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org.xmlresolver.loaders.XmlLoader Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.xmlresolver.loaders;

import org.xml.sax.*;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
import org.xmlresolver.*;
import org.xmlresolver.catalog.entry.Entry;
import org.xmlresolver.catalog.entry.EntryCatalog;
import org.xmlresolver.catalog.entry.EntryNull;
import org.xmlresolver.exceptions.CatalogUnavailableException;
import org.xmlresolver.logging.AbstractLogger;
import org.xmlresolver.logging.ResolverLogger;
import org.xmlresolver.utils.PublicId;
import org.xmlresolver.utils.SaxProducer;
import org.xmlresolver.utils.URIUtils;

import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

/** An XML catalog loader.

This loader understands the XML Catalogs 1.1 specification XML catalog syntax.

*/ public class XmlLoader implements CatalogLoader { protected final ResolverConfiguration config; protected final ResolverLogger logger; protected final HashMap catalogMap; private static XMLResolver loaderResolver = null; private boolean preferPublic = true; private boolean archivedCatalogs = true; private EntityResolver entityResolver = null; public XmlLoader(ResolverConfiguration config) { this.config = config; logger = config.getFeature(ResolverFeature.RESOLVER_LOGGER); entityResolver = new CatalogLoaderResolver(); catalogMap = new HashMap<>(); } /** Set the default "prefer public" status for this catalog. * * @param prefer True if public identifiers are to be preferred. */ @Override public void setPreferPublic(boolean prefer) { preferPublic = prefer; } /** Return the current "prefer public" status. * * @return The current "prefer public" status of this catalog loader. */ @Override public boolean getPreferPublic() { return preferPublic; } @Override public void setArchivedCatalogs(boolean allow) { archivedCatalogs = allow; } @Override public boolean getArchivedCatalogs() { return archivedCatalogs; } @Override public void setEntityResolver(EntityResolver resolver) { entityResolver = resolver; } @Override public EntityResolver getEntityResolver() { return entityResolver; } public static synchronized XMLResolver getLoaderResolver() { if (loaderResolver == null) { XMLResolverConfiguration config = new XMLResolverConfiguration(Collections.emptyList(), Collections.emptyList()); config.setFeature(ResolverFeature.PREFER_PUBLIC, true); config.setFeature(ResolverFeature.CATALOG_FILES, Collections.singletonList("classpath:/org/xmlresolver/catalog.xml")); config.setFeature(ResolverFeature.ALLOW_CATALOG_PI, false); config.setFeature(ResolverFeature.CLASSPATH_CATALOGS, false); loaderResolver = new XMLResolver(config); } return loaderResolver; } public EntryCatalog loadCatalog(URI catalog) { if (catalogMap.containsKey(catalog)) { return catalogMap.get(catalog); } try { ResourceRequest request = new ResourceRequest(config); request.setURI(catalog); request.setOpenStream(true); ResourceResponse resp = ResourceAccess.getResource(request); InputSource source = new InputSource(resp.getInputStream()); source.setSystemId(catalog.toString()); EntryCatalog entries = loadCatalog(catalog, source); logger.log(AbstractLogger.CONFIG, "Loaded catalog: %s", catalog); return entries; } catch (CatalogUnavailableException ex) { if (ex.getCause() instanceof FileNotFoundException) { logger.log(AbstractLogger.WARNING, "Failed to load catalog: %s: %s", catalog, ex.getMessage()); catalogMap.put(catalog, new EntryCatalog(config, catalog, null, false)); return catalogMap.get(catalog); } logger.log(AbstractLogger.ERROR, "Failed to load catalog: %s: %s", catalog, ex.getMessage()); catalogMap.put(catalog, new EntryCatalog(config, catalog, null, false)); throw ex; } catch (URISyntaxException | IOException ex) { logger.log(AbstractLogger.ERROR, "Failed to load catalog: %s: %s", catalog, ex.getMessage()); catalogMap.put(catalog, new EntryCatalog(config, catalog, null, false)); throw new CatalogUnavailableException(ex); } } /** * Load the specified catalog from a given input source. * *

This method exists so that a catalog can be loaded even if it doesn't have a URI * that can be dereferenced. It must still have a URI.

* *

The manager maintains a set of the catalogs that it has loaded. If an attempt is * made to load a catalog twice, the previously loaded catalog is returned.

* * @param catalog The catalog URI. * @param source The input source. * @return The parsed catalog. */ public EntryCatalog loadCatalog(URI catalog, InputSource source) { if (catalogMap.containsKey(catalog)) { return catalogMap.get(catalog); } if (!catalog.isAbsolute()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Catalog URIs must be absolute: " + catalog); } URI zipcatalog = null; synchronized (catalogMap) { try { CatalogContentHandler handler = new CatalogContentHandler(config, catalog, preferPublic); Supplier supplier = config.getFeature(ResolverFeature.XMLREADER_SUPPLIER); if (supplier != null) { XMLReader reader = supplier.get(); reader.setContentHandler(handler); reader.setEntityResolver(entityResolver); reader.parse(source); } else { // Wat? SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); spf.setNamespaceAware(true); spf.setValidating(false); spf.setXIncludeAware(false); SAXParser parser = spf.newSAXParser(); parser.getXMLReader().setEntityResolver(entityResolver); parser.parse(source, handler); } EntryCatalog entry = handler.catalog(); catalogMap.put(catalog, entry); } catch (ParserConfigurationException | SAXException | IOException ex) { logger.log(AbstractLogger.ERROR, "Failed to load catalog: " + catalog + ": " + ex.getMessage()); catalogMap.put(catalog, new EntryCatalog(config, catalog, null, false)); if (archivedCatalogs) { zipcatalog = archiveCatalog(catalog); } } } if (zipcatalog != null) { EntryCatalog zipcat = loadCatalog(zipcatalog); catalogMap.put(catalog, zipcat); } return catalogMap.get(catalog); } /** * Load the specified catalog by sending events to the ContentHandler. * *

This method exists so that a catalog can be loaded even if it doesn't have a URI * that can be dereferenced. It must still have a URI because relative URIs in the catalog * will be resolved against it. (If all of the URIs in the catalog are absolute, the catalog * URI is irrelevant.)

* *

To use this approach, you must both add the catalog to the resolver and then * explicitly load the catalog:

* *

For example:

* *
   XMLResolverConfiguration config = new XMLResolverConfiguration();
     *   CatalogManager manager = config.getFeature(ResolverFeature.CATALOG_MANAGER);
     *   URI caturi = URI.create("");
     *   config.addCatalog(caturi.toString());
     *   SaxProducer producer = new CatalogProducer();
     *   manager.loadCatalog(caturi, producer);
* *

If you don't add the catalog to the resolver, it won't be used. If you don't explicitly load * the catalog, the resolver will try to dereference the URI the first time it needs the catalog. * The manager maintains a set of the catalogs that it has loaded so it won't attempt to * load a catalog twice, the previously loaded catalog will be used.

* * @param catalog The catalog URI. * @param producer The producer that delivers SAX events to the handlers. * @return The parsed catalog. */ public EntryCatalog loadCatalog(URI catalog, SaxProducer producer) { if (catalogMap.containsKey(catalog)) { return catalogMap.get(catalog); } if (!catalog.isAbsolute()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Catalog URIs must be absolute: " + catalog); } URI zipcatalog = null; synchronized (catalogMap) { try { CatalogContentHandler handler = new CatalogContentHandler(config, catalog, preferPublic); producer.produce(handler, null, null); EntryCatalog entry = handler.catalog(); catalogMap.put(catalog, entry); } catch (SAXException | IOException ex) { logger.log(AbstractLogger.ERROR, "Failed to load catalog: " + catalog + ": " + ex.getMessage()); catalogMap.put(catalog, new EntryCatalog(config, catalog, null, false)); if (archivedCatalogs) { zipcatalog = archiveCatalog(catalog); } } } if (zipcatalog != null) { EntryCatalog zipcat = loadCatalog(zipcatalog); catalogMap.put(catalog, zipcat); } return catalogMap.get(catalog); } private URI archiveCatalog(URI catalog) { if (!"file".equals(catalog.getScheme())) { // For the moment, let's limit this to file: URIs return null; } // Archive files come in two basic flavors, "top level" and "directory". // In a top level archive, all the files unpack into the current working directory. // In a directory archive, all of the files unpack into a directory under the current working directory // (In other words, they all have a leading directory/ component in their names.) // // We want to support either flavor. // // In a top level archive, if org/xmlresolver/catalog.xml exists, use it. If catalog.xml exists, // use it. If both exist, use org/xmlresolver/catalog.xml // // In a directory archive, if directory/org/xmlresolver/catalog.xml exists, use it. // If directory/catalog.xml exists, use it. If both exist, use directory/org/xmlresolver/catalog.xml // // If none of these conditions apply, there's no catalog for us here. HashSet catalogSet = new HashSet<> (); boolean firstEntry = true; String leadingDir = null; try { URLConnection conn = catalog.toURL().openConnection(); ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(conn.getInputStream()); ZipEntry entry = zip.getNextEntry(); while (entry != null) { if (firstEntry) { int pos = entry.getName().indexOf("/"); if (pos >= 0) { leadingDir = entry.getName().substring(0, pos); } firstEntry = false; } else { if (leadingDir != null) { int pos = entry.getName().indexOf("/"); if (pos < 0 || !leadingDir.equals(entry.getName().substring(0, pos))) { leadingDir = null; } } } if (!entry.isDirectory() && entry.getName().endsWith("catalog.xml")) { catalogSet.add(entry.getName()); } entry = zip.getNextEntry(); } zip.close(); String catpath = null; if (leadingDir != null) { if (catalogSet.contains(leadingDir + "/catalog.xml")) { catpath = "/" + leadingDir + "/catalog.xml"; } if (catalogSet.contains(leadingDir + "/org/xmlresolver/catalog.xml")) { catpath = "/" + leadingDir + "/org/xmlresolver/catalog.xml"; } } else { if (catalogSet.contains("catalog.xml")) { catpath = "/catalog.xml"; } if (catalogSet.contains("org/xmlresolver/catalog.xml")) { catpath = "/org/xmlresolver/catalog.xml"; } } if (catpath != null) { return new URI("jar:file://" + catalog.getPath() + "!" + catpath); } logger.log(AbstractLogger.ERROR, "Failed to find catalog in archived catalog: " + catalog); } catch (IOException|URISyntaxException ex) { logger.log(AbstractLogger.ERROR, "Failed to load archived catalog: " + catalog + ": " + ex.getMessage()); } return null; } private static class CatalogContentHandler extends DefaultHandler { public final ResolverLogger logger; private static final HashSet CATALOG_ELEMENTS = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("group", "public", "system", "rewriteSystem", "delegatePublic", "delegateSystem", "uri", "rewriteURI", "delegateURI", "nextCatalog", "uriSuffix", "systemSuffix")); private static final HashSet TR9401_ELEMENTS = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("doctype", "document", "dtddecl", "entity", "linktype", "notation", "sgmldecl")); private Locator locator = null; private final ResolverConfiguration config; private final Stack parserStack = new Stack<>(); private final Stack preferPublicStack = new Stack<>(); private final Stack baseURIStack = new Stack<>(); private EntryCatalog catalog = null; protected CatalogContentHandler(ResolverConfiguration config, URI uri, boolean preferPublic) { this.config = config; logger = config.getFeature(ResolverFeature.RESOLVER_LOGGER); preferPublicStack.push(preferPublic); baseURIStack.push(uri); } public EntryCatalog catalog() { return catalog; } @Override public void setDocumentLocator (Locator locator) { this.locator = locator; if (catalog != null) { catalog.setLocator(locator); } } @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) { if (parserStack.isEmpty()) { if (ResolverConstants.CATALOG_NS.equals(uri) && "catalog".equals(localName)) { String id = attributes.getValue("", "id"); String prefer = attributes.getValue("", "prefer"); if (prefer != null) { preferPublicStack.push("public".equals(prefer)); if (!"public".equals(prefer) && !"system".equals(prefer)) { logger.log(AbstractLogger.ERROR, "Prefer on " + localName + " is neither 'system' nor 'public': " + prefer); } } catalog = new EntryCatalog(config, baseURIStack.peek(), id, preferPublicStack.peek()); parserStack.push(catalog); if (locator != null) { catalog.setLocator(locator); } } else { logger.log(AbstractLogger.ERROR, "Catalog document is not an XML Catalog (ignored): " + qName); catalog = new EntryCatalog(config, baseURIStack.peek(), null, false); parserStack.push(new EntryNull(config)); } URI baseURI = baseURIStack.peek(); if (attributes.getValue("xml:base") != null) { baseURI = URIUtils.resolve(baseURI, attributes.getValue("xml:base")); } baseURIStack.push(baseURI); preferPublicStack.push(preferPublicStack.peek()); return; } Entry top = parserStack.peek(); if (top.getType() == Entry.Type.NULL) { pushNull(); } else { if (ResolverConstants.CATALOG_NS.equals(uri)) { // Technically, the TR9401 extension elements should be in the TR9401 namespace, // but I'm willing to bet lots of folks get that wrong. Be liberal in what mumble mumble... if (CATALOG_ELEMENTS.contains(localName) || TR9401_ELEMENTS.contains(localName)) { catalogElement(localName, attributes); } else { logger.log(AbstractLogger.ERROR, "Unexpected catalog element (ignored): " + localName); pushNull(); } } else if (ResolverConstants.TR9401_NS.equals(uri)) { if (TR9401_ELEMENTS.contains(localName)) { catalogElement(localName, attributes); } else { logger.log(AbstractLogger.ERROR, "Unexpected catalog element (ignored): " + localName); pushNull(); } } else { pushNull(); } } } private void pushNull() { parserStack.push(new EntryNull(config)); baseURIStack.push(baseURIStack.peek()); preferPublicStack.push(preferPublicStack.peek()); } private void catalogElement(String localName, Attributes attributes) { String id = attributes.getValue("", "id"); String name = attributes.getValue("", "name"); String uri = attributes.getValue("", "uri"); String caturi = attributes.getValue("", "catalog"); String start, prefix, suffix, publicId; URI baseURI = baseURIStack.peek(); if (attributes.getValue("xml:base") != null) { baseURI = URIUtils.resolve(baseURI, attributes.getValue("xml:base")); } boolean preferPublic = preferPublicStack.peek(); Entry entry = new EntryNull(config); switch (localName) { case "group": String prefer = attributes.getValue("", "prefer"); if (prefer != null) { preferPublic = "public".equals(prefer); if (!"public".equals(prefer) && !"system".equals(prefer)) { logger.log(AbstractLogger.ERROR, "Prefer on " + localName + " is neither 'system' nor 'public': " + prefer); } } entry = catalog.addGroup(baseURI, id, preferPublic); break; case "public": // In XML, there will always be a system identifier. publicId = PublicId.normalize(attributes.getValue("", "publicId")); entry = catalog.addPublic(baseURI, id, publicId, uri, preferPublic); break; case "system": String systemId = attributes.getValue("", "systemId"); entry = catalog.addSystem(baseURI, id, systemId, uri); break; case "rewriteSystem": start = attributes.getValue("", "systemIdStartString"); prefix = attributes.getValue("", "rewritePrefix"); entry = catalog.addRewriteSystem(baseURI, id, start, prefix); break; case "systemSuffix": suffix = attributes.getValue("", "systemIdSuffix"); entry = catalog.addSystemSuffix(baseURI, id, suffix, uri); break; case "delegatePublic": start = PublicId.normalize(attributes.getValue("", "publicIdStartString")); entry = catalog.addDelegatePublic(baseURI, id, start, caturi, preferPublic); break; case "delegateSystem": start = attributes.getValue("", "systemIdStartString"); entry = catalog.addDelegateSystem(baseURI, id, start, caturi); break; case "uri": String nature = attributes.getValue(ResolverConstants.RDDL_NS, "nature"); String purpose = attributes.getValue(ResolverConstants.RDDL_NS, "purpose"); entry = catalog.addUri(baseURI, id, name, uri, nature, purpose); break; case "uriSuffix": suffix = attributes.getValue("", "uriSuffix"); entry = catalog.addUriSuffix(baseURI, id, suffix, uri); break; case "rewriteURI": start = attributes.getValue("", "uriStartString"); prefix = attributes.getValue("", "rewritePrefix"); entry = catalog.addRewriteUri(baseURI, id, start, prefix); break; case "delegateURI": start = attributes.getValue("", "uriStartString"); entry = catalog.addDelegateUri(baseURI, id, start, caturi); break; case "nextCatalog": entry = catalog.addNextCatalog(baseURI, id, caturi); break; case "doctype": entry = catalog.addDoctype(baseURI, id, name, uri); break; case "document": entry = catalog.addDocument(baseURI, id, uri); break; case "dtddecl": publicId = attributes.getValue("", "publicId"); entry = catalog.addDtdDecl(baseURI, id, publicId, uri); break; case "entity": entry = catalog.addEntity(baseURI, id, name, uri); break; case "linktype": entry = catalog.addLinktype(baseURI, id, name, uri); break; case "notation": entry = catalog.addNotation(baseURI, id, name, uri); break; case "sgmldecl": entry = catalog.addSgmlDecl(baseURI, id, uri); break; default: // This shouldn't happen! break; } for (int pos = 0; pos < attributes.getLength(); pos++) { if (ResolverConstants.XMLRESOURCE_EXT_NS.equals(attributes.getURI(pos))) { entry.setProperty(attributes.getLocalName(pos), attributes.getValue(pos)); } } parserStack.push(entry); baseURIStack.push(baseURI); preferPublicStack.push(preferPublic); } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) { parserStack.pop(); baseURIStack.pop(); preferPublicStack.pop(); } @Override public InputSource resolveEntity (String publicId, String systemId) throws SAXException, IOException { return getLoaderResolver().getEntityResolver().resolveEntity(publicId, systemId); } } }

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