Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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This artifact provides a single jar that contains all classes required to use remote EJB and JMS, including
all dependencies. It is intended for use by those not using maven, maven users should just import the EJB and
JMS BOM's instead (shaded JAR's cause lots of problems with maven, as it is very easy to inadvertently end up
with different versions on classes on the class path).
* Copyright 2013 The Netty Project
* The Netty Project licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator;
* A {@link ServerSocketChannelConfig} for a {@link OioServerSocketChannel}.
* Available options
* In addition to the options provided by {@link ServerSocketChannelConfig},
* {@link OioServerSocketChannelConfig} allows the following options in the
* option map:
* Name Associated setter method
* {@link ChannelOption#SO_TIMEOUT} {@link #setSoTimeout(int)}
* @deprecated use NIO / EPOLL / KQUEUE transport.
public interface OioServerSocketChannelConfig extends ServerSocketChannelConfig {
* Sets the maximal time a operation on the underlying socket may block.
OioServerSocketChannelConfig setSoTimeout(int timeout);
* Returns the maximal time a operation on the underlying socket may block.
int getSoTimeout();
OioServerSocketChannelConfig setBacklog(int backlog);
OioServerSocketChannelConfig setReuseAddress(boolean reuseAddress);
OioServerSocketChannelConfig setReceiveBufferSize(int receiveBufferSize);
OioServerSocketChannelConfig setPerformancePreferences(int connectionTime, int latency, int bandwidth);
OioServerSocketChannelConfig setConnectTimeoutMillis(int connectTimeoutMillis);
OioServerSocketChannelConfig setMaxMessagesPerRead(int maxMessagesPerRead);
OioServerSocketChannelConfig setWriteSpinCount(int writeSpinCount);
OioServerSocketChannelConfig setAllocator(ByteBufAllocator allocator);
OioServerSocketChannelConfig setRecvByteBufAllocator(RecvByteBufAllocator allocator);
OioServerSocketChannelConfig setAutoRead(boolean autoRead);
OioServerSocketChannelConfig setAutoClose(boolean autoClose);
OioServerSocketChannelConfig setWriteBufferHighWaterMark(int writeBufferHighWaterMark);
OioServerSocketChannelConfig setWriteBufferLowWaterMark(int writeBufferLowWaterMark);
OioServerSocketChannelConfig setWriteBufferWaterMark(WriteBufferWaterMark writeBufferWaterMark);
OioServerSocketChannelConfig setMessageSizeEstimator(MessageSizeEstimator estimator);