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wvlet.airframe.opts.OptionParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package wvlet.airframe.opts

// OptionParser.scala
// Since: 2012/07/06 4:05 PM

import wvlet.log.{LogSupport, Logger}
import wvlet.surface._
import wvlet.surface.reflect.{GenericBuilder, ObjectBuilder, Path, SurfaceFactory}

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import scala.util.matching.Regex.Match
import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}

  * Creates option parsers
object OptionParser extends LogSupport {

  def tokenize(line: String): Array[String] = CommandLineTokenizer.tokenize(line)

  def of[A: ru.WeakTypeTag]: OptionParser = {

  def apply(surface: Surface): OptionParser = {
    val schema = ClassOptionSchema(surface)
    assert(schema != null)
    new OptionParser(schema)

  def parse[A <: AnyRef](args: Array[String])(implicit m: ClassTag[A]): OptionParserResult = {

  def parse[A <: AnyRef](argLine: String)(implicit m: ClassTag[A]): OptionParserResult = {

  val defaultUsageTemplate =
    """|usage:$COMMAND$ $ARGUMENT_LIST$
      |  $DESCRIPTION$

    * Option -> value mapping result
  sealed abstract class OptionMapping extends Iterable[(Path, String)]
  case class OptSetFlag(opt: CLOption) extends OptionMapping {
    def iterator = Iterator.single(opt.path -> "true")
  case class OptMapping(opt: CLOption, value: String) extends OptionMapping {
    def iterator = Iterator.single(opt.path -> value)
  case class OptMappingMultiple(opt: CLOption, value: Array[String]) extends OptionMapping {
    def iterator = -> _).iterator
  case class ArgMapping(opt: CLArgItem, value: String) extends OptionMapping {
    def iterator = Iterator.single(opt.path -> value)
  case class ArgMappingMultiple(opt: CLArgument, value: Array[String]) extends OptionMapping {
    def iterator = -> _).iterator


  * command-line option
sealed trait CLOptionItem {
  def path: Path
  def takesArgument: Boolean          = false
  def takesMultipleArguments: Boolean = false

abstract class CLOptionItemBase(val param: Parameter) extends CLOptionItem {
  override def takesMultipleArguments: Boolean = {
    import wvlet.surface.reflect.ReflectTypeUtil._
    val t: Class[_] = param.surface.rawType
    isArray(t) || isSeq(t)

trait CLArgItem extends CLOptionItem {
  def path: Path
  def name: String
  def argIndex: Int

  * CommandTrait line option and the associated class parameter
  * @param annot
  * @param param
case class CLOption(path: Path, annot: option, override val param: Parameter) extends CLOptionItemBase(param) {

  // validate prefixes
  val prefixes: Seq[String] =
    for (p <- annot.prefix.split(",")) yield {
      if (p.startsWith("--") || p.startsWith("-")) {
      } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid prefix %s (not beginning with - or --). Fix option of %s".format(p,

  override def takesArgument: Boolean = param.surface != Primitive.Boolean

  * CommandTrait line argument type and the associated class parameter
  * @param arg
  * @param param
case class CLArgument(path: Path, arg: argument, argIndex: Int, override val param: Parameter) extends CLOptionItemBase(param) with CLArgItem {
  def name: String =
    if ( {
    } else {


case class CommandNameArgument(path: Path) extends CLArgItem {
  def argIndex = 0
  def name     = Launcher.commandNameParam

  * Schema of the command line options
trait OptionSchema extends LogSupport {

  val options: Seq[CLOption]
  val args: Seq[CLArgItem] // must be sorted by arg.index in ascending order

  protected lazy val symbolTable = {
    var h = Map[String, CLOption]()
    options.foreach {
      case opt: CLOption =>
        for (p <- opt.prefixes) {
          h += p -> opt

  def apply(name: String): CLOption = symbolTable.apply(name)

  def findOption(name: String): Option[CLOption] = symbolTable.get(name)
  def findFlagOption(name: String): Option[CLOption] = {
    findOption(name) filterNot (_.takesArgument)
  def findOptionNeedsArg(name: String): Option[CLOption] = {
    findOption(name) filter (_.takesArgument)

  def findArgumentItem(argIndex: Int): Option[CLArgItem] = {
    if (args.isDefinedAt(argIndex)) Some(args(argIndex)) else None

  def description: String
  def usage: String

  protected def defaultUsage: String = {
    val l = for (a <- args) yield {
    }"[%s]".format(_)).mkString(" ")

  override def toString = "options:[%s], args:[%s]".format(options.mkString(", "), args.mkString(", "))

object ClassOptionSchema extends LogSupport {
  import wvlet.surface.reflect._

    * Create an option schema from a given class definition
  def apply(surface: Surface, path: Path = Path.current, argIndexOffset: Int = 0): ClassOptionSchema = {
    var argCount = 0
    val o        = Array.newBuilder[CLOption]
    val a        = Array.newBuilder[CLArgItem]
    for (p <- surface.params) {

      val nextPath = path /
      p.findAnnotationOf[option] match {
        case Some(opt) => o += new CLOption(nextPath, opt, p)
        case None =>
          p.findAnnotationOf[argument] match {
            case Some(arg) => {
              a += new CLArgument(nextPath, arg, argIndexOffset + argCount, p)
              argCount += 1
            case None => // nested option
              val nested = ClassOptionSchema(p.surface, nextPath, argCount)
              o ++= nested.options
              a ++= nested.args
              argCount += nested.args.length

    // find command methods
    val tpe = SurfaceFactory.findTypeOf(surface).getOrElse {
      throw new IllegalThreadStateException(s"Cannot find runtime type of ${surface}")
    val methods        = SurfaceFactory.methodsOfType(tpe)
    val commandMethods = for (m <- methods; c <- m.findAnnotationOf[command]) yield m
    if (!commandMethods.isEmpty || CommandModule.isModuleClass(surface.rawType)) {
      if (!a.result().isEmpty) {
        error(s"class ${surface} with @command methods cannot have @argument in constructor")
      } else {
        // Add command name argument
        a += new CommandNameArgument(path / Launcher.commandNameParam)

    new ClassOptionSchema(surface, o.result, a.result().sortBy(x => x.argIndex))


  * OptionSchema created from a class definition
  * @param surface
class ClassOptionSchema(val surface: Surface, val options: Seq[CLOption], val args: Seq[CLArgItem]) extends OptionSchema {

  def description = {
      .collectFirst {
        case c: command => c.description

  override def usage = {
      .collectFirst {
        case c: command if !c.usage.isEmpty => c.usage


  * OptionSchema created from a method definition
  * @param method
class MethodOptionSchema(method: MethodSurface) extends OptionSchema {
  import wvlet.surface.reflect._
  val options =
    for (p <- method.args; opt <- p.findAnnotationOf[option]) yield new CLOption(Path(, opt, p)

  val args = {
    var argCount = -1
    val l = for (p <- method.args; arg <- p.findAnnotationOf[argument]) yield {
      (new CLArgument(Path(, arg, { argCount += 1; argCount }, p)).asInstanceOf[CLArgItem]
    l.sortBy(x => x.argIndex)

  def description = {
    method match {
      case m: ReflectMethodSurface if m.getMethod.isDefined =>
          .collectFirst {
            case c: command => c.description
      case _ => ""

  override def usage = {
    val argLine =
      method match {
        case m: ReflectMethodSurface if m.getMethod.isDefined =>
            .collectFirst {
              case c: command if !c.usage.isEmpty => c.usage
        case _ => defaultUsage
    "%s %s".format(, argLine)


case class OptionParserResult(parseTree: ValueHolder[String], unusedArgument: Array[String], val showHelp: Boolean) extends LogSupport {

  def buildObject(surface: Surface): Any = {
    val b = ObjectBuilder(surface)

  def buildObjectWithFilter[A](surface: Surface, filter: String => Boolean): Any = {
    val b = ObjectBuilder(surface)
    trace(s"build from parse tree: ${parseTree}")
    for ((path, value) <- parseTree.dfs if filter(path.last)) {
      b.set(path, value)

  def build[B <: GenericBuilder](builder: B): B = {
    trace(s"build from parse tree: ${parseTree}")
    for ((path, value) <- parseTree.dfs) {
      builder.set(path, value)


  * CommandTrait-line argument parser
  * @author leo
class OptionParser(val schema: OptionSchema) extends LogSupport {

  def this(m: MethodSurface) = this(new MethodOptionSchema(m))

  import OptionParser._

    * Parse the command-line arguments
    * @param args
    * @return parse result
  def parse(args: Array[String]): OptionParserResult = {

    def findMatch[T](p: Regex, s: String): Option[Match] = p.findFirstMatchIn(s)

    def group(m: Match, group: Int): Option[String] = {
      if (m.start(group) != -1) Some( else None

    case class Flag(opt: CLOption, remaining: List[String])
    case class WithArg(opt: CLOption, v: String, remaining: List[String])

    // case object for pattern matching of options
    object OptionFlag {
      private val pattern = """^(-{1,2}\w+)""".r

      def unapply(s: List[String]): Option[Flag] = {
        findMatch(pattern, s.head) flatMap { m =>
          val symbol =
          schema.findFlagOption(symbol) map { Flag(_, s.tail) }

    // case object for pattern matching of options that take arguments
    object OptionWithArgument {
      private val pattern = """^(-{1,2}\w+)([:=](\w+))?""".r

      def unapply(s: List[String]): Option[WithArg] = {
        findMatch(pattern, s.head) flatMap { m =>
          val symbol       =
          val immediateArg = group(m, 3)
          schema.findOptionNeedsArg(symbol) map { opt =>
            if (immediateArg.isEmpty) {
              if (s.tail.isEmpty) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Option %s needs an argument" format opt)
              } else {
                val remaining = s.tail
                WithArg(opt, remaining.head, remaining.tail)
            } else {
              WithArg(opt, immediateArg.get, s.tail)

    // Hold mapping, option -> args ...
    val optionValues    = collection.mutable.Map[CLOptionItem, ArrayBuffer[String]]()
    val unusedArguments = new ArrayBuffer[String]

    val logger = Logger("traverse")

    def traverseArg(l: List[String]): Unit = {
      var argIndex = 0

      logger.trace(f"index:${argIndex}%d, remaining:$l%s")

      def appendOptionValue(ci: CLOptionItem, value: String): Unit = {
        val holder = optionValues.getOrElseUpdate(ci, new ArrayBuffer[String]())
        holder += value

      // Process command line arguments
      var continue  = true
      var remaining = l
      while (continue && !remaining.isEmpty) {
        val next = remaining match {
          case OptionFlag(m) => {
            appendOptionValue(m.opt, "true")
          case OptionWithArgument(m) => {
            appendOptionValue(m.opt, m.v)
          case e :: rest => {
            schema.findArgumentItem(argIndex) match {
              case Some(ai) => {
                appendOptionValue(ai, e)
                if (!ai.takesMultipleArguments) {
                  argIndex += 1
              case None =>
                unusedArguments += e
          case Nil => List() // end of arguments
        remaining = next


    val mapping: Seq[OptionMapping] = {
      val m = optionValues.collect {
        case (c: CLOption, values) =>
          if (c.takesArgument) {
            if (c.takesMultipleArguments) {
              OptMappingMultiple(c, values.toArray)
            } else {
              OptMapping(c, values(0))
          } else {
        case (a: CLArgument, values) =>
          if (a.takesMultipleArguments) {
            ArgMappingMultiple(a, values.toArray)
          } else {
            ArgMapping(a, values(0))
        case (cn: CommandNameArgument, values) =>
          ArgMapping(cn, values(0))

    val holder = ValueHolder(for (m <- mapping; (p, v) <- m) yield p -> v)
    trace(s"parse treer: $holder")
    val showHelp = mapping.collectFirst { case c @ OptSetFlag(o) if o.annot.isHelp => c }.isDefined
    new OptionParserResult(holder, unusedArguments.toArray, showHelp)

  def printUsage = {

  def createOptionHelpMessage = {
    val optDscr: Seq[(CLOption, String)] = for (o <- schema.options)
      yield {
        val opt: option = o.annot
        val hasShort    = o.prefixes.exists(_.length == 2)
        val hasAlias    = o.prefixes.exists(_.length > 2)
        val l           = new StringBuilder
        l append o.prefixes.mkString(", ")

        if (o.takesArgument) {
          if (hasAlias) {
            l append ":"
          } else if (hasShort) {
            l append " "
          l append "[%s]".format(
        (o, l.toString)

    val optDscrLenMax =
      if (optDscr.isEmpty) {
      } else {

    val defaultInstance: Option[_] = {
      try schema match {
        case c: ClassOptionSchema =>
        case _ => None
      } catch {
        case _: Throwable => None

    def genDescription(opt: CLOption) = {
      //      if (opt.takesArgument) {
      //        if(defaultInstance.isDefined && defaultInstance.get)
      //        "%s (default:%s)".format(opt.annot.description(),
      //      }
      //      else

    val s = for (x <- optDscr) yield {
      val paddingLen = optDscrLenMax - x._2.length
      val padding    = Array.fill(paddingLen)(" ").mkString
      " %s%s  %s".format(x._2, padding, genDescription(x._1))

    val b = new StringBuilder
    if (!s.isEmpty) {
      b.append(s.mkString("\n") + "\n")

  def createUsage(template: String = defaultUsageTemplate): String = {
    StringTemplate.eval(template) {
      Map('ARGUMENT_LIST -> schema.usage, 'OPTION_LIST -> createOptionHelpMessage, 'DESCRIPTION -> schema.description)



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