org.xipki.scep.message.DecodedPkiMessage Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2013-2023 xipki. All rights reserved.
// License Apache License 2.0
package org.xipki.scep.message;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.*;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cms.*;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.pkcs.PKCSObjectIdentifiers;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.X509CertificateHolder;
import org.bouncycastle.cms.*;
import org.bouncycastle.cms.jcajce.JcaSimpleSignerInfoVerifierBuilder;
import org.bouncycastle.operator.OperatorCreationException;
import org.bouncycastle.util.CollectionStore;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.xipki.scep.message.EnvelopedDataDecryptor.EnvelopedDataDecryptorInstance;
import org.xipki.scep.transaction.*;
import org.xipki.scep.util.ScepUtil;
import org.xipki.util.Args;
import org.xipki.util.CollectionUtil;
import org.xipki.util.LogUtil;
import org.xipki.util.StringUtil;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Set;
import static org.xipki.scep.util.ScepConstants.*;
* Decoded {@link PkiMessage}.
* @author Lijun Liao (xipki)
public class DecodedPkiMessage extends PkiMessage {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DecodedPkiMessage.class);
private static final Set SCEP_ATTR_TYPES;
private X509Cert signatureCert;
private HashAlgo digestAlgorithm;
private ASN1ObjectIdentifier contentEncryptionAlgorithm;
private Boolean signatureValid;
private Boolean decryptionSuccessful;
private Instant signingTime;
private String failureMessage;
static {
public DecodedPkiMessage(TransactionId transactionId, MessageType messageType, Nonce senderNonce) {
super(transactionId, messageType, senderNonce);
public X509Cert getSignatureCert() {
return signatureCert;
public void setSignatureCert(X509Cert signatureCert) {
this.signatureCert = signatureCert;
public HashAlgo getDigestAlgorithm() {
return digestAlgorithm;
public void setDigestAlgorithm(HashAlgo digestAlgorithm) {
this.digestAlgorithm = digestAlgorithm;
public void setSignatureValid(Boolean signatureValid) {
this.signatureValid = signatureValid;
public void setContentEncryptionAlgorithm(ASN1ObjectIdentifier encryptionAlgorithm) {
this.contentEncryptionAlgorithm = encryptionAlgorithm;
public String getFailureMessage() {
return failureMessage;
public void setFailureMessage(String failureMessage) {
this.failureMessage = failureMessage;
public ASN1ObjectIdentifier getContentEncryptionAlgorithm() {
return contentEncryptionAlgorithm;
public Boolean isDecryptionSuccessful() {
return decryptionSuccessful;
public void setDecryptionSuccessful(Boolean decryptionSuccessful) {
this.decryptionSuccessful = decryptionSuccessful;
public Boolean isSignatureValid() {
return signatureValid;
public Instant getSigningTime() {
return signingTime;
public void setSigningTime(Instant signingTime) {
this.signingTime = signingTime;
public static DecodedPkiMessage decode(CMSSignedData pkiMessage, PrivateKey recipientKey,
X509Cert recipientCert, CollectionStore certStore)
throws MessageDecodingException {
EnvelopedDataDecryptorInstance decInstance = new EnvelopedDataDecryptorInstance(recipientCert, recipientKey);
return decode(pkiMessage, new EnvelopedDataDecryptor(decInstance), certStore);
public static DecodedPkiMessage decode(
CMSSignedData pkiMessage, EnvelopedDataDecryptor recipient, CollectionStore certStore)
throws MessageDecodingException {
Args.notNull(recipient, "recipient");
SignerInformationStore signerStore = Args.notNull(pkiMessage, "pkiMessage").getSignerInfos();
Collection signerInfos = signerStore.getSigners();
if (signerInfos.size() != 1) {
throw new MessageDecodingException("number of signerInfos is not 1, but " + signerInfos.size());
SignerInformation signerInfo = signerInfos.iterator().next();
SignerId sid = signerInfo.getSID();
Collection> signedDataCerts = (certStore == null) ? null : certStore.getMatches(sid);
if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty(signedDataCerts)) {
signedDataCerts = pkiMessage.getCertificates().getMatches(signerInfo.getSID());
if (signedDataCerts == null || signedDataCerts.size() != 1) {
throw new MessageDecodingException("could not find embedded certificate to verify the signature");
AttributeTable signedAttrs = signerInfo.getSignedAttributes();
if (signedAttrs == null) {
throw new MessageDecodingException("missing SCEP attributes");
// signingTime
ASN1Encodable attrValue = ScepUtil.getFirstAttrValue(signedAttrs, CMSAttributes.signingTime);
Instant signingTime = (attrValue == null) ? null : ScepUtil.getTime(attrValue);
// transactionId
String str = getPrintableStringAttrValue(signedAttrs, ID_TRANSACTION_ID);
if (StringUtil.isBlank(str)) {
throw new MessageDecodingException("missing required SCEP attribute transactionId");
TransactionId tid = new TransactionId(str);
// messageType
Integer intValue = getIntegerPrintStringAttrValue(signedAttrs, ID_MESSAGE_TYPE);
if (intValue == null) {
throw new MessageDecodingException("tid " + tid.getId() + ": missing required SCEP attribute messageType");
MessageType messageType;
try {
messageType = MessageType.forValue(intValue);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new MessageDecodingException("tid " + tid.getId() + ": invalid messageType '" + intValue + "'");
// senderNonce
Nonce senderNonce = getNonceAttrValue(signedAttrs, ID_SENDER_NONCE);
if (senderNonce == null) {
throw new MessageDecodingException("tid " + tid.getId() + ": missing required SCEP attribute senderNonce");
DecodedPkiMessage ret = new DecodedPkiMessage(tid, messageType, senderNonce);
if (signingTime != null) {
Nonce recipientNonce = null;
try {
recipientNonce = getNonceAttrValue(signedAttrs, ID_RECIPIENT_NONCE);
} catch (MessageDecodingException ex) {
ret.setFailureMessage("could not parse recipientNonce: " + ex.getMessage());
if (recipientNonce != null) {
PkiStatus pkiStatus = null;
FailInfo failInfo;
if (MessageType.CertRep == messageType) {
// pkiStatus
try {
intValue = getIntegerPrintStringAttrValue(signedAttrs, ID_PKI_STATUS);
} catch (MessageDecodingException ex) {
ret.setFailureMessage("could not parse pkiStatus: " + ex.getMessage());
return ret;
if (intValue == null) {
ret.setFailureMessage("missing required SCEP attribute pkiStatus");
return ret;
try {
pkiStatus = PkiStatus.forValue(intValue);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
ret.setFailureMessage("invalid pkiStatus '" + intValue + "'");
return ret;
// failureInfo
if (pkiStatus == PkiStatus.FAILURE) {
try {
intValue = getIntegerPrintStringAttrValue(signedAttrs, ID_FAILINFO);
} catch (MessageDecodingException ex) {
ret.setFailureMessage("could not parse failInfo: " + ex.getMessage());
return ret;
if (intValue == null) {
ret.setFailureMessage("missing required SCEP attribute failInfo");
return ret;
try {
failInfo = FailInfo.forValue(intValue);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
ret.setFailureMessage("invalid failInfo '" + intValue + "'");
return ret;
// failInfoText
ASN1Encodable value = ScepUtil.getFirstAttrValue(signedAttrs, ID_SCEP_FAILINFOTEXT);
if (value != null) {
if (value instanceof ASN1UTF8String) {
ret.setFailInfoText(((ASN1UTF8String) value).getString());
} else {
throw new MessageDecodingException("the value of attribute failInfoText is not UTF8String");
} // end if(pkiStatus == PkiStatus.FAILURE)
} // end if (MessageType.CertRep == messageType)
// other signedAttributes
Attribute[] attrs = signedAttrs.toASN1Structure().getAttributes();
for (Attribute attr : attrs) {
ASN1ObjectIdentifier type = attr.getAttrType();
if (!SCEP_ATTR_TYPES.contains(type)) {
ret.addSignendAttribute(type, attr.getAttrValues().getObjectAt(0));
// unsignedAttributes
AttributeTable unsignedAttrs = signerInfo.getUnsignedAttributes();
attrs = (unsignedAttrs == null) ? null : unsignedAttrs.toASN1Structure().getAttributes();
if (attrs != null) {
for (Attribute attr : attrs) {
ASN1ObjectIdentifier type = attr.getAttrType();
ret.addUnsignendAttribute(type, attr.getAttrValues().getObjectAt(0));
try {
HashAlgo digestAlgo = HashAlgo.getInstance(signerInfo.getDigestAlgorithmID());
String sigAlgOid = signerInfo.getEncryptionAlgOID();
if (!PKCSObjectIdentifiers.rsaEncryption.getId().equals(sigAlgOid)) {
SignAlgo signAlgo = SignAlgo.getInstance(signerInfo.toASN1Structure().getDigestEncryptionAlgorithm());
if (digestAlgo != signAlgo.getHashAlgo()) {
ret.setFailureMessage("digestAlgorithm and encryptionAlgorithm do not use the same digestAlgorithm");
return ret;
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) {
LogUtil.error(LOG, ex);
return ret;
X509CertificateHolder signerCert = (X509CertificateHolder) signedDataCerts.iterator().next();
ret.setSignatureCert(new X509Cert(signerCert));
// validate the signature
SignerInformationVerifier verifier;
try {
verifier = new JcaSimpleSignerInfoVerifierBuilder().build(signerCert);
} catch (OperatorCreationException | CertificateException ex) {
final String msg = "could not build signature verifier";
LogUtil.error(LOG, ex);
ret.setFailureMessage(msg + ": " + ex.getMessage());
return ret;
boolean signatureValid;
try {
signatureValid = signerInfo.verify(verifier);
} catch (CMSException ex) {
final String msg = "could not verify the signature";
LogUtil.error(LOG, ex);
ret.setFailureMessage(msg + ": " + ex.getMessage());
return ret;
if (!signatureValid) {
return ret;
if (MessageType.CertRep == messageType && (pkiStatus == PkiStatus.FAILURE | pkiStatus == PkiStatus.PENDING)) {
return ret;
// MessageData
CMSTypedData signedContent = pkiMessage.getSignedContent();
ASN1ObjectIdentifier signedContentType = signedContent.getContentType();
if (!CMSObjectIdentifiers.envelopedData.equals(signedContentType)) {
// fall back: some SCEP client, such as JSCEP use id-data
if (! {
ret.setFailureMessage("either id-envelopedData or id-data is excepted, but not '" + signedContentType.getId());
return ret;
CMSEnvelopedData envData;
try {
envData = new CMSEnvelopedData((byte[]) signedContent.getContent());
} catch (CMSException ex) {
final String msg = "could not create the CMSEnvelopedData";
LogUtil.error(LOG, ex);
ret.setFailureMessage(msg + ": " + ex.getMessage());
return ret;
byte[] encodedMessageData;
try {
encodedMessageData = recipient.decrypt(envData);
} catch (MessageDecodingException ex) {
final String msg = "could not create the CMSEnvelopedData";
LogUtil.error(LOG, ex);
ret.setFailureMessage(msg + ": " + ex.getMessage());
return ret;
try {
if (MessageType.PKCSReq == messageType || MessageType.RenewalReq == messageType) {
} else if (MessageType.CertPoll == messageType) {
} else if (MessageType.GetCert == messageType || MessageType.GetCRL == messageType) {
} else if (MessageType.CertRep == messageType) {
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("should not reach here, unknown messageType " + messageType);
} catch (Exception ex) {
final String msg = "could not parse the messageData";
LogUtil.error(LOG, ex);
ret.setFailureMessage(msg + ": " + ex.getMessage());
return ret;
return ret;
} // method decode
private static String getPrintableStringAttrValue(AttributeTable attrs, ASN1ObjectIdentifier type)
throws MessageDecodingException {
ASN1Encodable value = ScepUtil.getFirstAttrValue(attrs, type);
if (value instanceof ASN1PrintableString) {
return ((ASN1PrintableString) value).getString();
} else if (value != null) {
throw new MessageDecodingException("the value of attribute " + type.getId() + " is not PrintableString");
} else {
return null;
private static Integer getIntegerPrintStringAttrValue(AttributeTable attrs, ASN1ObjectIdentifier type)
throws MessageDecodingException {
String str = getPrintableStringAttrValue(attrs, type);
if (str == null) {
return null;
try {
return Integer.parseInt(str);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
throw new MessageDecodingException("invalid integer '" + str + "'");
private static Nonce getNonceAttrValue(AttributeTable attrs, ASN1ObjectIdentifier type)
throws MessageDecodingException {
ASN1Encodable value = ScepUtil.getFirstAttrValue(attrs, type);
if (value instanceof ASN1OctetString) {
byte[] bytes = ((ASN1OctetString) value).getOctets();
return new Nonce(bytes);
} else if (value != null) {
throw new MessageDecodingException("the value of attribute " + type.getId() + " is not OctetString");
} else {
return null;
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