io.undertow.websockets.core.WebSocketMessages Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
* Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
* as indicated by the @author tags.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package io.undertow.websockets.core;
import org.jboss.logging.Messages;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Cause;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.Message;
import org.jboss.logging.annotations.MessageBundle;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.zip.DataFormatException;
* start at 20000
* @author Stuart Douglas
@MessageBundle(projectCode = "UT")
public interface WebSocketMessages {
WebSocketMessages MESSAGES = Messages.getBundle(WebSocketMessages.class);
// @Message(id = 2001, value = "Not a WebSocket handshake request: missing %s in the headers")
// WebSocketHandshakeException missingHeader(String header);
@Message(id = 2002, value = "Channel is closed")
IOException channelClosed();
@Message(id = 2003, value = "Text frame contains non UTF-8 data")
UnsupportedEncodingException invalidTextFrameEncoding();
// @Message(id = 2004, value = "Cannot call shutdownWrites, only %s of %s bytes written")
// IOException notAllPayloadDataWritten(long written, long payloadSize);
@Message(id = 2005, value = "Fragmented control frame")
WebSocketFrameCorruptedException fragmentedControlFrame();
@Message(id = 2006, value = "Control frame with payload length > 125 octets")
WebSocketFrameCorruptedException toBigControlFrame();
@Message(id = 2007, value = "Control frame using reserved opcode = %s")
WebSocketFrameCorruptedException reservedOpCodeInControlFrame(int opCode);
@Message(id = 2008, value = "Received close control frame with payload len 1")
WebSocketFrameCorruptedException controlFrameWithPayloadLen1();
@Message(id = 2009, value = "Data frame using reserved opcode = %s")
WebSocketFrameCorruptedException reservedOpCodeInDataFrame(int opCode);
@Message(id = 2010, value = "Received continuation data frame outside fragmented message")
WebSocketFrameCorruptedException continuationFrameOutsideFragmented();
@Message(id = 2011, value = "Received non-continuation data frame while inside fragmented message")
WebSocketFrameCorruptedException nonContinuationFrameInsideFragmented();
// @Message(id = 2012, value = "Invalid data frame length (not using minimal length encoding)")
// WebSocketFrameCorruptedException invalidDataFrameLength();
@Message(id = 2013, value = "Cannot decode web socket frame with opcode: %s")
IllegalStateException unsupportedOpCode(int opCode);
@Message(id = 2014, value = "WebSocketFrameType %s is not supported by this WebSocketChannel\"")
IllegalArgumentException unsupportedFrameType(WebSocketFrameType type);
@Message(id = 2015, value = "Extensions not allowed but received rsv of %s")
WebSocketFrameCorruptedException extensionsNotAllowed(int rsv);
@Message(id = 2016, value = "Could not find supported protocol in request list %s. Supported protocols are %s")
WebSocketHandshakeException unsupportedProtocol(String requestedSubprotocols, Collection subprotocols);
// @Message(id = 2017, value = "No Length encoded in the frame")
// WebSocketFrameCorruptedException noLengthEncodedInFrame();
// @Message(id = 2018, value = "Payload is not support in CloseFrames when using WebSocket Version 00")
// IllegalArgumentException payloadNotSupportedInCloseFrames();
@Message(id = 2019, value = "Invalid payload for PING (payload length must be <= 125, was %s)")
IllegalArgumentException invalidPayloadLengthForPing(long payloadLength);
// @Message(id = 2020, value = "Payload is not supported for Close Frames when using WebSocket 00")
// IOException noPayloadAllowedForCloseFrames();
// @Message(id = 2021, value = "Fragmentation not supported")
// UnsupportedOperationException fragmentationNotSupported();
// @Message(id = 2022, value = "Can only be changed before the write is in progress")
// IllegalStateException writeInProgress();
@Message(id = 2023, value = "Extensions not supported")
UnsupportedOperationException extensionsNotSupported();
// @Message(id = 2024, value = "The payload length must be >= 0")
// IllegalArgumentException negativePayloadLength();
// @Message(id = 2025, value = "Closed before all bytes where read")
// IOException closedBeforeAllBytesWereRead();
@Message(id = 2026, value = "Invalid close frame status code: %s")
WebSocketInvalidCloseCodeException invalidCloseFrameStatusCode(int statusCode);
@Message(id = 2027, value = "Could not send data, as the underlying web socket connection has been broken")
IOException streamIsBroken();
// @Message(id = 2028, value = "Specified length is bigger the available size of the FileChannel")
// IllegalArgumentException lengthBiggerThenFileChannel();
// @Message(id = 2029, value = "FragmentedSender was complete already")
// IllegalArgumentException fragmentedSenderCompleteAlready();
// @Message(id = 2030, value = "Array of SenderCallbacks must be non empty")
// IllegalArgumentException senderCallbacksEmpty();
// @Message(id = 2031, value = "Only one FragmentedSender can be used at the same time")
// IllegalStateException fragmentedSenderInUse();
// @Message(id = 2032, value = "Close frame was send before")
// IOException closeFrameSentBefore();
// @Message(id = 2033, value = "Blocking operation was called in IO thread")
// IllegalStateException blockingOperationInIoThread();
@Message(id = 2034, value = "Web socket frame was not masked")
WebSocketFrameCorruptedException frameNotMasked();
@Message(id = 2035, value = "The response did not contain an 'Upgrade: websocket' header")
IOException noWebSocketUpgradeHeader();
@Message(id = 2036, value = "The response did not contain a 'Connection: upgrade' header")
IOException noWebSocketConnectionHeader();
@Message(id = 2037, value = "Sec-WebSocket-Accept mismatch, expecting %s, received %s")
IOException webSocketAcceptKeyMismatch(String dKey, String acceptKey);
// @Message(id = 2038, value = "Cannot call method with frame type %s, only text or binary is allowed")
// IllegalArgumentException incorrectFrameType(WebSocketFrameType type);
// @Message(id = 2039, value = "Data has already been released")
// IllegalStateException dataHasBeenReleased();
@Message(id = 2040, value = "Message exceeded max message size of %s")
String messageToBig(long maxMessageSize);
// @Message(id = 2041, value = "Attempted to write more data than the specified payload length")
// IOException messageOverflow();
// @Message(id = 2042, value = "Server responded with unsupported extension %s. Supported extensions: %s")
// IOException unsupportedExtension(String part, List supportedExtensions);
// @Message(id = 2043, value = "WebSocket client is trying to use extensions but there is not extensions configured")
// IllegalStateException badExtensionsConfiguredInClient();
@Message(id = 2044, value = "Compressed message payload is corrupted")
IOException badCompressedPayload(@Cause final DataFormatException cause);
@Message(id = 2045, value = "Unable to send on newly created channel!")
IllegalStateException unableToSendOnNewChannel();
@Message(id = 2046, value = "Closing WebSocket, peer went away.")
String messageCloseWebSocket();
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