wvlet.airframe.metrics.TimeWindow.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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AirSpec: A Functional Testing Framework for Scala
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package wvlet.airframe.metrics
import java.time.*
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
import wvlet.log.LogSupport
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
* TimeWindow of [statrt, end) range. The end-side is open. start <= time < end
* @param start
* @param end
case class TimeWindow(start: ZonedDateTime, end: ZonedDateTime) {
start.compareTo(end) <= 0,
s"invalid range: ${TimeStampFormatter.formatTimestamp(start)} > ${TimeStampFormatter.formatTimestamp(end)}"
private def instantOfStart = start.toInstant
private def instantOfEnd = end.toInstant
def startUnixTime = start.toEpochSecond
def endUnixTime = end.toEpochSecond
def startEpochMillis = instantOfStart.toEpochMilli
def endEpochMillis = instantOfEnd.toEpochMilli
override def toString = {
val s = TimeStampFormatter.formatTimestamp(start)
val e = TimeStampFormatter.formatTimestamp(end)
def toStringAt(zone: ZoneOffset) = {
val s = TimeStampFormatter.formatTimestamp(startEpochMillis, zone)
val e = TimeStampFormatter.formatTimestamp(endEpochMillis, zone)
private def splitInto(unit: ChronoUnit): Seq[TimeWindow] = {
val b = Seq.newBuilder[TimeWindow]
var cursor = start
while (cursor.compareTo(end) < 0) {
val e = unit match {
case ChronoUnit.DAYS | ChronoUnit.HOURS | ChronoUnit.MINUTES =>
cursor.plus(1, unit).truncatedTo(unit)
case ChronoUnit.WEEKS =>
cursor.plus(1, unit).`with`(DayOfWeek.MONDAY)
case ChronoUnit.MONTHS =>
cursor.plus(1, unit).withDayOfMonth(1)
case ChronoUnit.YEARS =>
cursor.plus(1, unit).withDayOfYear(1)
case other =>
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Invalid split unit ${unit} for range ${toString}")
if (e.compareTo(end) <= 0) {
b += TimeWindow(cursor, e)
} else {
b += TimeWindow(cursor, end)
cursor = e
def splitIntoHours: Seq[TimeWindow] = splitInto(ChronoUnit.HOURS)
def splitIntoDays: Seq[TimeWindow] = splitInto(ChronoUnit.DAYS)
def splitIntoMonths: Seq[TimeWindow] = splitInto(ChronoUnit.MONTHS)
def splitIntoWeeks: Seq[TimeWindow] = splitInto(ChronoUnit.WEEKS)
def splitAt(date: ZonedDateTime): Seq[TimeWindow] = {
if (date.compareTo(start) <= 0 || date.compareTo(end) > 0) {
// date is out of range
} else {
Seq(TimeWindow(start, date), TimeWindow(date, end))
def plus(n: Long, unit: ChronoUnit): TimeWindow = TimeWindow(start.plus(n, unit), end.plus(n, unit))
def minus(n: Long, unit: ChronoUnit): TimeWindow = plus(-n, unit)
def howMany(unit: ChronoUnit): Long = unit.between(start, end)
def howMany(unit: TimeWindowUnit): Long = {
unit match {
case TimeWindowUnit.Year =>
case TimeWindowUnit.Quarter =>
val startTruncated = unit.truncate(start)
val endTruncated = unit.truncate(end)
val yearDiff = endTruncated.getYear - startTruncated.getYear
(endTruncated.getMonthValue + (yearDiff * 12) - startTruncated.getMonthValue) / 3
case TimeWindowUnit.Month =>
case TimeWindowUnit.Week =>
case TimeWindowUnit.Day =>
case TimeWindowUnit.Hour =>
case TimeWindowUnit.Minute =>
case TimeWindowUnit.Second =>
def secondDiff: Long = howMany(ChronoUnit.SECONDS)
def minuteDiff: Long = howMany(ChronoUnit.MINUTES)
def hourDiff: Long = howMany(ChronoUnit.HOURS)
def dateDiff: Long = howMany(ChronoUnit.DAYS)
def weekDiff: Long = howMany(ChronoUnit.WEEKS)
def monthDiff: Long = howMany(ChronoUnit.MONTHS)
def yearDiff: Long = howMany(ChronoUnit.YEARS)
def intersectsWith(other: TimeWindow): Boolean = {
start.compareTo(other.end) < 0 && end.compareTo(other.start) > 0
object TimeWindow extends LogSupport {
def withTimeZone(zoneName: String): TimeWindowBuilder = {
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*
// Add commonly used daylight saving times
val idMap = ZoneId.SHORT_IDS.asScala ++
Map("PDT" -> "-07:00", "EDT" -> "-04:00", "CDT" -> "-05:00", "MDT" -> "-06:00")
val zoneId = idMap
.getOrElse { ZoneId.of(zoneName) }
def withTimeZone(zoneId: ZoneId): TimeWindowBuilder = {
val offset = ZonedDateTime.now(zoneId).getOffset
new TimeWindowBuilder(offset)
def withUTC: TimeWindowBuilder = withTimeZone(UTC)
def withSystemTimeZone: TimeWindowBuilder = withTimeZone(systemTimeZone)
class TimeWindowBuilder(val zone: ZoneOffset, currentTime: Option[ZonedDateTime] = None) extends LogSupport {
def withOffset(t: ZonedDateTime): TimeWindowBuilder = new TimeWindowBuilder(zone, Some(t))
def withOffset(dateTimeStr: String): TimeWindowBuilder = {
.parse(dateTimeStr, zone)
.map(d => withOffset(d))
.getOrElse {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid datetime: ${dateTimeStr}")
def withUnixTimeOffset(unixTime: Long): TimeWindowBuilder = {
withOffset(ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochSecond(unixTime), UTC))
def now = currentTime.getOrElse(ZonedDateTime.now(zone))
def beginningOfTheHour = now.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.HOURS)
def endOfTheHour = beginningOfTheHour.plusHours(1)
def beginningOfTheDay = now.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.DAYS)
def endOfTheDay = beginningOfTheDay.plusDays(1)
def beginningOfTheWeek = now.truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.DAYS).`with`(DayOfWeek.MONDAY)
def endOfTheWeek = beginningOfTheWeek.plusWeeks(1)
def beginningOfTheMonth = now.withDayOfMonth(1).truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.DAYS)
def endOfTheMonth = beginningOfTheMonth.plusMonths(1)
def beginningOfTheYear = now.withDayOfYear(1).truncatedTo(ChronoUnit.DAYS)
def endOfTheYear = beginningOfTheYear.plusYears(1)
def today = TimeWindow(beginningOfTheDay, endOfTheDay)
def thisHour = TimeWindow(beginningOfTheHour, endOfTheHour)
def thisWeek = TimeWindow(beginningOfTheWeek, endOfTheWeek)
def thisMonth = TimeWindow(beginningOfTheMonth, endOfTheMonth)
def thisYear = TimeWindow(beginningOfTheYear, endOfTheYear)
def yesterday = today.minus(1, ChronoUnit.DAYS)
private def parseOffset(o: String, windowUnit: TimeWindowUnit, adjustments: Seq[TimeVector] = Nil): ZonedDateTime = {
val pattern = s"^(?[^/]+)(?/(?.+))".r
pattern.findFirstMatchIn(o) match {
case Some(m) =>
// When a nested offset is found
val d = m.group("duration")
val duration = TimeVector(d)
parseOffset(m.group("offset"), windowUnit, duration +: adjustments)
case None =>
// no more nested offsets
o match {
case "now" => adjustOffset(now, adjustments)
case other =>
Try(TimeVector(o)) match {
case Success(x) =>
// When the offset string is time duration patterns (e.g., 0M, 0d, etc.)
if (x.x <= 0) {
x.timeWindowFrom(adjustOffset(now, adjustments)).start
} else {
x.timeWindowFrom(adjustOffset(now, adjustments)).end
case Failure(e) =>
// When the offset string is the exact date
val (timeString, truncate) = if (o.endsWith(")")) {
(o.substring(0, o.length - 1), false)
} else {
(o, true)
.parse(timeString, zone)
.map(offset => adjustOffset(offset, adjustments))
// Truncate the exact date time to the time window unit
.map(offset => if (truncate) windowUnit.truncate(offset) else offset)
.getOrElse {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid offset string: ${o}")
private def adjustOffset(offset: ZonedDateTime, adjustments: Seq[TimeVector]): ZonedDateTime = {
adjustments.foldLeft(offset) { case (offset, duration) =>
duration.unit.increment(offset, duration.x)
def parse(str: String): TimeWindow = {
val pattern = s"^(?[^/]+)(?/(?.*))?".r
pattern.findFirstMatchIn(str) match {
case Some(m) =>
val d = m.group("duration")
// Check the exact start date first
TimeParser.parseTimeAndUnit(d, zone) match {
case Some(exactStartTime) =>
// When exact start datetime is specified
val offset = m.group("offset") match {
case null =>
// When the offset is not given, use the start date + time unit as the end point
val thisUnit = TimeVector(-1, 1, exactStartTime.unit)
case offsetStr =>
// [start date, offset time)
parseOffset(offsetStr, TimeWindowUnit.Second)
TimeWindow(exactStartTime.dateTime, offset)
case None =>
// Check relative time ranges
val duration = TimeVector(d)
m.group("offset") match {
case null =>
// When offset is not given, use the truncated time
val context = duration.unit.truncate(now)
case offsetStr =>
val offset = parseOffset(offsetStr, duration.unit)
case None =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"TimeRange.of(${str})")
def fromRange(startUnixTime: Long, endUnixTime: Long): TimeWindow = {
TimeWindow(Instant.ofEpochSecond(startUnixTime).atZone(zone), Instant.ofEpochSecond(endUnixTime).atZone(zone))
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