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This project contains software to support the Object Management Group (OMG) Space Domain Task Force (SDTF) maintained XML Telemetry and Command Exchange (XTCE) specification.

There is a newer version: 1.1.6
Show newest version
# Copyright 2015 David Overeem ([email protected])
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

greetings = Hello
farewell = Goodbye
inquiry = How are you?

general_error = Error
general_error_caps = ERROR
general_warning = Warning
general_warnings = Warnings
general_information = Information
general_true = True
general_false = False
general_back = Backward
general_forward = Forward
general_telemetry = Telemetry
general_argument = Argument
general_telecommand = Telecommand
general_containers = Containers
general_streams = Streams
general_lastresort_exception = Empty Exception Message - Check Software Code
general_copy_cell = Copy Cell
general_because = because
general_copy_row = Copy Row (csv)
general_copy_column = Copy Column
general_copy_table = Copy Table (csv)
general_exporting = Exporting
general_save_text = Save
general_accept_text = Accept
general_dismiss_text = Dismiss
general_add = Add
general_remove = Remove
general_edit = Edit
general_name = Name
general_value = Value
general_no_more_warning = Do Not Warn Again
general_not_implemented = Feature Not Yet Implemented
general_unrecognizedarg = Unrecognized Argument
general_bits = bits
general_href = href
general_mime = Mime
general_repeat = Repeat
general_of = of
general_and = and
general_numberexception = Invalid numeric format
general_because = because
general_bytes = Bytes
general_bits_cap = Bits
general_totalbytes = Total Bytes
general_drawing_tooltip = Right Click for additional options
general_tree_tooltip = Left Click to select or Right Click for additional options
general_tree_doubleclick_go = Double Click to jump to this item
general_tree_noselect_tooltip = No Right Click options on unselected rows

messages_label = Messages
no_messages_text = No Messages

ss_name_text = Space System Name

openfile_default_text_label = ( no file loaded )
openfile_default_schema_label = ( no schema loaded )

file_chooser_xtcexml_text = XML XTCE Files
file_chooser_text_text = Text Files
file_chooser_csv_text = Comma Separated Values
file_chooser_cpp_text = C/C++ Header Files
file_chooser_oscomet_text = OS/Comet Symbol Definitions
file_chooser_incontrol_text = InControl lrv_database XML
file_chooser_xinclude_text = Use XInclude
file_chooser_validate_text = Validate File
file_chooser_readonly_text = Read Only
file_chooser_noload_text = Cannot Read Selected File:
file_chooser_load_time_text = Loaded file in approximately
file_chooser_load_time_unit_text = seconds
file_chooser_save_time_text = Saved file in approximately
file_chooser_schema_disable_text = Warning: Schema Validation Disabled
file_chooser_upgrade_title = Select XTCE File To Convert/Upgrade To XTCE 1.2

file_upgrade_info = This can be a memory intensive operation.\nIf using large files, close any open files before doing a conversion.
file_upgrade_done = Converted database to new file
file_upgrade_load = Conversion Completed\nCheck Messages Area for addition information about the conversion.\nLoad the converted file now?
file_upgrade_count = Data items converted in the database content
file_upgrade_start = Waiting
file_upgrade_step01 = Loading File
file_upgrade_step02 = Converting Twos Complement
file_upgrade_step03 = Converting Enumeration Alarms
file_upgrade_step04 = Converting Message ContainerRef
file_upgrade_step05 = Converting Empty Unit Sets
file_upgrade_step06 = Converting Valid Range Calibrated Attribute
file_upgrade_step07 = Converting CRC
file_upgrade_step08 = Converting Alarm Range Form
file_upgrade_step09 = Converting BlockMetaCommand Argument List
file_upgrade_step10 = Converting Epoch Time of Day Attribute
file_upgrade_step11 = Normalizing XML Document
file_upgrade_step12 = Saving Updated File
file_upgrade_finish = Completed File

file_upgrade_notice_crc = Cannot auto-convert this CRC.  Term elements removed.  Manual intervention required.
file_upgrade_notice_epoch = Cannot auto-convert this Epoch/@timeOfDay.  Attribute @timeOfDay removed.  Manual intervention required.

file_compress_step02 = Compress raw data encoding attributes with default values
file_compress_step03 = Compress calibration test attributes used in several elements
file_compress_step04 = Compress Parameter Properties attributes and remove element if empty
file_compress_step05 = Remove List and Set elements that are unnecessary because of 1 child
file_compress_step06 = Remove identity calibrators that have no effect
file_compress_step07 = Compress simple enumeration types to boolean types
file_compress_step08 = Remove valid ranges that are truisms based on encoding type
file_compress_step09 = Compress types to reduce duplication
file_compress_step10 = Remove container start bit locations that are not needed
file_compress_step11 = Compress additional attributes with default values

file_compress_title = Select XTCE File Compression Options
file_compress_options_title1a = Basic Compression Options
file_compress_options_title1b = (These options do not change the document meaning or structure)
file_compress_options_title2a = Advanced Compression Options
file_compress_options_title2b = (These options may change the document structure)
file_compress_options_xtcens = Use element namespace prefix "xtce"
file_compress_options_defns = Use default element namespace
file_compress_options_1 = Remove most elements and attributes that reflect default values, leaving some that help readability
file_compress_options_2 = Aggressively remove more elements and attributes that reflect default values
file_compress_options_3 = Remove identity calibrators that have no effect
file_compress_options_4 = Remove unnecessary lists when single element variations have the same meaning
file_compress_options_5 = Remove Valid Range elements that are unnecessary because of raw encoding size limits
file_compress_options_6 = Consolidate duplicate type elements
file_compress_options_7 = Convert Enumeration types to Boolean types where possible
file_compress_options_8 = Remove Container Reference Locations where the default is sufficient
file_chooser_compress_title = Select XTCE File To Apply Compression

file_menu_label = File
edit_menu_label = Edit
find_menu_label = Find
show_menu_label = Show
export_menu_label = Export
options_menu_label = Options
help_menu_label = Help

file_menu_open_database_label = Open Database
file_menu_open_recent_database_label = Open Recent Database
file_menu_open_example_label = Open Example Database
file_menu_save_database_label = Save Database
file_menu_close_database_label = Close Database
file_menu_create_database_label = Create Database
file_menu_compress_database_label = Compress Database
file_menu_upgrade_database_label = Upgrade 1.1 Database To 1.2
file_menu_exit_label = Exit

edit_menu_clear_messages_label = Clear Messages

find_menu_spacesystem_label = Space System
find_menu_parameters_label = Parameter
find_menu_containers_label = Container
find_menu_xpath_label = XPath Query

show_menu_expand_label = Expand All SpaceSystem Trees
show_menu_expand_container_tree_label = Expand Container Trees
show_menu_messages_label = Messages Dialog
show_menu_metrics_label = Metrics Dialog

export_menu_parameters_label = Parameters
export_menu_containers_label = Containers
export_menu_telecommands_label = Telecommands

options_menu_validate_schema_label = Validate Schema On Load
options_menu_show_alias_namespaces_label = Show Alias Namespaces
options_menu_set_preferred_namespace_label = Set Preferred Namespace
options_menu_set_recent_files_max_label = Set Recent Files List Max Count
options_menu_clear_recent_files_label = Clear Recent Files List
options_menu_locale_label = Set Locale
options_menu_container_conditionals_label = Show All Container Conditionals
options_menu_container_drawing_orient_label = Container Drawing Orientation
options_menu_container_drawing_l2r_label = Left to Right
options_menu_container_drawing_t2b_label = Top to Bottom
options_menu_edit_document_label = Edit Document

help_menu_schema = On XTCE Schema
help_menu_toolkit = On Toolkit Java API
help_menu_tool = On This Tool
help_menu_current = On Current Tab
help_menu_about = About/Version

options_popup_add_spacesystem = Add Space System
options_popup_delete_spacesystem = Delete Space System
options_popup_edit_spacesystem = Edit Space System
options_popup_showxmlelements = Show XML Element(s)
options_popup_showparameterdetails = Show Parameter Details
options_popup_showparameterusage = Show Parameter Usage
options_popup_showcontainerxml = Show Container XML
options_popup_showtelecommandxml = Show Telecommand XML
options_popup_decodecontainer = Decode Container Binary
options_popup_encodecontainer = Encode Container Binary
options_popup_encdec_values = Encode/Decode Values
options_popup_gotoentry = Go To Item
options_popup_setcondition = Set/Unset Conditional
options_popup_setrepeat = Set Repeat Count Parameter
options_popup_savedrawing = Save Drawing
options_popup_clonecontainer = Clone Drawing
options_popup_showstreamxml = Show Stream XML
options_popup_decodestream = Decode Stream Binary
options_popup_decodetelecommand = Decode Telecommand Binary
options_popup_encodetelecommand = Encode Telecommand Binary

tab_spacesystems_label = SpaceSystems
tab_tmparameters_label = TM Parameters
tab_tcparameters_label = TC Parameters
tab_tmcontainers_label = TM Containers
tab_tcdefinitions_label = TC Definitions
tab_tmstreams_label = TM Streams
tab_tmtypes_label= TM Types
tab_tctypes_label= TC Types

tab_desc_spacesystems_label = Space System Overview
tab_desc_tmparameters_label = Telemetry Parameters
tab_desc_tcparameters_label = Telecommand Parameters
tab_desc_tmcontainers_label = Telemetry Container Details
tab_desc_tcdefinitions_label = Telecommand Definitions
tab_desc_tmstreams_label = Telemetry Stream Definitions

tab_ssdetail_title_text = Space System Overview
tab_ssdetail_longdesc_text = Long Description
tab_ssdetail_aliaslist_text = Alias List
tab_ssdetail_addalias_text = Add New Alias
tab_ssdetail_authorlist_text = Author List
tab_ssdetail_addauthor_text = Add New Author
tab_ssdetail_attr_text = Space System Attributes
tab_ssdetail_opstatus_text = Operational Status
tab_ssdetail_version_text = Version
tab_ssdetail_date_text = Date
tab_ssdetail_classification_text = Classification
tab_ssdetail_classinstruction_text = Classification Instructions
tab_ssdetail_validationstatus_text = Validation Status
tab_ssdetail_shortdesc_text = Short Description
tab_ssdetail_notelist_text = Notes
tab_ssdetail_addnote_text = Add New Note
tab_ssdetail_historylist_text = History Records
tab_ssdetail_addhistory_text = Add New History Record
tab_ssdetail_remove_text = Remove
tab_ssdetail_nslabel_text = NS:
tab_ssdetail_aliaslabel_text = Alias:
tab_ssdetail_recordlabel_text = Record

table_parameters_name_col_label = Name
table_parameters_aliases_col_label = Alias(s)
table_parameters_type_col_label = Type
table_parameters_unit_col_label = Unit(s)
table_parameters_size_col_label = Size
table_parameters_encoding_col_label = Encoding
table_parameters_source_col_label = Source
table_parameters_readonly_col_label = ReadOnly
table_parameters_defaultvalue_col_label = Default Value
table_parameters_desc_col_label = Description
table_parameters_changethreshold_label = Change Threshold
table_parameters_bitorder_label = Bit Order
table_parameters_id_label = Parameter ID
table_parameters_lowval_label = Min Value
table_parameters_lowinc_label = Inc/Exc
table_parameters_highval_label = Max Value
table_parameters_highinc_label = Inc/Exc

table_containers_contname_label = Container Name
table_containers_paramname_label = Parameter Name
table_containers_paramaliases_label = Parameter Alias(s)
table_containers_size_label = Size
table_containers_startbit_label = Start Bit
table_containers_value_label = Value
table_containers_defaultvalue_label = Default Value
table_containers_condition_label = Condition
table_containers_repeat_label = Repeat

table_telecommands_contname_label = Container Name
table_telecommands_fieldtype_label = Field Type
table_telecommands_itemname_label = Field Name
table_telecommands_size_label = Size
table_telecommands_startbit_label = Start Bit
table_telecommands_value_label = Value
table_telecommands_defaultvalue_label = Default Value
table_telecommands_condition_label = Condition
table_telecommands_repeat_label = Repeat
table_telecommands_desc_label = Description

dialog_insignificanterror_title_text = Insignificant Error
dialog_nodatabasetoclose_text = No database to close
dialog_closeconfirmation_text = Close Confirmation
dialog_savefilequestion_text = Would you like to save the file?
dialog_fileisopenchanged_text = A database file is open and has changed.
dialog_nofileopentosave_text = No file is open to save
dialog_nofileisopen_text = No file is open
dialog_unabletoload_text = Unable to load requested file
dialog_restartrequired_text = Restart Required
dialog_intlprefchange_text = Changing internationalization preference requires restart of the tool.
dialog_chooselocale_text = Choose Locale
dialog_intlpreference_text = Internationalization Preference
dialog_totals_text = Totals
dialog_nospacesystemtoadd_text = No parent Space System selected to add into
dialog_failedtoaddspacesystem_text = Failed to add Space System
dialog_addedspacesystem_text = Added Space System
dialog_nospacesystemtodelete_text = No Space System selected to delete
dialog_confirmdelete_spacesystem_text = Delete Space System Confirmation
dialog_confirmdelete_yoursure_text = Are you sure you want to delete this Space System?
dialog_nospacesystemtoedit_text = No Space System selected to edit
dialog_nolocatespacesystem_text = Unable to locate requested Space System
dialog_searchparameters_text = Search Parameters
dialog_nopsacesystemselected_text = No Space System Selected
dialog_parameternotfound_text = Parameter Not Found
dialog_exportparameters_text = Export Parameters
dialog_exportcontainers_text = Export Containers
dialog_exporttelecommands_text = Export Telecommands
dialog_messageslist_text = Messages List
dialog_selectedrownocontainer_text = Selected row does not represent a Container
dialog_selectedrownotelecommand_text = Selected row does not represent a Telecommand
dialog_entermaxfiles_text = Enter maximum number of files on the recently opened list
dialog_nonegativenumber_text = Negative number not reasonable
dialog_invalidinteger_text = Invalid numeric integer for recent file count, value unchanged.
dialog_recentfilesmax_text = Recent Files Max

dialog_metrics_databasetotals_label = Database Totals
dialog_metrics_spacesystemcount_text = Space Systems
dialog_metrics_tmparameters_text = Telemetry Parameters
dialog_metrics_tcparameters_text = Telecommand Parameters
dialog_metrics_totalparameters_text = Total Parameters
dialog_metrics_tmparametertypes_text = Telemetry Parameter Types
dialog_metrics_tcparametertypes_text = Telecommand Parameter Types
dialog_metrics_totalparametertypes_text = Total Parameter Types
dialog_metrics_tcarguments_text = Telecommand Arguments
dialog_metrics_tcargumenttypes_text = Telecommand Argument Types
dialog_metrics_telecommands_text = Telecommands
dialog_metrics_tmcontainers_text = Telemetry Containers
dialog_metrics_tccontainers_text = Telecommand Containers
dialog_metrics_totalcontainers_text = Total Containers

dialog_export_parameters_options_title = Parameter Export Options
dialog_export_parameters_options_csv_text = Comma Separated Values (.csv)
dialog_export_parameters_options_cxx_text = C/C++ Header File (.h)
dialog_export_parameters_options_incng_text = L-3 InControl "lrv_database" (xml)
dialog_export_parameters_options_osc_text = Harris OS/Comet Symbol Definitions (.def)
dialog_export_parameters_options_header_row_text = Include Header Row (Only csv/xls)
dialog_export_parameters_options_ss_2_ns_text = Each SpaceSystem Is Namespace (Only h/def)

dialog_export_containers_options_title = Container Export Options
dialog_export_containers_options_incng_text = L-3 InControl "decom_database" (xml)
dialog_export_containers_options_osc_text = Harris OS/Comet Decom Definitions (.dcmdef)

dialog_export_telecommands_options_title = Telecommand Export Options
dialog_export_telecommands_options_incng_text = L-3 InControl "command_database" (xml)
dialog_export_telecommands_options_osc_text = Harris OS/Comet Command Definitions (.cmd)

dialog_export_notyetimplemented_text = Export not yet implemented:
dialog_export_exporting_text = Exporting:
dialog_export_error_writing = Unable to write output file:
dialog_export_nulldb_message = Cannot create an exporter with a null database object
dialog_export_nullproperties_message = Cannot create an exporter with a null properties object

dialog_findparameter_title = Find Parameters
dialog_findparameter_searchtext_label = Search Text
dialog_findparameter_execute_button = Execute
dialog_findparameter_asname_radiobutton = As Name
dialog_findparameter_asalias_radiobuttom = As Alias
dialog_findparameter_initialresults_text = No Results Yet
dialog_findparameter_goto_button = Go To Selected
dialog_findparameter_dismiss_button = Dismiss Dialog
dialog_findparameter_found = Parameter(s) Found
dialog_findparameter_none = No Results For Search

dialog_findcontainer_title = Find Containers
dialog_findcontainer_contalias_table_text = Container Alias(s)
dialog_findcontainer_found = Container(s) Found

dialog_findtelecommand_title = Find Telecommands
dialog_findtelecommand_tcname_table_text = Telecommand Name
dialog_findtelecommand_tcalias_table_text = Telecommand Alias(s)
dialog_findtelecommand_found = Telecommand(s) Found

dialog_findcontainersbyparameter_wintitle = Parameter Usage Search
dialog_findcontainersbyparameter_title = Parameter Found In The Following Containers
dialog_findcontainersbyparameter_found = Container(s) Found
dialog_findcontainersbyparameter_none = No Containers Found For Parameter

dialog_xpathquery_title = XPath Query Dialog
dialog_xpathquery_qline = Xpath Statement
dialog_xpathquery_execute = Execute
dialog_xpathquery_save = Save Query
dialog_xpathquery_delete = Delete Query
dialog_xpathquery_noresults = No Results Yet
dialog_xpathquery_results = Results

dialog_param_encdec_title = Generate Sample Values
dialog_param_encdec_eucal = EU/Calibrated Value
dialog_param_encdec_uncal = Uncalibrated Value
dialog_param_encdec_raw = Raw Value
dialog_param_encdec_rawbin = Raw Binary Bit Set
dialog_param_encdec_gen_uncalraw = Generate Uncal & Raw
dialog_param_encdec_gen_eucalraw = Generate EU/Cal & Raw
dialog_oaram_encdec_gen_eucaluncal = Generate EU/Cal & Uncal

dialog_paramdetail_title = Parameter Detail Display
dialog_paramdetail_pdesc = Parameter Description
dialog_paramdetail_name = Name
dialog_paramdetail_aliases = Alias(s)
dialog_paramdetail_units = Units
dialog_paramdetail_subsys = Subsystem
dialog_paramdetail_source = Source
dialog_paramdetail_readonly = Read Only
dialog_paramdetail_sdesc = Short Description
dialog_paramdetail_ldesc = Long Description
dialog_paramdetail_enc = Encoding Information
dialog_paramdetail_etype = Engineering Type
dialog_paramdetail_rtype = Encoding Type
dialog_paramdetail_rsize = Encoding Size
dialog_paramdetail_ptypename = Type Name
dialog_paramdetail_bitorder = Bit Order
dialog_paramdetail_cthreshold = Change Threshold
dialog_paramdetail_ivalue = Default Value
dialog_paramdetail_rangelow = Range Low
dialog_paramdetail_rangehigh = Range High
dialog_paramdetail_rangescope = Range Scope
dialog_paramdetail_inclusive = Inclusive
dialog_paramdetail_ptyperef = Parameter Type Reference
dialog_paramdetail_defaulttab = Default
dialog_paramdetail_tabenums = Enumerations
dialog_paramdetail_tabenumstitle = Enumeration/Multistate Table
dialog_paramdetail_enumshex = Show Values In Hex
dialog_paramdetail_enumslabel = Label
dialog_paramdetail_enumsvalue = Value
dialog_paramdetail_enumsdesc = Description
dialog_paramdetail_tabpolycal = Polynomial Calibrators
dialog_paramdetail_polycal = Polynomial Calibrator
dialog_paramdetail_coeff = Coefficient
dialog_paramdetail_tabslinecal = Spline Calibrators
dialog_paramdetail_splinecaltitle = Spline Calibrator / Piecewise Function
dialog_paramdetail_splineraw = Raw Value
dialog_paramdetail_splinecal = Calibrated Value
dialog_paramdetail_tabmathcal = Math Calibrators
dialog_paramdetail_mathcaltitle = Math Operation Calibrator
dialog_paramdetail_postfix_expression = Postfix Expression (RPN)
dialog_paramdetail_infix_expression = Infix Expression
dialog_paramdetail_tabalarm = Alarm Definitions
dialog_paramdetail_tabancdata = Ancillary Data

dialog_parameter_xml_title = Parameter XML
dialog_container_xml_title = Container XML
dialog_stream_xml_title = Stream XML
dialog_telecommand_xml_title = Telecommand XML
dialog_argument_xml_title = Argument XML

dialog_param_xml_def = Parameter Definition
dialog_paramtype_xml_def = Parameter Type Definition
dialog_arg_xml_def = Argument Definition
dialog_argtype_xml_def = Argument Type Definition

dialog_decodecontainer_title1 = Decode Container
dialog_decodecontainer_title2 = Decode Stream
dialog_decodecontainer_decodebutton = Decode Binary
dialog_decodecontainer_hex1 = Supply Hexadecimal Binary
dialog_decodecontainer_hex2 = (whitespace, newlines, commas, and semicolons will be ignored)
dialog_decodecontainer_cont1 = Container Contents
dialog_decodecontainer_cont2 = [ Name (Alias) ] [ EU/Calibrated Value ] [ Uncalibrated Value ] [ Raw Value ]
dialog_decodecontainer_error_notype = Unsupported decoding object type
dialog_decodecontainer_error_hex = Hex string input appears to be malformed.

dialog_decodetelecommand_title1 = Decode Telecommand

dialog_encodecontainer_title1 = Encode Container
dialog_encodecontainer_title2 = Encode Stream
dialog_encodecontainer_hex1 = Output Hexadecimal Binary
dialog_encodecontainer_error_notype = Unsupported encoding object type

dialog_encodetelecommand_title1 = Encode Telecommand

dialog_xmlsingle_container = Container XML Contents
dialog_xmlsingle_stream = Stream XML Contents
dialog_xmlsingle_telecommand = Telecommand XML Contents

dialog_namespace_title = Select Alias Namespace Preferences
dialog_namespace_showall = Show All Namespaces
dialog_namespace_entry = NameSpace
dialog_namespace_instr1 = Choose the namespace to prefer on the display.
dialog_namespace_instr2 = OR
dialog_namespace_instr3 = Check the box to show all Aliases defined for Parameters/Arguments.

dialog_about_title = XTCE Viewer/Editor/Library Software
dialog_about_description = Description
dialog_about_license = License
dialog_about_version = Version
dialog_about_read_failed = Failed to read file:

file_save_error_message = Unable to save requested file:
file_create_message = Created new database file for Space System: 
file_create_error_message = Unable to create new database:

spacesystem_remove_message = Removed Space System:
spacesystem_remove_error_message = Failed to delete Space System:

rightclick_xml_no_tm_spacesystem_error_message = No Space System selected to locate parameter on right click for TM
rightclick_xml_no_tc_spacesystem_error_message = No Space System selected to locate parameter on right click for TC
rightclick_xml_no_tm_container_error_message = No TM Container selected to locate parameter on right click for TM
rightclick_container_table_error_message = Unrecognized Row Type on Container Table
rightclick_container_table_null_error_message = Selected row does not contain a Parameter or Container
rightclick_container_table_noconditions_message = No conditions on this row to set true
rightclick_container_table_nocounter_message = No parameter for this repeat entry count
rightclick_container_noselection_message = No Container Selected
rightclick_telecommand_noselection_message = No Telecommand Selected
rightclick_stream_noselection_message = No Stream Selected

uncaught_exception_error_title = Uncaught Error Handler

preference_save_error_message = Trouble saving preference, application will try again later.
preference_save_log_message = Unable to save preferences:

error_invalid_parametertype = ERROR: Invalid type for parameter
error_invalidxmlfile = Requested XML Document is not an XTCE Document
error_rootssnodelete = Root SpaceSystem cannot be deleted
error_ssnotfound = Space System not found
error_addrootss = Root SpaceSystem is made with Create Database Menu Item
error_ssexists = already exists at
error_isreadonly = File was opened read-only
error_urlnotfound = Unable to read requested URL resource
error_bad_abstime_handler = Bad absolute time handler implementation
error_noabstime_handler = No Absolute Time handler registered for this item element
error_encdec_notype = No type information for this parameter, uncalibration may be possible, but not raw conversion.
error_encdec_norawsize = Cannot encode/decode parameter without a numeric raw size in bits.  Size is
error_encdec_rawbitorder = Raw bit order not supported
error_encdec_rawenctype = Raw encoding for type named
error_encdec_rawtypenotsupported = Raw encoding type not yet supported
error_encdec_engtypenotsupported = Engineering type not yet supported
error_encdec_entrynotsupported = Entry type not yet supported
error_encdec_noraw_nosizeinbits = Cannot extract a raw value because there is no encoding size in bits for
error_encdec_nostartbit = Unable to determine start bit position for
error_encdec_binarytoosmall = Container binary too small for item requested
error_encdec_binarysize = binary size in bits
error_encdec_binaryinvalid = Invalid value for binary encoding of
error_encdec_binarynegative = Negative values do not have a meaning in a binary context.
error_encdec_stringinvalid = Invalid string value for encoding of raw type
error_encdec_decimalinvalid = Invalid decimal value for encoding of raw type
error_encdec_aggregate = AGGREGATE/STRUCTURE types cannot be directly encoded.  Instead, use the member parameters.
error_encdec_array = ARRAY types cannot be directly encoded.  Instead, use the array elements instead.
error_encdec_itemstart = item start bit
error_encdec_itemlength = item length in bits
error_encdec_value_violation = Value applied violates restricted value, perhaps this is the wrong container
error_encdec_value_request = value requested
error_encdec_value_restriction = value restricted to
error_encdec_restrict_param = Restriction cannot be applied with Parameter
error_encdec_restrict_cont = because it does not appear in container
error_encdec_restrict_failed = Adding restriction failed for parameter
error_encdec_include_failed = Adding include condition failed for parameter
error_encdec_cannot_find_parameter = Cannot find parameter reference to
error_encdec_in_container = in container
error_encdec_looking_for_container = not found when looking for container
error_encdec_looking_for_telecommand = not found when looking for telecommand
error_encdec_unknown_calibrator = Unknown calibrator element provided in the document.  Returning uncalibrated value.
error_encdec_unsupported_calibrator = MathOperationCalibrator is not supported.  Returning uncalibrated value.
error_encdec_nopolyterms = No terms specified for the polynomial calibrator.
error_encdec_norealroots = Polynomial calibrator has no real roots for calibrated value
error_encdec_maxexponent = Polynomial calibrator has an exponent greater than 2, which is the maximum uncalibration exponent supported.
error_encdec_polyroots = Polynomial calibrator contains roots of
error_encdec_notinrange = neither of which are in the range of
error_encdec_forrawtype = for encoding the raw type
error_encdec_noextrapolate = Extrapolation is not yet supported in spline calibrators.
error_encdec_minpoints = Spline calibrator does not have at least 2 points to work from.
error_encdec_orderapprox = Unsupported order of approximation for spline points of
error_encdec_onlylinear = Only flat and linear orders 0 and 1 are supported.
error_encdec_infslope = Spline calibrator has infinite slope between calibrated values
error_encdec_noboundval = Spline calibrator does not extrapolate and does not bound calibrated value
error_encdec_neededforval = It is needed to reach the calibrated value of
error_encdec_unsupported_math_operator = Unsupported math operator
error_encdec_unsupported_math_element = Unsupported MathOperation element
error_encdec_parameterinstanceref_not_found = ParameterInstanceRef not found
error_encdec_invalid_postfix_expression = Invalid postfix expression evaluation, stack size is
error_encdec_divide_zero = Division by zero in expression

error_tmp = TM Parameter
error_tcp = TC Parameter
error_tmc = TM Container
error_tcc = TC Container
error_not_in_ss = not found in Space System
error_tc_form_in_ss = not well formed in Space System
error_arg_not_in_tc = not found in telecommand
error_cont_not_found = Unable to locate container
error_from_tc = from telecommand
error_no_base_tc = Unable to locate XML BaseMetaCommand Reference

error_missing_ext = Missing File Extension
error_cannot_save_image = Unable to save image file
error_stream_unsupported = Stream is an unsupported type from the XTCE schema
error_param_invalid_type = parameter does not have a valid type reference in the document
error_parammember_invalid_type = parameter member does not have a valid type reference in the document
error_stream_binaryinvalid = Unable to process binary for desired stream
error_time_badepoch = Cannot register because the epoch string is not properly formatted
error_xpath_readonly = XPath cannot be used when loading Read-Only
error_save_nochange = No changes to save
error_stream_notfound = Cannot locate stream in document

warning_encdec_containeritem = Container entry item
warning_encdec_overlapsitem = overlaps item
warning_encdec_atbitpos = at bit position

warning_contproc_containername = Processed Container
warning_contproc_exceedsmax = exceeds fixed size value
warning_contproc_sizeinbitsdef = defined in container BinaryEncoding/SizeInBits

warning_drawing_too_wide = Drawing not shown for rows greater than

memstats_title = Memory Statistics
memstats_freemem = free memory
memstats_allocmem = allocated memory
memstats_maxmem = max memory
memstats_totalfreemem = total free memory

ss_processed = Processed Space System
ss_processed_contains = contains
ss_tmparameters = TM Parameters
ss_tcparameters = TC Parameters
ss_cont_processed = Processed Container
ss_cont_rowsoccupied = rows occupying
ss_cont_bits = bits
ss_processed_tc = Processed Telecommand
ss_processed_stream = Processed Stream
ss_stream_containing = containing

xml_bad_configuration = Bad Configuration
xml_fatal_parse = XML Fatal
xml_io_fatal = IO Fatal
xml_schema_warning = XML Schema Compliance Warning
xml_schema_error = XML Schema Compliance Error
xml_schema_fatal = XML Schema Compliance Fatal
xml_fallback_ignore = reverting to fallback
xml_marshal_notype = Item has no type defined
xml_marshal_error_type = Failed to create XML from typed object because
xml_marshal_error_parameter = Failed to create XML from parameter or member because
xml_marshal_error_argument = Failed to create XML from argument or member because
xml_marshal_error_container = Failed to create XML from container because
xml_marshal_error_stream = Failed to create XML from stream because
xml_marshal_error_telecommand = Failed to create XML because
xml_marshal_error_string = Failed to create XML string because
xml_element_not_yet_supported = element is not yet supported for entry
xml_element_error_evaluation = element could not be evaluated for entry
xml_element_assignment_not_found1 = Argument Assignment for telecommand
xml_element_assignment_not_found2 = specifies argument named
xml_element_assignment_not_found3 = and it does not exist in base MetaCommands
xml_array_type_not_found = No type reference found for array
xml_jaxbcontext_error = Logic error in program, unable to create JAXB context
xml_dynamic_count_numeric_error = Numeric count not valid for Dynamic Repeat entry item
xml_dynamic_count_missing_error = Numeric count missing for Dynamic Repeat entry item
xml_dynamic_count_assume1 = assuming only 1 to proceed
xml_incomplete_element = element incomplete in container

not_implemented_edit_feature = This editing feature is not yet implemented

milstd_error_bitsize = Invalid MILSTD-1750A encoding bit size

usage01 = No arguments launches the user interface normally.
usage02 = Options relevant to loading a file on startup:
usage03 = (loads an XTCE file on startup)
usage04 = (apply XIncludes - default)
usage05 = (do not apply XIncludes)
usage06 = (do XSD validation on load)
usage07 = (no XSD validation on load - default)
usage08 = (load the file read only - default)
usage09 = (load the file for writing/saving)
usage11 = (maximize window on start - use for Webswing tool)
usage10 = To load custom time handler classes/shared libs:

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