org.jgroups.blocks.cs.BaseServer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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This artifact provides a single jar that contains all classes required to use remote Jakarta Enterprise Beans and Jakarta Messaging, including
all dependencies. It is intended for use by those not using maven, maven users should just import the Jakarta Enterprise Beans and
Jakarta Messaging BOM's instead (shaded JAR's cause lots of problems with maven, as it is very easy to inadvertently end up
with different versions on classes on the class path).
package org.jgroups.blocks.cs;
import org.jgroups.Address;
import org.jgroups.Global;
import org.jgroups.annotations.GuardedBy;
import org.jgroups.annotations.MBean;
import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedAttribute;
import org.jgroups.annotations.ManagedOperation;
import org.jgroups.logging.Log;
import org.jgroups.logging.LogFactory;
import org.jgroups.stack.IpAddress;
import org.jgroups.util.ThreadFactory;
import org.jgroups.util.TimeService;
import org.jgroups.util.Util;
import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
* Abstract class for a server handling sending, receiving and connection management.
* @since 3.6.5
@MBean(description="Server used to accept connections from other servers (or clients) and send data to servers")
public abstract class BaseServer implements Closeable, ConnectionListener {
protected Address local_addr; // typically the address of the server socket or channel
protected final List conn_listeners=new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
protected final Map conns=new HashMap<>();
protected final Lock sock_creation_lock=new ReentrantLock(true); // syncs socket establishment
protected final ThreadFactory factory;
protected long reaperInterval;
protected Reaper reaper;
protected Receiver receiver;
protected final AtomicBoolean running=new AtomicBoolean(false);
protected Log log=LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
protected InetAddress client_bind_addr;
protected int client_bind_port;
protected boolean defer_client_binding;
@ManagedAttribute(description="Time (ms) after which an idle connection is closed. 0 disables connection reaping",writable=true)
protected long conn_expire_time; // ns
@ManagedAttribute(description="Size (bytes) of the receive channel/socket",writable=true)
protected int recv_buf_size=120000;
@ManagedAttribute(description="Size (bytes) of the send channel/socket",writable=true)
protected int send_buf_size=60000;
@ManagedAttribute(description="When A connects to B, B reuses the same TCP connection to send data to A")
protected boolean use_peer_connections;
protected int sock_conn_timeout=1000; // max time in millis to wait for Socket.connect() to return
protected boolean tcp_nodelay=false;
protected int linger=-1;
protected TimeService time_service;
protected BaseServer(ThreadFactory f) {
public Receiver receiver() {return receiver;}
public BaseServer receiver(Receiver r) {this.receiver=r; return this;}
public long reaperInterval() {return reaperInterval;}
public BaseServer reaperInterval(long interval) {this.reaperInterval=interval; return this;}
public Log log() {return log;}
public BaseServer log(Log the_log) {this.log=the_log; return this;}
public Address localAddress() {return local_addr;}
public InetAddress clientBindAddress() {return client_bind_addr;}
public BaseServer clientBindAddress(InetAddress addr) {this.client_bind_addr=addr; return this;}
public int clientBindPort() {return client_bind_port;}
public BaseServer clientBindPort(int port) {this.client_bind_port=port; return this;}
public boolean deferClientBinding() {return defer_client_binding;}
public BaseServer deferClientBinding(boolean defer) {this.defer_client_binding=defer; return this;}
public boolean usePeerConnections() {return use_peer_connections;}
public BaseServer usePeerConnections(boolean flag) {this.use_peer_connections=flag; return this;}
public int socketConnectionTimeout() {return sock_conn_timeout;}
public BaseServer socketConnectionTimeout(int timeout) {this.sock_conn_timeout = timeout; return this;}
public long connExpireTime() {return conn_expire_time;}
public BaseServer connExpireTimeout(long t) {conn_expire_time=TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(t, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); return this;}
public TimeService timeService() {return time_service;}
public BaseServer timeService(TimeService ts) {this.time_service=ts; return this;}
public int receiveBufferSize() {return recv_buf_size;}
public BaseServer receiveBufferSize(int recv_buf_size) {this.recv_buf_size = recv_buf_size; return this;}
public int sendBufferSize() {return send_buf_size;}
public BaseServer sendBufferSize(int send_buf_size) {this.send_buf_size = send_buf_size; return this;}
public int linger() {return linger;}
public BaseServer linger(int linger) {this.linger=linger; return this;}
public boolean tcpNodelay() {return tcp_nodelay;}
public BaseServer tcpNodelay(boolean tcp_nodelay) {this.tcp_nodelay = tcp_nodelay; return this;}
@ManagedAttribute(description="True if the server is running, else false")
public boolean running() {return running.get();}
@ManagedAttribute(description="Number of connections")
public synchronized int getNumConnections() {
return conns.size();
@ManagedAttribute(description="Number of currently open connections")
public synchronized int getNumOpenConnections() {
int retval=0;
for(Connection conn: conns.values())
return retval;
* Starts accepting connections. Typically, socket handler or selectors thread are started here.
public void start() throws Exception {
if(reaperInterval > 0 && (reaper == null || !reaper.isAlive())) {
reaper=new Reaper();
* Stops listening for connections and handling traffic. Typically, socket handler or selector threads are stopped,
* and server sockets or channels are closed.
public void stop() {
synchronized(this) {
for(Map.Entry entry: conns.entrySet())
public void close() throws IOException {
* Called by a {@link Connection} implementation when a message has been received
public void receive(Address sender, byte[] data, int offset, int length) {
if(this.receiver != null)
this.receiver.receive(sender, data, offset, length);
* Called by a {@link Connection} implementation when a message has been received
public void receive(Address sender, ByteBuffer buf) {
if(this.receiver != null)
this.receiver.receive(sender, buf);
public void send(Address dest, byte[] data, int offset, int length) throws Exception {
if(!validateArgs(dest, data))
if(dest == null) {
sendToAll(data, offset, length);
if(dest.equals(local_addr)) {
receive(dest, data, offset, length);
// Get a connection (or create one if not yet existent) and send the data
Connection conn=null;
try {
conn.send(data, offset, length);
catch(Exception ex) {
removeConnectionIfPresent(dest, conn);
throw ex;
public void send(Address dest, ByteBuffer data) throws Exception {
if(!validateArgs(dest, data))
if(dest == null) {
if(dest.equals(local_addr)) {
receive(dest, data);
// Get a connection (or create one if not yet existent) and send the data
Connection conn=null;
try {
catch(Exception ex) {
removeConnectionIfPresent(dest, conn);
throw ex;
public void connectionClosed(Connection conn, String reason) {
removeConnectionIfPresent(conn.peerAddress(), conn);
public void connectionEstablished(Connection conn) {
/** Creates a new connection object to target dest, but doesn't yet connect it */
protected abstract Connection createConnection(Address dest) throws Exception;
public synchronized boolean hasConnection(Address address) {
return conns.containsKey(address);
public synchronized boolean connectionEstablishedTo(Address address) {
Connection conn=conns.get(address);
return conn != null && conn.isConnected();
/** Creates a new connection to dest, or returns an existing one */
public Connection getConnection(Address dest) throws Exception {
Connection conn;
synchronized(this) {
if((conn=conns.get(dest)) != null && conn.isOpen()) // keep FAST path on the most common case
return conn;
Exception connect_exception=null; // set if connect() throws an exception
try {
// lock / release, create new conn under sock_creation_lock, it can be skipped but then it takes
// extra check in conn map and closing the new connection, w/ sock_creation_lock it looks much simpler
// (slow path, so not important)
synchronized(this) {
conn=conns.get(dest); // check again after obtaining sock_creation_lock
if(conn != null && conn.isOpen())
return conn;
// create conn stub
replaceConnection(dest, conn);
// now connect to dest:
try {
log.trace("%s: connecting to %s", local_addr, dest);
catch(Exception connect_ex) {
synchronized(this) {
Connection existing_conn=conns.get(dest); // check again after obtaining sock_creation_lock
if(existing_conn != null && existing_conn.isOpen() // added by a successful accept()
&& existing_conn != conn) {
log.trace("%s: found existing connection to %s, using it and deleting own conn-stub", local_addr, dest);
Util.close(conn); // close our connection; not really needed as conn was closed by accept()
return existing_conn;
if(connect_exception != null) {
log.trace("%s: failed connecting to %s: %s", local_addr, dest, connect_exception);
removeConnectionIfPresent(dest, conn); // removes and closes the conn
throw connect_exception;
return conn;
finally {
public void replaceConnection(Address address, Connection conn) {
Connection previous=conns.put(address, conn);
Util.close(previous); // closes previous connection (if present)
public synchronized void addConnection(Address peer_addr, Connection conn) throws Exception {
boolean conn_exists=hasConnection(peer_addr),
replace=conn_exists && local_addr.compareTo(peer_addr) < 0; // bigger conn wins
if(!conn_exists || replace) {
replaceConnection(peer_addr, conn); // closes old conn
else {
log.trace("%s: rejected connection from %s %s", local_addr, peer_addr, explanation(conn_exists, replace));
Util.close(conn); // keep our existing conn, reject accept() and close client_sock
public synchronized void addConnectionListener(ConnectionListener cml) {
if(cml != null && !conn_listeners.contains(cml))
public synchronized void removeConnectionListener(ConnectionListener cml) {
if(cml != null)
@ManagedOperation(description="Prints all connections")
public String printConnections() {
StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder("\n");
synchronized(this) {
for(Map.Entry entry: conns.entrySet())
sb.append(entry.getKey()).append(": ").append(entry.getValue()).append("\n");
return sb.toString();
/** Only removes the connection if conns.get(address) == conn */
public void removeConnectionIfPresent(Address address, Connection conn) {
if(address == null || conn == null)
synchronized(this) {
Connection existing=conns.get(address);
if(conn == existing) {
Connection tmp=conns.remove(address);
log.trace("%s: removed connection to %s", local_addr, address);
/** Used only for testing ! */
public synchronized void clearConnections() {
for(Connection conn: conns.values())
/** Removes all connections which are not in current_mbrs */
public void retainAll(Collection current_mbrs) {
if(current_mbrs == null)
Map copy=null;
synchronized(this) {
copy=new HashMap<>(conns);
for(Map.Entry entry: copy.entrySet())
public void notifyConnectionClosed(Connection conn, String cause) {
for(ConnectionListener l: conn_listeners) {
try {
l.connectionClosed(conn, cause);
catch(Throwable t) {
log.warn("failed notifying listener %s of connection close: %s", l, t);
public void notifyConnectionEstablished(Connection conn) {
for(ConnectionListener l: conn_listeners) {
try {
catch(Throwable t) {
log.warn("failed notifying listener %s of connection establishment: %s", l, t);
public String toString() {
return new StringBuilder(getClass().getSimpleName()).append(": local_addr=").append(local_addr).append("\n")
.append("connections (" + conns.size() + "):\n").append(super.toString()).append('\n').toString();
protected void sendToAll(byte[] data, int offset, int length) {
for(Map.Entry entry: conns.entrySet()) {
Connection conn=entry.getValue();
try {
conn.send(data, offset, length);
catch(Throwable ex) {
Address dest=entry.getKey();
removeConnectionIfPresent(dest, conn);
log.error("failed sending data to %s: %s", dest, ex);
protected void sendToAll(ByteBuffer data) {
for(Map.Entry entry: conns.entrySet()) {
Connection conn=entry.getValue();
try {
catch(Throwable ex) {
Address dest=entry.getKey();
removeConnectionIfPresent(dest, conn);
log.error("failed sending data to %s: %s", dest, ex);
protected static org.jgroups.Address localAddress(InetAddress bind_addr, int local_port, InetAddress external_addr, int external_port) {
if(external_addr != null)
return new IpAddress(external_addr, external_port > 0? external_port : local_port);
return bind_addr != null? new IpAddress(bind_addr, local_port) : new IpAddress(local_port);
protected boolean validateArgs(Address dest, T buffer) {
if(buffer == null) {
log.warn("%s: data is null; discarding message to %s", local_addr, dest);
return false;
if(!running.get()) {
log.trace("%s: server is not running, discarding message to %s", local_addr, dest);
return false;
return true;
protected static String explanation(boolean connection_existed, boolean replace) {
StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
if(connection_existed) {
sb.append(" (connection existed");
sb.append(" but was replaced because my address is lower)");
sb.append(" and my address won as it's higher)");
sb.append(" (connection didn't exist)");
return sb.toString();
protected class Reaper implements Runnable, Closeable {
private Thread thread;
public synchronized void start() {
if(thread == null || !thread.isAlive()) {
thread=factory.newThread(new Reaper(), "Reaper");
public synchronized void stop() {
if(thread != null && thread.isAlive()) {
try {
catch(InterruptedException ignored) {
public void close() throws IOException {stop();}
public synchronized boolean isAlive() {return thread != null && thread.isDaemon();}
public void run() {
while(!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
synchronized(BaseServer.this) {
for(Iterator> it=conns.entrySet().iterator();it.hasNext();) {
Entry entry=it.next();
Connection c=entry.getValue();
if(c.isExpired(System.nanoTime())) {
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