gorm.tools.validation.RepoEntityValidator.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2021 Yak.Works - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
* You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
package gorm.tools.validation
import java.beans.Introspector
import groovy.transform.CompileDynamic
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.AbstractConstraint
import org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.NullableConstraint
import org.grails.datastore.gorm.validation.constraints.eval.ConstraintsEvaluator
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.MappingContext
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.PersistentEntity
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.PersistentProperty
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.config.GormProperties
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.model.types.Association
import org.grails.datastore.mapping.reflect.EntityReflector
import org.springframework.context.MessageSource
import org.springframework.context.support.DefaultMessageSourceResolvable
import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult
import org.springframework.validation.Errors
import org.springframework.validation.FieldError
import gorm.tools.repository.GormRepo
import gorm.tools.repository.events.RepoEventPublisher
import gorm.tools.repository.model.PersistableRepoEntity
import grails.gorm.validation.ConstrainedProperty
import grails.gorm.validation.Constraint
import grails.gorm.validation.PersistentEntityValidator
import yakworks.commons.lang.ClassUtils
import yakworks.spring.AppCtx
* Overrides the PersistentEntityValidator to address a few things
* - assocations are validated correctly
* - beforeValidate event is fired for assocations properly too when its the default deep validate
* - slims down the validations so that if it only has nullable:true then it skips those
* - cleans up the message codes to be a sane number
@SuppressWarnings(['Println', 'FieldName'])
class RepoEntityValidator extends PersistentEntityValidator {
private static final List EMBEDDED_EXCLUDES = Arrays.asList(
public static final String API_CONSTRAINTS = 'constraintsMap'
//private static final List EMBEDDED_EXCLUDES = Arrays.asList(GormProperties.IDENTITY,GormProperties.VERSION)
RepoEventPublisher repoEventPublisher
Map slimConstrainedProperties = [:]
// ConstraintsEvaluator constraintsEvaluator
// Map constrainedProperties = [:]
RepoEntityValidator(PersistentEntity entity, MessageSource messageSource, ConstraintsEvaluator constraintsEvaluator) {
super(entity, messageSource, constraintsEvaluator)
//this.constraintsEvaluator = constraintsEvaluator
repoEventPublisher = AppCtx.get('repoEventPublisher', RepoEventPublisher)
//turn it back into modifiable map so we can mess with it
// setConstrainedProperties(PersistentEntityValidator, super, constrainedProps)
//do the tweaks for external constraints
* performance tweak to setup a skinny slimmed down map of properties that should be validated.
* make a millisecond difference on one single items but its a "game of inches" with large batch processing.
* adds up when its has to spin through and validate nullable across 50 properties a 100,000 times
* in an entity and 100's of 100's of rows.
void setupSlimConstraints(){
ApiConstraints apiConstraints = ApiConstraints.findApiConstraints(targetClass)
//remove contraints that only have nullable so we dont validate them
for (entry in constrainedProperties) {
def constrainedProp = (ConstrainedProperty) entry.value
String prop = (String) entry.key
Collection appliedConstraints = constrainedProp.getAppliedConstraints()
//if the only applied constraint is nullable:true, which is default, then skip it for performance reasons
if(appliedConstraints?.size() == 1 && appliedConstraints[0] instanceof NullableConstraint){
def nullableConst = (NullableConstraint) appliedConstraints[0]
if(!nullableConst.isNullable()){ //only add it if nullable is false
slimConstrainedProperties[prop] = constrainedProp
} else if(appliedConstraints) { //it has more so let it flow
slimConstrainedProperties[prop] = constrainedProp
// for(appliedConst in appliedConstraints){
// if(appliedConst instanceof AbstractConstraint){
// //TODO, not working
// replaceRejectValueWithDefaultMessage(appliedConst)
// }
// }
// //TODO not working, think we will need to replace the classes
// @CompileDynamic
// void replaceRejectValueWithDefaultMessage(AbstractConstraint appliedConst){
// appliedConst.metaClass.rejectValueWithDefaultMessage = { Object target, Errors errors, String defaultMessage, String[] codes, Object[] args ->
// def targetClass = target.class
// String classShortName = Introspector.decapitalize(targetClass.getSimpleName())
// String propName = (String)args[0]
// String code = (String)code[0]
// def newCodes = [] as Set
// newCodes.add("${targetClass.getName()}.${propName}.${code}".toString())
// newCodes.add("${classShortName}.${propName}.${code}".toString())
// newCodes.add("${code}.${propName}".toString())
// newCodes.add(code)
// FieldError error = new FieldError(
// errors.objectName,
// errors.nestedPath + propName,
// getPropertyValue(errors, target),
// false, //bind failure
// newCodes as String[],
// args,
// defaultMessage
// )
// ((BindingResult)errors).addError(error);
// // def abrErrors = errors as AbstractBindingResult //this has the addError method
// // abrErrors.addError(error)
// }
// }
void validate(Object obj, Errors errors, boolean cascade = true) {
if (obj == null || !targetClass.isInstance(obj)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument [$obj] is not an instance of [$targetClass] which this validator is configured for")
fireValidateEvent(obj, errors)
Map constrainedProperties = this.slimConstrainedProperties
Set constrainedPropertyNames = new HashSet<>(constrainedProperties.keySet())
def validatedObjects = [] as Set
for(PersistentProperty pp in entity.persistentProperties) {
def propertyName = pp.name
ConstrainedProperty constrainedProperty = constrainedProperties.get(propertyName)
if(constrainedProperty != null) {
validatePropertyWithConstraint(obj, propertyName, entityReflector, errors, constrainedProperty, pp)
if(pp instanceof Association) {
Association association = (Association)pp
if(cascade) {
cascadeToAssociativeProperty(obj, errors, entityReflector, association, validatedObjects)
for(String remainingProperty in constrainedPropertyNames) {
ConstrainedProperty constrainedProperty = constrainedProperties.get(remainingProperty)
if(remainingProperty != null) {
validatePropertyWithConstraint(obj, remainingProperty, entityReflector, errors, constrainedProperty, null)
* Cascades validation to a one-to-one or many-to-one property.
* @param errors The Errors instance
* @param bean The original BeanWrapper
* @param associatedObject The associated object's current value
* @param association The GrailsDomainClassProperty instance
* @param propertyName The name of the property
protected void cascadeValidationToOne(Object parentObject, String propertyName, Association association, Errors errors, EntityReflector reflector,
Object associatedObject, Object indexOrKey, Set validatedObjects) {
if (associatedObject == null) {
if(validatedObjects.contains(associatedObject)) {
PersistentEntity associatedEntity = association.getAssociatedEntity()
if (associatedEntity == null) {
// Make sure this object is eligible to cascade validation at all.
if (!association.doesCascadeValidate(associatedObject)) {
MappingContext mappingContext = associatedEntity.getMappingContext()
EntityReflector associatedReflector = mappingContext.getEntityReflector(associatedEntity)
Association otherSide = null
if (association.isBidirectional()) {
otherSide = association.getInverseSide()
Map associatedConstrainedProperties
def validator = mappingContext.getEntityValidator(associatedEntity)
if(validator instanceof RepoEntityValidator) {
associatedConstrainedProperties = ((RepoEntityValidator)validator).slimConstrainedProperties
else if(validator instanceof PersistentEntityValidator) {
associatedConstrainedProperties = ((PersistentEntityValidator)validator).getConstrainedProperties()
else {
associatedConstrainedProperties = Collections.emptyMap()
// Invoke any beforeValidate callbacks on the associated object before validating
validateHelper.invokeBeforeValidate(associatedObject, associatedConstrainedProperties.keySet() as List)
List associatedPersistentProperties = associatedEntity.getPersistentProperties()
String origNestedPath = errors.getNestedPath()
try {
errors.setNestedPath(buildNestedPath(origNestedPath, propertyName, indexOrKey))
//fire event
fireValidateEvent(associatedObject, errors)
for (PersistentProperty associatedPersistentProperty : associatedPersistentProperties) {
if (association.isEmbedded() && EMBEDDED_EXCLUDES.contains(associatedPersistentProperty.getName())) {
String associatedPropertyName = associatedPersistentProperty.getName()
if (associatedConstrainedProperties.containsKey(associatedPropertyName)) {
ConstrainedProperty associatedConstrainedProperty = associatedConstrainedProperties.get(associatedPropertyName)
validatePropertyWithConstraint(associatedObject, errors.getNestedPath() + associatedPropertyName, associatedReflector,
errors, associatedConstrainedProperty, associatedPersistentProperty)
// Don't continue cascade if the the other side is equal to avoid stack overflow
if (associatedPersistentProperty == otherSide) {
if (associatedPersistentProperty instanceof Association) {
if(association.isBidirectional() && associatedPersistentProperty == association.inverseSide) {
// If this property is the inverse side of the currently processed association then
// we don't want to process it
finally {
void fireValidateEvent(Object obj, Errors errors){
if(obj instanceof PersistableRepoEntity){
repoEventPublisher.doBeforeValidate((GormRepo)obj.findRepo(), obj, errors, [:])
@CompileDynamic //so it can access the private super
private String buildNestedPath(String nestedPath, String componentName, Object indexOrKey) {
super.buildNestedPath(nestedPath, componentName, indexOrKey)
private void validatePropertyWithConstraint(Object obj, String propertyName, EntityReflector reflector, Errors errors,
ConstrainedProperty constrainedProperty, PersistentProperty persistentProperty) {
String constrainedPropertyName = propertyName
int i = propertyName.lastIndexOf(".")
if (i > -1) constrainedPropertyName = propertyName.substring(i + 1, propertyName.length())
FieldError fieldError = errors.getFieldError(constrainedPropertyName)
if (fieldError == null) {
if(persistentProperty != null) {
constrainedProperty.validate(obj, reflector.getProperty(obj, constrainedPropertyName), errors)
else {
if(obj instanceof GroovyObject) {
constrainedProperty.validate(obj, ((GroovyObject)obj).getProperty(constrainedPropertyName), errors)
def ferror = errors.getFieldError(constrainedPropertyName)
if(ferror) {
removeError(obj, constrainedPropertyName, errors, ferror)
* cleans up the insane number of message codes added for a validation error
* only adds 3 for className.propname.code, simpleName.propname.code and propname.code.error and code
void removeError(Object target, String propName, Errors errors, FieldError fieldError){
//base code
String code = fieldError.code
Map codeMap = JakartaValidationCodeAdaptor.codeMap
Map messagesMap = JakartaValidationCodeAdaptor.messagesMap
ValidationCode valCode = codeMap[code]
// assert valCode, "failed finding $code"
//just in case not found
// String jakartaCode = messagesMap[valCode] ? messagesMap[valCode]['code'] : ''
def newCodes = [] as Set
// String classShortName = Introspector.decapitalize(target.class.simpleName)
// newCodes.add("${target.class.getName()}.${propName}.${code}".toString())
// newCodes.add("${classShortName}.${propName}.${code}".toString())
// newCodes.add("${propName}.${code}".toString())
// newCodes.add("${propName}.${code}".toString())
if(valCode?.jakartaCode) newCodes.add(valCode.jakartaCode)
newCodes.add(valCode ? valCode.name() : code)
//sets the private final for codes and args.
ClassUtils.setFieldValue(DefaultMessageSourceResolvable, fieldError, 'codes', newCodes as String[])
// icu4jArgs
Object[] newArgs = icu4jArgs(valCode, fieldError.arguments)
ClassUtils.setFieldValue(DefaultMessageSourceResolvable, fieldError, 'arguments', newArgs as Object[])
* See https://github.com/yakworks/spring-icu4j
* To adapt spring messages we put the arg map as the first item in the array
Object[] icu4jArgs(ValidationCode valCode, Object[] arguments){
//if only 3 args or none then return empty as it doesn' need them
if(arguments == null || arguments.size() < 4) return [] as Object[]
//most use arg 2 so get it.
// value is the key used of the constraint is validating against, not the field value. Its the hibernate field validation defualt
def value = arguments[3]
Map argMap = [:]
switch (valCode) {
case ValidationCode.Range:
//valid range from [{3}] to [{4}]
//must be between {min} and {max}
argMap.putAll([min: value, max: arguments[4]])
case ValidationCode.Min:
//value [{3}]
//equal to {value}'
argMap.putAll([value: value])
case ValidationCode.Max:
//value [{3}]
//equal to {value}'
argMap.putAll([value: value])
case ValidationCode.MinLength:
//value [{3}]
//'size must be between {min} and {max}'
argMap.putAll([value: value])
case ValidationCode.MaxLength:
//value [{3}]
//'size must be between {min} and {max}'
argMap.putAll([value: value])
case ValidationCode.Pattern:
// match the required pattern [{3}]
//'must match "{regexp}"'
argMap.putAll([regexp: value])
case ValidationCode.InList:
//list [{3}]
//'must match "{value}"'
argMap.putAll([value: value])
case ValidationCode.NotEqual:
// equal [{3}]
//'must match "{value}"'
argMap.putAll([value: value])
// default:
// argMap = [:]
return argMap ? [argMap] as Object[] : [] as Object[]
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