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wvlet.airframe.launcher.Launcher.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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// Launcher.scala
// Since: 2012/10/25 4:37 PM

package wvlet.airframe.launcher

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

import wvlet.airframe.codec.{MessageCodecFactory, MessageContext, ParamListCodec}
import wvlet.airframe.control.CommandLineTokenizer
import wvlet.airframe.launcher.OptionParser.CLOption
import wvlet.airframe.msgpack.spi.MessagePack
import wvlet.airframe.surface.{CName, MethodSurface, Surface}
import wvlet.log.LogSupport

  * Command launcher
object Launcher extends LauncherCompat with LogSupport {

    * Create a launcher for a class
    * @return
  private[launcher] def newCommandLauncher(
      surface: Surface,
      methods: Seq[MethodSurface],
      name: String,
      description: String
  ): CommandLauncher = {
    val parser = OptionParser(surface)

    // Generate a command-line usage message
    val defaultUsage = => s"[${x}]").mkString(" ")

    import wvlet.airframe.surface.reflect.*
    val command = surface.findAnnotationOf[command]
    // If the user specified usage and description via @command annotation, use them.
    val commandUsage       =
    val commandDescription =
    val commandName        = if (name.nonEmpty) name else CName.toNaturalName("\\s+", "_")

    // Find sub commands marked with [[wvlet.airframe.opts.command]] annotation
    import wvlet.airframe.surface.reflect.*
    val subCommands = for (m <- methods; c <- m.findAnnotationOf[command]) yield {
      newMethodLauncher(m, c)

    // Find the default command
    val defaultCommand = methods
      .find { m =>
        import wvlet.airframe.surface.reflect.*
        m.findAnnotationOf[command] match {
          case Some(cmd) => cmd.isDefault
          case None      => false
      .map { m => { (li: LauncherInstance) => } }

    new CommandLauncher(
      LauncherInfo(commandName, commandDescription, commandUsage),

    * Create a launcher from a method in a class
  private def newMethodLauncher(m: MethodSurface, command: command): CommandLauncher = {
    val parser       = new OptionParser(m)
    val defaultUsage = => s"[${}]").mkString(" ")

    val description =
        .map(x => x)

    val usage = {
      val argLine = Some(command.usage())
        .map(x => x)
      s"${} ${argLine}"

    val li = LauncherInfo(, description, usage, command.isDefault)
    new CommandLauncher(li, parser, Seq.empty, None)

private[launcher] case class LauncherConfig(
    helpMessagePrinter: HelpMessagePrinter = HelpMessagePrinter.default,
    codecFactory: MessageCodecFactory = MessageCodecFactory.defaultFactory,
    // command name -> default action
    defaultCommand: LauncherInstance => Any = { (li: LauncherInstance) => println("Type --help to see the usage") }

case class Launcher(config: LauncherConfig, private[launcher] val mainLauncher: CommandLauncher)
    extends LauncherBaseCompat {
  def printHelp: Unit = {
    mainLauncher.printHelpInternal(config, List(mainLauncher))

    * Set a function to be used when there is no command is specified
  def withDefaultCommand(newDefaultCommand: LauncherInstance => Any): Launcher = {
    this.copy(config = config.copy(defaultCommand = newDefaultCommand))

  def withHelpMessagePrinter(newHelpMessagePrinter: HelpMessagePrinter): Launcher = {
    this.copy(config = config.copy(helpMessagePrinter = newHelpMessagePrinter))

  def withCodecFactory(newCodecFactory: MessageCodecFactory): Launcher = {
    this.copy(config = config.copy(codecFactory = newCodecFactory))

  def execute(argLine: String): LauncherResult = execute(CommandLineTokenizer.tokenize(argLine))
  def execute(args: Array[String]): LauncherResult = {
    mainLauncher.execute(config, List.empty, args.toSeq, showHelp = false)

  def add(l: Launcher, name: String, description: String): Launcher = {
    Launcher(config, mainLauncher.add(name, description, l.mainLauncher))

  * Command execution results
  * @param result
case class LauncherResult(launcherStack: List[LauncherInstance], result: Option[Any]) {
  require(launcherStack.nonEmpty, "launcherStack should not be empty")

  def getRootInstance: Any  = launcherStack.reverse.head.instance
  def executedInstance: Any = launcherStack.head.instance
case class LauncherInstance(launcher: CommandLauncher, instance: Any)

case class LauncherInfo(name: String, description: String, usage: String, isDefault: Boolean = false)

  * Command launcher.
  * {{{
  * class MyCommand(@option(prefix="-h,--help", description="display help", isHelp=true) help:Boolean) {
  *   @command(description="Say hello")
  *   def hello(@option(prefix="-r", description="repeat times")
  *             repeat:Int=1,
  *             @argument
  *             message:String = "hello") {
  *       for(i <- 0 until repeat) println(message)
  *   }
  * }
  * Launcher.execute[MyCommand]("hello -r 3")  // hello x 3
  * }}}
class CommandLauncher(
    private[launcher] val launcherInfo: LauncherInfo,
    private[launcher] val optionParser: OptionParser,
    private[launcher] val subCommands: Seq[CommandLauncher],
    defaultCommand: Option[LauncherInstance => Any]
) extends CommandLauncherBaseCompat
    with LogSupport {
  def name: String        =
  def description: String = launcherInfo.description
  def usage: String       = launcherInfo.usage

  private[launcher] def withLauncherInfo(name: String, description: String): CommandLauncher = {
    new CommandLauncher(LauncherInfo(name, description, launcherInfo.usage), optionParser, subCommands, defaultCommand)

  private[launcher] def optionList: Seq[CLOption] = {

  private[launcher] def add(name: String, description: String, commandLauncher: CommandLauncher): CommandLauncher = {
    new CommandLauncher(
      subCommands :+ commandLauncher.withLauncherInfo(name, description),

  private[launcher] def printHelp(launcherConfig: LauncherConfig, stack: List[LauncherInstance]): Unit = {

  private[launcher] def printMethodHelp(
      launcherConfig: LauncherConfig,
      m: MethodOptionSchema,
      stack: List[LauncherInstance]
  ): Unit = {
    val h             = stack.head
    val globalOptions = stack.tail.flatMap(_.launcher.optionParser.optionList)

    val li = h.launcher.launcherInfo

    val help = launcherConfig.helpMessagePrinter.render(
      commandName =,
      arguments = m.args,
      oneLineUsage = if (li.usage.isEmpty) None else Some(li.usage),
      description = li.description,
      options = m.options,
      globalOptions = globalOptions,
      subCommands = Seq.empty


  private[launcher] def printHelpInternal(launcherConfig: LauncherConfig, stack: List[CommandLauncher]): Unit = {
    val l             = stack.head
    val schema        = l.optionParser.schema
    val globalOptions = stack.tail.flatMap(_.optionParser.optionList)

    val help = launcherConfig.helpMessagePrinter.render(
      commandName =,
      arguments = schema.args,
      oneLineUsage = if (l.usage.isEmpty) None else Some(l.usage),
      description = l.description,
      options = schema.options,
      globalOptions = globalOptions,
      subCommands = l.subCommands.filterNot(x => x.launcherInfo.isDefault)


  private[launcher] def execute(
      launcherConfig: LauncherConfig,
      stack: List[LauncherInstance],
      args: Seq[String],
      showHelp: Boolean
  ): LauncherResult = {
    val result = optionParser.parse(args.toArray)

    val showHelpMessage = result.showHelp | showHelp

    optionParser.schema match {
      case c: ClassOptionSchema =>
        val parseTree_mp = result.parseTree.toMsgPack
        val codec        = launcherConfig.codecFactory.withMapOutput.of(c.surface)
        val h            = new MessageContext
        codec.unpack(MessagePack.newUnpacker(parseTree_mp), h) { e =>
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Error occurered in launching ${c.surface}: ${e.getMessage}")
        val obj = h.getLastValue

        // val obj       = result.buildObject(c.surface)
        val head      = LauncherInstance(this, obj)
        val nextStack = head :: stack

        if (result.unusedArgument.isEmpty) {
          // This Launcher is a leaf (= no more sub commands)
          if (showHelpMessage) {
            // Show the help message
            printHelp(launcherConfig, nextStack)
            LauncherResult(nextStack, None)
          } else {
            // Run the default command
              .map { defaultCommand => defaultCommand(head) }
              .map { x => LauncherResult(nextStack, Some(x)) }
              .getOrElse {
                LauncherResult(nextStack, None)
        } else {
          // The first argument should be sub command name
          val subCommandName = result.unusedArgument.head
          findSubCommand(subCommandName) match {
            case Some(subCommand) =>
              subCommand.execute(launcherConfig, nextStack, result.unusedArgument.tail.toIndexedSeq, showHelpMessage)
            case None =>
              throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown sub command: ${subCommandName}")
      case m: MethodOptionSchema =>
        // A command method inside the class
        if (result.unusedArgument.nonEmpty) {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unknown arguments are found: [${result.unusedArgument.mkString(", ")}]")

        val parentObj = {
          throw new IllegalStateException("parent should not be empty")

        if (showHelpMessage) {
          // Show the help message
          printMethodHelp(launcherConfig, m, LauncherInstance(this, parentObj) :: stack)
          LauncherResult(stack, None)
        } else {
          try {
            // parseTree -> msgpack -> method arguments
            val methodSurface = m.method
            val paramCodecs   = { x => launcherConfig.codecFactory.of(x.surface) }
            val methodArgCodec = new ParamListCodec(
              // We need to supply method owner object to resolve function arg values
              methodOwner = Some(parentObj)

            val msgpack = result.parseTree.toMsgPack
              .unpackMsgPack(msgpack).map { args =>
                trace(s"calling method ${methodSurface} with args: ${args.mkString(", ")}")
                val methodResult =, args: _*)
                LauncherResult(stack, Some(methodResult))
              .getOrElse {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Failed to call ${methodSurface}: ${result.parseTree}")
          } catch {
            case e: InvocationTargetException => throw e.getTargetException
            case other: Throwable             => throw other

  private def findSubCommand(name: String): Option[CommandLauncher] = {
    val cname = CName(name)
    subCommands.find(x => CName( == cname)

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