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* Copyright (c) 2013 - 2020 Lijun Liao
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Integer;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x500.X500Name;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Extension;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.Extensions;
import org.bouncycastle.cert.X509CRLHolder;
import org.xipki.util.DateUtil;
import org.xipki.util.InvalidConfException;
import org.xipki.util.IoUtil;
import org.xipki.util.StringUtil;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
* Actions to management certificates and CRLs.
* @author Lijun Liao
public class CertActions {
@Command(scope = "ca", name = "cert-status",
description = "show certificate status and save the certificate")
public static class CertStatus extends UnRevRmCertAction {
@Option(name = "--outform", description = "output format of the certificate")
protected String outform = "der";
@Option(name = "--out", aliases = "-o", description = "where to save the certificate")
private String outputFile;
protected Object execute0()
throws Exception {
CertWithRevocationInfo certInfo = caManager.getCert(caName, getSerialNumber());
if (certInfo == null) {
System.out.println("certificate unknown");
return null;
String msg = StringUtil.concat("certificate profile: ", certInfo.getCertprofile(),
"\nstatus: ",
(certInfo.getRevInfo() == null ? "good" : "revoked with " + certInfo.getRevInfo()));
if (outputFile != null) {
saveVerbose("saved certificate to file", outputFile,
encodeCert(certInfo.getCert().getCert().getEncoded(), outform));
return null;
} // method execute0
} // class CertStatus
public abstract static class CrlAction extends CaAction {
@Option(name = "--ca", required = true, description = "CA name")
protected String caName;
@Option(name = "--outform", description = "output format of the CRL")
protected String outform = "der";
protected abstract X509CRLHolder retrieveCrl()
throws Exception;
protected Object execute0()
throws Exception {
CaEntry ca = caManager.getCa(caName);
if (ca == null) {
throw new CmdFailure("CA " + caName + " not available");
X509CRLHolder crl;
try {
crl = retrieveCrl();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new CmdFailure("received no CRL from server: " + ex.getMessage());
if (crl == null) {
throw new CmdFailure("received no CRL from server");
String outFile = getOutFile();
if (outFile != null) {
saveVerbose("saved CRL to file", outFile, encodeCrl(crl.getEncoded(), outform));
return null;
} // method execute0
protected abstract String getOutFile();
} // class CrlAction
@Command(scope = "ca", name = "enroll-cert", description = "enroll certificate")
public static class EnrollCert extends CaAction {
@Option(name = "--ca", required = true, description = "CA name")
private String caName;
@Option(name = "--csr", required = true, description = "CSR file")
private String csrFile;
@Option(name = "--outform", description = "output format of the certificate")
protected String outform = "der";
@Option(name = "--out", aliases = "-o", required = true,
description = "where to save the certificate")
private String outFile;
@Option(name = "--profile", aliases = "-p", required = true, description = "profile name")
private String profileName;
@Option(name = "--not-before", description = "notBefore, UTC time of format yyyyMMddHHmmss")
private String notBeforeS;
@Option(name = "--not-after", description = "notAfter, UTC time of format yyyyMMddHHmmss")
private String notAfterS;
protected Object execute0()
throws Exception {
CaEntry ca = caManager.getCa(caName);
if (ca == null) {
throw new CmdFailure("CA " + caName + " not available");
Date notBefore = StringUtil.isNotBlank(notBeforeS)
? DateUtil.parseUtcTimeyyyyMMddhhmmss(notBeforeS) : null;
Date notAfter = StringUtil.isNotBlank(notAfterS)
? DateUtil.parseUtcTimeyyyyMMddhhmmss(notAfterS) : null;
byte[] encodedCsr =;
X509Cert cert = caManager.generateCertificate(caName, profileName, encodedCsr,
notBefore, notAfter);
saveVerbose("saved certificate to file", outFile, encodeCert(cert.getEncoded(), outform));
return null;
} // method execute0
} // class EnrollCert
@Command(scope = "ca", name = "gen-crl", description = "generate CRL")
public static class GenCrl extends CrlAction {
@Option(name = "--out", aliases = "-o", description = "where to save the CRL")
protected String outFile;
protected X509CRLHolder retrieveCrl()
throws Exception {
return caManager.generateCrlOnDemand(caName);
protected String getOutFile() {
return outFile;
} // class GenCrl
@Command(scope = "ca", name = "get-cert", description = "get certificate")
public static class GetCert extends CaAction {
@Option(name = "--ca", required = true, description = "CA name")
protected String caName;
@Option(name = "--serial", aliases = "-s", required = true, description = "serial number")
private String serialNumberS;
@Option(name = "--outform", description = "output format of the certificate")
protected String outform = "der";
@Option(name = "--out", aliases = "-o", required = true,
description = "where to save the certificate")
private String outputFile;
protected Object execute0()
throws Exception {
CertWithRevocationInfo certInfo = caManager.getCert(caName, toBigInt(serialNumberS));
if (certInfo == null) {
System.out.println("certificate unknown");
return null;
saveVerbose("certificate saved to file", outputFile,
encodeCert(certInfo.getCert().getCert().getEncoded(), outform));
return null;
} // method execute0
} // class GetCert
@Command(scope = "ca", name = "get-crl", description = "download CRL")
public static class GetCrl extends CrlAction {
@Option(name = "--with-basecrl",
description = "whether to retrieve the baseCRL if the current CRL is a delta CRL")
private Boolean withBaseCrl = Boolean.FALSE;
@Option(name = "--basecrl-out",
description = "where to save the baseCRL\n(defaults to -baseCRL)")
private String baseCrlOut;
@Option(name = "--out", aliases = "-o", required = true, description = "where to save the CRL")
protected String outFile;
protected X509CRLHolder retrieveCrl()
throws Exception {
return caManager.getCurrentCrl(caName);
protected Object execute0()
throws Exception {
CaEntry ca = caManager.getCa(caName);
if (ca == null) {
throw new CmdFailure("CA " + caName + " not available");
X509CRLHolder crl = null;
try {
crl = retrieveCrl();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new CmdFailure("received no CRL from server: " + ex.getMessage());
if (crl == null) {
throw new CmdFailure("received no CRL from server");
saveVerbose("saved CRL to file", outFile, encodeCrl(crl.getEncoded(), outform));
if (withBaseCrl.booleanValue()) {
Extensions extns = crl.getExtensions();
byte[] extnValue = X509Util.getCoreExtValue(extns, Extension.deltaCRLIndicator);
if (extnValue != null) {
if (baseCrlOut == null) {
baseCrlOut = outFile + "-baseCRL";
BigInteger baseCrlNumber = ASN1Integer.getInstance(extnValue).getPositiveValue();
try {
crl = caManager.getCrl(caName, baseCrlNumber);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new CmdFailure("received no baseCRL from server: " + ex.getMessage());
if (crl == null) {
throw new CmdFailure("received no baseCRL from server");
} else {
saveVerbose("saved baseCRL to file", baseCrlOut, encodeCrl(crl.getEncoded(), outform));
return null;
} // method execute0
protected String getOutFile() {
return outFile;
} // class GetCrl
@Command(scope = "ca", name = "get-request",
description = "get the request to enroll certificate")
public static class GetRequest extends UnRevRmCertAction {
@Option(name = "--out", aliases = "-o", required = true,
description = "where to save the request")
private String outputFile;
protected Object execute0()
throws Exception {
byte[] request = caManager.getCertRequest(caName, getSerialNumber());
if (request == null) {
System.out.println("unknown request unknown");
return null;
saveVerbose("request saved to file", outputFile, request);
return null;
} // method execute0
} // class GetRequest
@Command(scope = "ca", name = "list-cert", description = "show a list of certificates")
public static class ListCert extends CaAction {
@Option(name = "--ca", required = true, description = "CA name")
protected String caName;
@Option(name = "--subject", description = "the subject pattern, * is allowed.")
protected String subjectPatternS;
@Option(name = "--valid-from",
description = "start UTC time when the certificate is still valid, in form of"
+ "yyyyMMdd or yyyyMMddHHmmss")
private String validFromS;
@Option(name = "--valid-to",
description = "end UTC time when the certificate is still valid, in form of"
+ "yyyMMdd or yyyyMMddHHmmss")
private String validToS;
@Option(name = "-n", description = "maximal number of entries (between 1 and 1000)")
private int num = 1000;
@Option(name = "--order", description = "by which the result is ordered")
private String orderByS;
protected Object execute0()
throws Exception {
Date validFrom = getDate(validFromS);
Date validTo = getDate(validToS);
X500Name subjectPattern = null;
if (StringUtil.isNotBlank(subjectPatternS)) {
subjectPattern = new X500Name(subjectPatternS);
CertListOrderBy orderBy = null;
if (orderByS != null) {
orderBy = CertListOrderBy.forValue(orderByS);
if (orderBy == null) {
throw new IllegalCmdParamException("invalid order '" + orderByS + "'");
List certInfos = caManager.listCertificates(caName, subjectPattern, validFrom,
validTo, orderBy, num);
final int n = certInfos.size();
if (n == 0) {
println("found no certificate");
return null;
println(" | serial | notBefore | notAfter | subject");
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
CertListInfo info = certInfos.get(i);
println(format(i + 1, info));
return null;
} // method execute0
private String format(int index, CertListInfo info) {
return StringUtil.concat(StringUtil.formatAccount(index, 4), " | ",
StringUtil.formatText(info.getSerialNumber().toString(16), 20), " | ",
DateUtil.toUtcTimeyyyyMMddhhmmss(info.getNotBefore()), " | ",
DateUtil.toUtcTimeyyyyMMddhhmmss(info.getNotAfter()), " | ", info.getSubject());
} // method format
private Date getDate(String str)
throws IllegalCmdParamException {
if (str == null) {
return null;
final int len = str.length();
try {
if (len == 8) {
return DateUtil.parseUtcTimeyyyyMMdd(str);
} else if (len == 14) {
return DateUtil.parseUtcTimeyyyyMMddhhmmss(str);
} else {
throw new IllegalCmdParamException("invalid time " + str);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new IllegalCmdParamException("invalid time " + str + ": " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
} // method getDate
} // class ListCert
@Command(scope = "ca", name = "rm-cert", description = "remove certificate")
public static class RmCert extends UnRevRmCertAction {
@Option(name = "--force", aliases = "-f", description = "without prompt")
private Boolean force = Boolean.FALSE;
protected Object execute0()
throws Exception {
BigInteger serialNo = getSerialNumber();
String msg = "certificate (serial number = 0x" + serialNo.toString(16) + ")";
if (force || confirm("Do you want to remove " + msg, 3)) {
try {
caManager.removeCertificate(caName, serialNo);
println("removed " + msg);
} catch (CaMgmtException ex) {
throw new CmdFailure("could not remove " + msg + ", error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
return null;
} // method execute0
} // class RmCert
@Command(scope = "ca", name = "revoke-cert", description = "revoke certificate")
public static class RevokeCert extends UnRevRmCertAction {
@Option(name = "--reason", aliases = "-r", required = true, description = "CRL reason")
private String reason;
@Option(name = "--inv-date", description = "invalidity date, UTC time of format yyyyMMddHHmmss")
private String invalidityDateS;
protected Object execute0()
throws Exception {
CrlReason crlReason = CrlReason.forNameOrText(reason);
if (!CrlReason.PERMITTED_CLIENT_CRLREASONS.contains(crlReason)) {
throw new InvalidConfException("reason " + reason + " is not permitted");
Date invalidityDate = null;
if (isNotBlank(invalidityDateS)) {
invalidityDate = DateUtil.parseUtcTimeyyyyMMddhhmmss(invalidityDateS);
BigInteger serialNo = getSerialNumber();
String msg = "certificate (serial number = 0x" + serialNo.toString(16) + ")";
try {
caManager.revokeCertificate(caName, serialNo, crlReason, invalidityDate);
println("revoked " + msg);
return null;
} catch (CaMgmtException ex) {
throw new CmdFailure("could not revoke " + msg + ", error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
} // method execute0
} // class RevokeCert
@Command(scope = "ca", name = "unrevoke-cert", description = "unrevoke certificate")
public static class UnrevokeCert extends UnRevRmCertAction {
protected Object execute0()
throws Exception {
BigInteger serialNo = getSerialNumber();
String msg = "certificate (serial number = 0x" + serialNo.toString(16) + ")";
try {
caManager.unrevokeCertificate(caName, serialNo);
println("unrevoked " + msg);
return null;
} catch (CaMgmtException ex) {
throw new CmdFailure("could not unrevoke " + msg + ", error: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
} // method execute0
} // class UnrevokeCert
public abstract static class UnRevRmCertAction extends CaAction {
@Option(name = "--ca", required = true, description = "CA name")
protected String caName;
@Option(name = "--cert", aliases = "-c",
description = "certificate file\n"
+ "(either cert or serial must be specified)")
protected String certFile;
@Option(name = "--serial", aliases = "-s",
description = "serial number\n(either cert or serial must be specified)")
private String serialNumberS;
protected BigInteger getSerialNumber()
throws CmdFailure, IllegalCmdParamException, CertificateException, IOException,
CaMgmtException {
CaEntry ca = caManager.getCa(caName);
if (ca == null) {
throw new CmdFailure("CA " + caName + " not available");
BigInteger serialNumber;
if (serialNumberS != null) {
serialNumber = toBigInt(serialNumberS);
} else if (certFile != null) {
X509Cert caCert = ca.getCert();
X509Cert cert = X509Util.parseCert(new File(certFile));
if (!X509Util.issues(caCert, cert)) {
throw new CmdFailure("certificate '" + certFile + "' is not issued by CA " + caName);
serialNumber = cert.getSerialNumber();
} else {
throw new IllegalCmdParamException("neither serialNumber nor certFile is specified");
return serialNumber;
} // method getSerialNumber
} // class UnRevRmCertAction