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* Copyright 2021 Yak.Works - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
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import groovy.json.JsonParserType
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import groovy.transform.builder.Builder
import groovy.transform.builder.SimpleStrategy
import groovy.util.logging.Slf4j
import yakworks.api.HttpStatus
import static
import static
import static
* Builder arguments for a query to pass from controllers etc to the MangoQuery
* Can think of it a bit like a SQL query.
* This holds
* - what we want to select (includes)
* - projections if it s projection query (projections)
* - the where conditions (criteria)
* - the orderBy (sort)
* - and how we want the paging to be handled (pager), number of items per page, etc..
* contains some intermediary fields such as 'q' that are used to parse it into what we need
@Builder(builderStrategy= SimpleStrategy, prefix="")
class QueryArgs {
List ignoreKeys = ['controller', 'action', 'format', 'nd', '_search', 'includes', 'includesKey' ]
* extra closure that can be passed to MangoCriteria
Closure closure
* when true , in build method, will only add params under q.
* When false(default) and no q is present build will add any param thats not special(like max, sort, page, etc)
* into q as a criteria param.
boolean isStrict = false
* when true, then criteria is required.
boolean qRequired = false
* Criteria map to pass to the MangoBuilder. when QueryArgs is built from query params, then this is the q=...
Map qCriteria = [:] as Map
* The Pager instance for paged list queries
Pager pager
* holder for sort configuration to make it easier to grok
* The key is the field, can be dot path for nested like
* The value is either 'asc' or 'desc'
Map sort
* holder for projections
* The key is the field, can be dot path for nested like
* The value is one of 'group', 'sum', 'count'
Map projections
* Construct from a pager
static QueryArgs of(Pager pager){
def qa = new QueryArgs()
qa.pager = pager
return qa
* Construct from a controller style params object where each key has as string value
* just as if it came from a url
static QueryArgs of(Map params){
def qa = new QueryArgs()
* Construct from a mango closure
static QueryArgs of(@DelegatesTo(MangoDetachedCriteria) Closure closure){
def qa = new QueryArgs()
return qa.query(closure)
static QueryArgs withProjections(Map projs){
def qa = new QueryArgs()
return qa.projections(projs)
* Intelligent defaults to setup the criteria and pager from the controller style params map
* - looks for q param and parse if json object (starts with {)
* - or sets up the $qSearch map if its text
* - if qSearch is provided as separate param along with q then adds it as a $qSearch
* - for any of above options for $qSearch sets up object with configured qSearchIncludes
* Pager
* - if pager key is passed in then uses that
* - removes 'max', 'offset', 'page' and sets up pager object if not passed in
* Sort and Order
* - sets up an '$sort' map if sort or order key are passed in
* Translates q from json
* example params= [q: "{foo: 'test*'}", sort:'foo', page: 2, offset: 10]
* criteria= [foo:'test*', $sort:'foo'] and pager will be setup
* Transalates qSearch fields when q is a string
* params= [q: "foo", qSearchFields:['name', 'num']]
* criteria= [$q: [text: "foo", 'fields': ['name', 'num']
* @param paramsMap the params to parse, this is clones and no changes will be made to it
* @return this instance
QueryArgs build(Map paramsMap){
//copy it
Map params = Maps.clone(paramsMap) as Map
//remove the fields that grails adds for controller and action
// FIXME this is done in EntityResponder now but if thats no uses, call this
params.removeAll {it.key in ignoreKeys }
// pull out the max, page and offset and assume the rest is criteria,
// if pager is already set then we do nothing with the pagerMap
Map pagerMap = [:]
['max', 'offset', 'page'].each{ String k ->
if(params.containsKey(k)) pagerMap[k] = params.remove(k)
// if no pager was set then use what we just removed to set one up
if(!pager) pager = Pager.of(pagerMap)
//sorts and orderBy
String orderBy = params.remove('order') ?: 'asc'
def sortField = params.remove('sort')
if(sortField) sort = buildSort(sortField, orderBy)
def projField = params.remove('projections')
if(projField) projections = buildProjections(projField)
// check for and remove the q param
// whatever is in q if its parsed as a map and set to the criteria so it overrides everything
def qParam = params.q ? params.remove('q') : params.remove(CRITERIA)
if(qParam && qParam instanceof String) qParam = qParam.trim()
if(qParam) {
if (qParam instanceof String) {
String qString = qParam as String
Map parsedMap
//if the q param start with { then assume its json and parse it
//the parsed map will be set to the criteria.
if (qString.trim().startsWith('{')) {
qCriteria = parseJson(qString)
} else {
//if its just a string then its assumed its a quick search, see below as it can be explicitely passed too
qCriteria[QSEARCH] = qString
//as is, mostly for testing and programtic stuff
else if(qParam instanceof Map) {
qCriteria = qParam as Map
//if no q was passed in then use whatever is left in the params as the criteria if strict is false
else if(!isStrict){
qCriteria = params
//now check if qSearch was passed as a separate param and its doesn't already exists in the criteria
String qSearchParam = params.remove('qSearch')
if(qSearchParam && !qCriteria.containsKey(QSEARCH)){
qCriteria[QSEARCH] = qSearchParam
// if sort was populated, add it to the criteria with the $sort if its doesn't exist
// if(sort && !criteria.containsKey(MangoOps.SORT) ) {
// criteria[MangoOps.SORT] = sort
// }
return this
* builds a COPY of qCrieria merged with sort if it exists and removes the $qSearch=* if it exists
Map buildCriteria(){
Map criterium = qCriteria
// if sort was populated, add it to the criteria with the $sort if its doesn't exist
if(sort && !qCriteria.containsKey(SORT) ) {
criterium = qCriteria + ([(SORT): sort] as Map)
//remove the qSearch=* if its been passed in.
if(criterium.containsKey(QSEARCH) && criterium[QSEARCH] == "*") criterium.remove(QSEARCH)
return criterium
* Throws IllegalArgumentException if qRequired is true.
* This forces it to pick up the q params in case it accidentally or inadvertantly dropped off.
* Can bypass this by passing in q=* or qSearch=*
* @throws DataProblemException
void validateQ(){
//FIXME we wouldnt need it if manual query parsing / lost params issue is fixed - See #1924
if(qRequired && !qCriteria){
throw DataProblem.of('')
.status(HttpStatus.I_AM_A_TEAPOT) //TODO 418 error for now so its easy to add to retry as it gets droppped sometimes
.title("q or qSearch parameter restriction is required").toException()
* if the string is known to be json then parse the json and returns the map
* also adds in the includes if its has a $qSearch prop
Map parseJson(String qString){
//jsonSlurper LAX allows fields to not be quoted
JsonSlurper jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper().setType(JsonParserType.LAX)
// parseText returns LazyValueMap which will throw `Not that kind of map` when trying to add new key
Map parsedMap = new HashMap(jsonSlurper.parseText(qString) as Map)
return parsedMap
* parses the sort string. if its just a simple string without , or : then creates a
* asc sort map. if its starts with { then parses as json.
* sort string should be in one of the following formats
* - simple field name such as 'name'
* - field seperated by : such as 'name:desc'
* - multiple fields seperated by comma, ex: 'num:asc, name:desc'
* - json in same format as above, ex '{num:"asc", name:"desc"}' but parses simply by stripping out the { and "
* @param sortObj see above for valid options
* @param orderBy only relevant if sortText is a single sort string with field name
* @return the sort Map or null if failed
Map buildSort(Object sortObj, String orderBy = 'asc'){
if(sortObj instanceof Map) {
return sortObj
} else if(sortObj instanceof String) {
//make sure its trimmed
String sortText = sortObj.trim()
Map sortMap = [:] as Map
//sort just looks like json in case api programmer wants to be consistent.
//but its a query param and we really expect it in the format like sort=foo:asc,bar:desc
// so we convert something passes as json like q={"foo":"asc","bar":"desc"} by simply stripping out the " and the {
// We DONT use json pareser since it messes up the order, and the order matters here.
sortText = sortText.replaceAll(/[}{'"]/, "")
//will only be one item in list if no ',' token
List sortList = sortText.tokenize(',')*.trim() as List
for (String sortEntry : sortList) {
if (sortText.contains(':')) {
List sortTokens = sortEntry.tokenize(':')*.trim() as List
sortMap[sortTokens[0]] = sortTokens[1]
} else {
//its should just a field name
sortMap[sortEntry] = orderBy
return sortMap
} else {
log.error("sort argument must be map or string")
return [:]
* parses the projection string. If it start with { and will parse as json.
* parse string should be in one of the following formats
* - fields seperated by comma, ex: 'type:group,calc.totalDue:sum'
* - json in same format as above, ex '{type:"group", "calc.totalDue":"sum"}'
* @param projText see above for valid options
* @return the projection Map or null if failed
Map buildProjections(Object projectionsObj){
if(projectionsObj instanceof Map) {
return projectionsObj
} else if(projectionsObj instanceof String){
//make sure its trimmed
String projText = (projectionsObj as String).trim()
Map projMap = [:] as Map
//for convienience we allow the { to be left off so we add it if it is
if (!projText.startsWith('{')) projText = "{$projText}"
projMap = parseJson(projText) as Map
return projMap
} else {
log.error("projection argument must be map or string")
return [:]
QueryArgs query(@DelegatesTo(MangoDetachedCriteria) Closure closure) {
this.closure = closure
return this
* looks for the qsearch fields for this entity and returns the map
* like [text: "foo", 'fields': ['name', 'num']]
* if no qSearchFields then its just returns [text: "foo"]
// Map makeQSearchMap(String searchText){
// Map qMap = [text: searchText] as Map
// if (qSearchFields) {
// qMap['fields'] = qSearchFields
// }
// return qMap
// }