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org.jgroups.tests.perf.MPerfRpc Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package org.jgroups.tests.perf;

import org.jgroups.*;
import org.jgroups.blocks.*;
import org.jgroups.jmx.JmxConfigurator;
import org.jgroups.logging.Log;
import org.jgroups.logging.LogFactory;
import org.jgroups.stack.ProtocolStack;
import org.jgroups.util.*;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

 * Dynamic tool to measure multicast RPC performance of JGroups; every member invokes N RPCs and we measure how long it
 * takes for all receivers to receive them.

* Initially copied from {@link MPerf}. * @author Bela Ban ([email protected]) * @since 3.3 */ public class MPerfRpc implements Receiver { protected String props; protected JChannel channel; protected RpcDispatcher disp; protected Address local_addr; protected String name; protected int num_msgs=1000 * 1000; protected int msg_size=1000; protected int num_threads=25; protected int log_interval=num_msgs / 10; // log every 10% protected int receive_log_interval=num_msgs / 10; protected int num_senders=-1; // <= 0: all protected boolean sync=true; // sync RPCs by default protected boolean oob=false; // mark messages as OOB /** Maintains stats per sender, will be sent to perf originator when all messages have been received */ protected final ConcurrentMap received_msgs=Util.createConcurrentMap(); protected final AtomicLong total_received_msgs=new AtomicLong(0); protected final List

members=new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); protected final Log log=LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); protected boolean looping=true; protected long last_interval=0; protected final ResponseCollector results=new ResponseCollector<>(); // the member which will collect and display the overall results protected volatile Address result_collector=null; protected volatile boolean initiator=false; protected RequestOptions send_options=RequestOptions.ASYNC(); protected static final NumberFormat format=NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); // Callbacks invoked protected static final short handleData = 0; protected static final short startSending = 1; protected static final short sendingDone = 2; protected static final short result = 3; protected static final short clearResults = 4; protected static final short configChange = 5; protected static final short configReq = 6; protected static final short configRsp = 7; protected static final short exit = 8; protected static final Method[] METHODS=new Method[9]; static { format.setGroupingUsed(false); format.setMaximumFractionDigits(2); try { METHODS[handleData]=MPerfRpc.class.getMethod("handleData", Address.class, byte[].class, long.class, boolean.class); METHODS[startSending]=MPerfRpc.class.getMethod("startSending", Address.class); METHODS[sendingDone]=MPerfRpc.class.getMethod("sendingDone", Address.class); METHODS[result]=MPerfRpc.class.getMethod("result", Address.class, Result.class); METHODS[clearResults]=MPerfRpc.class.getMethod("clearResults"); METHODS[configChange]=MPerfRpc.class.getMethod("configChange", ConfigChange.class); METHODS[configReq]=MPerfRpc.class.getMethod("configReq", Address.class); METHODS[configRsp]=MPerfRpc.class.getMethod("configRsp", Configuration.class); METHODS[exit]=MPerfRpc.class.getMethod("exit"); } catch(NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void start(String props, String name) throws Exception { this.props=props;; StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\n\n----------------------- MPerf -----------------------\n"); sb.append("Date: ").append(new Date()).append('\n'); sb.append("Run by: ").append(System.getProperty("")).append("\n"); sb.append("JGroups version: ").append(Version.description).append('\n'); System.out.println(sb); channel=new JChannel(props); channel.setName(name); disp=new RpcDispatcher(channel, this).setReceiver(this).setMethodLookup(id -> METHODS[id]); send_options.mode(sync? ResponseMode.GET_ALL : ResponseMode.GET_NONE); if(oob) send_options.flags(Message.Flag.OOB); channel.connect("mperf"); local_addr=channel.getAddress(); JmxConfigurator.registerChannel(channel, Util.getMBeanServer(), "jgroups", "mperf", true); // send a CONFIG_REQ to the current coordinator, so we can get the current config Address coord=channel.getView().getCoord(); if(coord != null && !local_addr.equals(coord)) invokeRpc(configReq, coord, RequestOptions.ASYNC().flags(Message.Flag.RSVP), local_addr); } protected void loop() { int c; final String INPUT="[1] Invoke [2] View\n" + "[3] Set num RPCs (%d) [4] Set msg size (%s) [5] Set threads (%d)\n" + "[6] Number of senders (%s) [s] Toggle sync (%s) [o] Toggle OOB (%s)\n" + "[x] Exit this [X] Exit all"; while(looping) { try { c=Util.keyPress(String.format(INPUT, num_msgs, Util.printBytes(msg_size), num_threads, num_senders <= 0? "all" : String.valueOf(num_senders), sync, oob)); switch(c) { case '1': initiator=true; results.reset(getSenders()); invokeRpc(clearResults,RequestOptions.SYNC().flags(Message.Flag.RSVP)); invokeRpc(startSending, RequestOptions.ASYNC(), local_addr); break; case '2': System.out.println("view: " + channel.getView() + " (local address=" + channel.getAddress() + ")"); break; case '3': configChange("num_msgs"); break; case '4': configChange("msg_size"); break; case '5': configChange("num_threads"); break; case '6': configChange("num_senders"); break; case 's': ConfigChange change=new ConfigChange("sync", !sync); invokeRpc(configChange, RequestOptions.SYNC().flags(Message.Flag.RSVP), change); break; case 'o': change=new ConfigChange("oob", !oob); invokeRpc(configChange, RequestOptions.SYNC().flags(Message.Flag.RSVP), change); break; case 'x': case -1: looping=false; break; case 'X': invokeRpc(exit,RequestOptions.ASYNC()); break; } } catch(Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } stop(); } protected void displayResults() { System.out.println("\nResults:\n"); Map tmp_results=results.getResults(); for(Map.Entry entry: tmp_results.entrySet()) { Result val=entry.getValue(); if(val != null) System.out.println(entry.getKey() + ": " + computeStats(val.time, val.msgs, msg_size)); } long total_msgs=0, total_time=0, num=0; for(Result res: tmp_results.values()) { if(res != null) { total_time+=res.time; total_msgs+=res.msgs; num++; } } if(num > 0) { System.out.println("\n==============================================================================="); System.out.println("\033[1m Average/node: " + computeStats(total_time / num, total_msgs / num, msg_size)); System.out.println("\033[0m Average/cluster: " + computeStats(total_time/num, total_msgs, msg_size)); System.out.println("================================================================================\n\n"); } else { System.out.println("\n==============================================================================="); System.out.println("\033[1m Received no results"); System.out.println("\033[0m"); System.out.println("================================================================================\n\n"); } } protected void configChange(String name) throws Exception { int tmp=Util.readIntFromStdin(name + ": "); ConfigChange change=new ConfigChange(name, tmp); invokeRpc(configChange, RequestOptions.SYNC().flags(Message.Flag.RSVP), change); } protected RspList invokeRpc(short method_id, RequestOptions options, Object ... args) throws Exception { MethodCall call=new MethodCall(method_id, args); return disp.callRemoteMethods(null, call, options); } protected Object invokeRpc(short method_id, Address dest, RequestOptions options, Object ... args) throws Exception { MethodCall call=new MethodCall(method_id, args); return disp.callRemoteMethod(dest, call, options); } public void stop() { looping=false; try { JmxConfigurator.unregisterChannel(channel, Util.getMBeanServer(), "jgroups", "mperf"); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Util.close(channel); } // we're checking the *application's* seqno, and multiple sender threads can screw this up, // that's why we check for correct order only when we only have 1 sender thread // This is *different* from NAKACK{2} order, which is correct public void handleData(Address src, byte[] payload, long seqno, boolean check_order) { // 0 int length=payload.length; if(length == 0) return; Stats tmp_result=received_msgs.get(src); if(tmp_result == null) { tmp_result=new Stats(); Stats tmp=received_msgs.putIfAbsent(src,tmp_result); if(tmp != null) tmp_result=tmp; } tmp_result.addMessage(seqno,check_order); if(last_interval == 0) last_interval=System.currentTimeMillis(); long received_so_far=total_received_msgs.incrementAndGet(); if(received_so_far % receive_log_interval == 0) { long curr_time=System.currentTimeMillis(); long diff=curr_time - last_interval; double msgs_sec=receive_log_interval / (diff / 1000.0); double throughput=msgs_sec * msg_size; last_interval=curr_time; System.out.println("-- received " + received_so_far + " rpcs " + "(" + diff + " ms, " + format.format(msgs_sec) + " rpcs/sec, " + Util.printBytes(throughput) + "/sec)"); } } public void startSending(Address initiator) { // 1 if(num_senders > 0) { int my_rank=Util.getRank(members, local_addr); if(my_rank >= 0 && my_rank > num_senders) return; } result_collector=initiator; sendMessages(); } public void sendingDone(Address sender) { // 2 Stats tmp=received_msgs.get(sender); if(tmp != null) tmp.stop(); boolean all_done=true; List
senders=getSenders(); for(Map.Entry entry: received_msgs.entrySet()) { Address mbr=entry.getKey(); Stats tmp_result=entry.getValue(); if(!senders.contains(mbr)) continue; if(!tmp_result.isDone()) { all_done=false; break; } } // Compute the number messages plus time it took to receive them, for *all* members. The time is computed // as the time the first message was received and the time the last message was received if(all_done && result_collector != null) { long start=0, stop=0, msgs=0; for(Stats res: received_msgs.values()) { if(res.start > 0) start=start == 0? res.start : Math.min(start, res.start); if(res.stop > 0) stop=stop == 0? res.stop : Math.max(stop, res.stop); msgs+=res.num_msgs_received; } Result tmp_result=new Result(stop-start, msgs); try { if(result_collector != null) invokeRpc(result, result_collector, RequestOptions.SYNC().flags(Message.Flag.RSVP), local_addr, tmp_result); } catch(Exception e) { System.err.println("failed sending results to " + result_collector + ": " +e); } } } /** Called when a result from a node is received */ public void result(Address sender, Result res) { // 3 results.add(sender, res); if(initiator && results.hasAllResponses()) { initiator=false; displayResults(); } } public void clearResults() { // 4 received_msgs.values().forEach(Stats::reset); total_received_msgs.set(0); last_interval=0; } public void configChange(ConfigChange config_change) { // 5 String attr_name=config_change.attr_name; try { Object attr_value=config_change.getValue(); Field field=Util.getField(this.getClass(), attr_name); Util.setField(field, this, attr_value); System.out.println(config_change.attr_name + "=" + attr_value); log_interval=num_msgs / 10; receive_log_interval=num_msgs * Math.max(1, members.size()) / 10; send_options.mode(sync? ResponseMode.GET_ALL : ResponseMode.GET_NONE); if(oob) send_options.flags(Message.Flag.OOB); } catch(Exception e) { System.err.println("failed applying config change for attr " + attr_name + ": " + e); } } public void configReq(Address sender) throws Exception { // 6 Configuration cfg=new Configuration(); cfg.addChange("num_msgs", num_msgs); cfg.addChange("msg_size", msg_size); cfg.addChange("num_threads", num_threads); cfg.addChange("num_senders", num_senders); cfg.addChange("sync", sync); cfg.addChange("oob", oob); invokeRpc(configRsp, sender, RequestOptions.ASYNC(), cfg); } public void configRsp(Configuration cfg) { // 7 cfg.changes.forEach(this::configChange); } public void exit() { // 8 ProtocolStack stack=channel.getProtocolStack(); String cluster_name=channel.getClusterName(); try { JmxConfigurator.unregisterChannel(channel, Util.getMBeanServer(), "jgroups", "mperf"); } catch(Exception e) { } stack.stopStack(cluster_name); stack.destroy(); } /** Returns all members if num_senders <= 0, or the members with rank <= num_senders */ protected List
getSenders() { if(num_senders <= 0) return new ArrayList<>(members); List
retval=new ArrayList<>(); for(int i=0; i < num_senders; i++) retval.add(members.get(i)); return retval; } public void viewAccepted(View view) { System.out.println("** " + view); final List
mbrs=view.getMembers(); members.clear(); members.addAll(mbrs); receive_log_interval=num_msgs * mbrs.size() / 10; // Remove non members from received messages received_msgs.keySet().retainAll(mbrs); // Add non-existing elements for(Address member: mbrs) received_msgs.putIfAbsent(member, new Stats()); results.retainAll(mbrs); if(result_collector != null && !mbrs.contains(result_collector)) result_collector=null; } protected void sendMessages() { final AtomicInteger num_msgs_sent=new AtomicInteger(0); // all threads will increment this final AtomicLong seqno=new AtomicLong(1); // monotonically increasing seqno, to be used by all threads final Sender[] senders=new Sender[num_threads]; final CyclicBarrier barrier=new CyclicBarrier(num_threads +1); final byte[] payload=new byte[msg_size]; for(int i=0; i < num_threads; i++) { senders[i]=new Sender(barrier, num_msgs_sent, seqno, payload); senders[i].setName("invoker-" + i); senders[i].start(); } try { System.out.println("-- invoking " + num_msgs + " msgs"); barrier.await(); } catch(Exception e) { System.err.println("failed triggering send threads: " + e); } } protected static String computeStats(long time, long msgs, int size) { StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(); double msgs_sec, throughput=0; msgs_sec=msgs / (time/1000.0); throughput=(msgs * size) / (time / 1000.0); sb.append(msgs).append(" msgs, "); sb.append(Util.printBytes(msgs * size)).append(" received"); sb.append(", time=").append(format.format(time)).append("ms"); sb.append(", rpcs/sec=").append(format.format(msgs_sec)); sb.append(", throughput=").append(Util.printBytes(throughput)); return sb.toString(); } protected class Sender extends Thread { protected final CyclicBarrier barrier; protected final AtomicInteger num_msgs_sent; protected final AtomicLong seqno; protected final byte[] payload; protected Sender(CyclicBarrier barrier, AtomicInteger num_msgs_sent, AtomicLong seqno, byte[] payload) { this.barrier=barrier; this.num_msgs_sent=num_msgs_sent; this.seqno=seqno; this.payload=payload; } public void run() { try { barrier.await(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } for(;;) { try { int tmp=num_msgs_sent.incrementAndGet(); if(tmp > num_msgs) break; long new_seqno=seqno.getAndIncrement(); invokeRpc(handleData, send_options, local_addr, payload, new_seqno, num_threads == 1); if(tmp % log_interval == 0) System.out.println("++ sent " + tmp); if(tmp == num_msgs) { // last message, send SENDING_DONE message RequestOptions opts=RequestOptions.ASYNC().flags(Message.Flag.RSVP); invokeRpc(sendingDone, opts, local_addr); } } catch(Exception e) { } } } } protected static class ConfigChange implements Streamable { protected String attr_name; protected byte[] attr_value; public ConfigChange() { } public ConfigChange(String attr_name, Object val) throws Exception { this.attr_name=attr_name; this.attr_value=Util.objectToByteBuffer(val); } public Object getValue() throws Exception { return Util.objectFromByteBuffer(attr_value); } public int size() { return Util.size(attr_name) + Util.size(attr_value); } @Override public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws IOException { Bits.writeString(attr_name,out); Util.writeByteBuffer(attr_value, out); } @Override public void readFrom(DataInput in) throws IOException { attr_name=Bits.readString(in); attr_value=Util.readByteBuffer(in); } } protected static class Configuration implements Streamable { protected List changes=new ArrayList<>(); public Configuration() { } public Configuration addChange(String key, Object val) throws Exception { if(key != null && val != null) { changes.add(new ConfigChange(key, val)); } return this; } public int size() { int retval=Global.INT_SIZE; for(ConfigChange change: changes) retval+=change.size(); return retval; } @Override public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(changes.size()); for(ConfigChange change: changes) change.writeTo(out); } @Override public void readFrom(DataInput in) throws IOException { int len=in.readInt(); for(int i=0; i < len; i++) { ConfigChange change=new ConfigChange(); change.readFrom(in); changes.add(change); } } } protected class Stats { protected long start=0; protected long stop=0; // done when > 0 protected long num_msgs_received=0; protected long seqno=1; // next expected seqno public void reset() { start=stop=num_msgs_received=0; seqno=1; } public void stop() {stop=System.currentTimeMillis();} public boolean isDone() {return stop > 0;} /** * Adds the message and checks whether the messages are received in FIFO order. If we have multiple threads * (check_order=false), then this check canot be performed * @param seqno * @param check_order */ public void addMessage(long seqno, boolean check_order) { if(start == 0) start=System.currentTimeMillis(); if(seqno != this.seqno && check_order) throw new IllegalStateException("expected seqno=" + this.seqno + ", but received " + seqno); this.seqno++; num_msgs_received++; } public String toString() { return computeStats(stop - start,num_msgs_received,msg_size); } } protected static class Result implements Streamable { protected long time=0; protected long msgs=0; public Result() { } public Result(long time, long msgs) { this.time=time; this.msgs=msgs; } public int size() { return Bits.size(time) + Bits.size(msgs); } @Override public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws IOException { Bits.writeLongCompressed(time, out); Bits.writeLongCompressed(msgs, out); } @Override public void readFrom(DataInput in) throws IOException { time=Bits.readLongCompressed(in); msgs=Bits.readLongCompressed(in); } public String toString() { return msgs + " in " + time + " ms"; } } public static void main(String[] args) { String props=null, name=null; for(int i=0; i < args.length; i++) { if("-props".equals(args[i])) { props=args[++i]; continue; } if("-name".equals(args[i])) { name=args[++i]; continue; } System.out.println("MPerf [-props ] [-name ]"); return; } final MPerfRpc test=new MPerfRpc(); try { test.start(props, name); // this kludge is needed in order to terminate the program gracefully when 'X' is pressed // (otherwise would not terminate) Thread thread=new Thread("MPerf runner") { public void run() { test.loop(); } }; thread.setDaemon(true); thread.start(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }

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