gorm.tools.transaction.WithTrx.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2019 Yak.Works - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
* You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
package gorm.tools.transaction
import javax.inject.Inject
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import groovy.transform.stc.ClosureParams
import groovy.transform.stc.SimpleType
* adds transaction methods to any class. relies on Gorms transactionService.
* @author Joshua Burnett (@basejump)
* @since 6.1
trait WithTrx {
TrxService trxService
* Executes the given callable within the context of a transaction with the given definition
* @param definition The transaction definition as a map
* @param callable The callable The callable
* @return The result of the callable
// public T withTrx(Map definition, @ClosureParams(value = SimpleType.class,
// options = "org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus") Closure callable) {
// if(!transactionService) transactionService = AppCtx.get("transactionService",TransactionService)
// transactionService.withTransaction(definition, callable)
// }
* Executes the given callable within the context of a transaction with the given definition
* @param callable The callable The callable
* @return The result of the callable
public T withTrx(@ClosureParams(value = SimpleType,
options = "org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus") Closure callable) {
public T withNewTrx(@ClosureParams(value = SimpleType,
options = "org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus") Closure callable) {
public T withReadOnlyTrx(@ClosureParams(value = SimpleType,
options = "org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus") Closure callable) {
public T withSession(Closure callable){
getTrxService().withSession callable