wvlet.airframe.surface.CompileTimeSurfaceFactory.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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A library for extracting object structure surface
package wvlet.airframe.surface
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
private[surface] object CompileTimeSurfaceFactory:
type SurfaceMatcher = PartialFunction[Type[_], Expr[Surface]]
def surfaceOf[A](using tpe: Type[A], quotes: Quotes): Expr[Surface] =
import quotes.*
import quotes.reflect.*
val f = new CompileTimeSurfaceFactory(using quotes)
val surfaceExpr = f.surfaceOf(tpe)
val t = TypeRepr.of[A]
val flags = t.typeSymbol.flags
if !flags.is(Flags.JavaStatic) && flags.is(Flags.NoInits) then
t.typeSymbol.maybeOwner match
// For inner-class definitions
case s: Symbol
if !s.isNoSymbol &&
s.isClassDef &&
!s.isPackageDef &&
!s.flags.is(Flags.Module) &&
!s.flags.is(Flags.Trait) =>
// println(s"${t}\n${flags.show}\nowner:${s}\n${s.flags.show}")
'{ ${ surfaceExpr }.withOuter(${ This(s).asExpr }.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) }
case _ =>
else surfaceExpr
def methodsOf[A](using tpe: Type[A], quotes: Quotes): Expr[Seq[MethodSurface]] =
val f = new CompileTimeSurfaceFactory(using quotes)
private[surface] class CompileTimeSurfaceFactory[Q <: Quotes](using quotes: Q):
import quotes.*
import quotes.reflect.*
private def fullTypeNameOf(t: Type[?]): String =
fullTypeNameOf(TypeRepr.of(using t))
private def fullTypeNameOf(t: TypeRepr): String =
def sanitize(symbol: Symbol): String =
val nameParts: List[String] = symbol.fullName.split("\\.").toList match
case "scala" :: "Predef$" :: tail =>
case "scala" :: "collection" :: "immutable" :: tail =>
case "scala" :: nme :: Nil =>
case other =>
.mkString(".").stripSuffix("$").replaceAll("\\.package\\$", ".").replaceAll("\\$+", ".")
.replaceAll("\\.\\.", ".")
t match
case a: AppliedType if a.args.nonEmpty =>
s"${sanitize(a.typeSymbol)}[${a.args.map(pt => fullTypeNameOf(pt.asType)).mkString(",")}]"
case other =>
private type Factory = PartialFunction[TypeRepr, Expr[Surface]]
def surfaceOf(tpe: Type[?]): Expr[Surface] =
surfaceOf(TypeRepr.of(using tpe))
private var observedSurfaceCount = new AtomicInteger(0)
private var seen = ListMap[TypeRepr, Int]()
private val memo = scala.collection.mutable.Map[TypeRepr, Expr[Surface]]()
private val lazySurface = scala.collection.mutable.Set[TypeRepr]()
private def surfaceOf(t: TypeRepr, useVarRef: Boolean = true): Expr[Surface] =
def buildLazySurface: Expr[Surface] =
'{ LazySurface(${ clsOf(t) }, ${ Expr(fullTypeNameOf(t)) }) }
if useVarRef && surfaceToVar.contains(t) then
if lazySurface.contains(t) then buildLazySurface
else Ref(surfaceToVar(t)).asExprOf[Surface]
else if seen.contains(t) then
if memo.contains(t) then memo(t)
lazySurface += t
seen += t -> observedSurfaceCount.getAndIncrement()
// For debugging
// println(s"[${typeNameOf(t)}]\n ${t}\nfull type name: ${fullTypeNameOf(t)}\nclass: ${t.getClass}")
val generator = factory.andThen { expr =>
if !lazySurface.contains(t) then
// Generate the surface code without using the cache
// Need to cache the recursive Surface to be referenced in a LazySurface
val cacheKey =
if typeNameOf(t) == "scala.Any" then
t match
case ParamRef(TypeLambda(typeNames, _, _), _) =>
// Distinguish scala.Any and type bounds (such as _)
s"${fullTypeNameOf(t)} for ${t}"
case TypeBounds(_, _) =>
// This ensures different cache key for each Type Parameter (such as T and U).
// This is required because fullTypeNameOf of every Type Parameters is `scala.Any`.
s"${fullTypeNameOf(t)} for ${t}"
case _ =>
else fullTypeNameOf(t)
val key = Literal(StringConstant(cacheKey)).asExprOf[String]
if !wvlet.airframe.surface.surfaceCache.contains(${ key }) then
wvlet.airframe.surface.surfaceCache += ${ key } -> ${ expr }
wvlet.airframe.surface.surfaceCache.apply(${ key })
val surface = generator(t)
memo += (t -> surface)
private def factory: Factory =
taggedTypeFactory orElse
andOrTypeFactory orElse
aliasFactory orElse
higherKindedTypeFactory orElse
primitiveTypeFactory orElse
arrayFactory orElse
optionFactory orElse
tupleFactory orElse
javaUtilFactory orElse
javaEnumFactory orElse
exisitentialTypeFactory orElse
genericTypeWithConstructorFactory orElse
private def primitiveTypeFactory: Factory = {
case t if t =:= TypeRepr.of[String] => '{ Primitive.String }
case t if t =:= TypeRepr.of[Boolean] => '{ Primitive.Boolean }
case t if t =:= TypeRepr.of[Int] => '{ Primitive.Int }
case t if t =:= TypeRepr.of[Long] => '{ Primitive.Long }
case t if t =:= TypeRepr.of[Float] => '{ Primitive.Float }
case t if t =:= TypeRepr.of[Double] => '{ Primitive.Double }
case t if t =:= TypeRepr.of[Short] => '{ Primitive.Short }
case t if t =:= TypeRepr.of[Byte] => '{ Primitive.Byte }
case t if t =:= TypeRepr.of[Char] => '{ Primitive.Char }
case t if t =:= TypeRepr.of[Unit] => '{ Primitive.Unit }
case t if t =:= TypeRepr.of[BigInt] => '{ Primitive.BigInt }
case t if t =:= TypeRepr.of[java.math.BigInteger] => '{ Primitive.BigInteger }
private def typeNameOf(t: TypeRepr): String =
t.typeSymbol.fullName.stripSuffix("$").replaceAll("\\.package\\$", ".").replaceAll("\\$+", ".")
private def isTaggedType(t: TypeRepr): Boolean =
private def taggedTypeFactory: Factory = {
case a: AppliedType if a.args.length == 2 && isTaggedType(a) =>
'{ TaggedSurface(${ surfaceOf(a.args(0)) }, ${ surfaceOf(a.args(1)) }) }
private def belongsToScalaDefault(t: TypeRepr): Boolean =
val scalaDefaultPackages = Seq("scala.", "scala.Predef$.", "scala.util.")
val nme = t.typeSymbol.fullName
scalaDefaultPackages.exists(p => nme.startsWith(p))
private def andOrTypeFactory: Factory = {
case t: AndType =>
'{ IntersectionSurface(${ surfaceOf(t.left) }, ${ surfaceOf(t.right) }) }
case t: OrType =>
'{ UnionSurface(${ surfaceOf(t.left) }, ${ surfaceOf(t.right) }) }
private def extractSymbol(t: TypeRepr) =
val dealiased = t.dealias
val symbolInOwner = t.typeSymbol.maybeOwner.declarations.find(_.name.toString == t.typeSymbol.name.toString)
symbolInOwner.map(_.tree) match
case Some(TypeDef(_, b: TypeTree)) if t == dealiased =>
// t.dealias does not dealias for path dependent types, so extracting the dealiased type from AST.
case _ =>
if t != dealiased then surfaceOf(dealiased)
else surfaceOf(t.simplified)
private def aliasFactory: Factory = {
case t if t.typeSymbol.typeRef.isOpaqueAlias =>
// Treat opaque types in Scala 3 as alias types
val alias = t.typeSymbol
val inner = extractSymbol(t)
val name = Expr(alias.name)
val fullName = Expr(fullTypeNameOf(t))
'{ Alias(${ name }, ${ fullName }, ${ inner }) }
case t if t.typeSymbol.isType && t.typeSymbol.isAliasType && !belongsToScalaDefault(t) =>
// println(s"=== alias factory: ${t}, ${dealiased}, ${t.simplified}")
val inner = extractSymbol(t)
val s = t.typeSymbol
val name = Expr(s.name)
val fullName = Expr(fullTypeNameOf(t.asType))
'{ Alias(${ name }, ${ fullName }, ${ inner }) }
private def higherKindedTypeFactory: Factory = {
case h: TypeLambda =>
val name = h.typeSymbol.name
val fullName = fullTypeNameOf(h)
val inner = surfaceOf(h.resType)
val len = h.paramNames.size
val params = (0 until len).map { i => h.param(i) }
val args = params.map(surfaceOf(_))
'{ HigherKindedTypeSurface(${ Expr(name) }, ${ Expr(fullName) }, ${ inner }, ${ Expr.ofSeq(args) }) }
case a @ AppliedType if a.typeSymbol.name.contains("$") =>
'{ wvlet.airframe.surface.ExistentialType }
case a: AppliedType if !a.typeSymbol.isClassDef =>
val name = a.typeSymbol.name
val fullName = fullTypeNameOf(a)
val args = a.args.map(surfaceOf(_))
// TODO support type erasure instead of using AnyRefSurface
'{ HigherKindedTypeSurface(${ Expr(name) }, ${ Expr(fullName) }, AnyRefSurface, ${ Expr.ofSeq(args) }) }
case p @ ParamRef(TypeLambda(typeNames, _, _), _) =>
val name = typeNames.mkString(",")
val fullName = fullTypeNameOf(p)
'{ HigherKindedTypeSurface(${ Expr(name) }, ${ Expr(fullName) }, AnyRefSurface, Seq.empty) }
private def typeArgsOf(t: TypeRepr): List[TypeRepr] =
t match
case a: AppliedType =>
case other =>
private def elementTypeSurfaceOf(t: TypeRepr): Expr[Surface] =
typeArgsOf(t).map(surfaceOf(_)).headOption match
case Some(expr) =>
case None =>
// FIXME: Is this right ?
'{ AnyRefSurface }
private def arrayFactory: Factory = {
case t if typeNameOf(t) == "scala.Array" =>
'{ ArraySurface(${ clsOf(t) }, ${ elementTypeSurfaceOf(t) }) }
private def optionFactory: Factory = {
case t if typeNameOf(t) == "scala.Option" =>
'{ OptionSurface(${ clsOf(t) }, ${ elementTypeSurfaceOf(t) }) }
private def tupleFactory: Factory = {
case t if t <:< TypeRepr.of[Product] && typeNameOf(t).startsWith("scala.Tuple") =>
val paramTypes = typeArgsOf(t).map(surfaceOf(_))
'{ new TupleSurface(${ clsOf(t) }, ${ Expr.ofSeq(paramTypes) }.toIndexedSeq) }
private def javaUtilFactory: Factory = {
// For common Java classes, stop with this rule so as not to extract internal parameters
case t
if t =:= TypeRepr.of[java.io.File] ||
t =:= TypeRepr.of[java.util.Date] ||
t =:= TypeRepr.of[java.time.temporal.Temporal] =>
private def isEnum(t: TypeRepr): Boolean =
t.baseClasses.exists(x => x.fullName.startsWith("java.lang.Enum"))
private def javaEnumFactory: Factory = {
case t if isEnum(t) =>
'{ JavaEnumSurface(${ clsOf(t) }) }
private def exisitentialTypeFactory: Factory = {
case t: TypeBounds if t.hi =:= TypeRepr.of[Any] =>
// TODO Represent low/hi bounds
'{ ExistentialType }
private def clsOf(t: TypeRepr): Expr[Class[_]] =
private def newGenericSurfaceOf(t: TypeRepr): Expr[Surface] =
'{ new GenericSurface(${ clsOf(t) }) }
private def genericTypeWithConstructorFactory: Factory = {
case t
if !t.typeSymbol.flags.is(Flags.Abstract) && !t.typeSymbol.flags.is(Flags.Trait)
&& Option(t.typeSymbol.primaryConstructor)
.exists { p =>
p.exists && !p.flags.is(Flags.Private) && !p.flags.is(Flags.Protected) &&
p.privateWithin.isEmpty && p.paramSymss.nonEmpty
} =>
val typeArgs = typeArgsOf(t.simplified).map(surfaceOf(_))
val methodParams = constructorParametersOf(t)
// val isStatic = !t.typeSymbol.flags.is(Flags.Local)
val factory = createObjectFactoryOf(t) match
case Some(x) => '{ Some(${ x }) }
case None => '{ None }
new wvlet.airframe.surface.GenericSurface(
${ clsOf(t) },
${ Expr.ofSeq(typeArgs) }.toIndexedSeq,
params = ${ methodParams },
objectFactory = ${ factory }
// Build a table for resolving type parameters, e.g., class MyClass[A, B] -> Map("A" -> TypeRepr, "B" -> TypeRepr)
private def typeMappingTable(t: TypeRepr, method: Symbol): Map[String, TypeRepr] =
val classTypeParams = t.typeSymbol.typeMembers.filter(_.isTypeParam)
val classTypeArgs: List[TypeRepr] = t match
case a: AppliedType => a.args
case _ => List.empty[TypeRepr]
(classTypeParams zip classTypeArgs)
.map { (paramType, argType) =>
paramType.name -> argType
}.toMap[String, TypeRepr]
// Get a constructor with its generic types are resolved
private def getResolvedConstructorOf(t: TypeRepr): Option[Term] =
val ts = t.typeSymbol
ts.primaryConstructor match
case pc if pc == Symbol.noSymbol =>
case pc =>
// val cstr = Select.apply(New(TypeIdent(ts)), "")
val cstr = New(Inferred(t)).select(pc)
if ts.typeMembers.isEmpty then Some(cstr)
val lookupTable = typeMappingTable(t, pc)
// println(s"--- ${lookupTable}")
val typeArgs = pc.paramSymss.headOption.getOrElse(List.empty).filter(_.isTypeParam).map { p =>
lookupTable.getOrElse(p.name, TypeRepr.of[AnyRef])
private def createObjectFactoryOf(targetType: TypeRepr): Option[Expr[ObjectFactory]] =
val ts = targetType.typeSymbol
val flags = ts.flags
if flags.is(Flags.Abstract) || flags.is(Flags.Module) || hasAbstractMethods(targetType) || isPathDependentType(
then None
getResolvedConstructorOf(targetType).map { cstr =>
val argListList = methodArgsOf(targetType, ts.primaryConstructor)
val newClassFn = Lambda(
owner = Symbol.spliceOwner,
tpe = MethodType(List("args"))(_ => List(TypeRepr.of[Seq[Any]]), _ => TypeRepr.of[Any]),
rhsFn = (sym: Symbol, paramRefs: List[Tree]) =>
val args = paramRefs.head.asExprOf[Seq[Any]].asTerm
var index = 0
val fn = argListList.foldLeft[Term](cstr) { (prev, argList) =>
val argExtractors = argList.map { a =>
// args(i+1)
val extracted = Select.unique(args, "apply").appliedTo(Literal(IntConstant(index)))
index += 1
// classOf[A].cast(args(i+1))
clsCast(extracted, a.tpe)
Apply(prev, argExtractors.toList)
// println(s"== ${fn.show}")
val expr = '{
ObjectFactory.newFactory(${ newClassFn.asExprOf[Seq[Any] => Any] })
private def hasAbstractMethods(t: TypeRepr): Boolean =
private def isPathDependentType(t: TypeRepr): Boolean =
!t.typeSymbol.flags.is(Flags.JavaStatic) && (t match
case t: TypeBounds => true
case _ => false
private def genericTypeFactory: Factory = {
case t if t =:= TypeRepr.of[Any] =>
'{ Alias("Any", "scala.Any", AnyRefSurface) }
case a: AppliedType =>
val typeArgs = a.args.map(surfaceOf(_))
'{ new GenericSurface(${ clsOf(a) }, typeArgs = ${ Expr.ofSeq(typeArgs) }.toIndexedSeq) }
// special treatment for type Foo = Foo[Buz]
case TypeBounds(a1: AppliedType, a2: AppliedType) if a1 == a2 =>
val typeArgs = a1.args.map(surfaceOf(_))
'{ new GenericSurface(${ clsOf(a1) }, typeArgs = ${ Expr.ofSeq(typeArgs) }.toIndexedSeq) }
case r: Refinement =>
case t if t <:< TypeRepr.of[scala.reflect.Enum] && !(t =:= TypeRepr.of[Nothing]) =>
* Build a code for finding Enum instance from an input string value: {{ (cl: Class[_], s: String) =>
* Try(EnumType.valueOf(s)).toOption }}
val enumType = t.typeSymbol.companionModule
val valueOfMethod = enumType.methodMember("valueOf").headOption match
case Some(m) => m
case None =>
sys.error(s"valueOf method not found in ${t}")
val newFn = Lambda(
owner = Symbol.spliceOwner,
tpe = MethodType(List("cl", "s"))(
_ => List(TypeRepr.of[Class[_]], TypeRepr.of[String]),
_ => TypeRepr.of[Option[Any]]
rhsFn = (sym: Symbol, paramRefs: List[Tree]) =>
val strVarRef = paramRefs(1).asExprOf[String].asTerm
val expr: Term =
Apply(Select.unique(Ref(t.typeSymbol.companionModule), "valueOf"), List(strVarRef)),
val expr2 = ('{
scala.util.Try(${ expr.asExprOf[Any] }).toOption
${ clsOf(t) },
${ newFn.asExprOf[(Class[_], String) => Option[Any]] }
case t if hasStringUnapply(t) =>
// Build EnumSurface.apply code
// EnumSurface(classOf[t], { (cl: Class[_], s: String) => (companion object).unapply(s).asInstanceOf[Option[Any]] }
val unapplyMethod = getStringUnapply(t).get
val m = Ref(t.typeSymbol.companionModule).select(unapplyMethod)
val newFn = Lambda(
owner = Symbol.spliceOwner,
tpe = MethodType(List("cl", "s"))(
_ => List(TypeRepr.of[Class[_]], TypeRepr.of[String]),
_ => TypeRepr.of[Option[Any]]
rhsFn = (sym: Symbol, paramRefs: List[Tree]) =>
val strVarRef = paramRefs(1).asExprOf[String].asTerm
val expr = Select.unique(Apply(m, List(strVarRef)), "asInstanceOf").appliedToType(TypeRepr.of[Option[Any]])
${ clsOf(t) },
${ newFn.asExprOf[(Class[_], String) => Option[Any]] }
case t =>
private def hasOptionReturnType(d: DefDef, retElementType: TypeRepr): Boolean =
if d.returnTpt.tpe <:< TypeRepr.of[Option[_]] then
val typeArgs = typeArgsOf(d.returnTpt.tpe)
typeArgs.headOption match
case Some(t) if t =:= retElementType => true
case _ => false
else false
private def hasStringUnapply(t: TypeRepr): Boolean =
private def getStringUnapply(t: TypeRepr): Option[Symbol] =
t.typeSymbol.companionClass match
case cp: Symbol =>
val methodOpt = cp.methodMember("unapply").headOption
methodOpt.map(_.tree) match
case Some(m: DefDef) if m.paramss.size == 1 && hasOptionReturnType(m, t) =>
val args: List[ParamClause] = m.paramss
args.headOption.flatMap(_.params.headOption) match
// Is the first argument type String? def unapply(s: String)
case Some(v: ValDef) if v.tpt.tpe =:= TypeRepr.of[String] =>
case _ =>
case _ =>
case null =>
private case class MethodArg(
name: String,
tpe: TypeRepr,
defaultValueGetter: Option[Symbol],
defaultMethodArgGetter: Option[Symbol],
isImplicit: Boolean,
isRequired: Boolean,
isSecret: Boolean
private def resolveType(t: TypeRepr, typeArgTable: Map[String, TypeRepr]): TypeRepr =
t match
case a: AppliedType =>
// println(s"=== a.args ${a.args}")
// println(s"=== typeArgTable ${typeArgTable}")
val resolvedTypeArgs = a.args.map {
case p if p.typeSymbol.isTypeParam && typeArgTable.contains(p.typeSymbol.name) =>
case other =>
resolveType(other, typeArgTable)
// println(s"=== resolvedTypeArgs ${resolvedTypeArgs}")
// Need to use the base type of the applied type to replace the type parameters
case TypeRef(_, name) if typeArgTable.contains(name) =>
case other =>
private def methodArgsOf(t: TypeRepr, method: Symbol): List[List[MethodArg]] =
// println(s"==== method args of ${fullTypeNameOf(t)}")
val defaultValueMethods = t.typeSymbol.companionClass.declaredMethods.filter { m =>
m.name.startsWith("apply$default$") || m.name.startsWith("$lessinit$greater$default$")
val typeArgTable = typeMappingTable(t, method)
val paramss: List[List[Symbol]] = method.paramSymss.filter { lst =>
// Empty arg is allowed
lst.isEmpty ||
// Remove type params or implicit ClassTag evidences as MethodSurface can't pass type parameters
!lst.forall(x => x.isTypeParam || (x.flags.is(Flags.Implicit) && x.typeRef <:< TypeRepr.of[ClassTag[_]]))
paramss.map { params =>
.map((x, i) => (x, i + 1, t.memberType(x)))
.collect { case (s: Symbol, i: Int, v: TypeRepr) =>
// E.g. case class Foo(a: String)(implicit b: Int)
// println(s"=== ${v.show} ${s.flags.show} ${s.flags.is(Flags.Implicit)}")
// Substitute type param to actual types
val resolved = resolveType(v, typeArgTable)
val isSecret = hasSecretAnnotation(s)
val isRequired = hasRequiredAnnotation(s)
val isImplicit = s.flags.is(Flags.Implicit)
val defaultValueGetter = defaultValueMethods.find(m => m.name.endsWith(s"$$${i}"))
val defaultMethodArgGetter =
val targetMethodName = method.name + "$default$" + i
t.typeSymbol.declaredMethods.find { m =>
// println(s"=== target: ${m.name}, ${m.owner.name}")
m.name == targetMethodName
MethodArg(s.name, resolved, defaultValueGetter, defaultMethodArgGetter, isImplicit, isRequired, isSecret)
private def hasSecretAnnotation(s: Symbol): Boolean =
val t = TypeRepr.of[wvlet.airframe.surface.secret]
private def hasRequiredAnnotation(s: Symbol): Boolean =
val t = TypeRepr.of[wvlet.airframe.surface.required]
private def constructorParametersOf(t: TypeRepr): Expr[Seq[MethodParameter]] =
methodParametersOf(t, t.typeSymbol.primaryConstructor)
private def methodParametersOf(t: TypeRepr, method: Symbol): Expr[Seq[MethodParameter]] =
val methodName = method.name
val methodArgs = methodArgsOf(t, method).flatten
val argClasses = methodArgs.map { arg =>
val isConstructor = t.typeSymbol.primaryConstructor == method
val constructorRef: Expr[MethodRef] = '{
owner = ${ clsOf(t) },
name = ${ Expr(methodName) },
paramTypes = ${ Expr.ofSeq(argClasses) },
isConstructor = ${ Expr(isConstructor) }
// println(s"======= ${t.typeSymbol.memberMethods}")
val paramExprs = for ((field, i) <- methodArgs.zipWithIndex) yield
val paramType = field.tpe
val paramName = field.name
// Related example:
// https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty-macro-examples/blob/aed51833db652f67741089721765ad5a349f7383/defaultParamsInference/src/macro.scala
val defaultValue: Expr[Option[Any]] = field.defaultValueGetter match
case Some(m) =>
val companion = Ref(t.typeSymbol.companionModule)
// Populate method type parameters with Any type
val dummyTypeList: List[TypeRepr] = m.paramSymss.flatten.map { tp => TypeRepr.of[Any] }.toList
val dv: Term = companion.select(m).appliedToTypes(dummyTypeList)
'{ Some(${ dv.asExprOf[Any] }) }
case _ => '{ None }
// Generate a field accessor { (x:Any) => x.asInstanceOf[A].(field name) }
val paramIsAccessible =
t.typeSymbol.fieldMember(paramName) match
case nt if nt == Symbol.noSymbol => false
case m if m.flags.is(Flags.Private) => false
case m if m.flags.is(Flags.Protected) => false
case m if m.flags.is(Flags.Artifact) => false
case m if m.privateWithin.nonEmpty => false
case _ => true
// println(s"${paramName} ${paramIsAccessible}")
val accessor: Expr[Option[Any => Any]] = if method.isClassConstructor && paramIsAccessible then
// MethodParameter.accessor[(owner type), (parameter type]]
val accessorMethod: Symbol = TypeRepr.of[MethodParameter.type].typeSymbol.methodMember("accessor").head
val objRef = Ref(TypeRepr.of[MethodParameter].typeSymbol.companionModule)
def resolveType(tpe: TypeRepr): TypeRepr = tpe match
case b: TypeBounds =>
case _ =>
val t1 = resolveType(t)
val t2 = resolveType(paramType)
val typedAccessor = objRef.select(accessorMethod).appliedToTypes(List(t1, t2))
val methodCall = typedAccessor.appliedToArgs(List(Literal(ClassOfConstant(t1))))
val lambda = Lambda(
owner = Symbol.spliceOwner,
tpe = MethodType(List("x"))(_ => List(t1), _ => t2),
rhsFn = (sym, params) =>
val x = params.head.asInstanceOf[Term]
val expr = Select.unique(x, paramName)
val accMethod = methodCall.appliedToArgs(List(lambda))
// println(s"=== ${accMethod.show}")
// Generate code like :
// {{{
// MethodParameter.accessor[t1, t2](classOf[t1]){(x:t1) => x.(field name) }
// }}}
'{ Some(${ accMethod.asExprOf[Any => Any] }) }
else '{ None }
val methodArgAccessor: Expr[Option[Any => Any]] = field.defaultMethodArgGetter match
case None =>
'{ None }
case Some(m) =>
val lambda = Lambda(
owner = Symbol.spliceOwner,
tpe = MethodType(List("x"))(_ => List(TypeRepr.of[Any]), _ => TypeRepr.of[Any]),
rhsFn = (sym, params) =>
val x = params.head.asInstanceOf[Term]
val expr = clsCast(x, t).select(m)
'{ Some(${ lambda.asExprOf[Any => Any] }) }
// Using StaticMethodParameter when supportin Scala.js in Scala 3.
// TODO: Deprecate RuntimeMethodParameter
method = ${ constructorRef },
index = ${ Expr(i) },
name = ${ Expr(paramName) },
isRequired = ${ Expr(field.isRequired) },
isSecret = ${ Expr(field.isSecret) },
surface = ${ surfaceOf(paramType) },
defaultValue = ${ defaultValue },
accessor = ${ accessor },
methodArgAccessor = ${ methodArgAccessor }
private def getTree(e: Expr[?]): Tree =
val f = e.getClass().getDeclaredField("tree")
val tree = f.get(e)
def methodsOf(t: Type[?]): Expr[Seq[MethodSurface]] =
methodsOf(TypeRepr.of(using t))
// To reduce the byte code size, we need to memoize the generated surface bound to a variable
private var surfaceToVar = ListMap.empty[TypeRepr, Symbol]
private def methodsOf(t: TypeRepr): Expr[Seq[MethodSurface]] =
// Run just for collecting known surfaces. seen variable will be updated
// Create a var def table for replacing surfaceOf[xxx] to __s0, __s1, ...
var surfaceVarCount = 0
// Exclude primitive type surface
// Exclude primitive surfaces as it is already defined in Primitive object
.filterNot(x => primitiveTypeFactory.isDefinedAt(x._1))
.map { (tpe, order) =>
// first list all lazy vals, otherwise there is a risk of forward reference error across strict vals
(tpe, (!lazySurface.contains(tpe), order))
.foreach { (tpe, order) =>
// Update the cache so that the next call of surfaceOf method will use the local varaible reference
surfaceToVar += tpe -> Symbol.newVal(
// Use alphabetically ordered variable names
if lazySurface.contains(tpe) then
// If the surface itself is lazy, we need to eagerly initialize it to update the surface cache
// Use lazy val to avoid forward reference error
surfaceVarCount += 1
// Clear surface cache
seen = ListMap.empty
val surfaceDefs: List[ValDef] = surfaceToVar.toSeq.map { case (tpe, sym) =>
ValDef(sym, Some(surfaceOf(tpe, useVarRef = false).asTerm.changeOwner(sym)))
* Generate a code like this:
* {{ lazy val __s000 = Surface.of[A]; lazy val __s001 = Surface.of[B] ...
* ClassMethodSurface( .... ) }}
val expr = Block(
// println(s"=== methodOf: ${t.typeSymbol.fullName} => \n${expr.show}")
private val seenMethodParent = scala.collection.mutable.Set[TypeRepr]()
private def methodsOfInternal(targetType: TypeRepr): Expr[Seq[MethodSurface]] =
if seenMethodParent.contains(targetType) then
sys.error(s"recursive method found in: ${targetType.typeSymbol.fullName}")
seenMethodParent += targetType
val localMethods = localMethodsOf(targetType).distinct.sortBy(_.name)
val methodSurfaces = localMethods.map(m => (m, m.tree)).collect { case (m, df: DefDef) =>
val mod = Expr(modifierBitMaskOf(m))
val owner = surfaceOf(targetType)
val name = Expr(m.name)
val typeArgTable = typeMappingTable(targetType, m)
val returnType = resolveType(df.returnTpt.tpe, typeArgTable)
// println(s"======= ${returnType.show}")
val ret = surfaceOf(returnType)
// println(s"==== method of: def ${m.name}")
val params = methodParametersOf(targetType, m)
val args = methodArgsOf(targetType, m)
val methodCaller = createMethodCaller(targetType, m, args)
ClassMethodSurface(${ mod }, ${ owner }, ${ name }, ${ ret }, ${ params }.toIndexedSeq, ${ methodCaller })
val expr = Expr.ofSeq(methodSurfaces)
private def isTypeParam(t: TypeRepr): Boolean =
t match
case TypeRef(prefix, typeName) if prefix.toString == "NoPrefix" => true
case _ => false
private def clsCast(term: Term, t: TypeRepr): Term =
Select.unique(term, "asInstanceOf").appliedToType(t)
private def createMethodCaller(
objectType: TypeRepr,
m: Symbol,
methodArgss: List[List[MethodArg]]
): Expr[Option[(Any, Seq[Any]) => Any]] =
// Build { (x: Any, args: Seq[Any]) => x.asInstanceOf[t].(.. args) }
val methodTypeParams: List[TypeParamClause] = m.tree match
case df: DefDef =>
df.paramss.collect { case t: TypeParamClause =>
case _ =>
val lambda = Lambda(
owner = Symbol.spliceOwner,
tpe = MethodType(List("x", "args"))(_ => List(TypeRepr.of[Any], TypeRepr.of[Seq[Any]]), _ => TypeRepr.of[Any]),
rhsFn = (sym, params) =>
val x = params(0).asInstanceOf[Term]
val args = params(1).asInstanceOf[Term]
val expr = clsCast(x, objectType).select(m)
var index = 0
val argList: List[List[Term]] = methodArgss.map { lst =>
lst.collect {
// If the arg is implicit, no need to explicitly bind it
case arg if !arg.isImplicit =>
val extracted = Select.unique(args, "apply").appliedTo(Literal(IntConstant(index)))
index += 1
clsCast(extracted, arg.tpe)
if argList.isEmpty then
val newExpr = m.tree match
case d: DefDef if d.trailingParamss.nonEmpty =>
// An empty arg method, e.g., def methodName()
case _ =>
// No arg method, e.g., def methodName: Unit
// Bind to function arguments
val newExpr =
if methodTypeParams.isEmpty then expr.appliedToArgss(argList)
// For generic functions, type params also need to be applied
val dummyTypeParams = methodTypeParams.map(x => TypeRepr.of[Any])
// println(s"---> ${m.name} type param count: ${methodTypeParams.size}, arg size: ${argList.size}")
'{ Some(${ lambda.asExprOf[(Any, Seq[Any]) => Any] }) }
private def localMethodsOf(t: TypeRepr): Seq[Symbol] =
def allMethods =
.filter { x =>
nonObject(x.owner) &&
x.isDefDef &&
// x.isPublic &&
x.privateWithin.isEmpty &&
!x.flags.is(Flags.Private) &&
!x.flags.is(Flags.Protected) &&
!x.flags.is(Flags.PrivateLocal) &&
!x.isClassConstructor &&
!x.flags.is(Flags.Artifact) &&
!x.flags.is(Flags.Synthetic) &&
!x.flags.is(Flags.Macro) &&
!x.flags.is(Flags.Implicit) &&
!x.flags.is(Flags.FieldAccessor) &&
// Exclude methods from Java
.filter { x =>
val name = x.name
!name.startsWith("$") &&
name != ""
allMethods.filter(m => isOwnedByTargetClass(m, t))
private def nonObject(x: Symbol): Boolean =
!x.flags.is(Flags.Synthetic) &&
!x.flags.is(Flags.Artifact) &&
x.fullName != "scala.Any" &&
x.fullName != "java.lang.Object" &&
// Exclude caes class methods
x.fullName != "scala.Product"
private def isOwnedByTargetClass(m: Symbol, t: TypeRepr): Boolean =
m.owner == t.typeSymbol || t.baseClasses.filter(nonObject).exists(_ == m.owner)
private def modifierBitMaskOf(m: Symbol): Int =
var mod = 0
if !m.flags.is(Flags.Private) && !m.flags.is(Flags.Protected) && !m.flags.is(Flags.PrivateLocal) then
mod |= MethodModifier.PUBLIC
if m.flags.is(Flags.Private) then mod |= MethodModifier.PRIVATE
if m.flags.is(Flags.Protected) then mod |= MethodModifier.PROTECTED
if m.flags.is(Flags.JavaStatic) then mod |= MethodModifier.STATIC
if m.flags.is(Flags.Final) then mod |= MethodModifier.FINAL
if m.flags.is(Flags.Abstract) then mod |= MethodModifier.ABSTRACT
def surfaceFromClass(cl: Class[?]): Expr[Surface] =
val name = cl.getName
val rawType = Class.forName(name)
val constructors = rawType.getConstructors
val (typeArgs, params) = if constructors.nonEmpty then
val primaryConstructor = constructors(0)
val paramSurfaces: Seq[Expr[Surface]] = primaryConstructor.getParameterTypes.map { paramType =>
val tastyType = quotes.reflect.TypeRepr.typeConstructorOf(paramType)
// FIXME: Use TastyInspector as runtime-like reflection for Scala 3
val params: Seq[Expr[Parameter]] = Seq.empty
(Expr.ofSeq(paramSurfaces), Expr.ofSeq(params))
else ('{ Seq.empty[Surface] }, '{ Seq.empty[Parameter] })
new wvlet.airframe.surface.GenericSurface(
rawType = Class.forName(${ Expr(name) }),
typeArgs = ${ typeArgs }