gorm.tools.mango.jpql.JpqlQueryBuilder.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2011 Yak.Works - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
* You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
package gorm.tools.mango.jpql
import javax.persistence.criteria.JoinType
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.AbstractPersistentEntity
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.PersistentEntity
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.PersistentProperty
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.Association
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.ToOne
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.AssociationQuery
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.Query
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api.AssociationCriteria
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.api.QueryableCriteria
import org.springframework.boot.convert.ApplicationConversionService
import org.springframework.core.convert.ConversionService
import org.springframework.core.convert.support.GenericConversionService
import org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException
import gorm.tools.mango.MangoDetachedCriteria
import gorm.tools.utils.GormMetaUtils
import grails.gorm.DetachedCriteria
import yakworks.commons.map.Maps
* Builds JPQL String-based queries from the DetachedCriteria.
* Used for projections and aggregate based queries as the criteria interface is limited there
* Based on org.grails.datastore.mapping.query.jpa.JpaQueryBuilder
* @author Joshua Burnett (@basejump)
* @since 7.0.8
//FIXME refactor later
@SuppressWarnings(['BuilderMethodWithSideEffects', 'AbcMetric', 'ParameterCount', 'ExplicitCallToEqualsMethod', 'ClassSize', 'MethodSize'])
class JpqlQueryBuilder {
private static final String DISTINCT_CLAUSE = "DISTINCT "
private static final String ORDER_BY_CLAUSE = " ORDER BY "
private static final char COMMA = ','
private static final char DOT = '.'
private static final String PARAMETER_PREFIX = ":p"
private Map queryHandlers = [:]
private Query.Junction criteria
private Query.ProjectionList projectionList = new Query.ProjectionList()
private List orders = Collections.emptyList()
//the main root entity alias, will normall be just the decapitalized name
private String entityAlias
PersistentEntity entity
boolean hibernateCompatible
//wraps the SELECT in a new map( ...) when true
boolean aliasToMap
Map joinTypes
Map projectionAliases = [:]
Map propertyAliases = [:]
List groupByList = []
List selectList = []
boolean allowJoins = true
ConversionService conversionService = ApplicationConversionService.getSharedInstance()
//ConversionService conversionService = new GenericConversionService()
// JpqlQueryBuilder(QueryableCriteria criteria) {
// this(criteria.getPersistentEntity(), criteria.getCriteria())
// }
// JpqlQueryBuilder(PersistentEntity entity, List criteria) {
// this(entity, new Query.Conjunction(criteria))
// }
// JpqlQueryBuilder(PersistentEntity entity, List criteria, Query.ProjectionList projectionList) {
// this(entity, new Query.Conjunction(criteria), projectionList)
// }
// JpqlQueryBuilder(PersistentEntity entity, List criteria, Query.ProjectionList projectionList, List orders) {
// this(entity, new Query.Conjunction(criteria), projectionList, orders)
// }
JpqlQueryBuilder(PersistentEntity entity, Query.Junction criteria) {
this.entity = entity
this.criteria = criteria
this.entityAlias = entity.getDecapitalizedName()
JpqlQueryBuilder(PersistentEntity entity) {
this.entity = entity
this.entityAlias = entity.getDecapitalizedName()
// JpqlQueryBuilder(PersistentEntity entity, Query.Junction criteria, Query.ProjectionList projectionList) {
// this(entity, criteria)
// this.projectionList = projectionList
// }
// JpqlQueryBuilder(PersistentEntity entity, Query.Junction criteria, Query.ProjectionList projectionList, List orders) {
// this(entity, criteria, projectionList)
// this.orders = orders
// }
static JpqlQueryBuilder of(MangoDetachedCriteria crit){
var jqb = new JpqlQueryBuilder(crit.persistentEntity, new Query.Conjunction(crit.criteria) )
// List criteria = crit.getCriteria()
// jqb.criteria = new Query.Conjunction(criteria)
jqb.propertyAliases = crit.propertyAliases
jqb.joinTypes = Maps.clone(crit.getJoinTypes())
List projections = crit.getProjections()
for (Query.Projection projection : projections) {
jqb.orders = crit.getOrders()
return jqb
JpqlQueryBuilder entityAlias(String v){
this.entityAlias = v
return this
* wraps the SELECT in a new map( ...)
JpqlQueryBuilder aliasToMap(boolean val){
this.aliasToMap = val
return this
public void setHibernateCompatible(boolean hibernateCompatible) {
this.hibernateCompatible = hibernateCompatible
* Builds an UPDATE statement.
* @param propertiesToUpdate THe properties to update
* @return The JpaQueryInfo object
public JpqlQueryInfo buildUpdate(Map propertiesToUpdate) {
if (propertiesToUpdate.isEmpty()) {
throw new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException("No properties specified to update")
// allowJoins = false
StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder("UPDATE ${entity.getName()} ${entityAlias}")
List parameters = []
buildUpdateStatement(queryString, propertiesToUpdate, parameters)
StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder()
buildWhereClause(queryString, whereClause, entityAlias, parameters)
return new JpqlQueryInfo(queryString.toString(), parameters)
* Builds a DELETE statement
* @return The JpaQueryInfo
public JpqlQueryInfo buildDelete() {
StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder("DELETE ${entity.getName()} ${entityAlias}")
StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder()
allowJoins = false
List parameters = buildWhereClause(queryString, whereClause, entityAlias)
return new JpqlQueryInfo(queryString.toString(), parameters)
* Builds SELECT statement
* @return The JpaQueryInfo
JpqlQueryInfo buildSelect() {
StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder("SELECT ")
StringBuilder whereClause= new StringBuilder()
List parameters = []
if (!criteria.isEmpty()) {
parameters = buildWhereClause(queryString, whereClause, entityAlias, parameters)
if (!criteria.isEmpty() && projectionAliases) {
buildHavingClause(queryString, entityAlias, parameters)
appendOrder(queryString, entityAlias)
var jqInfo = new JpqlQueryInfo(queryString.toString(), parameters)
jqInfo.where = whereClause.toString()
return jqInfo
void buildGroup(StringBuilder queryString){
queryString.append(" GROUP BY ")
for (Iterator i = groupByList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
String val = (String) i.next()
if (i.hasNext()) {
private void buildSelectClause(StringBuilder queryString) {
Query.ProjectionList projectionList = this.projectionList
String logicalName = this.entityAlias
PersistentEntity entity = this.entity
buildSelect(queryString, projectionList.getProjectionList(), logicalName, entity)
queryString.append(" FROM ${entity.getName()} AS ${logicalName}")
joinTypes.each { k, v ->
if(v == JoinType.LEFT){
queryString.append(" LEFT JOIN ${logicalName}.${k}")
void appendAlias( StringBuilder queryString, String projField, String name, String aliasPrefix){
String aliasKey = "${aliasPrefix}_${name}"
String propalias = propertyAliases.containsKey(aliasKey) ? propertyAliases[aliasKey] : name.replace('.', '_')
propalias = "${propalias}"
.append(' as ')
projectionAliases[propalias] = projField
void buildSelect(StringBuilder queryString, List projectionList, String logicalName, PersistentEntity entity) {
if (projectionList.isEmpty()) {
else {
queryString.append("new map( ")
for (Iterator i = projectionList.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Query.Projection projection = (Query.Projection) i.next()
if (projection instanceof Query.CountProjection) {
String projField = "COUNT(${logicalName})"
appendAlias(queryString, projField, logicalName, 'COUNT')
else if (projection instanceof Query.IdProjection) {
else if (projection instanceof Query.PropertyProjection) {
Query.PropertyProjection pp = (Query.PropertyProjection) projection
if (projection instanceof Query.AvgProjection) {
String projField = "AVG(${logicalName}.${pp.getPropertyName()})"
appendAlias(queryString, projField, pp.getPropertyName(), 'AVG')
else if (projection instanceof Query.SumProjection) {
String projField = "SUM(${logicalName}.${pp.getPropertyName()})"
appendAlias(queryString, projField, pp.getPropertyName(), 'SUM')
else if (projection instanceof Query.MinProjection) {
String projField = "MIN(${logicalName}.${pp.getPropertyName()})"
appendAlias(queryString, projField, pp.getPropertyName(), 'MIN')
else if (projection instanceof Query.MaxProjection) {
String projField = "MAX(${logicalName}.${pp.getPropertyName()})"
appendAlias(queryString, projField, pp.getPropertyName(), 'MAX')
else if (projection instanceof Query.CountDistinctProjection) {
String projField = "COUNT(DISTINCT ${logicalName}.${pp.getPropertyName()})"
appendAlias(queryString, projField, pp.getPropertyName(), 'COUNT')
else if (projection instanceof Query.DistinctPropertyProjection) {
String projField = "DISTINCT ${logicalName}.${pp.getPropertyName()}"
appendAlias(queryString, projField, pp.getPropertyName(), '')
else if (projection instanceof Query.GroupPropertyProjection) {
String projField = "${logicalName}.${pp.getPropertyName()}"
appendAlias(queryString, projField, pp.getPropertyName(), '')
groupByList << "${logicalName}.${pp.getPropertyName()}".toString()
else { //assume its just a property to add to the select
String projField = "${logicalName}.${pp.getPropertyName()}"
appendAlias(queryString, projField, pp.getPropertyName(), '')
selectList << "${logicalName}.${pp.getPropertyName()}".toString()
if (i.hasNext()) {
queryString.append(' ')
queryString.append(" )")
int appendCriteriaForOperator(StringBuilder q, String logicalName, final String name, int position, String operator) {
//if its a projectionAlias then use it
String propName = buildPropName(name, logicalName)
return position
* Build a property name like kitchenSink.amount for 'amount'
* Will use the projection alias if exists
String buildPropName(String name, String logicalName) {
String propName
if(projectionAliases.containsKey(name)) {
propName = projectionAliases[name]
} else if(logicalName && !name.startsWith(logicalName + DOT)) {
propName = logicalName + DOT + name
else {
propName = name
return propName
QueryHandler getCompareQueryHandler(String compareOp){
return new QueryHandler() {
public int handle(PersistentEntity entity, Query.Criterion criterion, StringBuilder q, StringBuilder whereClause,
String logicalName, int position, List parameters) {
Query.PropertyCriterion opCriterion = (Query.PropertyCriterion) criterion
String name = opCriterion.getProperty()
PersistentProperty prop = validateProperty(entity, name, opCriterion.class.simpleName)
int newPosition = appendCriteriaForOperator(whereClause, logicalName, name, position, compareOp)
Class propType = prop.getType()
parameters.add(conversionService.convert( opCriterion.getValue(), propType ))
} else {
return newPosition
//Property compares
QueryHandler getPropertyCompareQueryHandler(String compareOp){
new QueryHandler() {
public int handle(PersistentEntity entity, Query.Criterion criterion, StringBuilder q, StringBuilder whereClause,
String logicalName, int position, List parameters) {
Query.PropertyComparisonCriterion opCriterion = (Query.PropertyComparisonCriterion) criterion
//handlePropCompare(entity, opCriterion, logicalName, compareOp, whereClause)
String propertyName = opCriterion.getProperty()
String otherProperty = opCriterion.getOtherProperty()
validateProperty(entity, propertyName, criterion.class.simpleName)
validateProperty(entity, otherProperty, criterion.class.simpleName)
appendPropertyComparison(whereClause, logicalName, propertyName, otherProperty, compareOp)
return position
//Is Null, Is Empty, IS Not Null, etc...
QueryHandler getISCheckQueryHandler(String compareOp){
new QueryHandler() {
public int handle(PersistentEntity entity, Query.Criterion criterion, StringBuilder q, StringBuilder whereClause,
String logicalName, int position, List parameters) {
Query.PropertyNameCriterion ischeck = (Query.PropertyNameCriterion) criterion
final String name = ischeck.getProperty()
validateProperty(entity, name, compareOp)
String propName = buildPropName(name, logicalName)
return position
//Is Null, Is Empty, IS Not Null, etc...
QueryHandler getSubQueryHandler(String compareOp){
new QueryHandler() {
public int handle(PersistentEntity entity, Query.Criterion criterion, StringBuilder q, StringBuilder whereClause,
String logicalName, int position, List parameters) {
Query.SubqueryCriterion subqueryCriterion = (Query.SubqueryCriterion) criterion
return handleSubQuery(entity, q, whereClause, logicalName, position, parameters, subqueryCriterion, compareOp)
void initHandlers(){
//Normal compares
queryHandlers.put(Query.Equals, getCompareQueryHandler("="))
queryHandlers.put(Query.NotEquals, getCompareQueryHandler(" != "))
queryHandlers.put(Query.GreaterThan, getCompareQueryHandler(" > "))
queryHandlers.put(Query.LessThan, getCompareQueryHandler(" < "))
queryHandlers.put(Query.LessThanEquals, getCompareQueryHandler(" <= "))
queryHandlers.put(Query.GreaterThanEquals, getCompareQueryHandler(" >= "))
queryHandlers.put(Query.Like, getCompareQueryHandler(" like "))
//Property compares
queryHandlers.put(Query.EqualsProperty, getPropertyCompareQueryHandler(" = "))
queryHandlers.put(Query.NotEqualsProperty, getPropertyCompareQueryHandler(" != "))
queryHandlers.put(Query.GreaterThanProperty, getPropertyCompareQueryHandler(" > "))
queryHandlers.put(Query.LessThanProperty, getPropertyCompareQueryHandler(" < "))
queryHandlers.put(Query.LessThanEqualsProperty, getPropertyCompareQueryHandler(" <= "))
queryHandlers.put(Query.GreaterThanEqualsProperty, getPropertyCompareQueryHandler(" >= "))
//Is Null, Is Empty, IS Not Null, etc...
queryHandlers.put(Query.IsNull, getISCheckQueryHandler(" IS NULL "))
queryHandlers.put(Query.IsNotNull, getISCheckQueryHandler(" IS NOT NULL "))
queryHandlers.put(Query.IsEmpty, getISCheckQueryHandler(" IS EMPTY "))
queryHandlers.put(Query.IsNotEmpty, getISCheckQueryHandler(" IS NOT EMPTY "))
//sub queries, not all of these supported by Mango but here for future use
queryHandlers.put(Query.NotIn, getSubQueryHandler(" NOT IN ("))
queryHandlers.put(Query.EqualsAll, getSubQueryHandler(" = ALL ("))
queryHandlers.put(Query.NotEqualsAll, getSubQueryHandler(" != ALL ("))
queryHandlers.put(Query.GreaterThanAll, getSubQueryHandler(" > ALL ("))
queryHandlers.put(Query.GreaterThanSome, getSubQueryHandler(" > SOME ("))
queryHandlers.put(Query.GreaterThanEqualsAll, getSubQueryHandler(" >= ALL ("))
queryHandlers.put(Query.GreaterThanEqualsSome, getSubQueryHandler(" >= SOME ("))
queryHandlers.put(Query.LessThanAll, getSubQueryHandler(" < ALL ("))
queryHandlers.put(Query.LessThanSome, getSubQueryHandler(" < SOME ("))
queryHandlers.put(Query.LessThanEqualsAll, getSubQueryHandler(" <= ALL ("))
queryHandlers.put(Query.LessThanEqualsSome, getSubQueryHandler(" <= SOME ("))
queryHandlers.put(AssociationQuery, new QueryHandler() {
public int handle(PersistentEntity entity, Query.Criterion criterion, StringBuilder q, StringBuilder whereClause,
String logicalName, int position, List parameters) {
if (!allowJoins) {
throw new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException("Joins cannot be used in a DELETE or UPDATE operation")
AssociationQuery aq = (AssociationQuery) criterion
final Association> association = aq.getAssociation()
Query.Junction associationCriteria = aq.getCriteria()
List associationCriteriaList = associationCriteria.getCriteria()
return handleAssociationCriteria(q, whereClause, logicalName, position, parameters,
association, associationCriteria, associationCriteriaList)
queryHandlers.put(Query.Negation, new QueryHandler() {
public int handle(PersistentEntity entity, Query.Criterion criterion, StringBuilder q, StringBuilder whereClause,
String logicalName, int position, List parameters) {
whereClause.append("NOT (")
final Query.Negation negation = (Query.Negation)criterion
position = buildWhereClauseForCriterion(entity, negation, q, whereClause, logicalName, negation.getCriteria(), position,
return position
queryHandlers.put(Query.Conjunction, new QueryHandler() {
public int handle(PersistentEntity entity, Query.Criterion criterion,
StringBuilder q, StringBuilder whereClause, String logicalName, int position, List parameters) {
final Query.Conjunction conjunction = (Query.Conjunction)criterion
position = buildWhereClauseForCriterion(entity, conjunction, q, whereClause, logicalName, conjunction.getCriteria(),
position, parameters)
return position
queryHandlers.put(Query.Disjunction, new QueryHandler() {
public int handle(PersistentEntity entity, Query.Criterion criterion,
StringBuilder q, StringBuilder whereClause, String logicalName, int position, List parameters) {
final Query.Disjunction disjunction = (Query.Disjunction)criterion
position = buildWhereClauseForCriterion(entity, disjunction, q, whereClause, logicalName, disjunction.getCriteria(),
position, parameters)
return position
queryHandlers.put(Query.IdEquals, new QueryHandler() {
public int handle(PersistentEntity entity, Query.Criterion criterion, StringBuilder q, StringBuilder whereClause,
String logicalName, int position, List parameters) {
Query.IdEquals eq = (Query.IdEquals) criterion
PersistentProperty prop = entity.getIdentity()
Class propType = prop.getType()
position = appendCriteriaForOperator(whereClause, logicalName, prop.getName(), position, "=")
parameters.add(conversionService.convert( eq.getValue(), propType ))
return position
queryHandlers.put(Query.Between, new QueryHandler() {
public int handle(PersistentEntity entity, Query.Criterion criterion, StringBuilder q, StringBuilder whereClause,
String logicalName, int position, List parameters) {
Query.Between between = (Query.Between) criterion
final Object from = between.getFrom()
final Object to = between.getTo()
final String name = between.getProperty()
PersistentProperty prop = validateProperty(entity, name, Query.Between.simpleName)
Class propType = prop.getType()
String propName = buildPropName(name, logicalName)
.append(" >= ")
whereClause.append(" AND ")
.append(" <= ")
parameters.add(conversionService.convert( from, propType ))
parameters.add(conversionService.convert( to, propType ))
return position
queryHandlers.put(Query.ILike, new QueryHandler() {
public int handle(PersistentEntity entity, Query.Criterion criterion, StringBuilder q, StringBuilder whereClause,
String logicalName, int position, List parameters) {
Query.ILike eq = (Query.ILike) criterion
final String name = eq.getProperty()
PersistentProperty prop = validateProperty(entity, name, Query.ILike.simpleName)
Class propType = prop.getType()
String propName = buildPropName(name, logicalName)
.append(" like lower(")
parameters.add(conversionService.convert( eq.getValue(), propType ))
return position
queryHandlers.put(Query.In, new QueryHandler() {
public int handle(PersistentEntity entity, Query.Criterion criterion, StringBuilder q, StringBuilder whereClause,
String logicalName, int position, List parameters) {
Query.In inQuery = (Query.In) criterion
final String name = inQuery.getProperty()
PersistentProperty prop = validateProperty(entity, name, Query.In.simpleName)
Class propType = prop.getType()
String propName = buildPropName(name, logicalName)
whereClause.append(propName).append(" IN (")
QueryableCriteria subquery = inQuery.getSubquery()
if(subquery != null) {
buildSubQuery(q, whereClause, position, parameters, subquery)
else {
for (Iterator i = inQuery.getValues().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
Object val = i.next()
if (i.hasNext()) {
parameters.add(conversionService.convert(val, propType))
return position
queryHandlers.put(Query.Exists, new QueryHandler() {
public int handle(PersistentEntity entity, Query.Criterion criterion, StringBuilder q, StringBuilder whereClause,
String logicalName, int position, List parameters) {
Query.Exists existsQuery = (Query.Exists) criterion
whereClause.append("EXISTS ( ")
QueryableCriteria subquery = existsQuery.getSubquery()
if (subquery != null) {
position = buildSubQuery(q, whereClause, position, parameters, subquery)
whereClause.append(" ) ")
return position
int handleSubQuery(PersistentEntity entity, StringBuilder q, StringBuilder whereClause, String logicalName, int position, List parameters,
Query.SubqueryCriterion equalsAll, String comparisonExpression) {
final String name = equalsAll.getProperty()
validateProperty(entity, name, Query.In.simpleName)
QueryableCriteria subquery = equalsAll.getValue()
buildSubQuery(q, whereClause, position, parameters, subquery)
return position
int buildSubQuery(StringBuilder q, StringBuilder whereClause, int position, List parameters,
QueryableCriteria subquery) {
PersistentEntity associatedEntity = subquery.getPersistentEntity()
String associatedEntityName = associatedEntity.getName()
String associatedEntityLogicalName = associatedEntity.getDecapitalizedName() + position
whereClause.append("SELECT ")
buildSelect(whereClause, subquery.getProjections(), associatedEntityLogicalName, associatedEntity)
whereClause.append(" FROM ${associatedEntityName} ${associatedEntityLogicalName} WHERE ")
List criteria = subquery.getCriteria()
var conj = new Query.Conjunction(criteria)
position = buildWhereClauseForCriterion(associatedEntity, conj, q, whereClause, associatedEntityLogicalName,
criteria, position, parameters)
return position
// JpqlQueryBuilder subQueryBuilder = new JpqlQueryBuilder(associatedEntity)
int handleAssociationCriteria(StringBuilder query, StringBuilder whereClause, String logicalName, int position, List parameters,
Association> association, Query.Junction associationCriteria, List associationCriteriaList) {
if (association instanceof ToOne) {
final String associationName = association.getName()
logicalName = "${logicalName}.${associationName}"
// JpqlQueryBuilder assocQueryBuilder = new JpqlQueryBuilder(association.getAssociatedEntity())
return buildWhereClauseForCriterion(association.getAssociatedEntity(), associationCriteria, query, whereClause, logicalName,
associationCriteriaList, position, parameters)
else if (association != null) {
final String associationName = association.getName()
// TODO: Allow customization of join strategy!
query.append(" INNER JOIN ${logicalName}.${associationName} ${associationName}")
return buildWhereClauseForCriterion(association.getAssociatedEntity(), associationCriteria, query, whereClause, associationName,
associationCriteriaList, position, parameters)
return position
private void buildUpdateStatement(StringBuilder queryString, Map propertiesToUpdate, List parameters) {
queryString.append(" SET")
// keys need to be sorted before query is built
Set keys = new TreeSet(propertiesToUpdate.keySet())
Iterator iterator = keys.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
String propertyName = iterator.next()
PersistentProperty prop = entity.getPropertyByName(propertyName)
if (prop == null) throw new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException("""\
Property '${propertyName}' of class '${entity.getName()}' specified in update does not exist
queryString.append(" ${entityAlias}.${propertyName}=")
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
void appendPropertyComparison(StringBuilder q, String logicalName, String propertyName, String otherProperty,
String operator) {
//FIXME hack for now, MangoDetachedCriteria defualt to the alias = enityName with _ suffix
// if the other property ends with _ and removnig that matches the logicalName then its the alias
// used in EXISTS query where there is a subquery and we are tying it together.
int dotIdx = otherProperty.indexOf(".")
String rootObj = dotIdx > -1 ? otherProperty.substring(0, dotIdx) : otherProperty
if(rootObj.endsWith('_') && rootObj[0..-2] == this.entityAlias){
String restOfPath = dotIdx > -1 ? otherProperty.substring(dotIdx) : ""
//[0..-2] removes last char from string
else if (rootObj == this.entityAlias){
String restOfPath = dotIdx > -1 ? otherProperty.substring(dotIdx) : ""
else {
PersistentProperty validateProperty(PersistentEntity entity, String name, String whatItChecks) {
if(name.endsWith('.id') && name.count('.') >= 1){
return GormMetaUtils.getPersistentProperty(entity, name)
// if(name.endsWith('.id') && name.count('.') == 1) {
// String assoc = name.tokenize('.')[0]
// return (entity.getPropertyByName(assoc) as Association).getAssociatedEntity().getIdentity()
// }
PersistentProperty identity = entity.getIdentity()
if (identity != null && identity.getName().equals(name)) {
return identity
PersistentProperty[] compositeIdentity = ((AbstractPersistentEntity) entity).getCompositeIdentity()
if(compositeIdentity != null) {
for (PersistentProperty property : compositeIdentity) {
if(property.getName().equals(name)) {
return property
PersistentProperty prop = entity.getPropertyByName(name)
boolean isAliasProp = projectionAliases.containsKey(name)
if (prop == null && !isAliasProp) {
throw new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException("Cannot use [${whatItChecks}] criterion on non-existent property: " + name)
return prop
private List buildWhereClause(StringBuilder q, StringBuilder whereClause, String logicalName, List parameters = []) {
if (!criteria.isEmpty()) {
int position = parameters.size()
final List criterionList = criteria.getCriteria()
StringBuilder tempWhereClause = new StringBuilder()
position = buildWhereClauseForCriterion(entity, criteria, q, tempWhereClause, logicalName, criterionList, position, parameters)
//if it didn't build anything then dont add it
if(tempWhereClause.toString()) {
q.append(" WHERE ")
if (criteria instanceof Query.Negation) {
whereClause.append("NOT (")
//close parens
if (criteria instanceof Query.Negation) {
return parameters
private List buildHavingClause(StringBuilder q, String logicalName, List parameters) {
if (!criteria.isEmpty() && projectionAliases) {
int position = parameters.size()
final List criterionList = criteria.getCriteria()
StringBuilder tempHavingClause = new StringBuilder()
position = buildHavingClauseForCriterion(q, tempHavingClause, logicalName, criterionList, position, parameters)
if(tempHavingClause.toString()) {
q.append(" HAVING ")
return parameters
protected void appendOrder(StringBuilder queryString, String logicalName) {
if (!orders.isEmpty()) {
queryString.append( ORDER_BY_CLAUSE)
for (Query.Order order : orders) {
//if its not in aliases then add the entityName
queryString.append("${order.getProperty()} ${order.getDirection().toString()} ")
// int buildWhereClauseForCriterion(JpqlQueryBuilder subQueryBuilder, Query.Junction criteria, StringBuilder q, StringBuilder whereClause,
// String logicalName, final List criterionList, int position, List parameters) {
// return buildWhereClauseForCriterion(subQueryBuilder.entity, criteria, q, whereClause, logicalName, criterionList, position, parameters)
// }
int buildWhereClauseForCriterion(PersistentEntity persistentEntity, Query.Junction criteria, StringBuilder q, StringBuilder whereClause,
String logicalName, final List criterionList, int position, List parameters) {
Map clauseTokens = [:] as Map
for (Iterator iterator = criterionList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
StringBuilder tempWhereClause = new StringBuilder()
Query.Criterion criterion = iterator.next()
//TODO handle it for situations like below
//select sum(amount) as amount from artran where amount> 100 group by trantypeid ; VS
//select sum(amount) as amount from artran group by trantypeid having sum(amount) > 100;
//makes sure not to pick up criteria that should be going into the HAVING clause
if(criterion instanceof Query.PropertyNameCriterion){
String prop = criterion.getProperty()
String groupProp = logicalName ? "${logicalName}.${prop}" : prop
//groupBy should never be in HAVING and if they are just property selects dont skip either
if(projectionAliases.containsKey(prop) && !groupByList.contains(groupProp) && !selectList.contains(groupProp)){
final String operator = criteria instanceof Query.Conjunction ? " AND " : " OR "
QueryHandler qh = queryHandlers.get(criterion.getClass())
if (qh != null) {
position = qh.handle(persistentEntity, criterion, q, tempWhereClause, logicalName,
position, parameters)
else if (criterion instanceof AssociationCriteria) {
if (!allowJoins) {
throw new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException("Joins cannot be used in a DELETE or UPDATE operation")
AssociationCriteria ac = (AssociationCriteria) criterion
Association association = ac.getAssociation()
List associationCriteriaList = ac.getCriteria()
position = handleAssociationCriteria(q, tempWhereClause, logicalName, position, parameters, association,
new Query.Conjunction(), associationCriteriaList)
else {
throw new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException("Queries of type "+
criterion.getClass().getSimpleName()+" are not supported by this implementation")
String toStringWhere = tempWhereClause
if(toStringWhere) clauseTokens[toStringWhere] = operator
// if (whereClause.toString() && iterator.hasNext()) {
// whereClause.append(operator)
// }
for (Iterator iterator = clauseTokens.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
String key = iterator.next()
String operator = clauseTokens[key]
if(iterator.hasNext()) whereClause.append(operator)
return position
int buildHavingClauseForCriterion(StringBuilder q, StringBuilder whereClause,
String logicalName, final List criterionList, int position, List parameters) {
Map clauseTokens = [:] as Map
for (Iterator iterator = criterionList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
StringBuilder tempWhereClause = new StringBuilder()
Query.Criterion criterion = iterator.next()
//skip if its anything but a projection alias
boolean isPropCrit = criterion instanceof Query.PropertyNameCriterion
//skip if its a groupby or it has an alias
String prop = (criterion as Query.PropertyNameCriterion).getProperty()
String groupProp = logicalName ? "${logicalName}.${prop}" : prop
boolean isGrouped = groupByList.contains(groupProp)
boolean isSelect = selectList.contains(groupProp)
boolean hasAlias = projectionAliases.containsKey(prop)
if(isGrouped || isSelect || !hasAlias){
} else {
final String operator = criteria instanceof Query.Conjunction ? " AND " : " OR "
QueryHandler qh = queryHandlers.get(criterion.getClass())
if (qh != null) {
position = qh.handle(this.entity, criterion, q, tempWhereClause, '', position, parameters)
else if (criterion instanceof AssociationCriteria) {
if (!allowJoins) {
throw new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException("Joins cannot be used in a DELETE or UPDATE operation")
AssociationCriteria ac = (AssociationCriteria) criterion
Association association = ac.getAssociation()
List associationCriteriaList = ac.getCriteria()
position = handleAssociationCriteria(q, tempWhereClause, logicalName, position, parameters, association,
new Query.Conjunction(), associationCriteriaList)
else {
throw new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException("Queries of type "+
criterion.getClass().getSimpleName()+" are not supported by this implementation")
String toStringWhere = tempWhereClause
if(toStringWhere) clauseTokens[toStringWhere] = operator
for (Iterator iterator = clauseTokens.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
String key = iterator.next()
String operator = clauseTokens[key]
if(iterator.hasNext()) whereClause.append(operator)
return position
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