org.hornetq.utils.UUIDTimer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* JUG Java Uuid Generator
* Copyright (c) 2002- Tatu Saloranta, [email protected]
* Licensed under the License specified in the file licenses/LICENSE.txt which is
* included with the source code.
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.hornetq.utils;
import java.util.Random;
* UUIDTimer produces the time stamps required for time-based UUIDs. It works as
* outlined in the UUID specification, with following implementation:
* - Java classes can only product time stamps with maximum resolution of one
* millisecond (at least before JDK 1.5). To compensate, an additional counter
* is used, so that more than one UUID can be generated between java clock
* updates. Counter may be used to generate up to 10000 UUIDs for each distrinct
* java clock value.
- Due to even lower clock resolution on some platforms (older Windows
* versions use 55 msec resolution), timestamp value can also advanced ahead of
* physical value within limits (by default, up 100 millisecond ahead of
* reported), iff necessary (ie. 10000 instances created before clock time
* advances).
- As an additional precaution, counter is initialized not to 0 but to a
* random 8-bit number, and each time clock changes, lowest 8-bits of counter
* are preserved. The purpose it to make likelihood of multi-JVM multi-instance
* generators to collide, without significantly reducing max. UUID generation
* speed. Note though that using more than one generator (from separate JVMs) is
* strongly discouraged, so hopefully this enhancement isn't needed. This 8-bit
* offset has to be reduced from total max. UUID count to preserve ordering
* property of UUIDs (ie. one can see which UUID was generated first for given
* UUID generator); the resulting 9500 UUIDs isn't much different from the
* optimal choice.
- Finally, as of version 2.0 and onwards, optional external timestamp
* synchronization can be done. This is done similar to the way UUID
* specification suggests; except that since there is no way to lock the whole
* system, file-based locking is used. This works between multiple JVMs and Jug
* instances.
* Some additional assumptions about calculating the timestamp:
* - System.currentTimeMillis() is assumed to give time offset in UTC, or at
* least close enough thing to get correct timestamps. The alternate route would
* have to go through calendar object, use TimeZone offset to get to UTC, and
* then modify. Using currentTimeMillis should be much faster to allow rapid
* UUID creation.
- Similarly, the constant used for time offset between 1.1.1970 and start
* of Gregorian calendar is assumed to be correct (which seems to be the case
* when testing with Java calendars).
* Note about synchronization: this class is assumed to always be called from a
* synchronized context (caller locks on either this object, or a similar timer
* lock), and so has no method synchronization.
public class UUIDTimer
// // // Constants
* Since System.longTimeMillis() returns time from january 1st 1970, and
* UUIDs need time from the beginning of gregorian calendar (15-oct-1582),
* need to apply the offset:
private static final long kClockOffset = 0x01b21dd213814000L;
* Also, instead of getting time in units of 100nsecs, we get something with
* max resolution of 1 msec... and need the multiplier as well
private static final long kClockMultiplier = 10000;
private static final long kClockMultiplierL = 10000L;
* Let's allow "virtual" system time to advance at most 100 milliseconds
* beyond actual physical system time, before adding delays.
private static final long kMaxClockAdvance = 100L;
// // // Configuration
private final Random mRnd;
// // // Clock state:
* Additional state information used to protect against anomalous cases
* (clock time going backwards, node id getting mixed up). Third byte is
* actually used for seeding counter on counter overflow.
private final byte[] mClockSequence = new byte[3];
* Last physical timestamp value System.currentTimeMillis()
* returned: used to catch (and report) cases where system clock goes
* backwards. Is also used to limit "drifting", that is, amount timestamps
* used can differ from the system time value. This value is not guaranteed
* to be monotonically increasing.
private long mLastSystemTimestamp = 0L;
* Timestamp value last used for generating a UUID (along with
* {@link #mClockCounter}. Usually the same as {@link #mLastSystemTimestamp},
* but not always (system clock moved backwards). Note that this value is
* guaranteed to be monotonically increasing; that is, at given absolute time
* points t1 and t2 (where t2 is after t1), t1 <= t2 will always hold true.
private long mLastUsedTimestamp = 0L;
* Counter used to compensate inadequate resolution of JDK system timer.
private int mClockCounter = 0;
UUIDTimer(final Random rnd)
mRnd = rnd;
mLastSystemTimestamp = 0L;
// This may get overwritten by the synchronizer
mLastUsedTimestamp = 0L;
private void initCounters(final Random rnd)
* Let's generate the clock sequence field now; as with counter, this
* reduces likelihood of collisions (as explained in UUID specs)
* Ok, let's also initialize the counter... Counter is used to make it
* slightly less likely that two instances of UUIDGenerator (from separate
* JVMs as no more than one can be created in one JVM) would produce
* colliding time-based UUIDs. The practice of using multiple generators,
* is strongly discouraged, of course, but just in case...
mClockCounter = mClockSequence[2] & 0xFF;
public void getTimestamp(final byte[] uuidData)
// First the clock sequence:
uuidData[UUID.INDEX_CLOCK_SEQUENCE] = mClockSequence[0];
uuidData[UUID.INDEX_CLOCK_SEQUENCE + 1] = mClockSequence[1];
long systime = System.currentTimeMillis();
* Let's first verify that the system time is not going backwards;
* independent of whether we can use it:
if (systime < mLastSystemTimestamp)
// Logger.logWarning("System time going backwards! (got value
// "+systime+", last "+mLastSystemTimestamp);
// Let's write it down, still
mLastSystemTimestamp = systime;
* But even without it going backwards, it may be less than the last one
* used (when generating UUIDs fast with coarse clock resolution; or if
* clock has gone backwards over reboot etc).
if (systime <= mLastUsedTimestamp)
* Can we just use the last time stamp (ok if the counter hasn't hit
* max yet)
if (mClockCounter < UUIDTimer.kClockMultiplier)
{ // yup, still have room
systime = mLastUsedTimestamp;
{ // nope, have to roll over to next value and maybe wait
long actDiff = mLastUsedTimestamp - systime;
long origTime = systime;
systime = mLastUsedTimestamp + 1L;
// Logger.logWarning("Timestamp over-run: need to reinitialize
// random sequence");
* Clock counter is now at exactly the multiplier; no use just
* anding its value. So, we better get some random numbers
* instead...
* But do we also need to slow down? (to try to keep virtual time
* close to physical time; ie. either catch up when system clock has
* been moved backwards, or when coarse clock resolution has forced
* us to advance virtual timer too far)
if (actDiff >= UUIDTimer.kMaxClockAdvance)
UUIDTimer.slowDown(origTime, actDiff);
* Clock has advanced normally; just need to make sure counter is reset
* to a low value (need not be 0; good to leave a small residual to
* further decrease collisions)
mClockCounter &= 0xFF;
mLastUsedTimestamp = systime;
* Now, let's translate the timestamp to one UUID needs, 100ns unit offset
* from the beginning of Gregorian calendar...
systime *= UUIDTimer.kClockMultiplierL;
systime += UUIDTimer.kClockOffset;
// Plus add the clock counter:
systime += mClockCounter;
// and then increase
* Time fields are nicely split across the UUID, so can't just linearly
* dump the stamp:
int clockHi = (int) (systime >>> 32);
int clockLo = (int) systime;
uuidData[UUID.INDEX_CLOCK_HI] = (byte) (clockHi >>> 24);
uuidData[UUID.INDEX_CLOCK_HI + 1] = (byte) (clockHi >>> 16);
uuidData[UUID.INDEX_CLOCK_MID] = (byte) (clockHi >>> 8);
uuidData[UUID.INDEX_CLOCK_MID + 1] = (byte) clockHi;
uuidData[UUID.INDEX_CLOCK_LO] = (byte) (clockLo >>> 24);
uuidData[UUID.INDEX_CLOCK_LO + 1] = (byte) (clockLo >>> 16);
uuidData[UUID.INDEX_CLOCK_LO + 2] = (byte) (clockLo >>> 8);
uuidData[UUID.INDEX_CLOCK_LO + 3] = (byte) clockLo;
* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private
* methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
private static final int MAX_WAIT_COUNT = 50;
* Simple utility method to use to wait for couple of milliseconds, to let
* system clock hopefully advance closer to the virtual timestamps used.
* Delay is kept to just a millisecond or two, to prevent excessive blocking;
* but that should be enough to eventually synchronize physical clock with
* virtual clock values used for UUIDs.
private static void slowDown(final long startTime, final long actDiff)
* First, let's determine how long we'd like to wait. This is based on how
* far ahead are we as of now.
long ratio = actDiff / UUIDTimer.kMaxClockAdvance;
long delay;
if (ratio < 2L)
{ // 200 msecs or less
delay = 1L;
else if (ratio < 10L)
{ // 1 second or less
delay = 2L;
else if (ratio < 600L)
{ // 1 minute or less
delay = 3L;
delay = 5L;
// Logger.logWarning("Need to wait for "+delay+" milliseconds; virtual
// clock advanced too far in the future");
long waitUntil = startTime + delay;
int counter = 0;
catch (InterruptedException ie)
delay = 1L;
* This is just a sanity check: don't want an "infinite" loop if clock
* happened to be moved backwards by, say, an hour...
if (++counter > UUIDTimer.MAX_WAIT_COUNT)
while (System.currentTimeMillis() < waitUntil);