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* $Id:,v 1.28 2007/09/18 08:45:07 agoubard Exp $
* Copyright 2003-2007 Orange Nederland Breedband B.V.
* See the COPYRIGHT file for redistribution and use restrictions.
package org.xins.server;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.jmx.HierarchyDynamicMBean;
import org.xins.common.Utils;
import org.xins.common.collections.PropertyReaderConverter;
import org.xins.common.collections.PropertyReaderUtils;
import org.xins.common.text.DateConverter;
import org.xins.common.text.TextUtils;
import org.xins.common.xml.Element;
* Management bean for the API.
* @version $Revision: 1.28 $ $Date: 2007/09/18 08:45:07 $
* @author Anthony Goubard
* @since XINS 1.5.0
public final class APIManager implements APIManagerMBean {
* Formatter to convert {@link String} to {@link java.util.Date}.
private static final DateFormat DATE_FORMATTER = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.DD HH:MM:ss.SSS");
* The API, never null.
private final API _api;
* The IP address runing this class, never null.
private String _ip;
* Ctreates a new API manager MBean.
* @param api
* the APi that is managed by this MBean.
APIManager(API api) {
_api = api;
try {
_ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();
} catch (UnknownHostException uhex) {
_ip = "";
* Gets the version of the API.
* @return
* the version of the API running.
* @throws IOException
* if the connection to the MBean fails.
public String getAPIVersion() throws IOException {
return _api.getBootstrapProperties().get(API.API_VERSION_PROPERTY);
* Gets the version of XINS which is running this API.
* @return
* the version of XINS running the API.
* @throws IOException
* if the connection to the MBean fails.
public String getXINSVersion() throws IOException {
return Library.getVersion();
* Gets the name of the API.
* @return
* the name the API.
* @throws IOException
* if the connection to the MBean fails.
public String getAPIName() throws IOException {
return _api.getName();
* Gets the bootstrap properties.
* @return
* the bootstrap properties for this API.
* @throws IOException
* if the connection to the MBean fails.
public CompositeDataSupport getBootstrapProperties() throws IOException {
Properties bootstrapProps = PropertyReaderConverter.toProperties(_api.getBootstrapProperties());
return propertiesToCompositeData(bootstrapProps);
* Gets the runtime properties.
* @return
* the runtime properties for this API.
* @throws IOException
* if the connection to the MBean fails.
public CompositeDataSupport getRuntimeProperties() throws IOException {
Properties runtimeProps = PropertyReaderConverter.toProperties(_api.getRuntimeProperties());
return propertiesToCompositeData(runtimeProps);
* Gets the time at which the API was started.
* @return
* the time at which the API was started in the form YYYYMMDDThhmmssSSS+TZ.
* @throws IOException
* if the connection to the MBean fails.
public String getStartupTime() throws IOException {
return DateConverter.toDateString(_api.getStartupTimestamp());
* Gets the list of the API functions.
* @return
* the list of the API function names.
* @throws IOException
* if the connection to the MBean fails.
public String[] getFunctionNames() throws IOException {
List functions = _api.getFunctionList();
String[] functionNames = new String[functions.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < functions.size(); i++) {
Function nextFunction = (Function) functions.get(i);
functionNames[i] = nextFunction.getName();
return functionNames;
* Gets the statistics of the functions.
* @return
* the statistics of the functions.
* @throws IOException
* if the connection to the MBean fails.
public TabularDataSupport getStatistics() throws IOException {
String[] statsNames = {"Function", "Count", "Error Code", "Average", "Min Date",
"Min Duration", "Max Date", "Max Duration", "Last Date", "Last Duration"};
OpenType[] statsTypes = {SimpleType.STRING, SimpleType.LONG, SimpleType.STRING,
SimpleType.LONG, SimpleType.DATE, SimpleType.LONG, SimpleType.DATE, SimpleType.LONG,
SimpleType.DATE, SimpleType.LONG};
try {
CompositeType statType = new CompositeType("Statistic",
"A statistic of a function", statsNames, statsNames, statsTypes);
TabularType tabType = new TabularType("Function statistics",
"Statistics of the functions", statType, statsNames);
TabularDataSupport tabularData = new TabularDataSupport(tabType);
Iterator itFunctions = _api.getFunctionList().iterator();
while (itFunctions.hasNext()) {
Function nextFunction = (Function);
Element success = nextFunction.getStatistics().getSuccessfulElement();
HashMap statMap = statisticsToMap(success, nextFunction.getName());
CompositeDataSupport statData = new CompositeDataSupport(statType, statMap);
Element[] unsuccess = nextFunction.getStatistics().getUnsuccessfulElement(true);
for (int i = 0; i < unsuccess.length; i++) {
HashMap statMap2 = statisticsToMap(unsuccess[i], nextFunction.getName());
CompositeDataSupport statData2 = new CompositeDataSupport(statType, statMap2);
return tabularData;
} catch (OpenDataException odex) {
return null;
* Executes the _NoOp meta function.
* @throws IOException
* if the connection to the MBean fails.
* @throws NoSuchFunctionException
* if the _noOp meta function is not found.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* if the JMX client is not in the ACLs to execute the _noOp meta function.
public void noOp() throws IOException, NoSuchFunctionException, AccessDeniedException {
FunctionRequest noOpRequest = new FunctionRequest("_NoOp",
PropertyReaderUtils.EMPTY_PROPERTY_READER, null);
_api.handleCall(System.currentTimeMillis(), noOpRequest, _ip, null);
* Reloads the runtime properties if the file has changed.
* @throws IOException
* if the connection to the MBean fails.
* @throws NoSuchFunctionException
* if the _ReloadProperties meta function is not found.
* @throws AccessDeniedException
* if the JMX client is not in the ACLs to execute the _ReloadProperties meta function.
public void reloadProperties() throws IOException, NoSuchFunctionException, AccessDeniedException {
FunctionRequest reloadPropertiesRequest = new FunctionRequest("_ReloadProperties",
PropertyReaderUtils.EMPTY_PROPERTY_READER, null);
_api.handleCall(System.currentTimeMillis(), reloadPropertiesRequest, _ip, null);
* Put the data of a function statistic in a {@link HashMap}.
* @param statElement
* the XML element containing the data about the successful or unsuccessful call,
* cannot be null.
* @param functionName
* the name of the function of this statistic, cannot be null.
* @return
* a {@link HashMap} containing the statistics.
private HashMap statisticsToMap(Element statElement, String functionName) {
HashMap statMap = new HashMap();
statMap.put("Function", functionName);
statMap.put("Count", new Long(statElement.getAttribute("count")));
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(statElement.getAttribute("errorcode"))) {
statMap.put("Error Code", statElement.getAttribute("errorcode"));
} else if (statElement.getLocalName().equals("unsuccessful")) {
statMap.put("Error Code", "");
} else if (statElement.getLocalName().equals("successful")) {
statMap.put("Error Code", "");
if (!"N/A".equals(statElement.getAttribute("average"))) {
statMap.put("Average", new Long(statElement.getAttribute("average")));
} else {
statMap.put("Average", null);
try {
Element minStat = statElement.getUniqueChildElement("min");
if (!"N/A".equals(minStat.getAttribute("duration"))) {
synchronized (DATE_FORMATTER) {
statMap.put("Min Date", DATE_FORMATTER.parse(minStat.getAttribute("start")));
statMap.put("Min Duration", new Long(minStat.getAttribute("duration")));
} else {
statMap.put("Min Date", null);
statMap.put("Min Duration", null);
} catch (Exception ex) {
try {
Element maxStat = statElement.getUniqueChildElement("max");
if (!"N/A".equals(maxStat.getAttribute("duration"))) {
synchronized (DATE_FORMATTER) {
statMap.put("Max Date", DATE_FORMATTER.parse(maxStat.getAttribute("start")));
statMap.put("Max Duration", new Long(maxStat.getAttribute("duration")));
} else {
statMap.put("Max Date", null);
statMap.put("Max Duration", null);
} catch (Exception ex) {
try {
Element lastStat = statElement.getUniqueChildElement("last");
if (!"N/A".equals(lastStat.getAttribute("duration"))) {
synchronized (DATE_FORMATTER) {
statMap.put("Last Date", DATE_FORMATTER.parse(lastStat.getAttribute("start")));
statMap.put("Last Duration", new Long(lastStat.getAttribute("duration")));
} else {
statMap.put("Last Date", null);
statMap.put("Last Duration", null);
} catch (Exception ex) {
return statMap;
* Utility method to convert a {@link Properties} to a {@link CompositeDataSupport}.
* @param properties
* the properties to represent to the JMX agent, cannot be null.
* @return
* the {@link CompositeDataSupport} containng the properties, or null
* if an error occured.
private CompositeDataSupport propertiesToCompositeData(Properties properties) {
try {
String[] keys = (String[]) properties.keySet().toArray(new String[properties.size()]);
OpenType[] itemTypes = new OpenType[keys.length];
for (int i = 0; i < itemTypes.length; i++) {
itemTypes[i] = SimpleType.STRING;
CompositeType propsType = new CompositeType("Properties type", "properties", keys, keys, itemTypes);
CompositeDataSupport propsData = new CompositeDataSupport(propsType, properties);
return propsData;
} catch (OpenDataException odex) {
return null;
* Registers the API MBean.
* @param api
* the API, never null.
* @throws Throwable
* if the MBeanServer cannot be found or created or one of the registered MBean fails.
static void registerMBean(API api) throws Throwable { mBeanServer;
try {
mBeanServer = ( Class.forName("").getMethod("getPlatformMBeanServer", null).invoke(null, null);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
// Try with the JDK 1.4 and 1.3 compatible JMX reference implementation
mBeanServer =;
APIManager mBean = new APIManager(api); objectName = new"org.xins.server.api." + api.getName() + ":type=APIManager");
mBeanServer.registerMBean(mBean, objectName);
// Register also the Log4J loggers
// Create and Register the top level Log4J MBean
HierarchyDynamicMBean hdm = new HierarchyDynamicMBean(); mbo = new"org.xins.server.api." + api.getName() + ":hiearchy=log4j");
mBeanServer.registerMBean(hdm, mbo);
// Add the root logger to the Hierarchy MBean
Logger rootLogger = Logger.getRootLogger();