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org.jgroups.tests.perf.UPerf Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package org.jgroups.tests.perf;

import org.jgroups.*;
import org.jgroups.annotations.Property;
import org.jgroups.blocks.*;
import org.jgroups.conf.ClassConfigurator;
import org.jgroups.jmx.JmxConfigurator;
import org.jgroups.protocols.TP;
import org.jgroups.protocols.relay.RELAY2;
import org.jgroups.stack.AddressGenerator;
import org.jgroups.util.*;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder;

 * Tests the UNICAST by invoking unicast RPCs between a sender and a receiver. Mimicks the DIST mode in Infinispan
 * @author Bela Ban
public class UPerf extends ReceiverAdapter {
    private JChannel               channel;
    private Address                local_addr;
    private RpcDispatcher          disp;
    static final String            groupname="uperf";
    protected final List
members=new ArrayList<>(); protected volatile View view; protected volatile boolean looping=true; protected Thread event_loop_thread; protected final LongAdder num_reads=new LongAdder(); protected final LongAdder num_writes=new LongAdder(); // ============ configurable properties ================== @Property protected boolean sync=true, oob=true; @Property protected int num_threads=100; @Property protected int time=60; // in seconds @Property protected int msg_size=1000; @Property protected int anycast_count=2; @Property protected double read_percentage=0.8; // 80% reads, 20% writes @Property protected boolean allow_local_gets=true; @Property protected boolean print_invokers; @Property protected boolean print_details; // ... add your own here, just don't forget to annotate them with @Property // ======================================================= private static final Method[] METHODS=new Method[6]; private static final short START = 0; private static final short GET = 1; private static final short PUT = 2; private static final short GET_CONFIG = 3; private static final short SET = 4; private static final short QUIT_ALL = 5; protected static final Field SYNC, OOB, NUM_THREADS, TIME, MSG_SIZE, ANYCAST_COUNT, READ_PERCENTAGE, ALLOW_LOCAL_GETS, PRINT_INVOKERS, PRINT_DETAILS; private final AtomicInteger COUNTER=new AtomicInteger(1); private byte[] BUFFER=new byte[msg_size]; protected static final String format= "[1] Start test [2] View [4] Threads (%d) [6] Time (%,ds) [7] Msg size (%s)" + "\n[s] Sync (%b) [o] OOB (%b)" + "\n[a] Anycast count (%d) [r] Read percentage (%.2f) " + "\n[l] local gets (%b) [d] print details (%b) [i] print invokers (%b)" + "\n[v] Version [x] Exit [X] Exit all\n"; static { try { METHODS[START] = UPerf.class.getMethod("startTest"); METHODS[GET] = UPerf.class.getMethod("get", long.class); METHODS[PUT] = UPerf.class.getMethod("put", long.class, byte[].class); METHODS[GET_CONFIG] = UPerf.class.getMethod("getConfig"); METHODS[SET] = UPerf.class.getMethod("set", String.class, Object.class); METHODS[QUIT_ALL] = UPerf.class.getMethod("quitAll"); ClassConfigurator.add((short)11000, Results.class); SYNC=Util.getField(UPerf.class, "sync", true); OOB=Util.getField(UPerf.class, "oob", true); NUM_THREADS=Util.getField(UPerf.class, "num_threads", true); TIME=Util.getField(UPerf.class, "time", true); MSG_SIZE=Util.getField(UPerf.class, "msg_size", true); ANYCAST_COUNT=Util.getField(UPerf.class, "anycast_count", true); READ_PERCENTAGE=Util.getField(UPerf.class, "read_percentage", true); ALLOW_LOCAL_GETS=Util.getField(UPerf.class, "allow_local_gets", true); PRINT_INVOKERS=Util.getField(UPerf.class, "print_invokers", true); PRINT_DETAILS=Util.getField(UPerf.class, "print_details", true); } catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void init(String props, String name, AddressGenerator generator, int bind_port) throws Throwable { channel=new JChannel(props).addAddressGenerator(generator).setName(name); if(bind_port > 0) { TP transport=channel.getProtocolStack().getTransport(); transport.setBindPort(bind_port); } disp=new RpcDispatcher(channel, this).setMembershipListener(this).setMethodLookup(id -> METHODS[id]) .setMarshaller(new UPerfMarshaller()); channel.connect(groupname); local_addr=channel.getAddress(); try { MBeanServer server=Util.getMBeanServer(); JmxConfigurator.registerChannel(channel, server, "jgroups", channel.getClusterName(), true); } catch(Throwable ex) { System.err.println("registering the channel in JMX failed: " + ex); } if(members.size() < 2) return; Address coord=members.get(0); Config config=disp.callRemoteMethod(coord, new MethodCall(GET_CONFIG), new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 5000)); if(config != null) { applyConfig(config); System.out.println("Fetched config from " + coord + ": " + config + "\n"); } else System.err.println("failed to fetch config from " + coord); } void stop() { Util.close(disp, channel); } protected void startEventThread() { event_loop_thread=new Thread(UPerf.this::eventLoop,"EventLoop"); event_loop_thread.setDaemon(true); event_loop_thread.start(); } protected void stopEventThread() { Thread tmp=event_loop_thread; looping=false; if(tmp != null) tmp.interrupt(); Util.close(channel); } public void viewAccepted(View new_view) { this.view=new_view; System.out.println("** view: " + new_view); members.clear(); members.addAll(new_view.getMembers()); } // =================================== callbacks ====================================== public Results startTest() throws Throwable { BUFFER=new byte[msg_size]; System.out.printf("running for %d seconds\n", time); final CountDownLatch latch=new CountDownLatch(1); num_reads.reset(); num_writes.reset(); Invoker[] invokers=new Invoker[num_threads]; for(int i=0; i < invokers.length; i++) { invokers[i]=new Invoker(members, latch); invokers[i].start(); // waits on latch } long start=System.currentTimeMillis(); latch.countDown(); long interval=(long)((time * 1000.0) / 10.0); for(int i=1; i <= 10; i++) { Util.sleep(interval); System.out.printf("%d: %s\n", i, printAverage(start)); } for(Invoker invoker: invokers) invoker.cancel(); for(Invoker invoker: invokers) invoker.join(); long total_time=System.currentTimeMillis() - start; System.out.println(""); AverageMinMax avg_gets=null, avg_puts=null; for(Invoker invoker: invokers) { if(print_invokers) System.out.printf("invoker %s: gets %s puts %s\n", invoker.getId(), print(invoker.avgGets(), print_details), print(invoker.avgPuts(), print_details)); if(avg_gets == null) avg_gets=invoker.avgGets(); else avg_gets.merge(invoker.avgGets()); if(avg_puts == null) avg_puts=invoker.avgPuts(); else avg_puts.merge(invoker.avgPuts()); } if(print_invokers) System.out.printf("\navg over all invokers: gets %s puts %s\n", print(avg_gets, print_details), print(avg_puts, print_details)); System.out.printf("\ndone (in %s ms)\n", total_time); return new Results((int)num_reads.sum(), (int)num_writes.sum(), total_time, avg_gets, avg_puts); } public void quitAll() { System.out.println("-- received quitAll(): shutting down"); stopEventThread(); } protected String printAverage(long start_time) { long tmp_time=System.currentTimeMillis() - start_time; long reads=num_reads.sum(), writes=num_writes.sum(); double reqs_sec=(reads+writes) / (tmp_time / 1000.0); return String.format("%,.0f reqs/sec (%,d reads %,d writes)", reqs_sec, reads, writes); } public void set(String field_name, Object value) { Field field=Util.getField(this.getClass(),field_name); if(field == null) System.err.println("Field " + field_name + " not found"); else { Util.setField(field, this, value); System.out.println(field.getName() + "=" + value); } } public byte[] get(@SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") long key) { return BUFFER; } @SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") public void put(long key, byte[] val) { } public Config getConfig() { Config config=new Config(); for(Field field: Util.getAllDeclaredFields(UPerf.class)) { if(field.isAnnotationPresent(Property.class)) { config.add(field.getName(), Util.getField(field, this)); } } return config; } protected void applyConfig(Config config) { for(Map.Entry entry: config.values.entrySet()) { Field field=Util.getField(getClass(), entry.getKey()); Util.setField(field, this, entry.getValue()); } } // ================================= end of callbacks ===================================== public void eventLoop() { while(looping) { try { int c=Util.keyPress(String.format(format, num_threads, time, Util.printBytes(msg_size), sync, oob, anycast_count, read_percentage, allow_local_gets, print_details, print_invokers)); switch(c) { case '1': startBenchmark(); break; case '2': printView(); break; case '4': changeFieldAcrossCluster(NUM_THREADS, Util.readIntFromStdin("Number of sender threads: ")); break; case '6': changeFieldAcrossCluster(TIME, Util.readIntFromStdin("Time (secs): ")); break; case '7': changeFieldAcrossCluster(MSG_SIZE, Util.readIntFromStdin("Message size: ")); break; case 'a': int tmp=getAnycastCount(); if(tmp >= 0) changeFieldAcrossCluster(ANYCAST_COUNT, tmp); break; case 'o': changeFieldAcrossCluster(OOB, !oob); break; case 's': changeFieldAcrossCluster(SYNC, !sync); break; case 'r': double percentage=getReadPercentage(); if(percentage >= 0) changeFieldAcrossCluster(READ_PERCENTAGE, percentage); break; case 'd': changeFieldAcrossCluster(PRINT_DETAILS, !print_details); break; case 'i': changeFieldAcrossCluster(PRINT_INVOKERS, !print_invokers); break; case 'l': changeFieldAcrossCluster(ALLOW_LOCAL_GETS, !allow_local_gets); break; case 'v': System.out.printf("Version: %s\n", Version.printVersion()); break; case 'x': case -1: looping=false; break; case 'X': try { RequestOptions options=new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_NONE, 0) .flags(Message.Flag.OOB, Message.Flag.DONT_BUNDLE, Message.Flag.NO_FC); disp.callRemoteMethods(null, new MethodCall(QUIT_ALL), options); break; } catch(Throwable t) { System.err.println("Calling quitAll() failed: " + t); } break; case '\n': case '\r': break; default: break; } } catch(Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } stop(); } /** Kicks off the benchmark on all cluster nodes */ void startBenchmark() { RspList responses=null; try { RequestOptions options=new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 0); options.flags(Message.Flag.OOB, Message.Flag.DONT_BUNDLE, Message.Flag.NO_FC); responses=disp.callRemoteMethods(null, new MethodCall(START), options); } catch(Throwable t) { System.err.println("starting the benchmark failed: " + t); return; } long total_reqs=0; long total_time=0; AverageMinMax avg_gets=null, avg_puts=null; System.out.println("\n======================= Results: ==========================="); for(Map.Entry> entry: responses.entrySet()) { Address mbr=entry.getKey(); Rsp rsp=entry.getValue(); Results result=rsp.getValue(); if(result != null) { total_reqs+=result.num_gets + result.num_puts; total_time+=result.time; if(avg_gets == null) avg_gets=result.avg_gets; else avg_gets.merge(result.avg_gets); if(avg_puts == null) avg_puts=result.avg_puts; else avg_puts.merge(result.avg_puts); } System.out.println(mbr + ": " + result); } double total_reqs_sec=total_reqs / ( total_time/ 1000.0); double throughput=total_reqs_sec * BUFFER.length; System.out.println("\n"); System.out.println(Util.bold(String.format("Throughput: %,.2f reqs/sec/node (%s/sec)\n" + "Roundtrip: gets %s, puts %s\n", total_reqs_sec, Util.printBytes(throughput), print(avg_gets, print_details), print(avg_puts, print_details)))); System.out.println("\n\n"); } static double getReadPercentage() throws Exception { double tmp=Util.readDoubleFromStdin("Read percentage: "); if(tmp < 0 || tmp > 1.0) { System.err.println("read percentage must be >= 0 or <= 1.0"); return -1; } return tmp; } int getAnycastCount() throws Exception { int tmp=Util.readIntFromStdin("Anycast count: "); View tmp_view=channel.getView(); if(tmp > tmp_view.size()) { System.err.println("anycast count must be smaller or equal to the view size (" + tmp_view + ")\n"); return -1; } return tmp; } protected void changeFieldAcrossCluster(Field field, Object value) throws Exception { disp.callRemoteMethods(null, new MethodCall(SET, field.getName(), value), RequestOptions.SYNC()); } protected void printView() { System.out.printf("\n-- local: %s, view: %s\n", local_addr, view); try {; } catch(Exception e) { } } protected static String print(AverageMinMax avg, boolean details) { return details? String.format("min/avg/max = %,.2f/%,.2f/%,.2f us", avg.min() / 1000.0, avg.average() / 1000.0, avg.max() / 1000.0) : String.format("avg = %,.2f us", avg.average() / 1000.0); } protected static List getSites(JChannel channel) { RELAY2 relay=channel.getProtocolStack().findProtocol(RELAY2.class); return relay != null? relay.siteNames() : new ArrayList<>(0); } /** Picks the next member in the view */ private Address getReceiver() { try { List
mbrs=channel.getView().getMembers(); int index=mbrs.indexOf(local_addr); int new_index=index + 1 % mbrs.size(); return mbrs.get(new_index); } catch(Exception e) { System.err.println("UPerf.getReceiver(): " + e); return null; } } protected class UPerfMarshaller implements Marshaller { public int estimatedSize(Object arg) { if(arg == null) return 2; if(arg instanceof byte[]) return msg_size + 24; if(arg instanceof Long) return 10; return 50; } public void objectToStream(Object obj, DataOutput out) throws Exception { Util.objectToStream(obj, out); } public Object objectFromStream(DataInput in) throws Exception { return Util.objectFromStream(in); } } private class Invoker extends Thread { private final List
dests=new ArrayList<>(); private final CountDownLatch latch; private final AverageMinMax avg_gets=new AverageMinMax(), avg_puts=new AverageMinMax(); // in ns private final List
targets=new ArrayList<>(anycast_count); private volatile boolean running=true; public Invoker(Collection
dests, CountDownLatch latch) { this.latch=latch; this.dests.addAll(dests); setName("Invoker-" + COUNTER.getAndIncrement()); } public AverageMinMax avgGets() {return avg_gets;} public AverageMinMax avgPuts() {return avg_puts;} public void cancel() {running=false;} public void run() { Object[] put_args={0, BUFFER}; Object[] get_args={0}; MethodCall get_call=new MethodCall(GET, get_args); MethodCall put_call=new MethodCall(PUT, put_args); RequestOptions get_options=new RequestOptions(ResponseMode.GET_ALL, 40000, false, null); RequestOptions put_options=new RequestOptions(sync ? ResponseMode.GET_ALL : ResponseMode.GET_NONE, 40000, true, null); if(oob) { get_options.flags(Message.Flag.OOB); put_options.flags(Message.Flag.OOB); } try { latch.await(); } catch(InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } while(running) { boolean get=Util.tossWeightedCoin(read_percentage); try { if(get) { // sync GET Address target=pickTarget(); long start=System.nanoTime(); if(allow_local_gets && Objects.equals(target, local_addr)) get(1); else { disp.callRemoteMethod(target, get_call, get_options); } long get_time=System.nanoTime()-start; avg_gets.add(get_time); num_reads.increment(); } else { // sync or async (based on value of 'sync') PUT pickAnycastTargets(targets); long start=System.nanoTime(); disp.callRemoteMethods(targets, put_call, put_options); long put_time=System.nanoTime()-start; avg_puts.add(put_time); num_writes.increment(); } } catch(Throwable throwable) { throwable.printStackTrace(); } } } private Address pickTarget() { return Util.pickRandomElement(dests); } private void pickAnycastTargets(List
anycast_targets) { int index=dests.indexOf(local_addr); for(int i=index + 1; i < index + 1 + anycast_count; i++) { int new_index=i % dests.size(); Address tmp=dests.get(new_index); if(!anycast_targets.contains(tmp)) anycast_targets.add(tmp); } } } public static class Results implements Streamable { protected long num_gets; protected long num_puts; protected long time; // in ms protected AverageMinMax avg_gets; // RTT in ns protected AverageMinMax avg_puts; // RTT in ns public Results() { } public Results(int num_gets, int num_puts, long time, AverageMinMax avg_gets, AverageMinMax avg_puts) { this.num_gets=num_gets; this.num_puts=num_puts; this.time=time; this.avg_gets=avg_gets; this.avg_puts=avg_puts; } public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws Exception { Bits.writeLong(num_gets, out); Bits.writeLong(num_puts, out); Bits.writeLong(time, out); Util.writeStreamable(avg_gets, out); Util.writeStreamable(avg_puts, out); } public void readFrom(DataInput in) throws Exception { num_gets=Bits.readLong(in); num_puts=Bits.readLong(in); time=Bits.readLong(in); avg_gets=Util.readStreamable(AverageMinMax::new, in); avg_puts=Util.readStreamable(AverageMinMax::new, in); } public String toString() { long total_reqs=num_gets + num_puts; double total_reqs_per_sec=total_reqs / (time / 1000.0); return String.format("%,.2f reqs/sec (%,d gets, %,d puts, get RTT %,.2f us, put RTT %,.2f us)", total_reqs_per_sec, num_gets, num_puts, avg_gets.average() / 1000.0, avg_puts.getAverage()/1000.0); } } public static class Config implements Streamable { protected Map values=new HashMap<>(); public Config() { } public Config add(String key, Object value) { values.put(key, value); return this; } public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws Exception { out.writeInt(values.size()); for(Map.Entry entry: values.entrySet()) { Bits.writeString(entry.getKey(),out); Util.objectToStream(entry.getValue(), out); } } public void readFrom(DataInput in) throws Exception { int size=in.readInt(); for(int i=0; i < size; i++) { String key=Bits.readString(in); Object value=Util.objectFromStream(in); if(key == null) continue; values.put(key, value); } } public String toString() { return values.toString(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { String props=null; String name=null; boolean run_event_loop=true; AddressGenerator addr_generator=null; int port=0; for(int i=0; i < args.length; i++) { if("-props".equals(args[i])) { props=args[++i]; continue; } if("-name".equals(args[i])) { name=args[++i]; continue; } if("-nohup".equals(args[i])) { run_event_loop=false; continue; } if("-uuid".equals(args[i])) { addr_generator=new OneTimeAddressGenerator(Long.valueOf(args[++i])); continue; } if("-port".equals(args[i])) { port=Integer.valueOf(args[++i]); continue; } help(); return; } UPerf test=null; try { test=new UPerf(); test.init(props, name, addr_generator, port); if(run_event_loop) test.startEventThread(); } catch(Throwable ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); if(test != null) test.stop(); } } static void help() { System.out.println("UPerf [-props ] [-name name] [-nohup] [-uuid ] [-port ]"); } }

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