io.netty.channel.unix.Errors Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2015 The Netty Project
* The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package io.netty.channel.unix;
import io.netty.util.internal.EmptyArrays;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.ConnectException;
import java.net.NoRouteToHostException;
import java.nio.channels.AlreadyConnectedException;
import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
import java.nio.channels.ConnectionPendingException;
import java.nio.channels.NotYetConnectedException;
import static io.netty.channel.unix.ErrorsStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.errnoEAGAIN;
import static io.netty.channel.unix.ErrorsStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.errnoEBADF;
import static io.netty.channel.unix.ErrorsStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.errnoECONNRESET;
import static io.netty.channel.unix.ErrorsStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.errnoEINPROGRESS;
import static io.netty.channel.unix.ErrorsStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.errnoENOENT;
import static io.netty.channel.unix.ErrorsStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.errnoENOTCONN;
import static io.netty.channel.unix.ErrorsStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.errnoEPIPE;
import static io.netty.channel.unix.ErrorsStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.errnoEWOULDBLOCK;
import static io.netty.channel.unix.ErrorsStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.errorEALREADY;
import static io.netty.channel.unix.ErrorsStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.errorECONNREFUSED;
import static io.netty.channel.unix.ErrorsStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.errorEISCONN;
import static io.netty.channel.unix.ErrorsStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.errorENETUNREACH;
import static io.netty.channel.unix.ErrorsStaticallyReferencedJniMethods.strError;
* Internal usage only!
* Static members which call JNI methods must be defined in {@link ErrorsStaticallyReferencedJniMethods}.
public final class Errors {
// As all our JNI methods return -errno on error we need to compare with the negative errno codes.
public static final int ERRNO_ENOENT_NEGATIVE = -errnoENOENT();
public static final int ERRNO_ENOTCONN_NEGATIVE = -errnoENOTCONN();
public static final int ERRNO_EBADF_NEGATIVE = -errnoEBADF();
public static final int ERRNO_EPIPE_NEGATIVE = -errnoEPIPE();
public static final int ERRNO_ECONNRESET_NEGATIVE = -errnoECONNRESET();
public static final int ERRNO_EAGAIN_NEGATIVE = -errnoEAGAIN();
public static final int ERRNO_EWOULDBLOCK_NEGATIVE = -errnoEWOULDBLOCK();
public static final int ERRNO_EINPROGRESS_NEGATIVE = -errnoEINPROGRESS();
public static final int ERROR_ECONNREFUSED_NEGATIVE = -errorECONNREFUSED();
public static final int ERROR_EISCONN_NEGATIVE = -errorEISCONN();
public static final int ERROR_EALREADY_NEGATIVE = -errorEALREADY();
public static final int ERROR_ENETUNREACH_NEGATIVE = -errorENETUNREACH();
* Holds the mappings for errno codes to String messages.
* This eliminates the need to call back into JNI to get the right String message on an exception
* and thus is faster.
* The array length of 512 should be more then enough because errno.h only holds < 200 codes.
private static final String[] ERRORS = new String[512];
* Internal usage only!
public static final class NativeIoException extends IOException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8222160204268655526L;
private final int expectedErr;
private final boolean fillInStackTrace;
public NativeIoException(String method, int expectedErr) {
this(method, expectedErr, true);
public NativeIoException(String method, int expectedErr, boolean fillInStackTrace) {
super(method + "(..) failed: " + ERRORS[-expectedErr]);
this.expectedErr = expectedErr;
this.fillInStackTrace = fillInStackTrace;
public int expectedErr() {
return expectedErr;
public synchronized Throwable fillInStackTrace() {
if (fillInStackTrace) {
return super.fillInStackTrace();
return this;
static final class NativeConnectException extends ConnectException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5532328671712318161L;
private final int expectedErr;
NativeConnectException(String method, int expectedErr) {
super(method + "(..) failed: " + ERRORS[-expectedErr]);
this.expectedErr = expectedErr;
int expectedErr() {
return expectedErr;
static {
for (int i = 0; i < ERRORS.length; i++) {
// This is ok as strerror returns 'Unknown error i' when the message is not known.
ERRORS[i] = strError(i);
static boolean handleConnectErrno(String method, int err) throws IOException {
// connect not complete yet need to wait for EPOLLOUT event.
// EALREADY has been observed when using tcp fast open on centos8.
return false;
throw newConnectException0(method, err);
* @deprecated Use {@link #handleConnectErrno(String, int)}.
* @param method The native method name which caused the errno.
* @param err the negative value of the errno.
* @throws IOException The errno translated into an exception.
public static void throwConnectException(String method, int err) throws IOException {
throw new ConnectionPendingException();
throw newConnectException0(method, err);
private static IOException newConnectException0(String method, int err) {
return new NoRouteToHostException();
throw new AlreadyConnectedException();
return new FileNotFoundException();
return new ConnectException(method + "(..) failed: " + ERRORS[-err]);
public static NativeIoException newConnectionResetException(String method, int errnoNegative) {
NativeIoException exception = new NativeIoException(method, errnoNegative, false);
return exception;
public static NativeIoException newIOException(String method, int err) {
return new NativeIoException(method, err);
public static int ioResult(String method, int err, NativeIoException resetCause,
ClosedChannelException closedCause) throws IOException {
// network stack saturated... try again later
return 0;
if (err == resetCause.expectedErr()) {
throw resetCause;
throw closedCause;
throw new NotYetConnectedException();
throw new FileNotFoundException();
// TODO: We could even go further and use a pre-instantiated IOException for the other error codes, but for
// all other errors it may be better to just include a stack trace.
throw newIOException(method, err);
public static int ioResult(String method, int err) throws IOException {
// network stack saturated... try again later
return 0;
throw new ClosedChannelException();
throw new NotYetConnectedException();
throw new FileNotFoundException();
throw new NativeIoException(method, err, false);
private Errors() { }