Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2011 Peter Murray-Rust et. al.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.xmlcml.cml.base.CMLConstants;
import org.xmlcml.cml.base.CMLElement.FormalChargeControl;
import org.xmlcml.cml.element.CMLAtom;
import org.xmlcml.cml.element.CMLBond;
import org.xmlcml.cml.element.CMLElectron;
import org.xmlcml.cml.element.CMLMolecule;
import org.xmlcml.molutil.ChemicalElement.AS;
* manage counting and management of double bonding. A piSystem is a set of
* atoms (not necessarily am AtomSet) which each have one or more
* "doubleBondEquivalents". The purpose of piSystem is to allow these to be
* joined into double bonds, ans optionally try to assign formal charges. Still
* experimental
* The assignment has the phases. - identify the connected islands (piSystems)
* of neighboring atoms with one or more DBEs. - recursively prune any terminal
* bonds where the start atom has only one DBE ligand - split the result into
* further piSystems if disconnection has occurred - recursively assign double
* bonds as as far as possible. Return either the first complete match or the
* overall match with fewest unpaired centres - try to make a chemically
* sensible assignment of charges. The overall charge may or may not be known.
* @author pmr
public class PiSystem implements CMLConstants {
private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(PiSystem.class);
MoleculeTool moleculeTool;
// atoms from which map is created
List allAtoms;
Map piMap = null;
Map parentPiMap = null;
Stack atomStack = null;
private List atomList = null;
List finalAtomPairList = null;
List tempAtomPairList = null;
int remainingPiCount = 0;
FormalChargeControl fcd;
PiSystemControls piSystemOptions;
// ================== constructors and accessors ===============
* constructor.
* @param moleculeTool
* @param atoms
* to create system from
public PiSystem(MoleculeTool moleculeTool, List atoms) {
this.moleculeTool = moleculeTool;
allAtoms = atoms;
piSystemOptions = new PiSystemControls();
* constructor.
* @param atoms
* to create system from
public PiSystem(List atoms) {
this(MoleculeTool.getOrCreateTool(atoms.get(0).getMolecule()), atoms);
* constructor.
* @param piMap
* to use for atoms
public PiSystem(Map piMap) {
allAtoms = new ArrayList();
CMLAtom atomx = null;
List atomList = getSortedAtomList(piMap);
for (CMLAtom atom : atomList) {
atomx = atom;
if (atomx != null) {
this.moleculeTool = MoleculeTool.getOrCreateTool(atomx.getMolecule());
piSystemOptions = new PiSystemControls();
* get the piSystemManager.
* @return the piSystemManager.
public PiSystemControls getPiSystemManager() {
return piSystemOptions;
* set the piSystemManager.
* @param piSystemManager
* The piSystemManager to set.
public void setPiSystemManager(PiSystemControls piSystemManager) {
this.piSystemOptions = piSystemManager;
* allows iteration through a piSystem in order.
* @return sorted list of atoms
public List getSortedAtomList() {
if (piMap == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("null piMap");
return getSortedAtomList(piMap);
* @return unsorted list of atoms in the pi system
public List getAtomList() {
return atomList;
* allows iteration through a piSystem in order.
* @param piMap
* @return sorted list of atoms
private List getSortedAtomList(Map piMap) {
List atomList = new ArrayList(piMap.keySet());
Collections.sort(atomList, new Comparator() {
public int compare(CMLAtom a1, CMLAtom a2) {
if (!valid(a1) || !valid(a2)) {
throw new RuntimeException("null atoms or ids");
return (a1.getId().compareTo(a2.getId()));
private boolean valid(CMLAtom a) {
return (a != null && a.getId() != null);
return atomList;
* get size of pi subsystem. uses piMap.
* @return size, 0 if null;
public int getSize() {
return (piMap == null) ? 0 : piMap.size();
* get piSystems in overall piSystem. called by applications
* @return list of piSystems (zero length if none)
public List generatePiSystemList() {
List piSystemList = new ArrayList();
if (piMap.size() == 1) {
PiSystem piSystem = this.getPiSystem_createSubSystem(piMap.entrySet().iterator().next().getKey(), piMap);
} else {
while (piMap.size() > 0) {
// get next atom with free ligands
CMLAtom atom = this.getPiSystemList_nextAtom();
if (atom == null) {
PiSystem piSystem = this.getPiSystem_createSubSystem(atom, piMap);
return piSystemList;
* create map of atoms to their doubleBondEquivalents.
* @return the map of atoms to Integer count
private Map createPiMap() {
piMap = new HashMap();
for (CMLAtom atom : allAtoms) {
AtomTool atomTool = AtomTool.getOrCreateTool(atom);
int nPi = atomTool.getDoubleBondEquivalents(piSystemOptions.getFormalChargeControl());
if (nPi > 0) {
piMap.put(atom, new Integer(nPi));
return piMap;
private CMLAtom getPiSystemList_nextAtom() {
CMLAtom atomx = null;
List atomList = getSortedAtomList();
for (CMLAtom atom : atomList) {
atomx = atom;
return atomx;
* delete atoms from parent map.
private void getPiSystem_deleteFromParentMap() {
for (CMLAtom atom : atomList) {
* create piSystem containing this atom. recursively visits neightbours of
* seed until no more found.
* @param atom
* seed to start from
* @param parentMap
* @return the piSystem
private PiSystem getPiSystem_createSubSystem(CMLAtom atom,
Map parentMap) {
if (atom == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("ATOM MUST NOT BE NULL");
if (parentMap == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Must calculate dbeMap");
PiSystem subSystem = new PiSystem(moleculeTool,
new ArrayList());
subSystem.setPiSystemManager(new PiSystemControls(piSystemOptions));
subSystem.parentPiMap = parentMap;
return subSystem;
private void getPiSystem_initializeContainers() {
piMap = new HashMap();
atomStack = new Stack();
atomList = new ArrayList();
// ================== set up the pi system ===================
// create piSystem
private void expand_system() {
if (!atomStack.isEmpty()) {
CMLAtom atom = atomStack.pop();
if (atom != null) {
List ligandList = atom.getLigandAtoms();
for (CMLAtom ligand : ligandList) {
if (parentPiMap.get(ligand) != null) {
* add atom if not already used. atom is added to atomStack, usedAtoms,
* atomList and dbeMap.
* @param atom
private void expand_addAtom(CMLAtom atom) {
if (!atomList.contains(atom)) {
piMap.put(atom, parentPiMap.get(atom));
// ================== analyze the system ==================
* get list of bonds.
* @return list of atomPairs forming double bonds (empty if impossible)
public List identifyDoubleBonds() {
atomStack = new Stack();
finalAtomPairList = markTerminalBonds(false);
List subPiSystemList = null;
// this may have split the system, so make list of sub systems
if (finalAtomPairList.size() != 0) {
PiSystem newPiSystem = new PiSystem(piMap);
.setPiSystemManager(new PiSystemControls(piSystemOptions));
subPiSystemList = newPiSystem.generatePiSystemList();
} else {
subPiSystemList = new ArrayList();
for (PiSystem subPiSystem : subPiSystemList) {
for (AtomPair atomPair : subPiSystem.tempAtomPairList) {
if (piSystemOptions.isUpdateBonds()) {
if (piSystemOptions.isDistributeCharge()) {
List bondList = this.createBondList();
return bondList;
private void distributeCharge() {
CMLMolecule molecule = moleculeTool.getMolecule();
if (molecule.getFormalChargeAttribute() != null) {
List atoms = molecule.getAtoms();
int knownUnpaired = piSystemOptions.getKnownUnpaired();
int formalCharge = molecule.getFormalCharge();
int tempCharge = formalCharge;
// probably know the charge distribution
if (knownUnpaired == Math.abs(tempCharge)) {
for (CMLAtom atom : atoms) {
tempCharge = adjustChargeOnCON(atom, tempCharge);
} else {
for (CMLAtom atom : atoms) {
tempCharge = adjustChargeOnCON(atom, tempCharge);
if (tempCharge != 0) {
// LOG.debug("Cannot distribute charge");
private int adjustChargeOnCON(CMLAtom atom, int formalCharge) {
CMLElectron electron = (CMLElectron) atom
if (electron != null) {
if (CMLElectron.PI.equals(electron.getDictRef())) {
if (formalCharge < 0 && atom.getElementType().equals("O")) {
formalCharge = adjustChargeAndElectron(atom, electron,
formalCharge, -1);
} else if (formalCharge > 0
&& atom.getElementType().equals("N")) {
formalCharge = adjustChargeAndElectron(atom, electron,
formalCharge, 1);
} else if (formalCharge != 0
&& atom.getElementType().equals(AS.C.value)) {
int delta = (formalCharge < 0) ? -1 : 1;
formalCharge = adjustChargeAndElectron(atom, electron,
formalCharge, delta);
return formalCharge;
private int adjustChargeAndElectron(CMLAtom atom, CMLElectron electron,
int formalCharge, int delta) {
formalCharge -= delta;
return formalCharge;
* recursively process terminal pi bonds. finds atom with only one pi-rich
* neighbour. adds that as a bond and recurses until no further change. also
* removes atoms from piMap if no further Pi
* @param use
* this routine if true
* @return list of bonds
private List markTerminalBonds(boolean use) {
remainingPiCount = 0;
List atomList = getSortedAtomList();
for (CMLAtom atom : atomList) {
remainingPiCount += piMap.get(atom).intValue();
// debugMap();
List fullBondList = new ArrayList();
boolean change = use;
while (change) {
change = false;
List atomList1 = getSortedAtomList();
for (CMLAtom atom : atomList1) {
if (lookupPiCount(atom) > 0) {
List piNeighbours = getPiNeighbours(atom);
if (piNeighbours.size() == 1) {
CMLAtom piNeighbour = piNeighbours.get(0);
markAtomPair(atom, piNeighbour, 0);
change = true;
// LOG.debug("Terminal "+fullBondList.size());
return fullBondList;
private void removeFromMapIfZero(CMLAtom atom) {
if (lookupPiCount(atom) == 0) {
private void exploreDoubleBonds() {
// copy the piMap and remainingPiCount so that we can use these values
// to reset the variables later on.
Map piMapCopy = new HashMap(piMap);
int startRemainingPiCount = remainingPiCount;
int knownUnpaired = piSystemOptions.getKnownUnpaired();
int oldPiCount = -1;
int count = 0;
int iterationMax = 5;
while (count < atomList.size() && remainingPiCount > 0 && count < iterationMax) {
while (remainingPiCount > knownUnpaired
&& remainingPiCount != oldPiCount) {
oldPiCount = remainingPiCount;
//List atomList = getSortedAtomList();
for (CMLAtom startAtom : atomList) {
// reset stack
atomStack = new Stack();
tempAtomPairList = new ArrayList();
exploreStart1(startAtom, 0);
if (remainingPiCount <= knownUnpaired) {
if (remainingPiCount > 0) {
// reset piMap and remainingPiCount
piMap = new HashMap(piMapCopy);
remainingPiCount = startRemainingPiCount;
// put the first item in the list to the end, to
// change startAtom for next iteration
CMLAtom atom = atomList.get(0);
* explore from this atom. use counts on this and other atoms to decide
* which to include
* @param atom
* @return true if matched (may not be used later)
private int exploreStart1(CMLAtom atom, int level) {
int knownUnpaired = piSystemOptions.getKnownUnpaired();
// LOG.debug(spaces(2*level)+">> "+atom.getId());
// store any bonds formed here
Stack atomPairStack = new Stack();
List ligands = atom.getLigandAtoms();
int count = calculatePiCount(ligands);
// if any electrons left iterate through ligands
int oldPiCount = -1;
while (oldPiCount != remainingPiCount && remainingPiCount > 1) {
oldPiCount = remainingPiCount;
for (CMLAtom ligand : ligands) {
// find next ligand with spare pi
if (lookupPiCount(ligand) > 0) {
// LOG.debug(spaces(2*level)+".. "+ligand.getId());
AtomPair atomPair = null;
// if atom still has pi, add new bond
if (lookupPiCount(atom) > 0) {
atomPair = markAtomPair(atom, ligand, level);
// anything more to do?
int count1 = exploreStart1(ligand, level + 1);
if (remainingPiCount <= knownUnpaired) {
// "+remainingPiCount);
if (count1 > 0) {
count += 1;
unmarkAtomPair(atomPair, "UP", level);
atomPair = null;
} else {
if (count == 0) {
if (level == 0 && remainingPiCount > knownUnpaired) {
// LOG.debug("FAILED, remaining: "+remainingPiCount);
// LOG.debug(spaces(2*level)+"<< "+atom.getId());
return count;
private int calculatePiCount(List ligands) {
int count = 0;
for (CMLAtom ligand : ligands) {
count += lookupPiCount(ligand);
return count;
private void annotateUnmarkedPi() {
// LOG.debug("Anotate unmarked pi");
List atomList = getSortedAtomList();
for (CMLAtom atom : atomList) {
int pi = piMap.get(atom).intValue();
while (pi-- > 0) {
CMLElectron electron = new CMLElectron();
private AtomPair markAtomPair(CMLAtom atom, CMLAtom ligand, int level) {
// LOG.debug(spaces(2*level+2)+"++
// "+atom.getId()+S_MINUS+ligand.getId());
AtomPair bond = new AtomPair(atom, ligand);
addToPi(atom, -1);
addToPi(ligand, -1);
return bond;
private void unmarkAtomPair(AtomPair atomPair, String s, int level) {
if (atomPair != null) {
// LOG.debug(spaces(2*level+2)+"--
// "+atomPair.getAtom1().getId()+S_MINUS+atomPair.getAtom2().getId());
CMLAtom atom = atomPair.getAtom1();
CMLAtom ligand = atomPair.getAtom2();
addToPi(atom, 1);
addToPi(ligand, 1);
private void addToPi(CMLAtom atom, int delta) {
Integer ii = piMap.get(atom);
if (ii != null) {
int iii = ii.intValue() + delta;
if (iii < 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Negative Pi count");
piMap.put(atom, new Integer(iii));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Null Pi count");
remainingPiCount += delta;
* apply tempaorary bond orders permanently.
private void incrementBondOrders() {
// LOG.debug("ATOM PAIR LIST "+finalAtomPairList.size());
List bondList = this.createBondList();
// LOG.debug("BOND LIST "+bondList.size());
if (bondList == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("NULL BOND LIST");
} else {
for (CMLBond bond : bondList) {
* creates a bondList from the atomPairList.
* @return list of bonds
private List createBondList() {
List bondList = new ArrayList();
for (AtomPair atomPair : tempAtomPairList) {
return bondList;
private CMLBond getBond(AtomPair atomPair) {
CMLAtom atom1 = atomPair.getAtom1();
CMLAtom atom2 = atomPair.getAtom2();
if (atom1 == null || atom2 == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Null atom in atomPair " + atomPair);
CMLMolecule molecule = atom1.getMolecule();
CMLBond bond = molecule.getBond(atom1, atom2);
if (bond == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot find bond " + atomPair);
return bond;
* string representation.
* @return the string
public String toString() {
String s = "Atoms: ";
for (CMLAtom atom : atomStack) {
s += CMLConstants.S_SLASH + atom.getId();
// for (AtomPair atomPair : fullBondList) {
// s += CMLConstants.S_SLASH+atomPair;
// }
return s;
private void debugMap() {
int count = 0;
LOG.debug("===debug>>> " + piMap.size());
List atomList = getSortedAtomList();
for (CMLAtom atom : atomList) {
int cc = piMap.get(atom).intValue();
LOG.debug(".." + atom.getId() + ".." + cc);
count += cc;
LOG.debug("===debug<<< " + count);
// =================== utilities ====================
* gets pi count from map.
* @param atom
* @return the pi count
private int lookupPiCount(CMLAtom atom) {
return (piMap.get(atom) == null) ? 0 : piMap.get(atom).intValue();
private List getPiNeighbours(CMLAtom atom) {
List piNeighbours = new ArrayList();
List ligandList = atom.getLigandAtoms();
for (CMLAtom ligand : ligandList) {
if (lookupPiCount(ligand) > 0) {
return piNeighbours;
private String spaces(int level) {
return " ".substring(0, level);
void meaninglessCodeToGetRidOfWarnings() {
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