grails.plugin.freemarker.FreemarkerGrailsPlugin.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2019 Yak.Works - Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License")
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
package grails.plugin.freemarker
import org.grails.core.artefact.TagLibArtefactHandler
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext
import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker.FreeMarkerConfigurer
import grails.core.GrailsClass
import grails.plugins.Plugin
import grails.util.Environment
* @author Jeff Brown
* @author Daniel Henrique Alves Lima
* @author Joshua Burnett
class FreemarkerGrailsPlugin extends Plugin {
def version = "3.0.1"
def grailsVersion = "3.2.0 > *"
def pluginExcludes = [
def title = "FreeMarker Views Plugin"
def description = 'The Grails FreeMarker plugin provides support for rendering FreeMarker templates as views.'
def documentation = ""
def license = "APACHE"
def developers = [
[name: 'Jeff Brown', email: "[email protected]"],
[name: 'Joshua Burnett', email: '[email protected]'],
[name: 'Daniel Henrique Alves Lima', email: 'xxx']
def scm = [url: ""]
def issueManagement = [system: "GITHUB", url: ""]
def observe = ["controllers", 'groovyPages']
def loadAfter = ['controllers', 'groovyPages', 'pluginConfig']
def author = "Jeff Brown"
def authorEmail = "[email protected]"
Closure doWithSpring() {
{ ->
def freeconfig = getFreeConfig()
Properties freeconfigProp = new Properties()
if (freeconfig.hasProperty('configSettings') && freeconfig.configSettings) {
freeconfigProp = freeconfig.configSettings.toProperties()
String ftlSuffix = '.ftl'
freeMarkerViewResourceLocator(yakworks.grails.mvc.ViewResourceLocator) { bean ->
//initial searchLocations
searchPaths = freeconfig.viewResourceLocator.searchLocations
//resourceLoaders to use right after searchLocations above are scanned
//searchLoaders = [ref('tenantViewResourceLoader')]
// in dev mode there will be a groovyPageResourceLoader with base dir set to the running project
if (Environment.isDevelopmentEnvironmentAvailable()) {
grailsViewPaths = ["/grails-app/views"]
webInfPrefix = ""
freeMarkerGrailsTemplateLoader(GrailsTemplateLoader) { bean ->
bean.autowire = "byName"
viewResourceLocator = ref('freeMarkerViewResourceLocator')
def resolveLoaders = { List loaders ->
return loaders.collect { (it instanceof CharSequence) ? ref(it.toString()) : it }
Class configClass = freeconfig.tags.enabled == true ? TagLibAwareConfigurer : FreeMarkerConfigurer
/* factory to return FreeMarkerConfig
* @see org.springframework.web.servlet.view.freemarker.FreeMarkerConfig */
freeMarkerConfigurer(configClass) {
freemarkerSettings = freeconfigProp
if (freeconfig.templateLoaders) {
// default config has the 'freeMarkerGrailsTemplateLoader'
postTemplateLoaders = resolveLoaders(freeconfig.templateLoaders)
//the key bean that kicks it all off using Spring/Grails ViewResolver concepts
freeMarkerViewResolver(GrailsFreeMarkerViewResolver) {
//viewLocator = ref("viewLocator")
viewResourceLocator = ref("freeMarkerViewResourceLocator")
freeMarkerConfigurer = ref('freeMarkerConfigurer')
prefix = ''
suffix = ftlSuffix
requireViewSuffix = freeconfig.requireViewSuffix
//hideException = freeconfig.viewResolver.hideException
order = 10
if (freeconfig.tags.enabled == true) {
// Now go through tag libraries and configure them in spring too. With AOP proxies and so on
for (taglib in grailsApplication.tagLibClasses) {
"${taglib.fullName}_fm"(taglib.clazz) { bean ->
bean.autowire = true
bean.lazyInit = true
// Taglib scoping support could be easily added here. Scope could be based on a static field in the taglib class.
//bean.scope = 'request'
"${}"(TagLibPostProcessor) { bean ->
bean.autowire = "byName"
void doWithDynamicMethods() {
def ctx = getApplicationContext()
// for (controller in application.controllerClasses) {
// modRenderMethod(application, controller)
// }
/** Fremarker configuration mods **/
def configLocalizedLookup = grailsApplication.config.grails.plugin.freemarker.localizedLookup
//turn off the localizedLookup by default
if (!configLocalizedLookup) {
ctx.freeMarkerConfigurer.configuration.localizedLookup = false
void onChange(Map event) {
def freeconfig = getFreeConfig() as Map
// if (application.isControllerClass(event.source) ) {
// modRenderMethod(application, event.source)
// }
if (freeconfig?.tags?.enabled == true && grailsApplication.isArtefactOfType(TagLibArtefactHandler.TYPE, event.source)) {
GrailsClass taglibClass = grailsApplication.addArtefact(TagLibArtefactHandler.TYPE, event.source)
if (taglibClass) {
// replace tag library bean
def beanName = taglibClass.fullName
def beans = beans {
"${beanName}_fm"(taglibClass.clazz) { bean ->
bean.autowire = true
//bean.scope = 'request'
"${}"(TagLibPostProcessor) { bean ->
bean.autowire = "byName"
ApplicationContext springContext = grailsApplication.mainContext
for (configurerBeanName in springContext.getBeanNamesForType(AbstractTagLibAwareConfigurer)) {
def configurer = springContext.getBean(configurerBeanName)
def getFreeConfig() {
def freeconfig = getConfig()
freeconfig << getConfig().grails.plugin.freemarker
// def modRenderMethod(application, controller) {
// def original = controller.metaClass.getMetaMethod("render", [Map] as Class[])
// controller.metaClass.render = {Map args ->
// //if args has a pluginName then set it in a threadlocal so we can get to it from the freemarkerViewResolver
// def request = WebUtils.retrieveGrailsWebRequest()?.getCurrentRequest()
// if (args.plugin && request) {
// request.setAttribute(GrailsTemplateLoader.PLUGIN_NAME_ATTRIBUTE,args.plugin)
// }
// if (args.loaderAttribute && request) {
// request.setAttribute("loaderAttribute",args.loaderAttribute)
// }
// original.invoke(delegate, [args] as Object[])
// }
// }