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* $Id:,v 1.8 2007/09/18 08:45:06 agoubard Exp $
* Copyright 2003-2007 Orange Nederland Breedband B.V.
* See the COPYRIGHT file for redistribution and use restrictions.
package org.xins.server;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.xins.common.collections.BasicPropertyReader;
import org.xins.common.spec.DataSectionElementSpec;
import org.xins.common.spec.EntityNotFoundException;
import org.xins.common.spec.FunctionSpec;
import org.xins.common.spec.InvalidSpecificationException;
import org.xins.common.spec.ParameterSpec;
import org.xins.common.text.ParseException;
import org.xins.common.types.Type;
import org.xins.common.xml.Element;
import org.xins.common.xml.ElementBuilder;
* The SOAP calling convention that tries to map the SOAP request to the
* parameters of the function. The rules applied for the mapping are the same
* as for the command wsdl-to-api.
* Note that by default any SOAP message will be handled by the _xins_soap
* calling convention. If you want to use this calling convention you will
* need to explicitly have _convention=_xins_soap_map in the URL parameters.
* This calling convention is easily extendable in order to adapt to the
* specificity of your SOAP requests.
* Here is the mapping for the input:
If the element in the Body ends with 'Request', the function name is
* considered to be what is specified before
Otherwise the name of the element is used for the name of the function
Elements in the request are mapped to input parameters if available.
Elements with sub-elements are mapped to input parameters element1.sub-element1... if available.
If no parameter is found, try to find an input data element with the name.
If not found, go to the sub-elements and try to find an input data element with the name.
If not found, skip it. Here it's up to you to override this convention and provide a mapping.
* Here is the mapping for the output:
Response name = function name + "Response"
Output parameters with dots are transformed to XML.
* e.g. element1.element2 -> <element1><element2>value</element2></element1>
The data section is not put in the returned XML, only the elements it contains.
Data section element attributes are changed to sub-elements with the
* same rule as for output parameters.
* @version $Revision: 1.8 $ $Date: 2007/09/18 08:45:06 $
* @author Anthony Goubard
* @since XINS 2.1.
public class SOAPMapCallingConvention extends SOAPCallingConvention {
* The key used to store the Envelope element of the request.
protected static final String REQUEST_ENVELOPE = "_envelope";
* The key used to store the Body element of the request.
protected static final String REQUEST_BODY = "_body";
* The key used to store the function element of the request.
protected static final String REQUEST_FUNCTION = "_function_request";
* Creates a new SOAPCallingConvention instance.
* @param api
* the API, needed for the SOAP messages, cannot be null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if api == null.
public SOAPMapCallingConvention(API api) throws IllegalArgumentException {
protected boolean matches(HttpServletRequest httpRequest)
throws Exception {
return false;
protected FunctionRequest convertRequestImpl(HttpServletRequest httpRequest)
throws InvalidRequestException,
FunctionNotSpecifiedException {
Element envelopeElem = parseXMLRequest(httpRequest);
if (! envelopeElem.getLocalName().equals("Envelope")) {
throw new InvalidRequestException("Root element is not a SOAP envelope but \"" +
envelopeElem.getLocalName() + "\".");
httpRequest.setAttribute(REQUEST_ENVELOPE, cloneElement(envelopeElem));
String functionName;
Element functionElem;
try {
Element bodyElem = envelopeElem.getUniqueChildElement("Body");
httpRequest.setAttribute(REQUEST_BODY, cloneElement(bodyElem));
functionElem = bodyElem.getUniqueChildElement(null);
httpRequest.setAttribute(REQUEST_FUNCTION, cloneElement(functionElem));
} catch (ParseException pex) {
throw new InvalidRequestException("Incorrect SOAP message.", pex);
String requestName = functionElem.getLocalName();
if (!requestName.endsWith("Request")) {
functionName = requestName;
} else {
functionName = requestName.substring(0, requestName.lastIndexOf("Request"));
httpRequest.setAttribute(FUNCTION_NAME, functionName);
// Parse the input parameters
FunctionRequest functionRequest = readInput(functionElem, functionName);
// If there is information in the SOAP Header that you want to store in
// the HTTP request or for input parameters or input data section,
// parse the SOAP Header here and fill the functionRequest or httpRequest
// with the wanted data.
return functionRequest;
* Generates the function request based the the SOAP request.
* This function will get the XML element in the SOAP request and associate
* the values with the input parameter or data section element of the function.
* @param functionElem
* the SOAP element of the function request, cannot be null.
* @param functionName
* the name of the function, cannot be null.
* @return
* the function request that will be passed to the XINS function, cannot be null.
protected FunctionRequest readInput(Element functionElem, String functionName) {
BasicPropertyReader inputParams = new BasicPropertyReader();
ElementBuilder dataSectionBuilder = new ElementBuilder("data");
Iterator itParameters = functionElem.getChildElements().iterator();
Element parameterElem;
while (itParameters.hasNext()) {
parameterElem = (Element);
try {
Element dataElement = readInputElem(parameterElem, functionName, null, null, inputParams);
if (dataElement != null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.log_3571(ex, parameterElem.getLocalName(), functionName);
return new FunctionRequest(functionName, inputParams, dataSectionBuilder.createElement());
* Parses the SOAP request element according to the rules specified in this
* class description.
* @param inputElem
* the SOAP request element, cannot be null.
* @param functionName
* the name of the function, cannot be null.
* @param parent
* the name of the super element, can be null.
* @param parentElement
* the input data element that is being created, can be null.
* @param inputParams
* the PropertyReader where the input parameters should be stored, cannot be null.
* @return
* the input data element for the FunctionRequest or null if the SOAP
* request does not need to create a input data element.
* @throws Exception
* if anything goes wrong such specifications not available or incorrect SOAP request.
protected Element readInputElem(Element inputElem, String functionName, String parent,
Element parentElement, BasicPropertyReader inputParams) throws Exception {
FunctionSpec functionSpec = getAPI().getAPISpecification().getFunction(functionName);
Map inputParamsSpec = functionSpec.getInputParameters();
Map inputDataSectionSpec = functionSpec.getInputDataSectionElements();
String parameterName = inputElem.getLocalName();
String fullName = parent == null ? parameterName : parent + "." + parameterName;
// Fill the attribute of the input data section with the SOAP sub-elements
if (parentElement != null) {
DataSectionElementSpec elementSpec = (DataSectionElementSpec) inputDataSectionSpec.get(parentElement.getLocalName());
if (elementSpec != null && elementSpec.getAttributes().containsKey(fullName) && inputElem.getChildElements().size() == 0) {
String parameterValue = inputElem.getText();
Type parameterType = elementSpec.getAttribute(fullName).getType();
parameterValue = soapInputValueTransformation(parameterType, parameterValue);
parentElement.setAttribute(fullName, parameterValue);
} else if (elementSpec != null && inputElem.getChildElements().size() > 0) {
Iterator itParameters = inputElem.getChildElements().iterator();
while (itParameters.hasNext()) {
Element parameterElem = (Element);
readInputElem(parameterElem, functionName, fullName, parentElement, inputParams);
// Simple input parameter that maps
} else if (inputParamsSpec.containsKey(fullName) && inputElem.getChildElements().size() == 0) {
String parameterValue = inputElem.getText();
Type parameterType = ((ParameterSpec) inputParamsSpec.get(fullName)).getType();
parameterValue = soapInputValueTransformation(parameterType, parameterValue);
inputParams.set(fullName, parameterValue);
// Element with sub-elements
} else if (inputElem.getChildElements().size() > 0) {
// It can be in the parameters or in the data section
Iterator itParamNames = inputParamsSpec.keySet().iterator();
boolean found = false;
while (itParamNames.hasNext() && !found) {
String nextParamName = (String);
if (nextParamName.startsWith(fullName + ".")) {
found = true;
// The sub element match a input parameter
if (found) {
Iterator itParameters = inputElem.getChildElements().iterator();
while (itParameters.hasNext()) {
Element parameterElem = (Element);
readInputElem(parameterElem, functionName, fullName, null, inputParams);
// The sub element match a input data element
} else if (inputDataSectionSpec.containsKey(parameterName)) {
Element dataElement = new Element(parameterName);
Iterator itParameters = inputElem.getChildElements().iterator();
while (itParameters.hasNext()) {
Element parameterElem = (Element);
readInputElem(parameterElem, functionName, null, dataElement, inputParams);
return dataElement;
// Ignore this element and go throw the sub-elements
} else {
Iterator itParameters = inputElem.getChildElements().iterator();
while (itParameters.hasNext()) {
Element parameterElem = (Element);
readInputElem(parameterElem, functionName, parent, null, inputParams);
} else {
Log.log_3570(inputElem.getLocalName(), functionName);
return null;
protected void convertResultImpl(FunctionResult xinsResult,
HttpServletResponse httpResponse,
HttpServletRequest httpRequest)
throws IOException {
// Send the XML output to the stream and flush
PrintWriter out = httpResponse.getWriter();
if (xinsResult.getErrorCode() != null) {
} else {
Element envelope = writeResponse(httpRequest, xinsResult);
// Write the result to the servlet response
protected Element writeResponse(HttpServletRequest httpRequest, FunctionResult xinsResult)
throws IOException {
Element requestEnvelope = (Element) httpRequest.getAttribute(REQUEST_ENVELOPE);
Element envelope = new Element(requestEnvelope.getNamespacePrefix(),
requestEnvelope.getNamespaceURI(), "Envelope");
copyAttributes(requestEnvelope, envelope);
// If you want to write the SOAP Header to the response, do it here
Element requestBody = (Element) httpRequest.getAttribute(REQUEST_BODY);
Element body = new Element(requestBody.getNamespacePrefix(), null, "Body");
copyAttributes(requestBody, body);
String functionName = (String) httpRequest.getAttribute(FUNCTION_NAME);
if (xinsResult.getErrorCode() != null) {
//writeFaultSection(functionName, namespaceURI, xinsResult, xmlout);
} else {
// Write the response start tag
Element requestFunction = (Element) httpRequest.getAttribute(REQUEST_FUNCTION);
Element response = new Element(requestFunction.getNamespacePrefix(),
requestFunction.getNamespaceURI(), functionName + "Response");
copyAttributes(requestFunction, response);
writeOutputParameters(functionName, xinsResult, response);
writeOutputDataSection(functionName, xinsResult, response);
return envelope;
* Writes the output parameters to the SOAP XML.
* @param functionName
* the name of the function called, cannot be null.
* @param xinsResult
* the result of the call to the function, cannot be null.
* @param response
* the SOAP response element, cannot be null.
protected void writeOutputParameters(String functionName, FunctionResult xinsResult, Element response) {
Iterator outputParameterNames = xinsResult.getParameters().getNames();
while (outputParameterNames.hasNext()) {
String parameterName = (String);
String parameterValue = xinsResult.getParameter(parameterName);
try {
FunctionSpec functionSpec = getAPI().getAPISpecification().getFunction(functionName);
Type parameterType = functionSpec.getOutputParameter(parameterName).getType();
parameterValue = soapOutputValueTransformation(parameterType, parameterValue);
} catch (InvalidSpecificationException ise) {
// keep the old value
} catch (EntityNotFoundException enfe) {
// keep the old value
writeOutputParameter(parameterName, parameterValue, response);
* Write an output parameter to the SOAP response.
* @param parameterName
* the name of the output parameter, cannot be null.
* @param parameterValue
* the value of the output parameter, cannot be null.
* @param parent
* the parent element to put the created element in, cannot be null.
protected void writeOutputParameter(String parameterName, String parameterValue, Element parent) {
String paramPrefix = parent.getNamespaceURI() == null ? parent.getNamespacePrefix() : null;
if (parameterName.indexOf('.') == -1) {
Element paramElem = new Element(paramPrefix, null, parameterName);
} else {
String elementName = parameterName.substring(0, parameterName.indexOf('.'));
String rest = parameterName.substring(parameterName.indexOf('.') + 1);
Element paramElem = null;
if (parent.getChildElements(elementName).size() > 0) {
paramElem = (Element) parent.getChildElements(elementName).get(0);
writeOutputParameter(rest, parameterValue, paramElem);
} else {
paramElem = new Element(paramPrefix, null, elementName);
writeOutputParameter(rest, parameterValue, paramElem);
* Writes the output data section to the SOAP XML.
* @param functionName
* the name of the function called.
* @param xinsResult
* the result of the call to the function.
* @param response
* the SOAP response element, cannot be null.
protected void writeOutputDataSection(String functionName, FunctionResult xinsResult, Element response) {
Map dataSectionSpec = null;
try {
FunctionSpec functionSpec = getAPI().getAPISpecification().getFunction(functionName);
dataSectionSpec = functionSpec.getOutputDataSectionElements();
} catch (InvalidSpecificationException ise) {
} catch (EntityNotFoundException enfe) {
Element dataElement = xinsResult.getDataElement();
if (dataElement != null) {
Iterator itDataElements = dataElement.getChildElements().iterator();
while (itDataElements.hasNext()) {
Element nextDataElement = (Element);
writeOutputDataElement(dataSectionSpec, nextDataElement, response);
* Write the given output data element in the SOAP response.
* @param dataSectionSpec
* the specification of the output data elements for the function, cannot be null.
* @param dataElement
* the data element to tranform as SOAP element, cannot be null.
* @param parent
* the parent element to add the created element, cannot be null.
protected void writeOutputDataElement(Map dataSectionSpec, Element dataElement, Element parent) {
// Set a prefix to the data element in order to be copied to the created SOAP element
if (parent.getNamespaceURI() == null) {
Element transformedDataElement = soapElementTransformation(dataSectionSpec, false, dataElement, false);
protected void setDataElementAttribute(ElementBuilder builder, String attributeName,
String attributeValue, String elementNameSpacePrefix) {
if (attributeName.indexOf(".") == -1) {
Element dataElement = new Element(elementNameSpacePrefix, null, attributeName);
} else {
String elementName = attributeName.substring(0, attributeName.indexOf("."));
String rest = attributeName.substring(attributeName.indexOf(".") + 1);
Element paramElem = new Element(elementNameSpacePrefix, null, elementName);
writeOutputParameter(rest, attributeValue, paramElem);
* Utility method that clones an Element without the children.
* @param element
* the element to be cloned, cannot be null.
* @return
* an element which is identical to the given element but with no sub-elements, never null.
private Element cloneElement(Element element) {
Element result = new Element(element.getNamespacePrefix(),
copyAttributes(element, result);
return result;
* Utility method that copies the attributes of an element to another element.
* Note that the name space URI is not copied.
* @param source
* the source element to get the attributes from, cannot be null.
* @param target
* the target element to copy the attributes to, cannot be null.
private void copyAttributes(Element source, Element target) {
Iterator itAttributes = source.getAttributeMap().entrySet().iterator();
while (itAttributes.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry nextAttribute = (Map.Entry);
Element.QualifiedName attrQName = (Element.QualifiedName) nextAttribute.getKey();
String attrValue = (String) nextAttribute.getValue();
if (!"xmlns".equals(attrQName.getNamespacePrefix()) ||
!attrQName.getLocalName().equals(source.getNamespacePrefix())) {
target.setAttribute(attrQName.getNamespacePrefix(), attrQName.getNamespaceURI(),
attrQName.getLocalName(), attrValue);