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* Copyright 2020 original authors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package yakworks.meta
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import yakworks.commons.lang.Validate
import yakworks.commons.model.IdEnum
* A map implementation that wraps an object tree and
* reads properties from a gorm entity based on list of includes/excludes
* Its used primarily for specifying a sql like select list and the feeding this into a json generator
* Setting properties on the wrapped object is not supported but a put will write to shadow map and look there first
* on a get so properties can be overriden
* Ideas taken from BeanMap in
* and grails LazyMetaPropertyMap
* @author Joshua Burnett (@basejump)
* @since 6.1.12
@SuppressWarnings(["CompileStatic", "FieldName", "ExplicitCallToEqualsMethod"])
class MetaMap extends AbstractMap implements Cloneable {
private MetaClass entityMetaClass;
private Object entity
// if the wrapped entity is a map then this will be the cast intance
private Map entityAsMap
//GormProperties.IDENTITY, GormProperties.VERSION,
private static List EXCLUDES = [
'class', 'constraints', 'hasMany', 'mapping', 'properties',
'domainClass', 'dirty', 'errors', 'dirtyPropertyNames']
private Set _includes = []
// private Map _includeProps = [:] as Map
MetaEntity metaEntity
private Map shadowMap = [:]
Set converters = [] as Set
* Constructs a new {@code EntityMap} that operates on the specified bean. The given entity
* cant be null
* @param entity The object to inspect
MetaMap(Object entity) {
this.entity = entity
entityMetaClass = GroovySystem.getMetaClassRegistry().getMetaClass(entity.getClass())
if(Map.isAssignableFrom(entity.class)) {
entityAsMap = (Map)entity
* Constructs a new {@code EntityMap} that operates on the specified bean. The given entity
* cant be null
* @param entity The object to inspect
* @param entity The object to inspect
MetaMap(Object entity, MetaEntity metaEntity) {
private void initialise(MetaEntity metaEntity) {
this.metaEntity = metaEntity
_includes = metaEntity.metaProps.keySet()
// _includeProps = includeMap.propsMap
this.converters = MetaEntity.CONVERTERS
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see Map#size()
int size() {
return keySet().size()
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see Map#isEmpty()
boolean isEmpty() {
return size() == 0
* {@inheritDoc}
* @see Map#containsKey(Object)
boolean containsKey(Object key) {
return getIncludes().contains(key as String)
* Checks whether the specified value is contained within the Map. Note that because this implementation
* lazily initialises property values the behaviour may not be consistent with the actual values of the
* contained object unless they have already been initialised by calling get(Object)
* @see Map#containsValue(Object)
boolean containsValue(Object o) {
return values().contains(o)
* Obtains the value of an object's properties on demand using Groovy's MOP.
* @param name The name of the property or list of names
* @return The property value or null
Object get(Object name) {
if (name instanceof List) {
Map submap = [:]
List propertyNames = (List)name
for (Object currentName : propertyNames) {
if (currentName != null) {
currentName = currentName.toString()
if (containsKey(currentName)) {
submap.put(currentName, get(currentName))
return submap
String p = name as String
// check to see if the shadow override map has on and return it as is
if(shadowMap.get(p)) return shadowMap.get(p)
if (!getIncludes().contains(p)) {
return null
//return val
return convertValue(entity, p)
* Converts the value if need be for enums and GormEntity without associations props
* @param source the source object
* @param p the property for the source object
* @return the value to use
Object convertValue(Object source, String prop){
Object val = source[prop]
if(val == null) return null
Map nestesIncludes = getNestedIncludes()
MetaEntity mapIncludes = nestesIncludes[prop]
// if its an enum and doesnt have any include field specifed (which it normally should not)
if( val.class.isEnum() && !(mapIncludes?.metaProps)) {
if(val instanceof IdEnum){
// convert Enums to string or id,name object if its IdEnum
Map idEnumMap = [id: (val as IdEnum).id, name: (val as Enum).name()]
val = idEnumMap
} else {
// then just get normal string name()
val = (val as Enum).name()
else if(mapIncludes){
//its has its own includes so its either an object or an iterable
if(val instanceof Iterable){
val = new MetaMapList(val as List, mapIncludes)
} else {
//assume its an object then
val = new MetaMap(val, mapIncludes)
else if(val instanceof Map && !(val instanceof MetaMap)) {
val = new MetaMap(val)
// if it has converters then use them. if its already a MetaMap or MetaMapList then it does not need converting.
else if(converters && !(val instanceof MetaMap) && !(val instanceof MetaMapList)){
Converter converter = findConverter(val)
if (converter != null) {
val = converter.convert(val, prop)
return val
* Finds a converter that can handle the given type. The first converter
* that reports it can handle the type is returned, based on the order in
* which the converters were specified. A {@code null} value will be returned
* if no suitable converter can be found for the given type.
* @param type that this converter can handle
* @return first converter that can handle the given type; else {@code null}
* if no compatible converters are found for the given type.
protected Converter findConverter(Object val) {
for (Converter c : converters) {
if (c.handles(val)) {
return c
return null
* put will not set keys on the wrapped object but allows to add extra props and overrides
* by using a shadow map to store the values
Object put(final String name, final Object value) {
//json-views want to set an object key thats a copy of this so allow it
shadowMap.put(name, value)
//make sure its in the includes now too
return entity[name]
* throws UnsupportedOperationException
Object remove(Object o) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method remove(Object o) is not supported by this implementation")
* throws UnsupportedOperationException
void clear() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method clear() is not supported by this implementation")
Set keySet() {
return getIncludes() as Set