wvlet.airframe.config.Config.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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airframe configuration module
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* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package wvlet.airframe.config
import java.io.{File, FileNotFoundException, StringReader}
import java.util.Properties
import wvlet.airframe.DesignOptions
import wvlet.airframe.config.PropertiesConfig.ConfigKey
import wvlet.airframe.config.YamlReader.loadMapOf
import wvlet.airframe.surface.{Surface, Zero}
import wvlet.log.LogSupport
import wvlet.log.io.{IOUtil, Resource}
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
case class ConfigHolder(tpe: Surface, value: Any)
case class ConfigPaths(configPaths: Seq[String]) extends LogSupport {
info(s"Config file paths: [${configPaths.mkString(", ")}]")
object Config extends LogSupport {
def empty = Config()
private[config] def defaultConfigPath =
// current directory
// program home for wvlet-launcher
sys.props.getOrElse("prog.home", "")
def apply(
env: String = "default",
defaultEnv: String = "default",
configPaths: Seq[String] = defaultConfigPath
): Config =
Config(ConfigEnv(env, defaultEnv, configPaths), Map.empty[Surface, ConfigHolder])
def cleanupConfigPaths(paths: Seq[String]) = {
val b = Seq.newBuilder[String]
for (p <- paths) {
if (!p.isEmpty) {
b += p
val result = b.result()
if (result.isEmpty) {
Seq(".") // current directory
} else {
def REPORT_UNUSED_PROPERTIES: Properties => Unit = { (unused: Properties) =>
warn(s"There are unused properties: ${unused}")
def REPORT_ERROR_FOR_UNUSED_PROPERTIES: Properties => Unit = { (unused: Properties) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"There are unused properties: ${unused}")
case class ConfigEnv(env: String, defaultEnv: String, configPaths: Seq[String]) {
def withConfigPaths(paths: Seq[String]): ConfigEnv = ConfigEnv(env, defaultEnv, paths)
case class ConfigChange(tpe: Surface, key: ConfigKey, default: Any, current: Any) {
override def toString = s"[${tpe}] ${key} = ${current} (default = ${default})"
import wvlet.airframe.config.Config.*
case class Config(env: ConfigEnv, holder: Map[Surface, ConfigHolder])
extends ConfigCompat
with Iterable[ConfigHolder]
with DesignOptions.AdditiveDesignOption[Config]
with LogSupport {
override def toString: String = printConfig
import wvlet.airframe.surface.reflect.*
* Create a map representation of this config for display purpose. Parameters with @secret annotation will be hidden.
def toPrintableMap: Map[String, Any] = {
def traverse(s: Surface, v: Any, secret: Option[wvlet.airframe.surface.secret]): Any = {
if (s.params.isEmpty) {
val value = v match {
case null => ""
case Some(x) if x != null =>
x.toString // unwrap Option
case _ =>
// Hide secrete values
secret match {
case Some(h) if h.mask() =>
value.replaceAll(".", "x")
case Some(h) =>
val trimLen = h.trim().min(value.length)
s"${value.substring(0, trimLen)}..."
case _ =>
} else {
// Use ListMap to preserve the parameter order
val m = ListMap.newBuilder[String, Any]
for (p <- s.params) {
m += p.name -> traverse(p.surface, p.get(v), p.findAnnotationOf[wvlet.airframe.surface.secret])
val m = ListMap.newBuilder[String, Any]
for (c <- getAll) yield {
m += c.tpe.name -> traverse(c.tpe, c.value, secret = None)
def printConfig: String = {
val s = Seq.newBuilder[String]
s += "Configurations:"
def traverse(m: Map[String, Any], indent: Int): Unit = {
val paramWidth = m.keys.map(_.length).max
for ((paramName, v) <- m) {
val prefix = if (indent == 0) {
s += s"[${paramName}]"
} else {
val ws = " " * (indent * 2)
s"${ws}- ${paramName}"
val gap = " " * (paramWidth - paramName.length).max(0)
v match {
case mm: Map[String @unchecked, Any @unchecked] =>
if (indent > 0) {
s += prefix
traverse(mm, indent + 1)
case _ =>
s += s"${prefix}${gap}: ${v}"
val m = toPrintableMap
traverse(m, 0)
val lines = s.result().mkString("\n")
// Customization
def withEnv(newEnv: String, defaultEnv: String = "default"): Config = {
Config(ConfigEnv(newEnv, defaultEnv, env.configPaths), holder)
def withConfigPaths(paths: Seq[String]): Config = {
Config(env.withConfigPaths(paths), holder)
// Accessors to configurations
def getAll: Seq[ConfigHolder] = holder.values.toSeq
override def iterator: Iterator[ConfigHolder] = holder.values.iterator
def getConfigChanges: Seq[ConfigChange] = {
val b = Seq.newBuilder[ConfigChange]
for (c <- getAll) {
val defaultProps = PropertiesConfig.toConfigProperties(c.tpe, getDefaultValueOf(c.tpe))
val currentProps = PropertiesConfig.toConfigProperties(c.tpe, c.value)
for (
(k, props) <- defaultProps.groupBy(_.key); defaultValue <- props;
current <- currentProps.filter(x => x.key == k)
) {
b += ConfigChange(c.tpe, k, defaultValue.v, current.v)
protected def find[A](tpe: Surface): Option[Any] = {
def ofSurface[ConfigType](surface: Surface): ConfigType = {
find(surface) match {
case Some(x) =>
case None =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"No config value for ${surface} is found")
protected def getOrElseOfSurface[ConfigType](surface: Surface, default: => ConfigType): ConfigType = {
find(surface) match {
case Some(x) =>
case None =>
protected def defaultValueOfSurface[ConfigType](surface: Surface): ConfigType = {
def +(h: ConfigHolder): Config = Config(env, this.holder + (h.tpe -> h))
def +(other: Config): Config = {
Config(env, this.holder ++ other.holder)
override private[airframe] def addAsDesignOption[Config1 >: Config](other: Config1): Config1 = {
Config(env, this.holder ++ other.asInstanceOf[Config].holder)
def registerOfSurface[ConfigType](surface: Surface, config: ConfigType): Config = {
this + ConfigHolder(surface, config)
protected def registerDefaultOfSurface[ConfigType](surface: Surface): Config = {
this + ConfigHolder(surface, defaultValueOfSurface[ConfigType](surface))
def registerFromYaml[ConfigType](surface: Surface, yamlFile: String): Config = {
val config: Option[ConfigType] = loadFromYaml[ConfigType](
onMissingFile = {
throw new FileNotFoundException(s"${yamlFile} is not found in ${env.configPaths.mkString(":")}")
config match {
case Some(x) =>
this + ConfigHolder(surface, x)
case None =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"No configuration for ${surface} (${env.env} or ${env.defaultEnv}) is found"
private def loadFromYaml[ConfigType](
surface: Surface,
yamlFile: String,
onMissingFile: => Option[ConfigType]
): Option[ConfigType] = {
findConfigFile(yamlFile) match {
case None =>
case Some(realPath) =>
val m = loadMapOf[ConfigType](surface, realPath)
m.get(env.env) match {
case Some(x) =>
info(s"Loading ${surface} from ${realPath}, env:${env.env}")
case None =>
// Load default
s"Configuration for ${env.env} is not found in ${realPath}. Load ${env.defaultEnv} configuration instead"
m.get(env.defaultEnv).map { x =>
info(s"Loading ${surface} from ${realPath}, default env:${env.defaultEnv}")
def registerFromYamlOrElse[ConfigType](
surface: Surface,
yamlFile: String,
defaultValue: => ConfigType
): Config = {
val config = loadFromYaml[ConfigType](surface, yamlFile, onMissingFile = Some(defaultValue))
this + ConfigHolder(surface, config.get)
def overrideWith(
props: Map[String, Any],
onUnusedProperties: Properties => Unit = REPORT_UNUSED_PROPERTIES
): Config = {
val p = new Properties
for ((k, v) <- props) {
Option(v).map { x => p.setProperty(k, x.toString) }
if (p.isEmpty) this else PropertiesConfig.overrideWithProperties(this, p, onUnusedProperties)
def overrideWithProperties(
props: Properties,
onUnusedProperties: Properties => Unit = REPORT_UNUSED_PROPERTIES
): Config = {
if (props.isEmpty) this else PropertiesConfig.overrideWithProperties(this, props, onUnusedProperties)
def overrideWithPropertiesFile(
propertiesFile: String,
onUnusedProperties: Properties => Unit = REPORT_UNUSED_PROPERTIES
): Config = {
findConfigFile(propertiesFile) match {
case None =>
throw new FileNotFoundException(s"Properties file ${propertiesFile} is not found")
case Some(propPath) =>
val p = new Properties()
p.load(new StringReader(IOUtil.readAsString(propPath)))
overrideWithProperties(p, onUnusedProperties)
private def getDefaultValueOf(tpe: Surface): Any = {
val v =
.map { x =>
// Prepare the constructor arguments
val args = for (p <- tpe.params) yield {
// Create the default object of this ConfigType
trace(s"get default value of ${tpe} = ${v}")
private def findConfigFile(name: String): Option[String] = {
env.configPaths.map(p => new File(p, name)).find(_.exists()).map(_.getPath).orElse {
Resource.find(name).map(x => name)
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