xerial.larray.LIterator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2013 Taro L. Saito
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// LIterator.scala
// Since: 2013/03/15 14:40
package xerial.larray
import collection.{Seq, mutable, AbstractIterator, Iterator}
import reflect.ClassTag
import scala.Some
import collection.Iterator._
import scala.Some
import scala.Seq
import collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
* Iterator for LArray. It is a extension of `scala.collection.Iterable` and most of the code is
* derived from its implementation except that the index type is Long instead of Int.
* @author Taro L. Saito
trait LIterator[+A] {
self =>
import LIterator._
def hasNext : Boolean
def next(): A
/** Tests whether this iterator is empty.
* @return `true` if hasNext is false, `false` otherwise.
def isEmpty: Boolean = !hasNext
def buffered: BufferedLIterator[A] = new AbstractLIterator[A] with BufferedLIterator[A] {
private var hd: A = _
private var hdDefined: Boolean = false
def head: A = {
if (!hdDefined) {
hd = next()
hdDefined = true
def hasNext =
hdDefined || self.hasNext
def next() =
if (hdDefined) {
hdDefined = false
} else self.next()
def collect[B](pf:PartialFunction[A, B]) : LIterator[B] = {
val self = buffered
new AbstractLIterator[B] {
private def skip() { while (self.hasNext && !pf.isDefinedAt(self.head)) self.next() }
def hasNext = { skip(); self.hasNext }
def next() = { skip(); pf(self.next()) }
def scanLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): LIterator[B] = new AbstractLIterator[B] {
var hasNext = true
var elem = z
def next() = if (hasNext) {
val res = elem
if (self.hasNext) elem = op(elem, self.next())
else hasNext = false
} else empty.next()
// def scanRight[B](z: B)(op: (A, B) => B): LIterator[B] = {
// // TODO impl toBuffer
// toBuffer.scanRight(z)(op).iterator
// }
def exists(p: A => Boolean) : Boolean = {
var res = false
while (!res && hasNext) res = p(next())
def contains(elem: Any): Boolean = exists(_ == elem)
def find(p: A => Boolean): Option[A] = {
var res: Option[A] = None
while (res.isEmpty && hasNext) {
val e = next()
if (p(e)) res = Some(e)
/** Returns the index of the first produced value satisfying a predicate, or -1.
* @param p the predicate to test values
* @return the index of the first produced value satisfying `p`,
* or -1 if such an element does not exist until the end of the iterator is reached.
def indexWhere(p: A => Boolean): Long = {
var i = 0L
var found = false
while (!found && hasNext) {
if (p(next())) {
found = true
} else {
i += 1
if (found) i else -1L
/** Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified
* object in this iterable object.
* @param elem element to search for.
* @return the index of the first occurrence of `elem` in the values produced by this iterator,
* or -1 if such an element does not exist until the end of the iterator is reached.
def indexOf[B >: A](elem: B): Long = {
var i = 0L
var found = false
while (!found && hasNext) {
if (next() == elem) {
found = true
} else {
i += 1
if (found) i else -1L
def foreach[U](f: A => U) { while(hasNext) { f(next()) } }
def forall(pred: A => Boolean) : Boolean = {
var result = true
while(result && hasNext) result = pred(next())
def map[B](f:A=>B): LIterator[B] = new AbstractLIterator[B] {
def next(): B = f(self.next())
def hasNext: Boolean = self.hasNext
def flatMap[B](f: A => LIterator[B]) : LIterator[B] = new AbstractLIterator[B] {
private var current : LIterator[B] = empty
def hasNext: Boolean =
current.hasNext || self.hasNext && { current = f(self.next()); hasNext }
def next(): B = (if(hasNext) current else empty).next()
def reduceLeft[B >: A](op: (B, A) => B): B = {
if (isEmpty)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("empty.reduceLeft")
var first = true
var acc: B = 0.asInstanceOf[B]
for (x <- self) {
if (first) {
acc = x
first = false
else acc = op(acc, x)
def filter(pred:A=>Boolean) : LIterator[A] = new AbstractLIterator[A] {
private var head : A = _
private var headDefined : Boolean = false
def next(): A = if(hasNext) { headDefined = false; head } else empty.next()
def hasNext: Boolean = headDefined || {
do {
if(!self.hasNext) return false
head = self.next()
} while (!pred(head))
headDefined = true
def filterNot(p: A => Boolean) : LIterator[A] = filter(!p(_))
def addString(b: StringBuilder, start: String, sep: String, end: String): StringBuilder = {
var first = true
b append start
for (x <- self) {
if (first) {
b append x
first = false
else {
b append sep
b append x
b append end
def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String =
addString(new StringBuilder(), start, sep, end).toString()
def mkString(sep: String): String = mkString("", sep, "")
def mkString: String = mkString("")
def withFilter(p: A => Boolean): LIterator[A] = filter(p)
def sameElements(that:LIterator[_]) : Boolean = {
while (hasNext && that.hasNext)
if (next() != that.next())
return false
!hasNext && !that.hasNext
def slice(from:Long, until:Long) : LIterator[A] = {
val lo = from max 0
var toDrop = lo
while (toDrop > 0 && self.hasNext) {
toDrop -= 1
new AbstractLIterator[A] {
private var remaining = until - lo
def hasNext = remaining > 0L && self.hasNext
def next(): A =
if (remaining > 0) {
remaining -= 1
else empty.next()
def size : Long = {
var count = 0L
for(x <- self) count += 1
/** Selects first ''n'' values of this iterator.
* @param n the number of values to take
* @return an iterator producing only of the first `n` values of this iterator, or else the
* whole iterator, if it produces fewer than `n` values.
def take(n: Long): LIterator[A] = slice(0L, n)
/** Takes longest prefix of values produced by this iterator that satisfy a predicate.
* @param p The predicate used to test elements.
* @return An iterator returning the values produced by this iterator, until
* this iterator produces a value that does not satisfy
* the predicate `p`.
def takeWhile(p: A => Boolean): LIterator[A] = new AbstractLIterator[A] {
private var hd: A = _
private var hdDefined: Boolean = false
private var tail: LIterator[A] = self
def hasNext = hdDefined || tail.hasNext && {
hd = tail.next()
if (p(hd)) hdDefined = true
else tail = empty
def next() = if (hasNext) { hdDefined = false; hd } else empty.next()
/** Partitions this iterator in two iterators according to a predicate.
* @param p the predicate on which to partition
* @return a pair of iterators: the iterator that satisfies the predicate
* `p` and the iterator that does not.
* The relative order of the elements in the resulting iterators
* is the same as in the original iterator.
def partition(p: A => Boolean): (LIterator[A], LIterator[A]) = {
val self = buffered
class PartitionIterator(p: A => Boolean) extends AbstractLIterator[A] {
var other: PartitionIterator = _
val lookahead = new mutable.Queue[A]
def skip() {
while (self.hasNext && !p(self.head)) {
other.lookahead += self.next()
def hasNext = !lookahead.isEmpty || { skip(); self.hasNext }
def next() = if (!lookahead.isEmpty) lookahead.dequeue()
else { skip(); self.next() }
val l = new PartitionIterator(p)
val r = new PartitionIterator(!p(_))
l.other = r
r.other = l
(l, r)
/** Splits this Iterator into a prefix/suffix pair according to a predicate.
* @param p the test predicate
* @return a pair of Iterators consisting of the longest prefix of this
* whose elements all satisfy `p`, and the rest of the Iterator.
def span(p: A => Boolean): (LIterator[A], LIterator[A]) = {
val self = buffered
* Giving a name to following iterator (as opposed to trailing) because
* anonymous class is represented as a structural type that trailing
* iterator is referring (the finish() method) and thus triggering
* handling of structural calls. It's not what's intended here.
class Leading extends AbstractLIterator[A] {
private var isDone = false
val lookahead = new mutable.Queue[A]
def advance() = {
self.hasNext && p(self.head) && {
lookahead += self.next()
def finish() {
while (advance()) ()
isDone = true
def hasNext = lookahead.nonEmpty || advance()
def next() = {
if (lookahead.isEmpty)
val leading = new Leading
val trailing = new AbstractLIterator[A] {
private lazy val it = {
def hasNext = it.hasNext
def next() = it.next()
override def toString = "unknown-if-empty iterator"
(leading, trailing)
/** Advances this iterator past the first ''n'' elements, or the length of the iterator, whichever is smaller.
* @param n the number of elements to drop
* @return an iterator which produces all values of the current iterator, except
* it omits the first `n` values.
def drop(n: Long): LIterator[A] = slice(n, Long.MaxValue)
def toArray[A1 >: A : ClassTag] : Array[A1] = {
val b = Array.newBuilder[A1]
foreach(b += _)
def zipAll[B, A1 >: A, B1 >: B](that: LIterator[B], thisElem: A1, thatElem: B1): LIterator[(A1, B1)] = new AbstractLIterator[(A1, B1)] {
def hasNext = self.hasNext || that.hasNext
def next(): (A1, B1) =
if (self.hasNext) {
if (that.hasNext) (self.next(), that.next())
else (self.next(), thatElem)
} else {
if (that.hasNext) (thisElem, that.next())
else empty.next()
def zipWithIndex : LIterator[(A, Long)] = new AbstractLIterator[(A, Long)] {
private var index = 0L
def next(): (A, Long) = {
val v = (self.next(), index)
index += 1
def hasNext: Boolean = self.hasNext
def zip[B](that: LIterator[B]): LIterator[(A, B)] = new AbstractLIterator[(A, B)] {
def hasNext = self.hasNext && that.hasNext
def next = (self.next, that.next)
def toLArray[B >: A : ClassTag] : LArray[B] = {
val b = LArray.newBuilder[B]
self.foreach(b += _)
object LIterator {
val empty : LIterator[Nothing] = new AbstractLIterator[Nothing] {
def hasNext: Boolean = false
def next(): Nothing = throw new NoSuchElementException("next on empty iterator")
trait BufferedLIterator[+A] extends LIterator[A] {
def head: A
private[larray] abstract class AbstractLIterator[A] extends LIterator[A]
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