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* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package wvlet.airframe.msgpack.spi
* Buffer interface, which does not have any internal cursors unlike ByteBuffer of Java library.
* - The read methods read the buffer data from the given position.
* - The write methods write data to the specified position in the buffer and return the written byte length.
* If the buffer capacity is insufficient, these read/write methods throw an [[InsufficientBufferException]]. If this
* exception is thrown, the user code should feed more data, and then resume reading.
trait Buffer {
def size: Int
* Return a (shallow) copy of the buffer.
* @param position
* @param size
* @return
def slice(position: Int, size: Int): ReadBuffer
def hasCapacity(position: Int, requestedLength: Int): Boolean
def ensureCapacity(position: Int, requestedLength: Int): Unit
import java.{lang => jl}
trait ReadBuffer extends Buffer {
def readByte(position: Int): Byte
def readShort(position: Int): Short
def readInt(position: Int): Int
def readLong(position: Int): Long
def readFloat(position: Int): Float = jl.Float.intBitsToFloat(readInt(position))
def readDouble(position: Int): Double = jl.Double.longBitsToDouble(readLong(position))
def readBytes(position: Int, length: Int): Array[Byte]
def readBytes(position: Int, length: Int, dest: Array[Byte], destOffset: Int): Unit
def readBytes(position: Int, length: Int, dest: WriteBuffer, destIndex: Int): Unit
trait WriteBuffer extends Buffer {
def writeByte(position: Int, v: Byte): Int
def writeShort(position: Int, v: Short): Int
def writeInt(position: Int, v: Int): Int
def writeLong(position: Int, v: Long): Int
def writeFloat(position: Int, v: Float): Int = writeInt(position, Compat.floatToIntBits(v))
def writeDouble(position: Int, v: Double): Int = writeLong(position, Compat.doubleToLongBits(v))
def writeBytes(position: Int, src: Array[Byte]): Int = writeBytes(position, src, 0, src.length)
def writeBytes(position: Int, src: Array[Byte], srcOffset: Int, length: Int): Int
def writeBytes(position: Int, src: ReadBuffer, srcPosition: Int, length: Int): Int
def writeByteAndByte(position: Int, b: Byte, v: Byte): Int = {
ensureCapacity(position, 2)
writeByte(position, b)
1 + writeByte(position + 1, v)
def writeByteAndShort(position: Int, b: Byte, v: Short): Int = {
ensureCapacity(position, 2)
writeByte(position, b)
1 + writeShort(position + 1, v)
def writeByteAndInt(position: Int, b: Byte, v: Int): Int = {
ensureCapacity(position, 5)
writeByte(position, b)
1 + writeInt(position + 1, v)
def writeByteAndLong(position: Int, b: Byte, v: Long): Int = {
ensureCapacity(position, 9)
writeByte(position, b)
1 + writeLong(position + 1, v)
def writeByteAndFloat(position: Int, b: Byte, v: Float): Int = {
writeByteAndInt(position, b, Compat.floatToIntBits(v))
def writeByteAndDouble(position: Int, b: Byte, v: Double): Int = {
writeByteAndLong(position, b, Compat.doubleToLongBits(v))