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org.xlightweb.WebSocketConnection Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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xLightweb HTML5 extension which supports ServerSentEvents ands WebSockets

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 *  Copyright (c), 2008 - 2010. All rights reserved.
 *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 *  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 *  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
 * Please refer to the LGPL license at:
 * The latest copy of this software may be found on
package org.xlightweb;


import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.xlightweb.AbstractHttpConnection.IMultimodeExecutor;
import org.xlightweb.WebSocketHandlerAdapter.IPostConnectInterceptor;
import org.xlightweb.client.HttpClientConnection;
import org.xlightweb.client.IHttpClientEndpoint;
import org.xlightweb.server.HttpServerConnection;
import org.xsocket.DataConverter;
import org.xsocket.Execution;
import org.xsocket.MaxReadSizeExceededException;
import org.xsocket.connection.IConnectHandler;
import org.xsocket.connection.IDataHandler;
import org.xsocket.connection.IDisconnectHandler;
import org.xsocket.connection.INonBlockingConnection;
import org.xsocket.connection.NonBlockingConnectionPool;

 * NonBlockingWebSocketConnection

This is an experimental implementation of the HTML5 draft and subject to change * * * @author grro */ public final class WebSocketConnection implements IWebSocketConnection { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(WebSocketConnection.class.getName()); private INonBlockingConnection tcpConnection; // sec key computation private static final Random RANDOM = new Random(); // receive timeout public static final int DEFAULT_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private int receiveTimeoutSec = DEFAULT_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT; // protocol handling private final WebSocketProtocolHandler protocolHandler = new WebSocketProtocolHandler(); private final IMultimodeExecutor executor; private final List inQueue = new ArrayList(); private int inQueueVersion = 0; // client protocol mode private static final boolean CLIENT_USING_SEC_KEY = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("org.xlightweb.websocket.client.usingSecKey", "true")); // upgrade headers private final IHttpRequestHeader upgradeRequestHeader; private final IHttpResponseHeader upgradeResponseHeader; // interceptor support private final IPostWriteInterceptor interceptor; // web socket handler private final Object webSocketHandlerGuard = new Object(); private WebSocketHandlerAdapter webSocketHandlerAdapter = null; // exception holder private final AtomicReference exceptionRef = new AtomicReference(null); // flags private final AtomicBoolean isDisconnected = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final AtomicBoolean isCloseMsgSent = new AtomicBoolean(false); // attachment management private AtomicReference attachmentRef = new AtomicReference(null); public WebSocketConnection(String uriString) throws IOException { this(uriString, (String) null); } public WebSocketConnection(String uriString, String protocol) throws IOException { this(uriString, protocol, null); } public WebSocketConnection(String uriString, IWebSocketHandler webSocketHandler) throws IOException { this(uriString, null, webSocketHandler); } public WebSocketConnection(String uriString, String protocol, IWebSocketHandler webSocketHandler) throws IOException { this(URI.create(uriString), protocol, webSocketHandler); } private WebSocketConnection(URI uri, String protocol, IWebSocketHandler webSocketHandler) throws IOException { this(connect(uri), uri, protocol, webSocketHandler); } private static HttpClientConnection connect(URI uri) throws IOException { int port = uri.getPort(); if (port == -1) { if (uri.getScheme().toLowerCase().equals("wss")) { port = 443; } else { port = 80; } } return new HttpClientConnection(uri.getHost(), port); } public WebSocketConnection(IHttpClientEndpoint httpClientEndpoint, URI uri, String protocol, IWebSocketHandler webSocketHandler) throws IOException { this(performHandshake(httpClientEndpoint, uri, protocol), protocol, webSocketHandler); } private WebSocketConnection(HandeshakeResult handeshakeResult, String protocol, IWebSocketHandler webSocketHandler) throws IOException { this(handeshakeResult.con, webSocketHandler, handeshakeResult.upgradeRequestHeader, handeshakeResult.upgradeResponseHeader); } private WebSocketConnection(HttpClientConnection httpConnection, IWebSocketHandler webSocketHandler, IHttpRequestHeader upgradeRequestHeader, IHttpResponseHeader upgradeResponseHeader) throws IOException { this(convertToTcpConnection(httpConnection), null, webSocketHandler, null, upgradeRequestHeader, upgradeResponseHeader); } private static HandeshakeResult performHandshake(IHttpClientEndpoint httpClientEndpoint, URI uri, String protocol) throws IOException { GetRequest request; byte[] challengeMd5 = null; if (CLIENT_USING_SEC_KEY) { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(16); for (int i = 0; i < buf.limit(); i++) { buf.put((byte) (33 + RANDOM.nextInt(80))); } buf.flip(); long key1 = buf.getInt(); long key2 = buf.getInt(); long challenge = buf.getLong(); challengeMd5 = computeMD5((int) key1, (int) key2, challenge); // obfuscating the keys int numSpaces1 = 10 + Math.abs(RANDOM.nextInt()) % 5; int numSpaces2 = 10 + Math.abs(RANDOM.nextInt()) % 5; String secKey1 = new String(generateSecKey(35, key1 * numSpaces1, numSpaces1)); String secKey2 = new String(generateSecKey(34, key2 * numSpaces2, numSpaces2)); request = new GetRequest(uri.toString(), DataConverter.toByteBuffer(challenge).array()); request.removeHeader("Content-Length"); request.setHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Key1", secKey1); request.setHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Key2", secKey2); } else { request = new GetRequest(uri.toString()); } if (protocol != null) { if (CLIENT_USING_SEC_KEY) { request.setHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", protocol); } else { request.setHeader("WebSocket-Protocol", protocol); } } request.setHeader("Upgrade", "WebSocket"); request.setHeader("Connection", "Upgrade"); URL originURL = request.getRequestUrl(); String origin = originURL.getProtocol() + "//" + originURL.getHost(); if (originURL.getPort() != -1) { origin += ":" + originURL.getPort(); } request.setHeader("Origin", origin); IHttpResponse response =; if (response.getStatus() != 101) { if (response.getStatus() == 501) { if (response.hasBody()) { throw new UnsupportedProtocolException(response.getBody().toString()); } else { throw new UnsupportedProtocolException(); } } else { throw new IOException(response.getStatus() + " " + response.getReason()); } } if (challengeMd5 != null) { boolean match = true; byte[] challengeMd5Response = response.getBody().readBytesByLength(16); for (int i = 0; i < challengeMd5.length; i++) { if (challengeMd5[i] != challengeMd5Response[i]) { match = false; } } if (!match) { throw new IOException("server returns wrong md5"); } } HttpClientConnection httpCon = (HttpClientConnection) HttpUtils.getConnectionFromAttribute(response.getResponseHeader()); return new HandeshakeResult(httpCon, request.getRequestHeader(), response.getResponseHeader()); } private static byte[] generateSecKey(int length, long key, int numSpaces) { while (true) { byte[] num = Long.toString(key).getBytes(); int numIdx = 0; byte[] data = new byte[length]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { boolean isPrintNum = ((RANDOM.nextInt(length / num.length) % 2) == 1); if (isPrintNum && (numIdx < num.length)) { data[i] = num[numIdx]; numIdx++; } else { // generated random char (printable chars only) data[i] = (byte) (33 + RANDOM.nextInt(15)); } } // add spaces int spacesIdx = 0; while (spacesIdx < numSpaces) { int idx = 1 + RANDOM.nextInt(length - 3); if ((data[idx] == 32) || ((data[idx] >= 48) && (data[idx] <= 57))) { continue; } data[idx] = 32; spacesIdx++; } if (numIdx == num.length) { return data; } } } private static byte[] computeMD5(int key1, int key2, long num) throws IOException { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(16); buf.putInt(key1); buf.putInt(key2); buf.putLong(num); buf.flip(); String s = DataConverter.toString(buf); try { MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); md5.reset(); md5.update(s.getBytes()); return md5.digest(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nse) { throw new IOException(nse.toString()); } } private static final class HandeshakeResult { private HttpClientConnection con; private IHttpRequestHeader upgradeRequestHeader; private IHttpResponseHeader upgradeResponseHeader; public HandeshakeResult(HttpClientConnection con, IHttpRequestHeader upgradeRequestHeader, IHttpResponseHeader upgradeResponseHeader) { this.con = con; this.upgradeRequestHeader = upgradeRequestHeader; this.upgradeResponseHeader = upgradeResponseHeader; } } public WebSocketConnection(HttpServerConnection httpConnection, IWebSocketHandler webSocketHandler, IHttpExchange exchange) throws IOException { this(httpConnection, webSocketHandler, new UpgradeResponseSender(exchange)); } private WebSocketConnection(HttpServerConnection httpConnection, IWebSocketHandler webSocketHandler, UpgradeResponseSender upgradeHandler) throws IOException { this(httpConnection, webSocketHandler, upgradeHandler.getRequestHeader(), upgradeHandler.getResponseHeader(), upgradeHandler); } private static INonBlockingConnection convertToTcpConnection(AbstractHttpConnection httpConnection) throws IOException { INonBlockingConnection tcpCon = httpConnection.getUnderlyingTcpConnection(); tcpCon.setHandler(null); return tcpCon; } private WebSocketConnection(HttpServerConnection httpConnection, IWebSocketHandler webSocketHandler, IHttpRequestHeader upgradeRequestHeader, IHttpResponseHeader upgradeResponseHeader, UpgradeResponseSender upgradeResponseSender) throws IOException { this(convertToTcpConnection(httpConnection), upgradeResponseSender, webSocketHandler, upgradeResponseSender, upgradeRequestHeader, upgradeResponseHeader); } private static final class UpgradeResponseSender implements IPostConnectInterceptor, IPostWriteInterceptor { private final IHttpExchange exchange; private final AtomicBoolean isUpgradeSent = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final byte[] md5; private final IHttpResponseHeader responseHeader; public UpgradeResponseSender(IHttpExchange exchange) throws IOException { = exchange; IHttpRequest request = exchange.getRequest(); String webSocketLocation; if (request.isSecure()) { webSocketLocation = "wss://" + request.getHost() + request.getRequestURI(); } else { webSocketLocation = "ws://" + request.getHost() + request.getRequestURI(); } if (request.getHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Key1") != null) { String protocol = request.getHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol"); String webSocketOrigin = request.getHeader("Origin"); String secKey1 = request.getHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Key1"); long obfuscatedKey1 = extractNumber(secKey1.getBytes()); int numSpacesKey1 = computeNumSpaces(secKey1); int key1 = (int) (obfuscatedKey1 / numSpacesKey1); String secKey2 = request.getHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Key2"); long obfuscatedKey2 = extractNumber(secKey2.getBytes()); int numSpacesKey2 = computeNumSpaces(secKey2); int key2 = (int) (obfuscatedKey2 / numSpacesKey2); long challenge = request.getBody().readLong(); md5 = computeMD5(key1, key2, challenge); responseHeader = new HttpResponseHeader(101); responseHeader.setReason("Web Socket Protocol Handshake"); responseHeader.setHeader("Upgrade", "WebSocket"); responseHeader.setHeader("Connection", "Upgrade"); responseHeader.setHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Origin", webSocketOrigin); responseHeader.setHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Location", webSocketLocation); if (protocol != null) { responseHeader.setHeader("Sec-WebSocket-Protocol", protocol); } } else { md5 = null; String protocol = request.getHeader("WebSocket-Protocol"); String webSocketOrigin = request.getHeader("Origin"); responseHeader = new HttpResponseHeader(101); responseHeader.setReason("Web Socket Protocol Handshake"); responseHeader.setHeader("Upgrade", "WebSocket"); responseHeader.setHeader("Connection", "Upgrade"); responseHeader.setHeader("WebSocket-Origin", webSocketOrigin); responseHeader.setHeader("WebSocket-Location", webSocketLocation); if (protocol != null) { responseHeader.setHeader("WebSocket-Protocol", protocol); } } } public void onConnectException(IOException ioe) { if (ioe instanceof UnsupportedProtocolException) { exchange.sendError(501, ioe.getMessage()); } else { exchange.sendError(501); } } public void onPostConnect() throws IOException { sentUpgradeIfNecessary(); } public void onPreWrite() throws IOException { sentUpgradeIfNecessary() ; } private void sentUpgradeIfNecessary() throws IOException { if (!isUpgradeSent.getAndSet(true)) { HttpResponse response; if (md5 == null) { response = new HttpResponse(responseHeader); } else { response = new HttpResponse(responseHeader, DataConverter.toByteBuffer(md5).array()); response.removeHeader("Content-Length"); } exchange.send(response); } } IHttpRequestHeader getRequestHeader() { return exchange.getRequest().getRequestHeader(); } IHttpResponseHeader getResponseHeader() { return responseHeader; } } private static int computeNumSpaces(String key) { int numSpaces = 0; for (int b : key.getBytes()) { if (b == (int) ' ') { numSpaces++; } } return numSpaces; } private static long extractNumber(byte[] key) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int b : key) { if ((b >= 48) && (b <= 57)) { sb.append((char) b); } } return Long.parseLong(sb.toString()); } private WebSocketConnection(INonBlockingConnection tcpConnection, IPostWriteInterceptor connectInterceptor, IWebSocketHandler webSocketHandler, IPostConnectInterceptor postConnectInterceptor, IHttpRequestHeader upgradeRequestHeader, IHttpResponseHeader upgradeResponseHeader) throws IOException { this.interceptor = connectInterceptor; this.tcpConnection = tcpConnection; this.upgradeRequestHeader = upgradeRequestHeader; this.upgradeResponseHeader = upgradeResponseHeader; executor = HttpUtils.newMultimodeExecutor(tcpConnection.getWorkerpool()); setMessageHandler(webSocketHandler, postConnectInterceptor); protocolHandler.onConnect(tcpConnection); tcpConnection.setHandler(protocolHandler); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getProtocol() { return getUpgradeResponseHeader().getHeader("WebSocket-Protocol"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getWebSocketLocation() { return getUpgradeResponseHeader().getHeader("WebSocket-Location"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getWebSocketOrigin() { return getUpgradeResponseHeader().getHeader("WebSocket-Origin"); } public IHttpRequestHeader getUpgradeRequestHeader() { return upgradeRequestHeader; } public IHttpResponseHeader getUpgradeResponseHeader() { return upgradeResponseHeader; } public void destroy() { // destroy (underlying tcp) connection by using connection pool. The underlying connection could be a pooled one) // The connection pool detects automatically if the connection is pooled or not. The connection will be // closed (logically) anyway try { NonBlockingConnectionPool.destroy(tcpConnection); } catch (IOException ioe) { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOG.fine("[" + getId() + "] error occured by destroying htttp connection " + getId() + " " + ioe.toString()); } } } public INonBlockingConnection getUnderlyingTcpConnection() { return tcpConnection; } public int availableMessages() { synchronized (inQueue) { return inQueue.size(); } } int getInQueueVersion() { synchronized (inQueue) { return inQueueVersion; } } @Override public String toString() { return tcpConnection.toString(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public TextMessage readTextMessage() throws IOException, SocketTimeoutException { WebSocketMessage msg = readMessage(); if (msg.isTextMessage()) { return (TextMessage) msg; } else { throw new IOException("got a " + msg.getClass().getSimpleName() + " message"); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public WebSocketMessage readMessage() throws BufferUnderflowException, SocketTimeoutException, ClosedChannelException, IOException { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); long remainingTime = receiveTimeoutSec; do { synchronized (inQueue) { IOException ioe = exceptionRef.getAndSet(null); if (ioe != null) { throw ioe; } if (isDisconnected.get()) { throw new ClosedChannelException(); } if (inQueue.isEmpty()) { try { inQueue.wait(remainingTime); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { // Restore the interrupted status Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } else { inQueueVersion++; return inQueue.remove(0); } } remainingTime = HttpUtils.computeRemainingTime(start, receiveTimeoutSec); } while (remainingTime > 0); if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOG.fine("receive timeout " + receiveTimeoutSec + " sec reached. throwing timeout exception"); } throw new SocketTimeoutException("timeout " + receiveTimeoutSec + " sec reached"); } public int writeMessage(TextMessage msg) throws IOException { return writeMessage((WebSocketMessage) msg); } public int writeMessage(WebSocketMessage msg) throws IOException { if (isCloseMsgSent.get()) { throw new ClosedChannelException(); } return writeMessage(msg, false); } public void writeMessage(TextMessage msg, IWriteCompleteHandler completeHandler) throws IOException { writeMessage((WebSocketMessage) msg, completeHandler); } private int writeMessage(WebSocketMessage msg, boolean ignoreClose) throws IOException { if (interceptor != null) { interceptor.onPreWrite(); } return msg.writeTo(this, null); } public void writeMessage(WebSocketMessage msg, IWriteCompleteHandler writtenHandler) throws IOException { if (isCloseMsgSent.get()) { throw new ClosedChannelException(); } if (interceptor != null) { interceptor.onPreWrite(); } msg.writeTo(this, writtenHandler); } public void closeQuitly() { try { close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOG.fine("[" + getId() + "] error occured by closing connection " + getId() + " " + ioe.toString()); } try { NonBlockingConnectionPool.destroy(tcpConnection); } catch (IOException e) { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOG.fine("[" + getId() + "] error occured by closing connection " + getId() + " " + e.toString()); } } } } public void close() throws IOException { if (!isCloseMsgSent.getAndSet(true)) { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOG.fine("[" + getId() + "] sending close message"); } writeMessage(new CloseMessage(), true); } } void processNonthreaded(Runnable task) { executor.processNonthreaded(task); } void processMultithreaded(Runnable task) { executor.processMultithreaded(task); } private void setMessageHandler(IWebSocketHandler webSocketHandler, IPostConnectInterceptor postConnectInterceptor) throws IOException { synchronized (webSocketHandlerGuard) { if (webSocketHandlerAdapter != null) { webSocketHandlerAdapter.onDisconnect(this); } webSocketHandlerAdapter = new WebSocketHandlerAdapter(webSocketHandler, postConnectInterceptor); webSocketHandlerAdapter.onConnect(this); } } public boolean isOpen() { return !isCloseMsgSent.get() && tcpConnection.isOpen(); } public boolean isServerSide() { return tcpConnection.isServerSide(); } public INonBlockingConnection getTcpConnection() { return tcpConnection; } public void setAttachment(Object obj) { attachmentRef.set(obj); } public Object getAttachment() { return attachmentRef.get(); } public long getConnectionTimeoutMillis() { return tcpConnection.getConnectionTimeoutMillis(); } public void setConnectionTimeoutMillis(long timeoutMillis) { tcpConnection.setConnectionTimeoutMillis(timeoutMillis); } public long getRemainingMillisToConnectionTimeout() { return tcpConnection.getRemainingMillisToConnectionTimeout(); } public long getIdleTimeoutMillis() { return tcpConnection.getIdleTimeoutMillis(); } public void setIdleTimeoutMillis(long timeoutInMillis) { tcpConnection.setIdleTimeoutMillis(timeoutInMillis); } public long getRemainingMillisToIdleTimeout() { return tcpConnection.getRemainingMillisToIdleTimeout(); } public String getId() { return tcpConnection.getId(); } public int getLocalPort() { return tcpConnection.getLocalPort(); } public InetAddress getLocalAddress() { return tcpConnection.getLocalAddress(); } public InetAddress getRemoteAddress() { return tcpConnection.getRemoteAddress(); } public int getRemotePort() { return tcpConnection.getRemotePort(); } public Object getOption(String name) throws IOException { return tcpConnection.getOption(name); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Map getOptions() { return tcpConnection.getOptions(); } public void setOption(String name, Object value) throws IOException { tcpConnection.setOption(name, value); } @Execution(Execution.NONTHREADED) private final class WebSocketProtocolHandler implements IConnectHandler, IDataHandler, IDisconnectHandler { // network data private ByteBuffer rawBuffer = null; public boolean onConnect(INonBlockingConnection connection) throws IOException, BufferUnderflowException, MaxReadSizeExceededException { synchronized (webSocketHandlerGuard) { if (webSocketHandlerAdapter != null) { webSocketHandlerAdapter.onConnect(WebSocketConnection.this); } } return true; } public boolean onData(INonBlockingConnection connection) throws IOException, BufferUnderflowException, ClosedChannelException, MaxReadSizeExceededException { if (connection.isOpen()) { // copying available network data into raw data buffer int available = connection.available(); ByteBuffer[] data = null; if (available > 0) { data = connection.readByteBufferByLength(available); } onData(data); } return true; } void onData(ByteBuffer[] data) throws IOException { if (data == null) { if (rawBuffer == null) { rawBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(0); } } else { if (rawBuffer == null) { rawBuffer = HttpUtils.merge(data); } else { rawBuffer = HttpUtils.merge(rawBuffer, data); } } parse(rawBuffer); if (!rawBuffer.hasRemaining()) { rawBuffer = null; } } void parse(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException { while (buffer.hasRemaining()) { WebSocketMessage msg = WebSocketMessage.parse(buffer); if (msg == null) { return; } else { if (msg.isTextMessage()) { synchronized (inQueue) { inQueueVersion++; inQueue.add(msg); inQueue.notifyAll(); } synchronized (webSocketHandlerGuard) { if (webSocketHandlerAdapter != null) { webSocketHandlerAdapter.onMessage(WebSocketConnection.this); } } } else if (msg.isCloseMessage()) { if (isCloseMsgSent.get()) { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOG.fine("[" + getId() + "] echo close msg reveived. Destroying connection"); } writeMessage(msg, true); destroy(); // peer initiated close } else { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOG.fine("[" + getId() + "] close msg reveived. echoing it and destroying connection"); } isCloseMsgSent.set(true); writeMessage(msg, true); destroy(); } } else { if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { LOG.fine("[" + getId() + "] binary message received. The ws draft does not longer allow binary messages. Ignoring it"); } } } } } public boolean onDisconnect(INonBlockingConnection connection) throws IOException { synchronized (inQueue) { isDisconnected.set(true); if ((rawBuffer != null) && rawBuffer.hasRemaining()) { exceptionRef.set(new IOException("connection terminated while receiving data")); } inQueue.notifyAll(); } synchronized (webSocketHandlerGuard) { if (webSocketHandlerAdapter != null) { webSocketHandlerAdapter.onDisconnect(WebSocketConnection.this); } } return true; } } private static interface IPostWriteInterceptor { void onPreWrite() throws IOException ; } }