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* Copyright 2012 Taro L. Saito
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package xerial.core.collection
// RedBlackTree.scala
// Since: 2012/08/21 2:27 PM
import xerial.core.log.Logger
object RedBlackTree {
* Represents nodes in RedBlackTrees
* @tparam A
* @tparam B
abstract class Tree[A, B] {
def isEmpty: Boolean
def isBlack: Boolean
def left: Tree[A, B]
def right: Tree[A, B]
def iterator: Iterator[(A, B)] = Iterator.empty
def key: A
def value: B
def getKey: Option[A] = None
def update(k: A, v: B): Tree[A, B]
def insert(k: A, v: B): Tree[A, B]
def lookup(e: A): Tree[A, B]
def map[C](f: Tree[A, B] => C): C = f(this)
def foreach[C](f: Tree[A, B] => C): Unit
import RedBlackTree._
* Base class for implementing data structures based on Red-Black trees.
* Balancing operations (balanceLeft, balanceRight) are based on Okasaki's idea (See also Purely functional data structures by C. Okasaki)
* deletion (Kahrs 2001)
* union (for range operation) (building RedBlackTrees from sorted list in linear time. Appel 2011)
* @tparam A key type
* @tparam B value type associated to the key
abstract class RedBlackTree[A, B] extends Logger {
* Compare keys
* @param a
* @param b
* @return
protected def isSmaller(a: A, b: A): Boolean
* Update a tree with a given key and value. This method is used for
* adding a new value to node t without changing the tree structure.
* @param t
* @param key
* @param value
* @return
protected def updateTree(t: Tree[A, B], key: A, value: B): Tree[A, B]
* Create a new key from the current key and its left/right children. This method returns the curent key in default
* @param key current key
* @param lkey
* @param rkey
* @return
protected def newKey(key: A, lkey: Option[A], rkey: Option[A]): A = key
protected def newValue(key: A, value: B): B = value
def mkTree(isBlack: Boolean, key: A, h: B, l: Tree[A, B], r: Tree[A, B]): Tree[A, B] = {
if (isBlack)
BlackTree(key, h, l, r)
RedTree(key, h, l, r)
def blacken(t: Tree[A, B]): Tree[A, B] = t match {
case RedTree(k, e, l, r) => BlackTree(k, e, l, r)
case _ => t
object Empty extends Tree[A, B] {
override def toString = "Empty"
def value = throw new NoSuchElementException("Empty node has no value")
def isEmpty = true
def isBlack = true
def left = Empty
def right = Empty
def key = null.asInstanceOf[A]
def update(k: A, v: B) = blacken(insert(k, v))
def insert(k: A, v: B) = RedTree(k, newValue(k, v), Empty, Empty)
def lookup(e: A): Tree[A, B] = this
def foreach[C](f: Tree[A, B] => C): Unit = {}
abstract class NonEmpty extends Tree[A, B] {
def isEmpty = false
override def iterator: Iterator[(A, B)] = left.iterator ++ Iterator.single((key, value)) ++ right.iterator
override def getKey = Some(key)
def value: B
def update(k: A, v: B): Tree[A, B] = blacken(insert(k, v))
def insert(k: A, v: B): Tree[A, B] = {
if (isSmaller(k, key))
balanceLeft(isBlack, key, value, left.insert(k, v), right)
else if (isSmaller(key, k))
balanceRight(isBlack, key, value, left, right.insert(k, v))
updateTree(this, k, v) // k.x == this.key.x
private def balanceLeft(isBlack: Boolean, z: A, zv: B, l: Tree[A, B], r: Tree[A, B]): Tree[A, B] = l match {
case RedTree(y, yv, RedTree(x, xv, a, b), c) =>
RedTree(newKey(y, Some(x), Some(z)), yv, BlackTree(x, xv, a, b), BlackTree(z, zv, c, r))
case RedTree(x, xv, a, RedTree(y, yv, b, c)) =>
RedTree(newKey(y, Some(x), Some(z)), yv, BlackTree(x, xv, a, b), BlackTree(z, zv, c, r))
case _ =>
mkTree(isBlack, newKey(z, l.getKey, r.getKey), zv, l, r)
private def balanceRight(isBlack: Boolean, x: A, xv: B, l: Tree[A, B], r: Tree[A, B]): Tree[A, B] = r match {
case RedTree(z, zv, RedTree(y, yv, b, c), d) =>
RedTree(newKey(y, Some(x), Some(z)), yv, BlackTree(x, xv, l, b), BlackTree(z, zv, c, d))
case RedTree(y, yv, b, RedTree(z, zv, c, d)) =>
RedTree(newKey(y, Some(x), Some(z)), yv, BlackTree(x, xv, l, b), BlackTree(z, zv, c, d))
case _ =>
mkTree(isBlack, newKey(x, l.getKey, r.getKey), xv, l, r)
def lookup(e: A): Tree[A, B] = {
if (isSmaller(e, key))
else if (isSmaller(key, e))
def foreach[C](f: Tree[A, B] => C): Unit = {
case class RedTree(override val key: A, value: B, left: Tree[A, B], right: Tree[A, B]) extends NonEmpty {
def isBlack = false
case class BlackTree(override val key: A, value: B, left: Tree[A, B], right: Tree[A, B]) extends NonEmpty {
def isBlack = true