gorm.tools.problem.ProblemHandler.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2021 Yak.Works - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
* You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
package gorm.tools.problem
import groovy.json.JsonException
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import groovy.util.logging.Slf4j
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.StackTraceUtils
import org.hibernate.QueryTimeoutException
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired
import org.springframework.context.MessageSourceResolvable
import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException
import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessResourceFailureException
import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException
import org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotReadableException
import org.springframework.validation.Errors
import org.springframework.validation.ObjectError
import gorm.tools.repository.errors.EmptyErrors
import yakworks.api.ApiStatus
import yakworks.api.HttpStatus
import yakworks.api.problem.GenericProblem
import yakworks.api.problem.Problem
import yakworks.api.problem.ThrowableProblem
import yakworks.api.problem.UnexpectedProblem
import yakworks.api.problem.data.DataProblem
import yakworks.api.problem.data.DataProblemCodes
import yakworks.i18n.icu.ICUMessageSource
import yakworks.message.MsgServiceRegistry
* Service to prepare ApiError / ApiValidationError for given a given exception
* @author Joshua Burnett (@basejump)
* @since 7.0.8
class ProblemHandler {
@Autowired ICUMessageSource messageSource
static {
//setup default class filtering for making stack trace less noisy
GenericProblem handleException(Class entityClass, Throwable e) {
handleException(e, entityClass.simpleName)
* Prepares Problem for given entity and exception
* - Problem(status:422) for ValidationException
* - Problem(status:400) for DataAccessException
* - Problem(status:404) for NotFoundException
* - Problem(status:500) for other exceptions
* @param simpleName used for validation conversion
* @param Exception e
* @return ApiError
GenericProblem handleException(Throwable e, String simpleName = null) {
// default error status code is 422
ApiStatus status400 = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST
ApiStatus status404 = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND
ApiStatus status422 = HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY
if (e instanceof ValidationProblem.Exception) {
def valProblem = e.getValidationProblem()
if (valProblem.errors instanceof EmptyErrors) {
//this is some other exception wrapped in validation exception
//translate the errors
if(!valProblem.violations && valProblem.errors?.hasErrors()){
//we do this late, not done when created with RepoExceptionSupport
return valProblem
else if (e instanceof ThrowableProblem) {
return (GenericProblem) e.problem
else if (e instanceof GenericProblem) {
return (GenericProblem) e
else if (e instanceof grails.validation.ValidationException
|| e instanceof org.grails.datastore.mapping.validation.ValidationException) {
return buildFromErrorException(e, simpleName)
} else if (e instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
//We use this all over to double as a validation error, Validate.notNull for example.
return Problem.of('error.illegalArgument').status(status400).detail(e.message)
else if(isQueryTimeout(e)) {
return DataProblem.of("error.query.timeout")
else if (e instanceof DataAccessException) {
return buildFromDataAccessException(e)
else if (e instanceof HttpMessageNotReadableException || e instanceof JsonException) {
//this happens if request contains bad data / malformed json. we dont want to log stacktraces for these as they are expected
return DataProblem.of(e)
else if(e instanceof AssertionError) {
return DataProblem.of(e)
else {
return handleUnexpected(e)
GenericProblem handleUnexpected(Throwable e){
log.error("UNEXPECTED Internal Server Error\n${e.message}", deepSanitize(e))
if (e instanceof GenericProblem) {
return (GenericProblem) e
else if (e instanceof ThrowableProblem) {
return (GenericProblem) e.problem
else if (e instanceof NullPointerException) {
//deal with the dreaded null pointer
//Check if there's stacktrace, in certain cases stacktrace is coming up empty, which is causing Arrayoutofbound ex - see #2712
String stackLine1 = e.stackTrace ? "at ${e.stackTrace[0].toString()}" : ""
return new UnexpectedProblem().cause(e).detail("NullPointerException $stackLine1")
else {
return new UnexpectedProblem().cause(e).detail(e.message)
//XXX for OptimisticLockingFailureException there are times when its valid I think
// but then times when its our processes (autocash for example). How do we parse that out?
// OptimisticLockingFailureException is a DataAccessException so it hits the else below
// and we always log it out as error.
static DataProblem buildFromDataAccessException(DataAccessException e) {
// Root of the hierarchy of data access exceptions
if(isUniqueIndexViolation((DataAccessException) e)){
return DataProblemCodes.UniqueConstraint.of(e)
else if(isForeignKeyViolation((DataAccessException) e)){
return DataProblemCodes.ReferenceKey.of(e)
else {
//For now turn to warn in case we want to turn it off.
String rootMessage = e.rootCause?.getMessage()
String msgInfo = "=== message: ${e.message} \n === rootMessage: ${rootMessage} "
log.error("MAYBE UNEXPECTED? Data Access Exception ${msgInfo}", deepSanitize(e))
return DataProblem.of(e)
ValidationProblem buildFromErrorException(Throwable valEx, String entityName = null) {
Errors ers = valEx['errors'] as Errors
def valProb = ValidationProblem.of(valEx).errors(ers)
if(entityName) valProb.name(entityName)
return valProb.violations(ValidationProblem.transateErrorsToViolations(ers))
static String getMsg(MessageSourceResolvable msr) {
//FIXME this should be generalized somehwere?
try {
//cast so we can use the getMessage(MessageSourceResolvable resolvable), which works
ICUMessageSource msgService = MsgServiceRegistry.service as ICUMessageSource//get static msgService that should have been set in icu4j plugin
return msgService.getMessage(msr)
catch (e) {
return msr.defaultMessage
* returns true if the exception is a psql query timeout exception
static boolean isQueryTimeout(Throwable ex) {
//Criteria/Mango throws QueryTimeoutException, jdbcTemplate throws DataAccessResourceFailureException
return (ex instanceof QueryTimeoutException) ||
(ex instanceof DataAccessResourceFailureException && ex.message.contains('canceling statement due to statement timeout"'))
//Unique index unique constraint or primary key violation
static String isUniqueIndexViolation(DataAccessException dax) {
if(!dax.rootCause) return null
String rootMessage = dax.rootCause.message
if (rootMessage.contains("Unique index or primary key violation") || //mysql and H2
rootMessage.contains("Duplicate entry") || //mysql
rootMessage.contains("Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint") || //sql server
rootMessage.contains("unique constraint")) {
return rootMessage
} else {
return null
static String isForeignKeyViolation(DataAccessException dax) {
if (!dax.rootCause || !(dax instanceof DataIntegrityViolationException)) return null
String rootMessage = dax.rootCause.message.toLowerCase()
//postgres and H2 - if its DataIntegrityViolationException and contains keyword 'foreign key' thn its fk violation
if (rootMessage.contains("foreign key")) {
return rootMessage
} else {
return null
* Broken pipe exception happens when client has closed the socket and server tries to write/send any response byte on the output stream.
* Server Can write nothing to output stream once we encounter Broken pipe exception
static boolean isBrokenPipe(Throwable ex) {
return ex.message && ex.message.toLowerCase().contains("broken pipe")
//Legacy from ValidationException
static String formatErrors(Errors errors, String msg) {
String ls = System.getProperty("line.separator");
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
if (msg != null) {
b.append(msg).append(" : ") //.append(ls);
for (ObjectError error : errors.getAllErrors()) {
.append(" - ")
return b.toString();
public static Throwable deepSanitize(Throwable t) {
//setup default class filtering for making stack trace less noisy
static void stackTraceUtilsDefaultFilters(){
StackTraceUtils.addClassTest { String className ->
for (String groovyPackage : (NOISY_PACKAGES + NOISY_TEST_PACKAGES)) {
if (className.startsWith(groovyPackage)) {
return false
return null
//the list of packages to summarize up so logging trace is not so noisy. only logs one line if multiples start with these
public static List NOISY_PACKAGES = [
public static List NOISY_TEST_PACKAGES = [
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