org.apache.ode.bpel.engine.PartnerLinkMyRoleImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.ode.bpel.engine;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.common.*;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.dao.CorrelatorDAO;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.dao.MessageRouteDAO;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.dao.ProcessDAO;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.dao.ProcessInstanceDAO;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.evt.CorrelationMatchEvent;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.evt.CorrelationNoMatchEvent;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.evt.NewProcessInstanceEvent;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.extension.ExtensionCorrelationFilter;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.*;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.ProcessState;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.Scheduler.JobDetails;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.iapi.Scheduler.JobType;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.intercept.InterceptorInvoker;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.o.OMessageVarType;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.o.OPartnerLink;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.o.OProcess;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.o.OScope;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.runtime.InvalidProcessException;
import org.apache.ode.bpel.runtime.PROCESS;
import org.apache.ode.utils.ObjectPrinter;
import org.apache.ode.utils.msg.MessageBundle;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import javax.wsdl.Operation;
import javax.wsdl.PortType;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import java.util.*;
* @author Matthieu Riou
public class PartnerLinkMyRoleImpl extends PartnerLinkRoleImpl {
private static final Log __log = LogFactory.getLog(BpelProcess.class);
private static final Messages __msgs = MessageBundle.getMessages(Messages.class);
/** The local endpoint for this "myrole". */
public Endpoint _endpoint;
PartnerLinkMyRoleImpl(BpelProcess process, OPartnerLink plink, Endpoint endpoint) {
super(process, plink);
_endpoint = endpoint;
public String toString() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("{PartnerLinkRole-");
buf.append(" on ");
return buf.toString();
public boolean isCreateInstance(MyRoleMessageExchangeImpl mex) {
Operation operation = getMyRoleOperation(mex.getOperationName());
if(operation == null) {
return false;
return _plinkDef.isCreateInstanceOperation(operation);
public List findRoute(MyRoleMessageExchangeImpl mex) {
List routingInfos = new ArrayList();
if (__log.isTraceEnabled()) {
__log.trace(ObjectPrinter.stringifyMethodEnter(this + ":inputMsgRcvd", new Object[] {
"messageExchange", mex }));
Operation operation = getMyRoleOperation(mex.getOperationName());
if (operation == null) {
// __log.error(__msgs.msgUnknownOperation(mex.getOperationName(), _plinkDef.myRolePortType.getQName()));
// mex.setFailure(MessageExchange.FailureType.UNKNOWN_OPERATION, mex.getOperationName(), null);
return null;
// now, the tricks begin: when a message arrives we have to see if there
// is anyone waiting for it. Get the correlator, a persisted communication-reduction
// data structure supporting correlation correlationKey matching!
String correlatorId = BpelProcess.genCorrelatorId(_plinkDef, operation.getName());
CorrelatorDAO correlator = _process.getProcessDAO().getCorrelator(correlatorId);
CorrelationKeySet keySet;
// We need to compute the correlation keys (based on the operation
// we can infer which correlation keys to compute - this is merely a set
// consisting of each correlationKey used in each correlation sets
// that is ever referenced in an / on this
// partnerlink/operation.
try {
keySet = computeCorrelationKeys(mex);
} catch (InvalidMessageException ime) {
// We'd like to do a graceful exit here, no sense in rolling back due to a
// a message format problem.
__log.debug("Unable to evaluate correlation keys, invalid message format. ",ime);
mex.setFailure(MessageExchange.FailureType.FORMAT_ERROR, ime.getMessage(), null);
return null;
String mySessionId = mex.getProperty(MessageExchange.PROPERTY_SEP_MYROLE_SESSIONID);
String partnerSessionId = mex.getProperty(MessageExchange.PROPERTY_SEP_PARTNERROLE_SESSIONID);
if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
__log.debug("INPUTMSG: " + correlatorId + ": MSG RCVD keys="
+ keySet + " mySessionId=" + mySessionId
+ " partnerSessionId=" + partnerSessionId);
// Try to find a route for one of our keys.
List messageRoutes = correlator.findRoute(keySet);
if (messageRoutes != null && messageRoutes.size() > 0) {
for (MessageRouteDAO messageRoute : messageRoutes) {
if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
__log.debug("INPUTMSG: " + correlatorId + ": ckeySet " + messageRoute.getCorrelationKeySet() + " route is to " + messageRoute);
routingInfos.add(new RoutingInfo(messageRoute, messageRoute.getCorrelationKeySet(), correlator, keySet));
if (routingInfos.size() == 0) {
routingInfos.add(new RoutingInfo(null, null, correlator, keySet));
return routingInfos;
public static class RoutingInfo {
public MessageRouteDAO messageRoute;
public CorrelationKeySet matchedKeySet;
public CorrelatorDAO correlator;
// CorrelationKey[] keys;
public CorrelationKeySet wholeKeySet;
public RoutingInfo(MessageRouteDAO messageRoute, CorrelationKeySet matchedKeySet,
CorrelatorDAO correlator, CorrelationKeySet wholeKeySet) {
this.messageRoute = messageRoute;
this.matchedKeySet = matchedKeySet;
this.correlator = correlator;
this.wholeKeySet = wholeKeySet;
public void invokeNewInstance(MyRoleMessageExchangeImpl mex, RoutingInfo routing) {
Operation operation = getMyRoleOperation(mex.getOperationName());
if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
__log.debug("INPUTMSG: " + routing.correlator.getCorrelatorId() + ": routing failed, CREATING NEW INSTANCE");
ProcessDAO processDAO = _process.getProcessDAO();
if (_process._pconf.getState() == ProcessState.RETIRED) {
throw new InvalidProcessException("Process is retired.", InvalidProcessException.RETIRED_CAUSE_CODE);
if (!_process.processInterceptors(mex, InterceptorInvoker.__onNewInstanceInvoked)) {
__log.debug("Not creating a new instance for mex " + mex + "; interceptor prevented!");
throw new InvalidProcessException("Cannot instantiate process '" + _process.getPID() + "' any more.", InvalidProcessException.TOO_MANY_INSTANCES_CAUSE_CODE);
ProcessInstanceDAO newInstance = processDAO.createInstance(routing.correlator);
BpelRuntimeContextImpl instance = _process
.createRuntimeContext(newInstance, new PROCESS(_process.getOProcess()), mex);
// send process instance event
NewProcessInstanceEvent evt = new NewProcessInstanceEvent(new QName(_process.getOProcess().targetNamespace,
_process.getOProcess().getName()), _process.getProcessDAO().getProcessId(), newInstance.getInstanceId());
_process.saveEvent(evt, newInstance);
if (mex.getDAO().getCreateTime() == null)
public void invokeInstance(MyRoleMessageExchangeImpl mex, RoutingInfo routing) {
Operation operation = getMyRoleOperation(mex.getOperationName());
if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
__log.debug("INPUTMSG: " + routing.correlator.getCorrelatorId() + ": ROUTING to existing instance "
+ routing.messageRoute.getTargetInstance().getInstanceId());
ProcessInstanceDAO instanceDao = routing.messageRoute.getTargetInstance();
BpelProcess process2 = _process._engine._activeProcesses.get(instanceDao.getProcess().getProcessId());
// Reload process instance for DAO.
BpelRuntimeContextImpl instance = process2.createRuntimeContext(instanceDao, null, null);
instance.inputMsgMatch(routing.messageRoute.getGroupId(), routing.messageRoute.getIndex(), mex);
// Kill the route so some new message does not get routed to
// same process instance.
routing.correlator.removeRoutes(routing.messageRoute.getGroupId(), instanceDao);
// send process instance event
CorrelationMatchEvent evt = new CorrelationMatchEvent(new QName(process2.getOProcess().targetNamespace,
process2.getOProcess().getName()), process2.getProcessDAO().getProcessId(),
instanceDao.getInstanceId(), routing.matchedKeySet);
// store event
process2.saveEvent(evt, instanceDao);
ProcessInstanceDAO processInstanceDAO = routing.messageRoute.getTargetInstance();
if (mex.getDAO().getCreateTime() == null)
public void noRoutingMatch(MyRoleMessageExchangeImpl mex, List routings) {
if (!mex.isAsynchronous()) {
mex.setFailure(MessageExchange.FailureType.NOMATCH, "No process instance matching correlation keys.", null);
if (!OdeGlobalConfig.queueInOutMessages()) {
_process.doAsyncReply(mex, null);
} else {
// enqueue message with the last message route, as per the comments in caller (@see BpelProcess.invokeProcess())
RoutingInfo routing =
(routings != null && routings.size() > 0) ?
routings.get(routings.size() - 1) : null;
if (routing != null) {
if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
__log.debug("INPUTMSG: " + routing.correlator.getCorrelatorId() + ": SAVING to DB (no match) ");
// send event
CorrelationNoMatchEvent evt = new CorrelationNoMatchEvent(mex.getPortType().getQName(), mex
.getOperation().getName(), mex.getMessageExchangeId(), routing.wholeKeySet);
evt.setProcessName(new QName(_process.getOProcess().targetNamespace, _process.getOProcess().getName()));
// No match, means we add message exchange to the queue.
routing.correlator.enqueueMessage(mex.getDAO(), routing.wholeKeySet);
// Second matcher needs to be registered here
JobDetails we = new JobDetails();
_process._engine._contexts.scheduler.scheduleVolatileJob(true, we);
_process._engine._contexts.scheduler.schedulePersistedJob(we, null);
private void setMexRole(MyRoleMessageExchangeImpl mex) {
Operation operation = getMyRoleOperation(mex.getOperationName());
mex.setPortOp(_plinkDef.myRolePortType, operation);
mex.setPattern(operation.getOutput() == null ? MessageExchange.MessageExchangePattern.REQUEST_ONLY
: MessageExchange.MessageExchangePattern.REQUEST_RESPONSE);
private Operation getMyRoleOperation(String operationName) {
return _plinkDef.getMyRoleOperation(operationName);
private CorrelationKeySet computeCorrelationKeys(MyRoleMessageExchangeImpl mex) {
CorrelationKeySet keySet = new CorrelationKeySet();
Operation operation = mex.getOperation();
Element msg = mex.getRequest().getMessage();
Map headerParts = mex.getRequest().getHeaderParts();
javax.wsdl.Message msgDescription = operation.getInput().getMessage();
//TODO get filter from the system
QName correlationFilter = _process.getCorrelationFilter(_plinkDef.getName());
if (correlationFilter != null) {
ExtensionCorrelationFilter extCorFilter =
if (extCorFilter != null) {
CorrelationKey extensionKey = new CorrelationKey("-2",
Set csets = _plinkDef.getNonInitiatingCorrelationSetsForOperation(operation);
for (OScope.CorrelationSet cset : csets) {
CorrelationKey key = computeCorrelationKey(cset,
_process.getOProcess().messageTypes.get(msgDescription.getQName()), msg, headerParts);
csets = _plinkDef.getJoinningCorrelationSetsForOperation(operation);
for (OScope.CorrelationSet cset : csets) {
CorrelationKey key = computeCorrelationKey(cset,
_process.getOProcess().messageTypes.get(msgDescription.getQName()), msg, headerParts);
// Let's creata a key based on the sessionId
String mySessionId = mex.getProperty(MessageExchange.PROPERTY_SEP_MYROLE_SESSIONID);
if (mySessionId != null)
keySet.add(new CorrelationKey("-1", new String[] { mySessionId }));
// Added to handle multi-tenant case 20-06-2011
keySet.add(new CorrelationKey("tenant", new String[]{_process.getConf().getDeployer()}));
return keySet;
private CorrelationKey computeCorrelationKey(OScope.CorrelationSet cset, OMessageVarType messagetype,
Element msg, Map headerParts) {
CorrelationKey key = null;
String[] values = new String[cset.properties.size()];
int jIdx = 0;
for (Iterator j = cset.properties.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ++jIdx) {
OProcess.OProperty property = (OProcess.OProperty) j.next();
OProcess.OPropertyAlias alias = property.getAlias(messagetype);
if (alias == null) {
// TODO: Throw a real exception! And catch this at compile
// time.
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No alias matching property '" + property.name
+ "' with message type '" + messagetype + "'");
String value;
try {
value = _process.extractProperty(msg, headerParts, alias, msg.toString());
} catch (FaultException fe) {
String emsg = __msgs.msgPropertyAliasDerefFailedOnMessage(alias.getDescription(), fe.getMessage());
__log.error(emsg, fe);
throw new InvalidMessageException(emsg, fe);
values[jIdx] = value;
if( cset.hasJoinUseCases ) {
key = new OptionalCorrelationKey(cset.name, values);
} else {
key = new CorrelationKey(cset.name, values);
return key;
public boolean isOneWayOnly() {
PortType portType = _plinkDef.myRolePortType;
if (portType == null) {
return false;
for (Operation operation : (List) portType.getOperations()) {
if (operation.getOutput() != null) {
return false;
return true;
public ExtensionCorrelationFilter createExtensionCorrelationFilterImplementation(QName name) {
if (name == null) return null;
ExtensionCorrelationFilter filter = _process._filterRegistry.get(name.getNamespaceURI());
if (filter == null) {
return null;
} else {
try {
return filter.getExtensionCorrelationFilterInstance(name.getLocalPart());
} catch (Exception e) {
__log.error("Error getting filter: " + name, e);
return null;
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