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org.jgroups.protocols.FD_SOCK2 Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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This artifact provides a single jar that contains all classes required to use remote Jakarta Enterprise Beans and Jakarta Messaging, including all dependencies. It is intended for use by those not using maven, maven users should just import the Jakarta Enterprise Beans and Jakarta Messaging BOM's instead (shaded JAR's cause lots of problems with maven, as it is very easy to inadvertently end up with different versions on classes on the class path).

There is a newer version: 35.0.0.Final
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package org.jgroups.protocols;

import org.jgroups.*;
import org.jgroups.annotations.*;
import org.jgroups.blocks.cs.Connection;
import org.jgroups.blocks.cs.ConnectionListener;
import org.jgroups.blocks.cs.NioServer;
import org.jgroups.blocks.cs.Receiver;
import org.jgroups.conf.AttributeType;
import org.jgroups.stack.IpAddress;
import org.jgroups.stack.Protocol;
import org.jgroups.util.*;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;

 * Failure detection protocol based on TCP connections, successor to {@link FD_SOCK}.
 * @author Bela Ban April 27 2021
@MBean(description="Failure detection protocol based on sockets connecting members")
public class FD_SOCK2 extends Protocol implements Receiver, ConnectionListener, ProcessingQueue.Handler {

    @Property(description="The NIC on which the ServerSocket should listen on. " +
      "The following special values are also recognized: GLOBAL, SITE_LOCAL, LINK_LOCAL and NON_LOOPBACK",
    protected InetAddress                    bind_addr;

    @Property(description="Offset from the transport's bind port")
    protected int                            offset=100;

    @Property(description="Number of ports to probe for finding a free port")
    protected int                            port_range=3;

    @Property(description="Start port for client socket. Default value of 0 picks a random port")
    protected int                            client_bind_port;

    @Property(description="Use \"external_addr\" if you have hosts on different networks behind firewalls. On each " +
      "firewall, set up a port forwarding rule to the local IP (e.g. of the host, then on each host, " +
      "set the \"external_addr\" TCP transport attribute to the external (public IP) address of the firewall",
    protected InetAddress                    external_addr;

    @Property(description="Used to map the internal port (bind_port) to an external port. Only used if > 0",
    protected int                            external_port;

    @Property(description="Interval for broadcasting suspect messages",type=AttributeType.TIME)
    protected long                           suspect_msg_interval=5000;

    @Property(description="Max time (ms) to wait for a connect attempt",type=AttributeType.TIME)
    protected int                            connect_timeout=1000;

    @Property(description="The lowest port the FD_SOCK server can listen on. Needed when wrapping around, looking " +
      "for ports. See for details")
    protected int                            min_port=1024;

    @Property(description="The highest port the FD_SOCK server can listen on. Needed when wrapping around, looking " +
      "for ports. See for details.")
    protected int                            max_port=0xFFFF+1; // 65536

    @Property(description="SO_LINGER in seconds. Default of -1 disables it")
    protected int                            linger=-1; // SO_LINGER (number of seconds, -1 disables it)

    @ManagedAttribute(description="Number of suspect events emitted")
    protected int                            num_suspect_events;

    @ManagedAttribute(description="True when this member is leaving the cluster, set to false when joining")
    protected volatile boolean               shutting_down;

    @ManagedAttribute(description="List of pingable members of a cluster")
    protected final Membership               pingable_mbrs=new Membership();

    @ManagedAttribute(description="List of the current cluster members")
    protected final Membership               members=new Membership();

    @ManagedAttribute(description="List of currently suspected members")
    protected final Membership               suspected_mbrs=new Membership();

    @ManagedAttribute(description="The cluster we've joined. Set on joining a cluster, null when unconnected")
    protected String                         cluster;

    protected NioServer                      srv;
    protected final PingDest                 ping_dest=new PingDest(); // address of the member we monitor
    protected TimeScheduler                  timer;
    protected final BroadcastTask            bcast_task=new BroadcastTask(); // to resend SUSPECT message (until view change)
    protected final ProcessingQueue req_handler=new ProcessingQueue().setHandler(this);
    protected final BoundedList      suspect_history=new BoundedList<>(20);

    public FD_SOCK2() {

    @ManagedAttribute(description="The number of currently suspected members")
    public int         getNumSuspectedMembers()          {return suspected_mbrs.size();}

    @ManagedAttribute(description="Ping destination")
    public String      getPingDest()                     {return String.format("%s", ping_dest);}

    @ManagedAttribute(description="The client state (CONNECTED / DISCONNECTED)")
    public String      getClientState()                  {return ping_dest.clientState().toString();}

    public InetAddress getBindAddress()                  {return bind_addr;}
    public FD_SOCK2    setBindAddress(InetAddress b)     {this.bind_addr=b; return this;}

    public InetAddress getExternalAddress()              {return external_addr;}
    public FD_SOCK2    setExternalAddress(InetAddress e) {this.external_addr=e; return this;}

    public int         getExternalPort()                 {return external_port;}
    public FD_SOCK2    setExternalPort(int e)            {this.external_port=e; return this;}

    public long        getSuspectMsgInterval()           {return suspect_msg_interval;}
    public FD_SOCK2    setSuspectMsgInterval(long s)     {this.suspect_msg_interval=s; return this;}

    public int         getClientBindPort()               {return client_bind_port;}
    public FD_SOCK2    setClientBindPort(int c)          {this.client_bind_port=c; return this;}

    public int         getPortRange()                    {return port_range;}
    public FD_SOCK2    setPortRange(int p)               {this.port_range=p; return this;}

    public int         getOffset()                       {return offset;}
    public FD_SOCK2    setOffset(int o)                  {this.offset=o; return this;}

    public int         getLinger()                       {return linger;}
    public FD_SOCK2    setLinger(int l)                  {this.linger=l; return this;}

    @ManagedAttribute(description="Actual port the server is listening on")
    public int getActualBindPort() {
        Address addr=srv != null? srv.localAddress() : null;
        return addr != null? ((IpAddress)addr).getPort() : 0;

    @ManagedOperation(description="Print suspect history")
    public String printSuspectHistory() {return String.join("\n", suspect_history);}

    @ManagedOperation(description="Prints the connections to other FD_SOCK2 instances")
    public String printConnections() {return srv.printConnections();}

    public void start() throws Exception {
        TP transport=getTransport();
        if(timer == null)
            throw new Exception("timer is null");
        PhysicalAddress addr=transport.getPhysicalAddress();
        int actual_port=((IpAddress)addr).getPort();
        int[] bind_ports=computeBindPorts(actual_port);
        srv.start();"server listening on %s", bind_addr != null? srv.getChannel().getLocalAddress() : "*." + getActualBindPort());

    public void stop() {
        Util.close(srv); // calls stop()

    public void resetStats() {

    public Object up(Message msg) {
        FdHeader hdr=msg.getHeader(;
        if(hdr == null)
            return up_prot.up(msg);  // message did not originate from FD_SOCK2 layer, just pass up
        return handle(hdr, msg.getSrc());

    public void up(MessageBatch batch) {
        for(Iterator it=batch.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            FdHeader hdr=msg.getHeader(id);
            if(hdr != null) {
                handle(hdr, msg.getSrc());

    public Object down(Event evt) {
        switch(evt.getType()) {

            case Event.UNSUSPECT:

            case Event.CONNECT:
            case Event.CONNECT_WITH_STATE_TRANSFER:
            case Event.CONNECT_USE_FLUSH:

            case Event.DISCONNECT:

            case Event.VIEW_CHANGE:
                Object ret=down_prot.down(evt);
                return ret;
        return down_prot.down(evt);

    public void receive(Address sender, byte[] buf, int offset, int length) {
        try {
            receive(sender, new ByteArrayDataInputStream(buf, offset, length));
        catch(Exception e) {
            log.error("failed handling message received from " + sender, e);

    public void receive(Address sender, DataInput in) throws Exception {
        Message msg=new EmptyMessage();
        FdHeader hdr=msg.getHeader(id);
        if(hdr == null)
            throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("message from %s does not have a header (id=%d)", sender, id));
        switch(hdr.type) {
            case FdHeader.SUSPECT: case FdHeader.UNSUSPECT: // I should not receive these!

            case FdHeader.CONNECT:
                log.trace("%s: CONNECT <-- %s", local_addr, msg.src());
                FdHeader h=new FdHeader(FdHeader.CONNECT_RSP).cluster(cluster).serverAddress(local_addr);
                Message rsp=new EmptyMessage().setSrc(local_addr).putHeader(id, h);
                ByteArray buf=messageToBuffer(rsp);
                log.trace("%s: CONNECT-RSP[cluster=%s, srv=%s] --> %s", local_addr, cluster, local_addr, msg.src());
                srv.send(sender, buf.getArray(), buf.getOffset(), buf.getLength());

            case FdHeader.CONNECT_RSP:
                log.trace("%s: CONNECT-RSP <-- %s [cluster=%s, srv=%s]",
                          local_addr, msg.src(), hdr.cluster, hdr.srv);
                if(Objects.equals(this.cluster, hdr.cluster) && Objects.equals(hdr.srv, ping_dest.dest())) {
                else {
                    log.trace("%s: addresses don't match: my ping-dest=%s, server's address=%s",
                             local_addr, ping_dest.dest(), hdr.srv);

                throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("type %d not known", hdr.type));

    public void connectionEstablished(Connection conn) {
        log.trace("%s: created connection to %s", local_addr, conn.peerAddress());

    public void connectionClosed(Connection conn) {
        Address peer=conn != null? conn.peerAddress() : null;
        if(peer != null && Objects.equals(peer, ping_dest.destPhysical()) && !shutting_down) {
            Address dest=ping_dest.dest();
            if(dest != null) {
                log.debug("%s: connection to %s closed", local_addr, dest);
                // The reconnect might run on the NioConnection::acceptor's read() and thus block the CONNECT-RSP, and
                // therefore has to be run in a separate thread:
                CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> req_handler.add(new Request(Request.Type.ConnectToNextPingDest, dest)));

    protected Object handle(FdHeader hdr, Address sender) {
        switch(hdr.type) {
            case FdHeader.SUSPECT:
                if(hdr.mbrs != null) {
                    log.trace("%s: received SUSPECT message from %s: suspects=%s", local_addr, sender, hdr.mbrs);

            case FdHeader.UNSUSPECT:
                if(hdr.mbrs != null) {
                    log.trace("%s: received UNSUSPECT message from %s: mbrs=%s", local_addr, sender, hdr.mbrs);
                    req_handler.add(new Request(Request.Type.ConnectToNextPingDest, null));
        return null;

    protected NioServer createServer(int[] bind_ports) {
        for(int bind_port: bind_ports) {
            try {
                return new NioServer(getThreadFactory(), getSocketFactory(), bind_addr, bind_port, bind_port,
                                     external_addr, external_port, 0, "jgroups.nio.server.fd_sock");
            catch(Exception ignored) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("%s: failed to find an available port in ports %s",
                                                      local_addr, Arrays.toString(bind_ports)));

    protected void closeConnectionToPingDest() {
        try {
            if(srv.closeConnection(ping_dest.destPhysical(), false) == false)
            log.debug("%s: connection to %s closed", local_addr, ping_dest);
        finally {

    public void handle(Request req) throws Exception {
        switch(req.type) {
            case ConnectToNextPingDest:
            case CloseConnectionToPingDest:

    protected void handleView(View v) {
        final List
new_mbrs=v.getMembers(); members.set(new_mbrs); suspected_mbrs.retainAll(new_mbrs); bcast_task.adjustSuspects(new_mbrs); pingable_mbrs.set(new_mbrs); if(v.size() < 2) req_handler.add(new Request(Request.Type.CloseConnectionToPingDest, null)); else req_handler.add(new Request(Request.Type.ConnectToNextPingDest, null)); } protected void connectToNextPingDest(Address already_suspect) { List
suspected_members=new ArrayList<>(); if(already_suspect != null) suspected_members.add(already_suspect); while(!pingable_mbrs.isEmpty()) { // connectTo() removes unreachable members from pingable_mbrs Address new_ping_dest=pingable_mbrs.getNext(local_addr); // get the neighbor to my right boolean hasNewPingDest=ping_dest.destChanged(new_ping_dest); if(hasNewPingDest) { if(connectTo(new_ping_dest, this.members)) // also sets ping_dest.dest if successful break; else { if(!ping_dest.connected()) { pingable_mbrs.remove(new_ping_dest); suspected_members.add(new_ping_dest); } } } else break; } if(!suspected_members.isEmpty()) broadcastSuspectMessage(suspected_members); } protected boolean connectTo(Address new_ping_dest, Membership mbrs) { Address old_dest=ping_dest.dest(); IpAddress old_dest_physical=ping_dest.destPhysical(); List dests=getPhysicalAddresses(new_ping_dest); ping_dest.reset().dest(new_ping_dest); log.debug("%s: trying to connect to %s", local_addr, new_ping_dest); long start=System.currentTimeMillis(); for(IpAddress d: dests) { if(connectTo(d, new_ping_dest)) { long time=System.currentTimeMillis() - start; ping_dest.dest(new_ping_dest).destPhysical(d).clientState(State.CONNECTED); log.debug("%s: connected successfully to %s (%s) in %d ms", local_addr, ping_dest.dest(), d, time); // Close the connection to the previous ping_dest if it was *not* our neighbor to the left: // 1. {A,B}: A - B, B - A // '-' denotes a bidirectional connection // 2. {A,B,C}: A - B, B - C, C - A // 3. {A,B,C,D}: A - B, B - C, C - D, D - A: C can now close its connection to A Address left_mbr=mbrs.getPrevious(local_addr); if(old_dest != null && !Objects.equals(old_dest, left_mbr)) { srv.closeConnection(old_dest_physical, false); // close connection to previous ping_dest log.trace("%s: closed connection to previous ping-dest %s (%s)", local_addr, old_dest, old_dest_physical); } return true; } } return false; } protected boolean connectTo(IpAddress dest, Address logical_addr) { Message msg=new EmptyMessage().setSrc(local_addr).putHeader(id, new FdHeader(FdHeader.CONNECT).serverAddress(logical_addr)); try { ByteArray buf=messageToBuffer(msg); log.trace("%s: CONNECT --> %s (%s)", local_addr, logical_addr, dest); ping_dest.resetConnectResult(); boolean existing_connection=srv.hasConnection(dest); srv.send(dest, buf.getArray(), buf.getOffset(), buf.getLength()); ping_dest.waitForConnect(connect_timeout); // returns on CONNECT-RSP, connection exception or timeout if(ping_dest.connected()) return true; if(!existing_connection) // close a new connection srv.closeConnection(dest); return false; } catch(Exception ex) { log.trace("%s: failed connecting to %s: %s", local_addr, dest, ex.getMessage()); return false; } } /** Returns the physical addresses for a in range [a+offset..a+offset+port_range */ protected List getPhysicalAddresses(Address a) { IpAddress pa=(IpAddress)down_prot.down(new Event(Event.GET_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS, a)); if(pa == null) return Collections.emptyList(); InetAddress addr=pa.getIpAddress(); int actual_port=pa.getPort(); int[] bind_ports=computeBindPorts(actual_port); return IntStream.of(bind_ports).boxed().map(p -> new IpAddress(addr, p)).collect(Collectors.toList()); } public static ByteArray messageToBuffer(Message msg) throws Exception { ByteArrayDataOutputStream out=new ByteArrayDataOutputStream(msg.size()); msg.writeTo(out); return out.getBuffer(); } protected int[] computeBindPorts(int actual_port) { int[] bind_ports=new int[port_range+1]; for(int i=0; i <= port_range; i++) { int port=(actual_port+offset+i) % max_port; if(port < min_port) port=port+min_port; bind_ports[i]=port; } return bind_ports; } protected void suspect(Collection
suspects) { if(suspects == null) return; suspects.remove(local_addr); suspects.forEach(suspect -> suspect_history.add(String.format("%s: %s", Util.utcNow(), suspect))); suspected_mbrs.add(suspects); Collection
suspects_copy=suspected_mbrs.getMembers(); // returns a copy if(suspects_copy.isEmpty()) return; // Check if we're coord, then send up the stack, make a copy ( Membership eligible_mbrs=this.members.copy().remove(suspected_mbrs.getMembers()); if(eligible_mbrs.isCoord(local_addr)) { log.debug("%s: suspecting %s", local_addr, suspects_copy); up_prot.up(new Event(Event.SUSPECT, suspects_copy)); down_prot.down(new Event(Event.SUSPECT, suspects_copy)); } } protected void unsuspect(Address mbr) { if(mbr == null) return; suspected_mbrs.remove(mbr); bcast_task.removeSuspect(mbr); pingable_mbrs.add(mbr); } /** * Sends a SUSPECT message to all group members. Only the coordinator (or the next member in line if the coord * itself is suspected) will react to this message by installing a new view. To overcome the unreliability * of the SUSPECT message (it may be lost because we are not above any retransmission layer), the following scheme * is used: after sending the SUSPECT message, it is also added to the broadcast task, which will periodically * re-send the SUSPECT until a view is received in which the suspected process is not a member anymore. The reason is * that - at one point - either the coordinator or another participant taking over for a crashed coordinator, will * react to the SUSPECT message and issue a new view, at which point the broadcast task stops. */ protected void broadcastSuspectMessage(List
suspected_members) { if(suspected_members == null || suspected_members.isEmpty()) return; log.debug("%s: broadcasting suspect(%s)", local_addr, suspected_members); // 1. Send a SUSPECT message right away; the broadcast task will take some time to send it (sleeps first) FdHeader hdr=new FdHeader(FdHeader.SUSPECT).mbrs(suspected_members); Message suspect_msg=new EmptyMessage().putHeader(, hdr); down_prot.down(suspect_msg); // 2. Add to broadcast task and start if not running. The task ends when suspected mbrs are removed from mbrship bcast_task.addSuspects(suspected_members); if(stats) num_suspect_events++; } protected void broadcastUnuspectMessage(Address mbr) { if(mbr == null) return; log.debug("%s: broadcasting unsuspect(%s)", local_addr, mbr); // 1. Send a SUSPECT message right away; the broadcast task will take some time to send it (sleeps first) FdHeader hdr=new FdHeader(FdHeader.UNSUSPECT).mbrs(Collections.singleton(mbr)); Message suspect_msg=new EmptyMessage().putHeader(, hdr); down_prot.down(suspect_msg); } protected enum State {DISCONNECTED, CONNECTED} protected static class PingDest { protected Address dest; protected IpAddress dest_physical; protected State client_state=State.DISCONNECTED; protected final Promise connect_promise=new Promise<>(); protected Address dest() {return dest;} protected PingDest dest(Address d) {dest=d; return this;} protected IpAddress destPhysical() {return dest_physical;} protected PingDest destPhysical(IpAddress d) {dest_physical=d; return this;} protected State clientState() {return client_state;} protected PingDest clientState(State s) {client_state=s; return this;} protected boolean connected() {return client_state == State.CONNECTED;} protected boolean destChanged(Address a) {return a != null && !Objects.equals(a, dest);} protected void waitForConnect(long time) {connect_promise.getResult(time);} protected PingDest setConnectResult(boolean b) {connect_promise.setResult(b); return this;} protected PingDest resetConnectResult() {connect_promise.reset(true); return this;} protected PingDest reset() { dest=dest_physical=null; client_state=State.DISCONNECTED; connect_promise.reset(true); return this; } public String toString() { return String.format("%s [%s %s]", dest, dest_physical, client_state); } } public static class FdHeader extends Header { public static final byte SUSPECT = 1; // mbrs public static final byte UNSUSPECT = 2; // mbrs public static final byte CONNECT = 3; public static final byte CONNECT_RSP = 4; // cluster, local addr of server protected byte type; protected Collection
mbrs; protected Address srv; // address of the server, set on CONNECT_RSP protected String cluster; // cluster of the server, set on CONNECT_RSP public FdHeader() { } public FdHeader(byte type) {this.type=type;} public short getMagicId() {return 93;} public Supplier create() {return FdHeader::new;} public FdHeader mbrs(Collection
m) {this.mbrs=m; return this;} public FdHeader serverAddress(Address a) {srv=a; return this;} public FdHeader cluster(String name) {cluster=name; return this;} @Override public int serializedSize() { int retval=Global.BYTE_SIZE + Global.INT_SIZE; // type + mbrs size if(mbrs != null) for(Address m: mbrs) retval+=Util.size(m); retval+=Util.size(cluster) + Util.size(srv); return retval; } @Override public void writeTo(DataOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeByte(type); int size=mbrs != null? mbrs.size() : 0; out.writeInt(size); if(size > 0) for(Address address: mbrs) Util.writeAddress(address, out); Bits.writeString(cluster, out); Util.writeAddress(srv, out); } @Override public void readFrom(DataInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { type=in.readByte(); int size=in.readInt(); if(size > 0) { mbrs=new HashSet<>(); for(int i=0; i < size; i++) mbrs.add(Util.readAddress(in)); } cluster=Bits.readString(in); srv=Util.readAddress(in); } public String toString() { return String.format("%s%s%s%s", type2String(type), mbrs != null? ", mbrs=" + mbrs : "", srv != null? ", srv=" + srv : "", cluster != null? ", cluster=" + cluster : ""); } protected static String type2String(byte type) { switch(type) { case SUSPECT: return "SUSPECT"; case UNSUSPECT: return "UNSUSPECT"; case CONNECT: return "CONNECT"; case CONNECT_RSP: return "CONNECT_RSP"; default: return "unknown type (" + type + ')'; } } } protected static class Request { enum Type {ConnectToNextPingDest, CloseConnectionToPingDest}; protected final Type type; protected final Address suspect; public Request(Type type, Address suspect) { this.type=type; this.suspect=suspect; } public String toString() { return String.format("%s (suspect=%s)", type, suspect); } } /** * Task which periodically broadcasts a list of suspected members. The goal is not to lose a SUSPECT message: since * these are broadcast unreliably, they might get dropped. The BroadcastTask makes sure they are retransmitted until * a view has been received which doesn't contain the suspected members any longer. Then the task terminates. */ protected class BroadcastTask implements Runnable { protected final Set
suspects=new HashSet<>(); protected Future future; protected synchronized void addSuspects(List
mbrs) { if(mbrs == null || mbrs.isEmpty()) return; List
tmp=new ArrayList<>(mbrs); tmp.retainAll(members.getMembers()); // removes non-members from mbrs; copy is required or else CCME if(suspects.addAll(tmp)) startTask(); } protected synchronized void removeSuspect(Address suspect) { if(suspect == null) return; if(suspects.remove(suspect) && suspects.isEmpty()) stopTask(); } /** Removes all elements from suspects that are not in the new membership */ protected synchronized void adjustSuspects(List
mbrs) { if(mbrs == null || mbrs.isEmpty()) return; if(suspects.retainAll(mbrs) && suspects.isEmpty()) stopTask(); } protected synchronized void clear() { suspects.clear(); stopTask(); } @GuardedBy("this") protected void startTask() { if(future == null || future.isDone()) { future=timer.scheduleWithFixedDelay(this, suspect_msg_interval, suspect_msg_interval, MILLISECONDS, getTransport() instanceof TCP); } } @GuardedBy("this") protected void stopTask() { if(future != null) { future.cancel(false); future=null; } } public void run() { log.trace("%s: broadcasting SUSPECT message (suspected_mbrs=%s)", local_addr, suspects); FdHeader hdr; synchronized(this) { if(suspects.isEmpty()) { stopTask(); return; } hdr=new FdHeader(FdHeader.SUSPECT).mbrs(new HashSet<>(suspects)); } // mcast SUSPECT to all members Message suspect_msg=new EmptyMessage().putHeader(id, hdr); down_prot.down(suspect_msg); } public String toString() { return FD_SOCK2.class.getSimpleName() + ": " + getClass().getSimpleName(); } } }

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