com.google.common.collect.Multisets Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2007 The Guava Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.google.common.collect;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import static com.google.common.collect.CollectPreconditions.checkNonnegative;
import static com.google.common.collect.CollectPreconditions.checkRemove;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import com.google.common.annotations.GwtCompatible;
import com.google.common.base.Objects;
import com.google.common.base.Predicate;
import com.google.common.base.Predicates;
import com.google.common.collect.Multiset.Entry;
import com.google.common.math.IntMath;
import com.google.common.primitives.Ints;
import com.google.errorprone.annotations.CanIgnoreReturnValue;
import com.google.errorprone.annotations.concurrent.LazyInit;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Spliterator;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.function.ToIntFunction;
import java.util.stream.Collector;
import javax.annotation.CheckForNull;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
* Provides static utility methods for creating and working with {@link Multiset} instances.
* See the Guava User Guide article on {@code
* Multisets}.
* @author Kevin Bourrillion
* @author Mike Bostock
* @author Louis Wasserman
* @since 2.0
public final class Multisets {
private Multisets() {}
* Returns a {@code Collector} that accumulates elements into a multiset created via the specified
* {@code Supplier}, whose elements are the result of applying {@code elementFunction} to the
* inputs, with counts equal to the result of applying {@code countFunction} to the inputs.
* Elements are added in encounter order.
If the mapped elements contain duplicates (according to {@link Object#equals}), the element
* will be added more than once, with the count summed over all appearances of the element.
Note that {@code stream.collect(toMultiset(function, e -> 1, supplier))} is equivalent to
* {@code stream.map(function).collect(Collectors.toCollection(supplier))}.
To collect to an {@link ImmutableMultiset}, use {@link
* ImmutableMultiset#toImmutableMultiset}.
* @since 22.0
public static >
Collector toMultiset(
Function super T, E> elementFunction,
ToIntFunction super T> countFunction,
Supplier multisetSupplier) {
return CollectCollectors.toMultiset(elementFunction, countFunction, multisetSupplier);
* Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified multiset. Query operations on the returned
* multiset "read through" to the specified multiset, and attempts to modify the returned multiset
* result in an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
* The returned multiset will be serializable if the specified multiset is serializable.
* @param multiset the multiset for which an unmodifiable view is to be generated
* @return an unmodifiable view of the multiset
public static Multiset unmodifiableMultiset(
Multiset extends E> multiset) {
if (multiset instanceof UnmodifiableMultiset || multiset instanceof ImmutableMultiset) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Since it's unmodifiable, the covariant cast is safe
Multiset result = (Multiset) multiset;
return result;
return new UnmodifiableMultiset(checkNotNull(multiset));
* Simply returns its argument.
* @deprecated no need to use this
* @since 10.0
public static Multiset unmodifiableMultiset(ImmutableMultiset multiset) {
return checkNotNull(multiset);
static class UnmodifiableMultiset extends ForwardingMultiset
implements Serializable {
final Multiset extends E> delegate;
UnmodifiableMultiset(Multiset extends E> delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
protected Multiset delegate() {
// This is safe because all non-covariant methods are overridden
return (Multiset) delegate;
@LazyInit @CheckForNull transient Set elementSet;
Set createElementSet() {
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(delegate.elementSet());
public Set elementSet() {
Set es = elementSet;
return (es == null) ? elementSet = createElementSet() : es;
@LazyInit @CheckForNull transient Set> entrySet;
public Set> entrySet() {
Set> es = entrySet;
return (es == null)
// Safe because the returned set is made unmodifiable and Entry
// itself is readonly
? entrySet = (Set) Collections.unmodifiableSet(delegate.entrySet())
: es;
public Iterator iterator() {
return Iterators.unmodifiableIterator(delegate.iterator());
public boolean add(@ParametricNullness E element) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public int add(@ParametricNullness E element, int occurrences) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean addAll(Collection extends E> elementsToAdd) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean remove(@CheckForNull Object element) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public int remove(@CheckForNull Object element, int occurrences) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean removeAll(Collection> elementsToRemove) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean removeIf(java.util.function.Predicate super E> filter) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean retainAll(Collection> elementsToRetain) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void clear() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public int setCount(@ParametricNullness E element, int count) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean setCount(@ParametricNullness E element, int oldCount, int newCount) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
* Returns an unmodifiable view of the specified sorted multiset. Query operations on the returned
* multiset "read through" to the specified multiset, and attempts to modify the returned multiset
* result in an {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
* The returned multiset will be serializable if the specified multiset is serializable.
* @param sortedMultiset the sorted multiset for which an unmodifiable view is to be generated
* @return an unmodifiable view of the multiset
* @since 11.0
public static SortedMultiset unmodifiableSortedMultiset(
SortedMultiset sortedMultiset) {
// it's in its own file so it can be emulated for GWT
return new UnmodifiableSortedMultiset(checkNotNull(sortedMultiset));
* Returns an immutable multiset entry with the specified element and count. The entry will be
* serializable if {@code e} is.
* @param e the element to be associated with the returned entry
* @param n the count to be associated with the returned entry
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code n} is negative
public static Multiset.Entry immutableEntry(
@ParametricNullness E e, int n) {
return new ImmutableEntry(e, n);
static class ImmutableEntry extends AbstractEntry
implements Serializable {
@ParametricNullness private final E element;
private final int count;
ImmutableEntry(@ParametricNullness E element, int count) {
this.element = element;
this.count = count;
checkNonnegative(count, "count");
public final E getElement() {
return element;
public final int getCount() {
return count;
public ImmutableEntry nextInBucket() {
return null;
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
* Returns a view of the elements of {@code unfiltered} that satisfy a predicate. The returned
* multiset is a live view of {@code unfiltered}; changes to one affect the other.
* The resulting multiset's iterators, and those of its {@code entrySet()} and {@code
* elementSet()}, do not support {@code remove()}. However, all other multiset methods supported
* by {@code unfiltered} are supported by the returned multiset. When given an element that
* doesn't satisfy the predicate, the multiset's {@code add()} and {@code addAll()} methods throw
* an {@link IllegalArgumentException}. When methods such as {@code removeAll()} and {@code
* clear()} are called on the filtered multiset, only elements that satisfy the filter will be
* removed from the underlying multiset.
The returned multiset isn't threadsafe or serializable, even if {@code unfiltered} is.
Many of the filtered multiset's methods, such as {@code size()}, iterate across every
* element in the underlying multiset and determine which elements satisfy the filter. When a live
* view is not needed, it may be faster to copy the returned multiset and use the copy.
Warning: {@code predicate} must be consistent with equals, as documented at
* {@link Predicate#apply}. Do not provide a predicate such as {@code
* Predicates.instanceOf(ArrayList.class)}, which is inconsistent with equals. (See {@link
* Iterables#filter(Iterable, Class)} for related functionality.)
* @since 14.0
public static Multiset filter(
Multiset unfiltered, Predicate super E> predicate) {
if (unfiltered instanceof FilteredMultiset) {
// Support clear(), removeAll(), and retainAll() when filtering a filtered
// collection.
FilteredMultiset filtered = (FilteredMultiset) unfiltered;
Predicate combinedPredicate = Predicates.and(filtered.predicate, predicate);
return new FilteredMultiset(filtered.unfiltered, combinedPredicate);
return new FilteredMultiset(unfiltered, predicate);
private static final class FilteredMultiset extends ViewMultiset {
final Multiset unfiltered;
final Predicate super E> predicate;
FilteredMultiset(Multiset unfiltered, Predicate super E> predicate) {
this.unfiltered = checkNotNull(unfiltered);
this.predicate = checkNotNull(predicate);
public UnmodifiableIterator iterator() {
return Iterators.filter(unfiltered.iterator(), predicate);
Set createElementSet() {
return Sets.filter(unfiltered.elementSet(), predicate);
Iterator elementIterator() {
throw new AssertionError("should never be called");
Set> createEntrySet() {
return Sets.filter(
new Predicate>() {
public boolean apply(Entry entry) {
return predicate.apply(entry.getElement());
Iterator> entryIterator() {
throw new AssertionError("should never be called");
public int count(@CheckForNull Object element) {
int count = unfiltered.count(element);
if (count > 0) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // element is equal to an E
E e = (E) element;
return predicate.apply(e) ? count : 0;
return 0;
public int add(@ParametricNullness E element, int occurrences) {
predicate.apply(element), "Element %s does not match predicate %s", element, predicate);
return unfiltered.add(element, occurrences);
public int remove(@CheckForNull Object element, int occurrences) {
checkNonnegative(occurrences, "occurrences");
if (occurrences == 0) {
return count(element);
} else {
return contains(element) ? unfiltered.remove(element, occurrences) : 0;
* Returns the expected number of distinct elements given the specified elements. The number of
* distinct elements is only computed if {@code elements} is an instance of {@code Multiset};
* otherwise the default value of 11 is returned.
static int inferDistinctElements(Iterable> elements) {
if (elements instanceof Multiset) {
return ((Multiset>) elements).elementSet().size();
return 11; // initial capacity will be rounded up to 16
* Returns an unmodifiable view of the union of two multisets. In the returned multiset, the count
* of each element is the maximum of its counts in the two backing multisets. The iteration
* order of the returned multiset matches that of the element set of {@code multiset1} followed by
* the members of the element set of {@code multiset2} that are not contained in {@code
* multiset1}, with repeated occurrences of the same element appearing consecutively.
* Results are undefined if {@code multiset1} and {@code multiset2} are based on different
* equivalence relations (as {@code HashMultiset} and {@code TreeMultiset} are).
* @since 14.0
public static Multiset union(
final Multiset extends E> multiset1, final Multiset extends E> multiset2) {
return new ViewMultiset() {
public boolean contains(@CheckForNull Object element) {
return multiset1.contains(element) || multiset2.contains(element);
public boolean isEmpty() {
return multiset1.isEmpty() && multiset2.isEmpty();
public int count(@CheckForNull Object element) {
return Math.max(multiset1.count(element), multiset2.count(element));
Set createElementSet() {
return Sets.union(multiset1.elementSet(), multiset2.elementSet());
Iterator elementIterator() {
throw new AssertionError("should never be called");
Iterator> entryIterator() {
final Iterator extends Entry extends E>> iterator1 = multiset1.entrySet().iterator();
final Iterator extends Entry extends E>> iterator2 = multiset2.entrySet().iterator();
// TODO(lowasser): consider making the entries live views
return new AbstractIterator>() {
protected Entry computeNext() {
if (iterator1.hasNext()) {
Entry extends E> entry1 = iterator1.next();
E element = entry1.getElement();
int count = Math.max(entry1.getCount(), multiset2.count(element));
return immutableEntry(element, count);
while (iterator2.hasNext()) {
Entry extends E> entry2 = iterator2.next();
E element = entry2.getElement();
if (!multiset1.contains(element)) {
return immutableEntry(element, entry2.getCount());
return endOfData();
* Returns an unmodifiable view of the intersection of two multisets. In the returned multiset,
* the count of each element is the minimum of its counts in the two backing multisets,
* with elements that would have a count of 0 not included. The iteration order of the returned
* multiset matches that of the element set of {@code multiset1}, with repeated occurrences of the
* same element appearing consecutively.
* Results are undefined if {@code multiset1} and {@code multiset2} are based on different
* equivalence relations (as {@code HashMultiset} and {@code TreeMultiset} are).
* @since 2.0
public static Multiset intersection(
final Multiset multiset1, final Multiset> multiset2) {
return new ViewMultiset() {
public int count(@CheckForNull Object element) {
int count1 = multiset1.count(element);
return (count1 == 0) ? 0 : Math.min(count1, multiset2.count(element));
Set createElementSet() {
return Sets.intersection(multiset1.elementSet(), multiset2.elementSet());
Iterator elementIterator() {
throw new AssertionError("should never be called");
Iterator> entryIterator() {
final Iterator> iterator1 = multiset1.entrySet().iterator();
// TODO(lowasser): consider making the entries live views
return new AbstractIterator>() {
protected Entry computeNext() {
while (iterator1.hasNext()) {
Entry entry1 = iterator1.next();
E element = entry1.getElement();
int count = Math.min(entry1.getCount(), multiset2.count(element));
if (count > 0) {
return immutableEntry(element, count);
return endOfData();
* Returns an unmodifiable view of the sum of two multisets. In the returned multiset, the count
* of each element is the sum of its counts in the two backing multisets. The iteration
* order of the returned multiset matches that of the element set of {@code multiset1} followed by
* the members of the element set of {@code multiset2} that are not contained in {@code
* multiset1}, with repeated occurrences of the same element appearing consecutively.
* Results are undefined if {@code multiset1} and {@code multiset2} are based on different
* equivalence relations (as {@code HashMultiset} and {@code TreeMultiset} are).
* @since 14.0
public static Multiset sum(
final Multiset extends E> multiset1, final Multiset extends E> multiset2) {
// TODO(lowasser): consider making the entries live views
return new ViewMultiset() {
public boolean contains(@CheckForNull Object element) {
return multiset1.contains(element) || multiset2.contains(element);
public boolean isEmpty() {
return multiset1.isEmpty() && multiset2.isEmpty();
public int size() {
return IntMath.saturatedAdd(multiset1.size(), multiset2.size());
public int count(@CheckForNull Object element) {
return multiset1.count(element) + multiset2.count(element);
Set createElementSet() {
return Sets.union(multiset1.elementSet(), multiset2.elementSet());
Iterator elementIterator() {
throw new AssertionError("should never be called");
Iterator> entryIterator() {
final Iterator extends Entry extends E>> iterator1 = multiset1.entrySet().iterator();
final Iterator extends Entry extends E>> iterator2 = multiset2.entrySet().iterator();
return new AbstractIterator>() {
protected Entry computeNext() {
if (iterator1.hasNext()) {
Entry extends E> entry1 = iterator1.next();
E element = entry1.getElement();
int count = entry1.getCount() + multiset2.count(element);
return immutableEntry(element, count);
while (iterator2.hasNext()) {
Entry extends E> entry2 = iterator2.next();
E element = entry2.getElement();
if (!multiset1.contains(element)) {
return immutableEntry(element, entry2.getCount());
return endOfData();
* Returns an unmodifiable view of the difference of two multisets. In the returned multiset, the
* count of each element is the result of the zero-truncated subtraction of its count in
* the second multiset from its count in the first multiset, with elements that would have a count
* of 0 not included. The iteration order of the returned multiset matches that of the element set
* of {@code multiset1}, with repeated occurrences of the same element appearing consecutively.
* Results are undefined if {@code multiset1} and {@code multiset2} are based on different
* equivalence relations (as {@code HashMultiset} and {@code TreeMultiset} are).
* @since 14.0
public static Multiset difference(
final Multiset multiset1, final Multiset> multiset2) {
// TODO(lowasser): consider making the entries live views
return new ViewMultiset() {
public int count(@CheckForNull Object element) {
int count1 = multiset1.count(element);
return (count1 == 0) ? 0 : Math.max(0, count1 - multiset2.count(element));
public void clear() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Iterator elementIterator() {
final Iterator> iterator1 = multiset1.entrySet().iterator();
return new AbstractIterator() {
protected E computeNext() {
while (iterator1.hasNext()) {
Entry entry1 = iterator1.next();
E element = entry1.getElement();
if (entry1.getCount() > multiset2.count(element)) {
return element;
return endOfData();
Iterator> entryIterator() {
final Iterator> iterator1 = multiset1.entrySet().iterator();
return new AbstractIterator>() {
protected Entry computeNext() {
while (iterator1.hasNext()) {
Entry entry1 = iterator1.next();
E element = entry1.getElement();
int count = entry1.getCount() - multiset2.count(element);
if (count > 0) {
return immutableEntry(element, count);
return endOfData();
int distinctElements() {
return Iterators.size(entryIterator());
* Returns {@code true} if {@code subMultiset.count(o) <= superMultiset.count(o)} for all {@code
* o}.
* @since 10.0
public static boolean containsOccurrences(Multiset> superMultiset, Multiset> subMultiset) {
for (Entry> entry : subMultiset.entrySet()) {
int superCount = superMultiset.count(entry.getElement());
if (superCount < entry.getCount()) {
return false;
return true;
* Modifies {@code multisetToModify} so that its count for an element {@code e} is at most {@code
* multisetToRetain.count(e)}.
* To be precise, {@code multisetToModify.count(e)} is set to {@code
* Math.min(multisetToModify.count(e), multisetToRetain.count(e))}. This is similar to {@link
* #intersection(Multiset, Multiset) intersection} {@code (multisetToModify, multisetToRetain)},
* but mutates {@code multisetToModify} instead of returning a view.
In contrast, {@code multisetToModify.retainAll(multisetToRetain)} keeps all occurrences of
* elements that appear at all in {@code multisetToRetain}, and deletes all occurrences of all
* other elements.
* @return {@code true} if {@code multisetToModify} was changed as a result of this operation
* @since 10.0
public static boolean retainOccurrences(
Multiset> multisetToModify, Multiset> multisetToRetain) {
return retainOccurrencesImpl(multisetToModify, multisetToRetain);
/** Delegate implementation which cares about the element type. */
private static boolean retainOccurrencesImpl(
Multiset multisetToModify, Multiset> occurrencesToRetain) {
// Avoiding ConcurrentModificationExceptions is tricky.
Iterator> entryIterator = multisetToModify.entrySet().iterator();
boolean changed = false;
while (entryIterator.hasNext()) {
Entry entry = entryIterator.next();
int retainCount = occurrencesToRetain.count(entry.getElement());
if (retainCount == 0) {
changed = true;
} else if (retainCount < entry.getCount()) {
multisetToModify.setCount(entry.getElement(), retainCount);
changed = true;
return changed;
* For each occurrence of an element {@code e} in {@code occurrencesToRemove}, removes one
* occurrence of {@code e} in {@code multisetToModify}.
* Equivalently, this method modifies {@code multisetToModify} so that {@code
* multisetToModify.count(e)} is set to {@code Math.max(0, multisetToModify.count(e) -
* Iterables.frequency(occurrencesToRemove, e))}.
This is not the same as {@code multisetToModify.} {@link Multiset#removeAll
* removeAll}{@code (occurrencesToRemove)}, which removes all occurrences of elements that appear
* in {@code occurrencesToRemove}. However, this operation is equivalent to, albeit
* sometimes more efficient than, the following:
* for (E e : occurrencesToRemove) {
* multisetToModify.remove(e);
* }
* }
* @return {@code true} if {@code multisetToModify} was changed as a result of this operation
* @since 18.0 (present in 10.0 with a requirement that the second parameter be a {@code
* Multiset})
public static boolean removeOccurrences(
Multiset> multisetToModify, Iterable> occurrencesToRemove) {
if (occurrencesToRemove instanceof Multiset) {
return removeOccurrences(multisetToModify, (Multiset>) occurrencesToRemove);
} else {
boolean changed = false;
for (Object o : occurrencesToRemove) {
changed |= multisetToModify.remove(o);
return changed;
* For each occurrence of an element {@code e} in {@code occurrencesToRemove}, removes one
* occurrence of {@code e} in {@code multisetToModify}.
* Equivalently, this method modifies {@code multisetToModify} so that {@code
* multisetToModify.count(e)} is set to {@code Math.max(0, multisetToModify.count(e) -
* occurrencesToRemove.count(e))}.
This is not the same as {@code multisetToModify.} {@link Multiset#removeAll
* removeAll}{@code (occurrencesToRemove)}, which removes all occurrences of elements that appear
* in {@code occurrencesToRemove}. However, this operation is equivalent to, albeit
* sometimes more efficient than, the following:
* for (E e : occurrencesToRemove) {
* multisetToModify.remove(e);
* }
* }
* @return {@code true} if {@code multisetToModify} was changed as a result of this operation
* @since 10.0 (missing in 18.0 when only the overload taking an {@code Iterable} was present)
public static boolean removeOccurrences(
Multiset> multisetToModify, Multiset> occurrencesToRemove) {
boolean changed = false;
Iterator extends Entry>> entryIterator = multisetToModify.entrySet().iterator();
while (entryIterator.hasNext()) {
Entry> entry = entryIterator.next();
int removeCount = occurrencesToRemove.count(entry.getElement());
if (removeCount >= entry.getCount()) {
changed = true;
} else if (removeCount > 0) {
multisetToModify.remove(entry.getElement(), removeCount);
changed = true;
return changed;
* Implementation of the {@code equals}, {@code hashCode}, and {@code toString} methods of {@link
* Multiset.Entry}.
abstract static class AbstractEntry implements Multiset.Entry {
* Indicates whether an object equals this entry, following the behavior specified in {@link
* Multiset.Entry#equals}.
public boolean equals(@CheckForNull Object object) {
if (object instanceof Multiset.Entry) {
Multiset.Entry> that = (Multiset.Entry>) object;
return this.getCount() == that.getCount()
&& Objects.equal(this.getElement(), that.getElement());
return false;
* Return this entry's hash code, following the behavior specified in {@link
* Multiset.Entry#hashCode}.
public int hashCode() {
E e = getElement();
return ((e == null) ? 0 : e.hashCode()) ^ getCount();
* Returns a string representation of this multiset entry. The string representation consists of
* the associated element if the associated count is one, and otherwise the associated element
* followed by the characters " x " (space, x and space) followed by the count. Elements and
* counts are converted to strings as by {@code String.valueOf}.
public String toString() {
String text = String.valueOf(getElement());
int n = getCount();
return (n == 1) ? text : (text + " x " + n);
/** An implementation of {@link Multiset#equals}. */
static boolean equalsImpl(Multiset> multiset, @CheckForNull Object object) {
if (object == multiset) {
return true;
if (object instanceof Multiset) {
Multiset> that = (Multiset>) object;
* We can't simply check whether the entry sets are equal, since that
* approach fails when a TreeMultiset has a comparator that returns 0
* when passed unequal elements.
if (multiset.size() != that.size() || multiset.entrySet().size() != that.entrySet().size()) {
return false;
for (Entry> entry : that.entrySet()) {
if (multiset.count(entry.getElement()) != entry.getCount()) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
/** An implementation of {@link Multiset#addAll}. */
static boolean addAllImpl(
Multiset self, Collection extends E> elements) {
if (elements instanceof Multiset) {
return addAllImpl(self, cast(elements));
} else if (elements.isEmpty()) {
return false;
} else {
return Iterators.addAll(self, elements.iterator());
/** A specialization of {@code addAllImpl} for when {@code elements} is itself a Multiset. */
private static boolean addAllImpl(
Multiset self, Multiset extends E> elements) {
if (elements.isEmpty()) {
return false;
return true;
/** An implementation of {@link Multiset#removeAll}. */
static boolean removeAllImpl(Multiset> self, Collection> elementsToRemove) {
Collection> collection =
(elementsToRemove instanceof Multiset)
? ((Multiset>) elementsToRemove).elementSet()
: elementsToRemove;
return self.elementSet().removeAll(collection);
/** An implementation of {@link Multiset#retainAll}. */
static boolean retainAllImpl(Multiset> self, Collection> elementsToRetain) {
Collection> collection =
(elementsToRetain instanceof Multiset)
? ((Multiset>) elementsToRetain).elementSet()
: elementsToRetain;
return self.elementSet().retainAll(collection);
/** An implementation of {@link Multiset#setCount(Object, int)}. */
static int setCountImpl(
Multiset self, @ParametricNullness E element, int count) {
checkNonnegative(count, "count");
int oldCount = self.count(element);
int delta = count - oldCount;
if (delta > 0) {
self.add(element, delta);
} else if (delta < 0) {
self.remove(element, -delta);
return oldCount;
/** An implementation of {@link Multiset#setCount(Object, int, int)}. */
static boolean setCountImpl(
Multiset self, @ParametricNullness E element, int oldCount, int newCount) {
checkNonnegative(oldCount, "oldCount");
checkNonnegative(newCount, "newCount");
if (self.count(element) == oldCount) {
self.setCount(element, newCount);
return true;
} else {
return false;
static Iterator elementIterator(
Iterator> entryIterator) {
return new TransformedIterator, E>(entryIterator) {
E transform(Entry entry) {
return entry.getElement();
abstract static class ElementSet extends Sets.ImprovedAbstractSet {
abstract Multiset multiset();
public void clear() {
public boolean contains(@CheckForNull Object o) {
return multiset().contains(o);
public boolean containsAll(Collection> c) {
return multiset().containsAll(c);
public boolean isEmpty() {
return multiset().isEmpty();
public abstract Iterator iterator();
public boolean remove(@CheckForNull Object o) {
return multiset().remove(o, Integer.MAX_VALUE) > 0;
public int size() {
return multiset().entrySet().size();
abstract static class EntrySet
extends Sets.ImprovedAbstractSet> {
abstract Multiset multiset();
public boolean contains(@CheckForNull Object o) {
if (o instanceof Entry) {
* The GWT compiler wrongly issues a warning here.
Entry> entry = (Entry>) o;
if (entry.getCount() <= 0) {
return false;
int count = multiset().count(entry.getElement());
return count == entry.getCount();
return false;
// GWT compiler warning; see contains().
public boolean remove(@CheckForNull Object object) {
if (object instanceof Multiset.Entry) {
Entry> entry = (Entry>) object;
Object element = entry.getElement();
int entryCount = entry.getCount();
if (entryCount != 0) {
// Safe as long as we never add a new entry, which we won't.
// (Presumably it can still throw CCE/NPE but only if the underlying Multiset does.)
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "nullness"})
Multiset<@Nullable Object> multiset = (Multiset<@Nullable Object>) multiset();
return multiset.setCount(element, entryCount, 0);
return false;
public void clear() {
/** An implementation of {@link Multiset#iterator}. */
static Iterator iteratorImpl(Multiset multiset) {
return new MultisetIteratorImpl(multiset, multiset.entrySet().iterator());
static final class MultisetIteratorImpl implements Iterator {
private final Multiset multiset;
private final Iterator> entryIterator;
@CheckForNull private Entry currentEntry;
/** Count of subsequent elements equal to current element */
private int laterCount;
/** Count of all elements equal to current element */
private int totalCount;
private boolean canRemove;
MultisetIteratorImpl(Multiset multiset, Iterator> entryIterator) {
this.multiset = multiset;
this.entryIterator = entryIterator;
public boolean hasNext() {
return laterCount > 0 || entryIterator.hasNext();
public E next() {
if (!hasNext()) {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
if (laterCount == 0) {
currentEntry = entryIterator.next();
totalCount = laterCount = currentEntry.getCount();
canRemove = true;
* requireNonNull is safe because laterCount starts at 0, forcing us to initialize
* currentEntry above. After that, we never clear it.
return requireNonNull(currentEntry).getElement();
public void remove() {
if (totalCount == 1) {
} else {
* requireNonNull is safe because canRemove is set to true only after we initialize
* currentEntry (which we never subsequently clear).
canRemove = false;
static Spliterator spliteratorImpl(Multiset multiset) {
Spliterator> entrySpliterator = multiset.entrySet().spliterator();
return CollectSpliterators.flatMap(
entry -> Collections.nCopies(entry.getCount(), entry.getElement()).spliterator(),
| (entrySpliterator.characteristics()
& (Spliterator.ORDERED | Spliterator.NONNULL | Spliterator.IMMUTABLE)),
/** An implementation of {@link Multiset#size}. */
static int linearTimeSizeImpl(Multiset> multiset) {
long size = 0;
for (Entry> entry : multiset.entrySet()) {
size += entry.getCount();
return Ints.saturatedCast(size);
/** Used to avoid http://bugs.sun.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=6558557 */
static Multiset cast(Iterable iterable) {
return (Multiset) iterable;
* Returns a copy of {@code multiset} as an {@link ImmutableMultiset} whose iteration order puts
* the highest count first, with ties broken by the iteration order of the original multiset.
* @since 11.0
public static ImmutableMultiset copyHighestCountFirst(Multiset multiset) {
Entry[] entries = (Entry[]) multiset.entrySet().toArray(new Entry[0]);
Arrays.sort(entries, DecreasingCount.INSTANCE);
return ImmutableMultiset.copyFromEntries(Arrays.asList(entries));
private static final class DecreasingCount implements Comparator> {
static final Comparator> INSTANCE = new DecreasingCount();
public int compare(Entry> entry1, Entry> entry2) {
return entry2.getCount() - entry1.getCount(); // subtracting two nonnegative integers
* An {@link AbstractMultiset} with additional default implementations, some of them linear-time
* implementations in terms of {@code elementSet} and {@code entrySet}.
private abstract static class ViewMultiset
extends AbstractMultiset {
public int size() {
return linearTimeSizeImpl(this);
public void clear() {
public Iterator iterator() {
return iteratorImpl(this);
int distinctElements() {
return elementSet().size();