); for(ConfigChange change: changes) change.writeTo(out); } public void readFrom(DataInput in) throws Exception { int len=in.readInt(); for(int i=0; i < len; i++) { ConfigChange change=new ConfigChange(); change.readFrom(in); changes.add(change); } } } protected class Stats { protected long start=0; protected long stop=0; // done when > 0 protected long num_msgs_received=0; protected long seqno=1; // next expected seqno public void reset() { start=stop=num_msgs_received=0; seqno=1; } public void stop() {stop=System.currentTimeMillis();} public boolean isDone() {return stop > 0;} /** * Adds the message and checks whether the messages are received in FIFO order. If we have multiple threads * (check_order=false), then this check canot be performed * @param seqno * @param check_order */ public void addMessage(long seqno, boolean check_order) { if(start == 0) start=System.currentTimeMillis(); if(seqno != this.seqno && check_order) throw new IllegalStateException("expected seqno=" + this.seqno + ", but received " + seqno); this.seqno++; num_msgs_received++; } public String toString() { return computeStats(stop - start,num_msgs_received,msg_size); } } protected static class Result implements Streamable { protected long time=0; protected long msgs=0; public Result() { } public Result(long time, long msgs) { this.time=time; this.msgs=msgs; } public int size() { return Bits.size(time) + Bits.size(msgs); } public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws Exception { Bits.writeLong(time, out); Bits.writeLong(msgs, out); } public void readFrom(DataInput in) throws Exception { time=Bits.readLong(in); msgs=Bits.readLong(in); } public String toString() { return msgs + " in " + time + " ms"; } } protected class MperfMarshaller implements RpcDispatcher.Marshaller { public Buffer objectToBuffer(Object obj) throws Exception { ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(msg_size + 100); boolean is_mc=obj instanceof MethodCall; out.writeBoolean(is_mc); if(!is_mc) Util.objectToStream(obj, out); else { MethodCall mc=(MethodCall)obj; out.writeShort(mc.getId()); Object[] args=mc.getArgs(); int num_args=args == null? 0 : args.length; out.writeShort(num_args); for(int i=0; i < num_args; i++) Util.objectToStream(args[i], out); } return out.getBuffer(); } public Object objectFromBuffer(byte[] buf, int offset, int length) throws Exception { DataInput in=new ByteArrayDataInputStream(buf, offset, length); if(!in.readBoolean()) return Util.objectFromStream(in); short id=in.readShort(); short num_args=in.readShort(); Object[] args=num_args > 0? new Object[num_args] : null; if(args != null) { for(int i=0; i < args.length; i++) args[i]=Util.objectFromStream(in); } return new MethodCall(id, args); } } public static void main(String[] args) { String props=null, name=null; for(int i=0; i < args.length; i++) { if("-props".equals(args[i])) { props=args[++i]; continue; } if("-name".equals(args[i])) { name=args[++i]; continue; } System.out.println("MPerf [-props ] [-name ]"); return; } final MPerfRpc test=new MPerfRpc(); try { test.start(props, name); // this kludge is needed in order to terminate the program gracefully when 'X' is pressed // (otherwise would not terminate) Thread thread=new Thread("MPerf runner") { public void run() { test.loop(); } }; thread.setDaemon(true); thread.start(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }

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