Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2013-2023 xipki. All rights reserved.
// License Apache License 2.0
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1IA5String;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.CertificationRequest;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500Name;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Certificate;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.*;
import org.bouncycastle.util.Pack;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.xipki.audit.AuditEvent;
import org.xipki.audit.AuditLevel;
import org.xipki.audit.AuditStatus;
import org.xipki.datasource.DataAccessException;
import org.xipki.datasource.DataSourceFactory;
import org.xipki.datasource.DataSourceWrapper;
import org.xipki.pki.ErrorCode;
import org.xipki.util.*;
import org.xipki.util.exception.InvalidConfException;
import org.xipki.util.exception.ObjectCreationException;
import org.xipki.util.http.HttpRespContent;
import org.xipki.util.http.HttpResponse;
import org.xipki.util.http.XiHttpRequest;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import static*;
import static org.xipki.util.Base64Url.decodeFast;
* ACME responder.
* @author Lijun Liao (xipki)
* @since 6.4.0
public class AcmeResponder {
private static class HttpRespAuditException extends Exception {
private final int httpStatus;
private final String auditMessage;
private final AuditLevel auditLevel;
private final AuditStatus auditStatus;
public HttpRespAuditException(int httpStatus, String auditMessage,
AuditLevel auditLevel, AuditStatus auditStatus) {
this.httpStatus = httpStatus;
this.auditMessage = Args.notBlank(auditMessage, "auditMessage");
this.auditLevel = Args.notNull(auditLevel, "auditLevel");
this.auditStatus = Args.notNull(auditStatus, "auditStatus");
public int getHttpStatus() {
return httpStatus;
public String getAuditMessage() {
return auditMessage;
public AuditLevel getAuditLevel() {
return auditLevel;
public AuditStatus getAuditStatus() {
return auditStatus;
} // class HttpRespAuditException
private static class StringContainer {
String text;
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AcmeResponder.class);
private static final Map joseAlgMap = new HashMap<>();
private final SdkClient sdk;
private final PopControl popControl;
private final SecurityFactory securityFactory;
private final ContactVerifier contactVerifier;
private final NonceManager nonceManager;
private static final Set knownCommands;
private final boolean termsOfServicePresent;
private final byte[] directoryBytes;
private final String directoryHeader;
private final String host;
private final String host2;
private final String baseUrl;
private final String accountPrefix;
private final List caProfiles;
private final Set challengeTypes;
private final SecureRandom rnd;
private final AcmeRepo repo;
private final Map cacertsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final int tokenNumBytes;
private final AcmeProxyConf.CleanupOrderConf cleanOrderConf;
private final ChallengeValidator challengeValidator;
private final CertEnroller certEnroller;
private final AtomicLong lastOrdersCleaned = new AtomicLong(0);
static {"XiPKI ACME-Gateway version {}", StringUtil.getBundleVersion(AcmeResponder.class));
knownCommands = CollectionUtil.asUnmodifiableSet(
CMD_directory, CMD_newNonce, CMD_newAccount, CMD_newOrder, CMD_revokeCert, CMD_keyChange,
CMD_account, CMD_order, CMD_orders, CMD_authz, CMD_chall, CMD_finalize, CMD_cert);
// See
// ECDSA using P-256 and SHA-256
joseAlgMap.put("ES256", SignAlgo.ECDSA_SHA256);
// ECDSA using P-234 and SHA-384
joseAlgMap.put("ES384", SignAlgo.ECDSA_SHA384);
// ECDSA using P-521 and SHA-512
joseAlgMap.put("ES512", SignAlgo.ECDSA_SHA512);
// RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-256
joseAlgMap.put("RS256", SignAlgo.RSA_SHA256);
// RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-384
joseAlgMap.put("RS384", SignAlgo.RSA_SHA384);
// RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 using SHA-512
joseAlgMap.put("RS512", SignAlgo.RSA_SHA512);
// RSASSA-PSS using SHA-256 and MGF1 with SHA-256
joseAlgMap.put("PS256", SignAlgo.RSAPSS_SHA256);
// RSASSA-PSS using SHA-384 and MGF1 with SHA-384
joseAlgMap.put("PS384", SignAlgo.RSAPSS_SHA384);
// RSASSA-PSS using SHA-512 and MGF1 with SHA-512
joseAlgMap.put("PS512", SignAlgo.RSAPSS_SHA512);
public AcmeResponder(SdkClient sdk, SecurityFactory securityFactory, PopControl popControl, AcmeProxyConf.Acme conf)
throws InvalidConfException {
this.sdk = Args.notNull(sdk, "sdk");
this.popControl = Args.notNull(popControl, "popControl");
this.securityFactory = Args.notNull(securityFactory, "securityFactory");
this.baseUrl = Args.notBlank(conf.getBaseUrl(), "baseUrl");
this.accountPrefix = this.baseUrl + "acct/";
this.cleanOrderConf = new AcmeProxyConf.CleanupOrderConf();
AcmeProxyConf.CleanupOrderConf cleanOrder = conf.getCleanupOrder();
if (cleanOrder == null) {
} else {
// minimal 10 days
this.cleanOrderConf.setExpiredCertDays(Math.max(10, cleanOrder.getExpiredCertDays()));
this.cleanOrderConf.setExpiredOrderDays(Math.max(10, cleanOrder.getExpiredOrderDays()));
try {
URL url = new URL(baseUrl);
String host0 = url.getHost();
int port = url.getPort();
int dfltPort = url.getDefaultPort();
if (port == -1) { = host0;
this.host2 = host0 + ":" + dfltPort;
} else { = host0 + ":" + port;
this.host2 = (port == dfltPort) ? host0 : host;
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw new InvalidConfException("invalid baseUrl '" + baseUrl + "'");
this.nonceManager = new NonceManager(conf.getNonceNumBytes());
this.tokenNumBytes = conf.getTokenNumBytes();
this.directoryHeader = "<" + baseUrl + "directory>;rel=\"index\"";
this.caProfiles = conf.getCaProfiles();
if (conf.getChallengeTypes() != null) {
List types = conf.getChallengeTypes();
if (!(types.contains(DNS_01) || types.contains(HTTP_01) || types.contains(TLS_ALPN_01))) {
throw new InvalidConfException("invalid challengeTypes '" + types + "'");
challengeTypes = new HashSet<>(types);
} else {
challengeTypes = new HashSet<>(4);
}"challenge types: {}", challengeTypes);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
addJsonField(sb, "newNonce", baseUrl + CMD_newNonce);
addJsonField(sb, "newAccount", baseUrl + CMD_newAccount);
addJsonField(sb, "newOrder", baseUrl + CMD_newOrder);
// newAuthz is not supported
//addJsonField(sb, "newAuthz", baseUrl + CMD_newAuthz);
addJsonField(sb, "revokeCert", baseUrl + CMD_revokeCert);
addJsonField(sb, "keyChange", baseUrl + CMD_keyChange);
if (StringUtil.isNotBlank(conf.getWebsite())) {
addJsonField(sb, "website", conf.getWebsite());
this.termsOfServicePresent = StringUtil.isNotBlank(conf.getTermsOfService());
if (termsOfServicePresent) {
addJsonField(sb, "termsOfService", conf.getTermsOfService());
if (CollectionUtil.isNotEmpty(conf.getCaaIdentities())) {
for (String caIdentity : conf.getCaaIdentities()) {
// remove the last ','
sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1);
this.directoryBytes = sb.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
String str = conf.getContactVerifier();
if (str != null) {
str = str.trim();
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) {
this.contactVerifier = new ContactVerifier.DfltContactVerifier();
} else {
try {
this.contactVerifier = ReflectiveUtil.newInstance(str);
} catch (ObjectCreationException ex) {
throw new InvalidConfException("invalid contactVerifier '" + str + "'", ex);
rnd = new SecureRandom();
if (conf.getDbConf() == null) {
throw new InvalidConfException("dbConf is not specified");
try {
FileOrValue fileOrValue = new FileOrValue();
DataSourceWrapper dataSource0 = new DataSourceFactory().createDataSource("acme-db", fileOrValue);
repo = new AcmeRepo(new AcmeDataSource(dataSource0), conf.getCacheSize(), conf.getSyncDbSeconds());
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new InvalidConfException("could not initialize database", ex);
this.challengeValidator = new ChallengeValidator(repo);
this.certEnroller = new CertEnroller(repo, sdk);
private static String addQuoteSign(String text) {
return "\"" + text + "\"";
private static void addJsonField(StringBuilder sb, String name, String value) {
public void start() {
Thread t = new Thread(challengeValidator);
t = new Thread(certEnroller);
public void close() {
public HttpResponse service(XiHttpRequest servletReq, byte[] request, AuditEvent event) {
StringContainer command = new StringContainer();
AuditStatus auditStatus = AuditStatus.SUCCESSFUL;
AuditLevel auditLevel = AuditLevel.INFO;
String auditMessage = null;
HttpResponse resp;
try {
resp = doService(servletReq, request, event, command);
int sc = resp.getStatusCode();
if (sc >= 300 || sc < 200) {
auditStatus = AuditStatus.FAILED;
auditLevel = AuditLevel.ERROR;
} catch (HttpRespAuditException ex) {
auditStatus = ex.getAuditStatus();
auditLevel = ex.getAuditLevel();
auditMessage = ex.getAuditMessage();
return new HttpResponse(ex.getHttpStatus(), null, null, null);
} catch (AcmeProtocolException ex) {
auditLevel = AuditLevel.WARN;
auditStatus = AuditStatus.FAILED;
auditMessage = ex.getMessage();
Problem problem = new Problem();
return buildProblemResp(ex.getHttpError(), problem);
} catch (DataAccessException | AcmeSystemException ex) {
LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, null);
auditLevel = AuditLevel.ERROR;
auditStatus = AuditStatus.FAILED;
if (ex instanceof DataAccessException) {
auditMessage = "database error";
} else {
auditMessage = "ACME system exception";
return new HttpResponse(SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, null, null, null);
} catch (Throwable th) {
LOG.error("Throwable thrown, this should not happen!", th);
auditLevel = AuditLevel.ERROR;
auditStatus = AuditStatus.FAILED;
auditMessage = "internal error";
return new HttpResponse(SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, null, null, null);
} finally {
if (auditMessage != null) {
event.addEventData(CaAuditConstants.NAME_message, auditMessage);
if (command.text != null && !"directory".equals(command.text)) {
String nonce = nonceManager.newNonce();
resp.putHeader("Replay-Nonce", nonce)
.putHeader(HDR_LINK, directoryHeader);
return resp;
private HttpResponse doService(XiHttpRequest servletReq, byte[] request,
AuditEvent event, StringContainer commandContainer)
throws HttpRespAuditException, AcmeProtocolException, AcmeSystemException, DataAccessException {
String method = servletReq.getMethod();
String path = servletReq.getServletPath();
String[] tokens;
String hdrHost = servletReq.getHeader(HDR_HOST);
if (!host.equals(hdrHost) && !host2.equals(hdrHost)) {
String message = "invalid header host '" + hdrHost + "'";
throw new HttpRespAuditException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, message, AuditLevel.ERROR, AuditStatus.FAILED);
if (path.isEmpty()) {
path = "/";
// the first char is always '/'
String coreUri = path.substring("/".length());
tokens = coreUri.split("/");
if (tokens.length < 1) {
String message = "invalid path " + path;
throw new HttpRespAuditException(SC_NOT_FOUND, message, AuditLevel.ERROR, AuditStatus.FAILED);
String command = tokens[0].toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
commandContainer.text = command;
if (StringUtil.isBlank(command)) {
command = CMD_directory;
if (!knownCommands.contains(command)) {
String message = "invalid command '" + command + "'";
throw new HttpRespAuditException(SC_NOT_FOUND, message, AuditLevel.INFO, AuditStatus.FAILED);
if (CMD_newNonce.equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {
int sc = "HEAD".equals(method) ? SC_OK
: "GET" .equals(method) ? SC_NO_CONTENT : 0;
if (sc == 0) {
throw new HttpRespAuditException(SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, "HTTP method not allowed: " + method,
AuditLevel.INFO, AuditStatus.FAILED);
return new HttpResponse(sc, null, null, null)
.putHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store");
} else if (CMD_directory.equalsIgnoreCase(command)) {
if (!"GET".equals(method)) {
throw new HttpRespAuditException(SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, "HTTP method not allowed: " + method,
AuditLevel.INFO, AuditStatus.FAILED);
HttpRespContent respContent = HttpRespContent.ofOk(CT_JSON, false, directoryBytes);
return new HttpResponse(SC_OK, respContent.getContentType(), null,
respContent.isBase64(), respContent.getContent());
if (!"POST".equals(method)) {
throw new HttpRespAuditException(SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, "HTTP method not allowed: " + method,
AuditLevel.INFO, AuditStatus.FAILED);
String contentType = servletReq.getContentType();
if (!CT_JOSE_JSON.equals(contentType)) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.malformed,
"invalid Content-Type '" + contentType + "'");
JoseMessage body = JSON.parseObject(request, JoseMessage.class);
Map protected_= JSON.parseObject(decodeFast(body.getProtected()), Map.class);
String protectedUrl = (String) protected_.get("url");
if (protectedUrl == null) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.malformed, "url is not present");
if (!protectedUrl.equals(baseUrl + path.substring(1))) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.malformed, "url is not valid: '" + protectedUrl + "'");
String nonce = (String) protected_.get("nonce");
if (nonce == null) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.badNonce, "nonce is not present");
if (!nonceManager.removeNonce(nonce)) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.badNonce, null);
final int MASK_JWK = 1; // jwk is allowed
final int MASK_KID = 2; // kid is allowed
int verificationKeyRequirement = CMD_newAccount.equals(command) ? MASK_JWK
: CMD_revokeCert.equals(command) ? MASK_JWK | MASK_KID : MASK_KID;
Map jwk = toStringMap((Map) protected_.get("jwk"));
String kid = (String) protected_.get("kid");
AcmeAccount account = null;
PublicKey pubKey;
if (kid != null && jwk != null) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.malformed,
"Both jwk and kid are specified, but exactly one of them is allowed");
} else if (jwk != null) {
if ((verificationKeyRequirement & MASK_JWK) == 0) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.malformed, "kid is specified, but jwk is allowed");
try {
pubKey = AcmeUtils.jwkPublicKey(jwk);
} catch (Exception ex) {
LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, "jwkPublicKey");
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.badPublicKey, null);
} else if (kid != null) {
if ((verificationKeyRequirement & MASK_KID) == 0) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.malformed,
"jwk is specified, but only kid is allowed");
// extract the location
if (kid.startsWith(accountPrefix)) {
Long id = toLongId(kid.substring(accountPrefix.length()));
if (id != null) {
account = repo.getAccount(id);
if (account == null) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.accountDoesNotExist, null);
try {
pubKey = account.getPublicKey();
} catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, AcmeError.badPublicKey, null);
} else {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.malformed,
"None of jwk and kid is specified, but one of them is required");
// pre-check
if (CMD_account.equals(command)) {
if (!protectedUrl.equals(kid)) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.malformed, "kid and url do not match");
// assert the account is valid
if (account != null) {
if (account.getStatus() != AccountStatus.valid) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_UNAUTHORIZED, AcmeError.unauthorized, "account is not valid");
HttpResponse verifyRes = verifySignature((String) protected_.get("alg"), pubKey, body);
if (verifyRes != null) {
return verifyRes;
switch (command) {
case CMD_newAccount: {
NewAccountPayload reqPayload = JSON.parseObject(decodeFast(body.getPayload()), NewAccountPayload.class);
AcmeAccount existingAccount = repo.getAccountForJwk(jwk);
if (existingAccount != null) {
return buildSuccJsonResp(SC_OK, existingAccount.toResponse(baseUrl))
.putHeader(HDR_LOCATION, existingAccount.getLocation(baseUrl));
Boolean onlyReturnExisting = reqPayload.getOnlyReturnExisting();
if (onlyReturnExisting != null && onlyReturnExisting) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.accountDoesNotExist, null);
// create a new account
Boolean b = reqPayload.getTermsOfServiceAgreed();
boolean tosAgreed = (b != null) ? b : !termsOfServicePresent;
if (!tosAgreed) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_UNAUTHORIZED, AcmeError.userActionRequired,
"terms of service has not been agreed");
AcmeAccount newAccount = repo.newAcmeAccount();
List contacts = reqPayload.getContact();
if (contacts != null && !contacts.isEmpty()) {
HttpResponse verifyErrorResp = verifyContacts(contacts);
if (verifyErrorResp != null) {
return verifyErrorResp;
if (b != null) {
AccountResponse resp = newAccount.toResponse(baseUrl);"created new account {}", newAccount.idText());
return buildSuccJsonResp(SC_CREATED, resp)
.putHeader(HDR_LOCATION, newAccount.getLocation(baseUrl));
case CMD_keyChange: {
JoseMessage reqPayload = JSON.parseObject(decodeFast(body.getPayload()), JoseMessage.class);
Map innerProtected = JSON.parseObject(
decodeFast(reqPayload.getProtected()), Map.class);
Map newJwk = toStringMap((Map) innerProtected.get("jwk"));
AcmeAccount accountForNewJwk = repo.getAccountForJwk(newJwk);
if (accountForNewJwk != null) {
// jwk not exists.
return toHttpResponse(HttpRespContent.of(SC_CONFLICT, null, null))
.putHeader(HDR_LOCATION, accountForNewJwk.getLocation(baseUrl));
// check payload.account, and payload.oldKey
Map innerPayload = JSON.parseObject(
decodeFast(reqPayload.getPayload()), Map.class);
String innerAccount = (String) innerPayload.get("account");
if (!innerAccount.equals(kid)) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.malformed, "invalid payload.account");
Map oldKey = toStringMap((Map) innerPayload.get("oldKey"));
if (!account.hasJwk(oldKey)) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.malformed, "oldKey does not match the account");
// check inner signature (by the new key)
PublicKey newPubKey;
try {
newPubKey = AcmeUtils.jwkPublicKey(newJwk);
} catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
LogUtil.error(LOG, e, "jwkPublicKey");
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.badPublicKey, null);
verifyRes = verifySignature((String) protected_.get("alg"), newPubKey, reqPayload);
if (verifyRes != null) {
return verifyRes;
account.setJwk(newJwk);"changed key of account {}", account.idText());
return buildSuccJsonResp(SC_OK, account.toResponse(baseUrl))
.putHeader(HDR_LOCATION, account.getLocation(baseUrl));
case CMD_account: {
AccountResponse reqPayload = JSON.parseObject(decodeFast(body.getPayload()), AccountResponse.class);
AccountStatus status = reqPayload.getStatus();
if (status == AccountStatus.revoked) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_UNAUTHORIZED, AcmeError.unauthorized, "status revoked is not allowed");
if (status == AccountStatus.deactivated) {
// 7.3.6. Account Deactivation
// 7.3.2. Account Update
List contacts = reqPayload.getContact();
if (contacts != null && !contacts.isEmpty()) {
HttpResponse errResp = verifyContacts(contacts);
if (errResp != null) {
return errResp;
}"updated account {}", account.idText());
return buildSuccJsonResp(SC_OK, account.toResponse(baseUrl));
case CMD_revokeCert: {
RevokeCertPayload reqPayload = JSON.parseObject(decodeFast(body.getPayload()), RevokeCertPayload.class);
Integer reasonCode = reqPayload.getReason();
CrlReason reason;
try {
reason = reasonCode == null ? CrlReason.UNSPECIFIED : CrlReason.forReasonCode(reasonCode);
} catch (Exception e) {
reason = null;
if (reason == null || !CrlReason.PERMITTED_CLIENT_CRLREASONS.contains(reason)) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.badRevocationReason,
"bad revocation reason " + reasonCode);
byte[] certBytes = decodeFast(reqPayload.getCertificate());
Certificate cert;
byte[] encodedIssuer;
try {
cert = Certificate.getInstance(certBytes);
encodedIssuer = cert.getIssuer().getEncoded();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.malformed, "malformed certificate");
}"try to revoke certificate with (subject={}, issuer={}, serialNumber={})",
cert.getSubject(), cert.getIssuer(), cert.getSerialNumber());
if (jwk != null) {
// request is signed with the private paired with the certificate.
boolean jwkAndCertMatch;
try {
jwkAndCertMatch = AcmeUtils.matchKey(jwk, cert.getSubjectPublicKeyInfo());
} catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
LogUtil.error(LOG, e, "matchKey");
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.badPublicKey, "bad jwk");
if (!jwkAndCertMatch) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.unauthorized, "jwk and certificate do not match");
AcmeOrder order = Optional.ofNullable(repo.getOrderForCert(certBytes)).orElseThrow(
() -> new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.unauthorized,
"certificate not enrolled through this ACME server"));
if (jwk == null) {
// account is non-null here.
// request is signed with the account keypair.
// assert the certificate is owned by the account
if (order.getAccountId() != account.getId()) {
// certificate has not been issued to the given account.
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.unauthorized,
"account and certificate do not match");
RevokeCertRequestEntry sdkEntry = new RevokeCertRequestEntry(
cert.getSerialNumber().getPositiveValue(), reason, null);
RevokeCertsRequest sdkReq = new RevokeCertsRequest(null, new X500NameType(encodedIssuer),
null, new RevokeCertRequestEntry[]{sdkEntry});
RevokeCertsResponse sdkResp;
try {
sdkResp = sdk.revokeCerts(sdkReq);"revoked certificate");
} catch (SdkErrorResponseException e) {
LogUtil.error(LOG, e, "sdk.revokeCerts");
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, AcmeError.serverInternal,
"error revoking the certificate");
ErrorEntry errorEntry = sdkResp.getEntries()[0].getError();
if (errorEntry == null) {
return toHttpResponse(HttpRespContent.of(SC_OK, null, null));
} else {
int errCode = errorEntry.getCode();
if (errCode == ErrorCode.CERT_REVOKED.getCode()) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.alreadyRevoked, null);
} else if (errCode == ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_CERT.getCode()) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.malformed, "certificate is unknown");
} else {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_FORBIDDEN, AcmeError.unauthorized, null);
case CMD_orders: {
// clean the orders.
Long id = toLongId(tokens[1]);
if (id == null || id != account.getId()) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_NOT_FOUND, AcmeError.accountDoesNotExist, null);
List orderIds = repo.getOrderIds(id);
int size = orderIds == null ? 0 : orderIds.size();
List urls = new ArrayList<>(size);
if (orderIds != null) {
for (Long orderId : orderIds) {
urls.add(baseUrl + "order/" + AcmeUtils.toBase64(orderId));
OrdersResponse resp = new OrdersResponse();
return buildSuccJsonResp(SC_OK, resp);
case CMD_newOrder: {
NewOrderPayload newOrderReq = JSON.parseObject(decodeFast(body.getPayload()), NewOrderPayload.class);
List identifiers = newOrderReq.getIdentifiers();
int size = identifiers == null ? 0 : identifiers.size();
if (size == 0) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.malformed, "no identifier is specified");
int numChalls = 0;
for (Identifier identifier : identifiers) {
String type = identifier.getType();
String value = identifier.getValue();
if ("dns".equals(type)) {
if (!value.startsWith("*.")) {
if (challengeTypes.contains(HTTP_01)) {
if (challengeTypes.contains(TLS_ALPN_01)) {
if (challengeTypes.contains(DNS_01)) {
if (numChalls == 0) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.unsupportedIdentifier,
"unsupported identifier '" + type + "/" + value + "'");
} else {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.unsupportedIdentifier,
"unsupported identifier type '" + type + "'");
// 7 days validity
Instant expires =, ChronoUnit.DAYS);
List authzs = new ArrayList<>(size);
AcmeRepo.IdsForOrder ids = repo.newIdsForOrder(size, numChalls);
int[] authzIds = ids.getAuthzSubIds();
int[] challIds = ids.getChallSubIds();
int authzIdOffset = 0;
int challIdOffset = 0;
for (Identifier identifier : identifiers) {
AcmeAuthz authz = new AcmeAuthz(authzIds[authzIdOffset++], identifier.toAcmeIdentifier());
String type = identifier.getType();
String value = identifier.getValue();
String token = rndToken();
if ("dns".equals(type)) {
String v = value;
if (v.startsWith("*.")) {
v = v.substring(2);
if (v.indexOf('*') != -1) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.unsupportedIdentifier,
"unsupported identifier '" + value + "'");
String jwkSha256 = account.getJwkSha256();
String authorization = token + "." + jwkSha256;
String authorizationSha256 = Base64Url.encodeToStringNoPadding(
List challenges = new ArrayList<>(3);
if (!value.startsWith("*.")) {
if (challengeTypes.contains(HTTP_01)) {
challenges.add(newChall(challIds[challIdOffset++], HTTP_01, token, authorization));
if (challengeTypes.contains(TLS_ALPN_01)) {
challenges.add(newChall(challIds[challIdOffset++], TLS_ALPN_01, token, authorizationSha256));
if (challengeTypes.contains(DNS_01)) {
challenges.add(newChall(challIds[challIdOffset++], DNS_01, token, authorizationSha256));
} else {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.unsupportedIdentifier,
"unsupported identifier type '" + type + "'");
AcmeOrder order = repo.newAcmeOrder(account.getId(), ids.getOrderId());
Instant notBefore = null;
Instant notAfter = null;
if (newOrderReq.getNotBefore() != null) {
notBefore = AcmeUtils.parseTimestamp(newOrderReq.getNotBefore());
if (newOrderReq.getNotAfter() != null) {
notAfter = AcmeUtils.parseTimestamp(newOrderReq.getNotAfter());
if (notBefore != null || notAfter != null) {
CertReqMeta certReqMeta = new CertReqMeta();
OrderResponse orderResp = order.toResponse(baseUrl);
if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"added new order {} for identifiers {}: {}", order.idText(), identifiers,
return buildSuccJsonResp(SC_CREATED, orderResp)
.putHeader(HDR_LOCATION, order.getLocation(baseUrl));
case CMD_order: {
String id = tokens[1];
AcmeOrder order = getOrder(id);
return buildSuccJsonResp(SC_OK, order.toResponse(baseUrl))
.putHeader(HDR_LOCATION, order.getLocation(baseUrl));
case CMD_finalize: {
String id = tokens[1];
AcmeOrder order = getOrder(id);
// check whether all authorizations have been finished
switch (order.getStatus()) {
case ready:
case pending:
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_FORBIDDEN, AcmeError.orderNotReady, "Order is not ready");
case invalid:
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_FORBIDDEN, AcmeError.unauthorized, "Order is invalid");
case processing:
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_FORBIDDEN, AcmeError.orderNotReady,
"Enrolling certificate is processing");
case valid:
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_FORBIDDEN, AcmeError.orderNotReady, "Certificate has been issued");
throw new RuntimeException("should not reach here, invalid order status " + order.getStatus());
FinalizeOrderPayload finalizeOrderReq = JSON.parseObject(decodeFast(body.getPayload()),
byte[] csrBytes;
CertificationRequest csr;
try {
csrBytes = decodeFast(finalizeOrderReq.getCsr());
csr = GatewayUtil.parseCsrInRequest(csrBytes);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.badCSR, "could not parse CSR");
String keyAlgOid =
AcmeProxyConf.CaProfile caProfile = Optional.ofNullable(getCaProfile(keyAlgOid))
.orElseThrow(() ->
new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.badCSR, "unsupported key type " + keyAlgOid));
// verify the CSR
Set identifiers = new HashSet<>();
for (AcmeAuthz authz : order.getAuthzs()) {
X500Name csrSubject = csr.getCertificationRequestInfo().getSubject();
String cn = X509Util.getCommonName(csrSubject);
if (cn != null && !cn.isEmpty()) {
boolean match = false;
for (Identifier identifier : identifiers) {
if (identifier.getValue().equals(cn)) {
match = true;
if (!match) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.badCSR, "invalid commonName in CSR");
Extensions csrExtensions = X509Util.getExtensions(csr.getCertificationRequestInfo());
byte[] sanExtnValue = csrExtensions == null ? null
: X509Util.getCoreExtValue(csrExtensions, Extension.subjectAlternativeName);
if (sanExtnValue == null) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.badCSR,
"no extension subjectAlternativeName in CSR");
GeneralNames generalNames = GeneralNames.getInstance(sanExtnValue);
String firstSanValue = null;
for (GeneralName gn : generalNames.getNames()) {
int tagNo = gn.getTagNo();
if (tagNo == GeneralName.dNSName) {
String value = ASN1IA5String.getInstance(gn.getName()).getString();
if (firstSanValue == null) {
firstSanValue = value;
Identifier matchedId = null;
for (Identifier identifier : identifiers) {
if ("dns".equalsIgnoreCase(identifier.getType()) && value.equals(identifier.getValue())) {
matchedId = identifier;
if (matchedId != null) {
} else {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.badCSR,
"invalid DNS identifier in the extension subjectAlternativeName in CSR: " + value);
} else {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.badCSR,
"unsupported name in the extension subjectAlternativeName in CSR.");
if (!identifiers.isEmpty()) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.badCSR,
"missing identifier in the extension subjectAlternativeName in CSR: " + identifiers);
try {
if (!GatewayUtil.verifyCsr(csr, securityFactory, popControl)) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.badCSR, "could not verify signature of CSR");
} catch (Exception ex) {
LogUtil.error(LOG, ex, "error verifying CSR");
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.badCSR, null);
CertReqMeta certReqMeta = order.getCertReqMeta();
if (certReqMeta == null) {
certReqMeta = new CertReqMeta();
if (cn == null || cn.isEmpty()) {
// DNS
certReqMeta.setSubject("CN=" + firstSanValue);
order.setStatus(OrderStatus.processing);"finalized order {}", order.idText());
return buildSuccJsonResp(SC_OK, order.toResponse(baseUrl))
.putHeader(HDR_LOCATION, order.getLocation(baseUrl));
case CMD_cert: {
String id = tokens[1];
AcmeOrder order = getOrder(id);
byte[] certBytes = Optional.ofNullable(order.getCert()).orElseThrow(
() -> new AcmeProtocolException(SC_NOT_FOUND, AcmeError.orderNotReady, "found no certificate"));
byte[] encodedIssuer = X509Util.extractCertIssuer(certBytes);
String hexIssuer = Hex.encode(encodedIssuer);
byte[][] cacerts = cacertsMap.get(hexIssuer);
if (cacerts == null) {
try {
cacerts = sdk.cacertsBySubject(encodedIssuer);
} catch (SdkErrorResponseException e) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, AcmeError.serverInternal,
"could not retrieve CA certificate chain");
String hexCaSubject = Hex.encode(X509Util.extractCertSubject(cacerts[0]));
if (!hexIssuer.equals(hexCaSubject)) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, AcmeError.serverInternal,
"could not retrieve CA certificate chain");
cacertsMap.put(hexCaSubject, cacerts);
byte[][] certchain = new byte[1 + cacerts.length][];
certchain[0] = certBytes;
System.arraycopy(cacerts, 0, certchain, 1, cacerts.length);
byte[] respBytes = StringUtil.toUtf8Bytes(X509Util.encodeCertificates(certchain));"downloaded certificate of order {}", order.idText());
return toHttpResponse(HttpRespContent.ofOk(CT_PEM_CERTIFICATE_CHAIN, respBytes));
case CMD_authz: {
if (tokens.length != 2) {
throw new HttpRespAuditException(SC_NOT_FOUND, "unknown authz", AuditLevel.ERROR, AuditStatus.FAILED);
AuthzId id = new AuthzId(decodeFast(tokens[1]));
AcmeAuthz authz = Optional.ofNullable(repo.getAuthz(id)).orElseThrow(
() -> new HttpRespAuditException(SC_NOT_FOUND, "unknown authz", AuditLevel.ERROR, AuditStatus.FAILED));
if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"downloaded authz {}: {}", id, JSON.toJson(authz.toResponse(baseUrl, id.getOrderId())));
return buildSuccJsonResp(SC_OK, authz.toResponse(baseUrl, id.getOrderId()));
case CMD_chall: {
if (tokens.length != 2) {
throw new HttpRespAuditException(SC_NOT_FOUND, "unknown challenge", AuditLevel.ERROR, AuditStatus.FAILED);
ChallId challId = new ChallId(decodeFast(tokens[1]));
AcmeChallenge2 chall2 = Optional.ofNullable(repo.getChallenge(challId)).orElseThrow(
() -> new HttpRespAuditException(SC_NOT_FOUND, "unknown challenge", AuditLevel.ERROR, AuditStatus.FAILED));
AcmeChallenge chall = chall2.getChallenge();
ChallengeStatus status = chall.getStatus();
if (status == ChallengeStatus.pending) {
ChallengeResponse resp = chall.toChallengeResponse(baseUrl, challId.getOrderId(), challId.getAuthzId());"Received ready for challenge {} of order {}", challId, challId.getOrderId());
HttpResponse ret = buildSuccJsonResp(SC_OK, resp);//.putHeader(HDR_RETRY_AFTER, "2"); // wait for 2 seconds
String authzUrl = chall2.getChallenge().getAuthz().getUrl(baseUrl);
ret.putHeader(HDR_LINK, "<" + authzUrl + ">;rel=\"up\"");
return ret;
default: {
throw new HttpRespAuditException(SC_NOT_FOUND, "unknown command " + command,
AuditLevel.ERROR, AuditStatus.FAILED);
} // method service
private HttpResponse toHttpResponse(HttpRespContent respContent) {
return (respContent == null)
? new HttpResponse(SC_OK)
: new HttpResponse(respContent.getStatusCode(), respContent.getContentType(), null,
respContent.isBase64(), respContent.getContent());
private AcmeOrder getOrder(String id) throws HttpRespAuditException, AcmeSystemException {
Long lLabel = toLongId(id);
return Optional.ofNullable(lLabel == null ? null : repo.getOrder(lLabel)).orElseThrow(
() -> new HttpRespAuditException(SC_NOT_FOUND, "unknown order", AuditLevel.ERROR, AuditStatus.FAILED));
private HttpResponse buildSuccJsonResp(int statusCode, Object body) {
return toHttpResponse(HttpRespContent.of(statusCode, CT_JSON, JSON.toJSONBytes(body)));
private HttpResponse buildProblemResp(int statusCode, Problem problem) {
byte[] bytes = JSON.toJSONBytes(problem);
return toHttpResponse(HttpRespContent.of(statusCode, CT_PROBLEM_JSON, bytes));
private HttpResponse verifySignature(String sigAlg, PublicKey pubKey, JoseMessage joseMessage)
throws AcmeProtocolException {
sigAlg = sigAlg.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT);
SignAlgo signAlgo = joseAlgMap.get(sigAlg);
if (signAlgo == null) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.badSignatureAlgorithm,
"unsupported signature algorrihm " + sigAlg);
try {
Signature sig = signAlgo.newSignature();
sig.update((byte) 0x2e); // 0x2e = '.'
boolean sigValid = sig.verify(decodeFast(joseMessage.getSignature()));
if (!sigValid) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.malformed, "signature is not valid");
return null;
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.badSignatureAlgorithm, e.getMessage());
} catch (InvalidKeyException e) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.badPublicKey, "public key is bad");
} catch (SignatureException e) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.malformed, "signature is not valid");
private HttpResponse verifyContacts(List contacts) throws AcmeProtocolException {
if (contacts == null || contacts.isEmpty()) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.invalidContact, "no contact is specified");
for (String contact : contacts) {
int rc = contactVerifier.verfifyContact(contact);
if (rc == ContactVerifier.unsupportedContact) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.unsupportedContact,
"unsupported contact '" + contact + "'");
} else if (rc == ContactVerifier.invalidContact) {
throw new AcmeProtocolException(SC_BAD_REQUEST, AcmeError.invalidContact,
"invalid contact '" + contact + "'");
return null;
private String rndToken() {
byte[] token = new byte[tokenNumBytes];
return Base64Url.encodeToStringNoPadding(token);
private AcmeChallenge newChall(int subId, String type, String token, String expectedAuthorization) {
return new AcmeChallenge(type, subId, token, expectedAuthorization, ChallengeStatus.pending);
private void cleanOrders() {
synchronized (lastOrdersCleaned) {
Instant now =;
Instant last = Instant.ofEpochSecond(lastOrdersCleaned.get());
if (Duration.between(last, now).compareTo(Duration.ofDays(1)) < 0) {
// last cleanup was still within 1 day
Instant certExpired = now.minus(cleanOrderConf.getExpiredCertDays(), ChronoUnit.DAYS);
Instant notFinishedOrderExpires = now.minus(cleanOrderConf.getExpiredOrderDays(), ChronoUnit.DAYS);
Thread thread = new Thread(() -> {
try {
int num = repo.cleanOrders(certExpired, notFinishedOrderExpires);"removed {} orders with cert.notAfter < {} or not-finished-order.expires < {}",
num, certExpired, notFinishedOrderExpires);
} catch (Exception e) {
LogUtil.error(LOG, e, "error cleaning orders");
private static Map toStringMap(Map map) {
if (map == null) {
return null;
Map newMap = new HashMap<>(map.size() * 5 / 4);
for (Map.Entry m : map.entrySet()) {
newMap.put(m.getKey(), (String) m.getValue());
return newMap;
private static Long toLongId(String id) {
return (id.length() != 11) ? null : Pack.littleEndianToLong(decodeFast(id), 0);
private AcmeProxyConf.CaProfile getCaProfile(String keyAlgId) {
for (AcmeProxyConf.CaProfile caProfile : caProfiles) {
if (caProfile.getKeyTypes().contains(keyAlgId)) {
return caProfile;
return null;
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