xerial.compress.FPC.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2012 Taro L. Saito
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// FPC.scala
// Since: 2012/12/06 12:46 PM
package xerial.compress
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import xerial.core.log.Logger
* An implementation of the FPC 64-bit floating point value compression algorithm:
* M. Burtscher and P. Ratanaworaban. High Troughput Compression of Double-Precision Floating-Point Data. DCC2007
* http://csl.cornell.edu/~burtscher/research/FPC
* @author Taro L. Saito
object FPC extends Logger {
def compress(input:Array[Double], tableSize:Int = 8 * 1024) : Array[Byte] = {
val hashTableSizeInLog2 = math.max(4, (32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(tableSize))) // truncate to 2^i value
val hashTableSize = 1 << hashTableSizeInLog2
trace(f"hash table size: $hashTableSize%,d")
val tableMask = hashTableSize - 1
trace(s"table mask:${(for(i <- 0 until 32) yield { if(((1 << i) & tableMask) == 0) "1" else "0"}).mkString}")
val fcm = new Array[Long](hashTableSize)
val dfcm = new Array[Long](hashTableSize)
val N = input.length
//val M = 1024 // num elements in a block
// output buffer that has enough size for compressing M Double elements
val buf = new Array[Byte](6 + ((N + 1)/ 2) + (N * 8))
val bufOut = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf)
// write hash table size (1 byte)
// write element size (4 bytes)
var residualOffset = 6 + ((N + 1)/ 2)
var pred1 = 0L
var pred2 = 0L
var c = 0
var last = 0L
var hash1 = 0
var hash2 = 0
while(c < N) {
// Read Double value as Long
val v = java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(input(c))
// FCM
val xor1 = v ^ pred1 // Take XOR with the prediction
fcm(hash1) = v // Update the hash table with the current value
// Predict the next value
hash1 = ((hash1 << 6) ^ (v >>> 48L).toInt) & tableMask
pred1 = fcm(hash1)
// dFCM
val diff = v - last
val xor2 = v ^ (last + pred2) // Take XOR with the prediction
dfcm(hash2) = diff // Update the hash table
// Predict the next value
hash2 = ((hash2 << 2) ^ (diff >>> 40L).toInt) & tableMask
pred2 = dfcm(hash2)
var code : Int = 0
var xor : Long = xor1
if(xor1 > xor2) {
code = 0x8
xor = xor2
// bcode encodes the residual block size.
// We give up using 4 bytes as a block size since its frequency is quite low
var bcode = 7 // 8 bytes
if((xor >> 56) == 0) bcode = 6 // 7 bytes
if((xor >> 48) == 0) bcode = 5 // 6 bytes
if((xor >> 40) == 0) bcode = 4 // 5 bytes
if((xor >> 24) == 0) bcode = 3 // 3 bytes
if((xor >> 16) == 0) bcode = 2 // 2 bytes
if((xor >> 8) == 0) bcode = 1 // 1 byte
if(xor == 0) bcode = 0 // 0 byte
code |= bcode
val pos = 6 + (c >> 1)
buf(pos) = (buf(pos) | (code << ((1 - (c & 1)) << 2))).toByte
val residualSize = bcode + (bcode >> 2) // The last term is a compensation for missing 4 bytes code
var i = 0
while(i < residualSize) {
val vi = ((xor >>> ((residualSize - i - 1) << 3)) & 0xFF).toByte
buf(residualOffset + i) = vi
i += 1
residualOffset += residualSize
last = v
c += 1
val compressed = new Array[Byte](residualOffset)
Array.copy(buf, 0, compressed, 0, compressed.length)
def decompress(compressed:Array[Byte]) : Array[Double] = {
val in = ByteBuffer.wrap(compressed)
val hashTableSizeInLog2 = in.get()
val N = in.getInt
val hashTableSize = 1 << hashTableSizeInLog2
trace(f"hash table size: $hashTableSize%,d")
val tableMask = hashTableSize - 1
val fcm = new Array[Long](hashTableSize)
val dfcm = new Array[Long](hashTableSize)
val decompressed = new Array[Double](N)
var c = 0
var residualOffset = 6 + ((N +1) / 2)
var pred1 = 0L
var pred2 = 0L
var last = 0L
var hash1 = 0
var hash2 = 0
while(c < N) {
val pos = 6 + (c >> 1)
val code = (compressed(pos) >>> ((1 - (c & 1)) << 2)) & 0x0F
val bcode = code & 0x7
val residualSize = bcode + (bcode >> 2)
var xor = 0L
var r = 0
while(r < residualSize) {
xor <<= 8L
val vi = compressed(residualOffset + r) & 0xFF
xor |= vi
r += 1
val pred = if((code & 0x8) == 0) pred1 else pred2
val v = xor ^ pred
fcm(hash1) = v
hash1 = ((hash1 << 6) ^ (v >>> 48L).toInt) & tableMask
pred1 = fcm(hash1)
val diff = v - last
dfcm(hash2) = diff
hash2 = ((hash2 << 2) ^ (diff >>> 40L).toInt) & tableMask
pred2 = v + dfcm(hash2)
decompressed(c) = java.lang.Double.longBitsToDouble(v)
last = v
residualOffset += residualSize
c += 1
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