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org.yamcs.sle.provider.SleProvider Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.yamcs.sle.provider;

import static org.yamcs.sle.Constants.BER_NULL;
import static org.yamcs.sle.Constants.CREDENTIALS_UNUSED;

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import com.beanit.jasn1.ber.BerTag;
import com.beanit.jasn1.ber.types.BerInteger;
import com.beanit.jasn1.ber.types.BerType;

import org.yamcs.sle.AuthLevel;
import org.yamcs.sle.Constants.ApplicationIdentifier;
import org.yamcs.sle.Isp1Authentication;
import org.yamcs.sle.SleMonitor;
import org.yamcs.sle.State;
import org.yamcs.sle.StringConverter;
import org.yamcs.sle.provider.ServiceInitializer.ServiceInitResult;
import org.yamcs.sle.udpslebridge.SleUdpBridge;

import ccsds.sle.transfer.service.bind.types.AuthorityIdentifier;
import ccsds.sle.transfer.service.bind.types.BindDiagnostic;
import ccsds.sle.transfer.service.bind.types.SleBindInvocation;
import ccsds.sle.transfer.service.bind.types.SleBindReturn;
import ccsds.sle.transfer.service.bind.types.SlePeerAbort;
import ccsds.sle.transfer.service.bind.types.SleUnbindInvocation;
import ccsds.sle.transfer.service.bind.types.SleUnbindReturn;
import ccsds.sle.transfer.service.bind.types.VersionNumber;
import ccsds.sle.transfer.service.bind.types.SleBindReturn.Result;
import ccsds.sle.transfer.service.common.pdus.DiagnosticScheduleStatusReport;
import ccsds.sle.transfer.service.common.pdus.ReportRequestType;
import ccsds.sle.transfer.service.common.pdus.SleScheduleStatusReportInvocation;
import ccsds.sle.transfer.service.common.pdus.SleScheduleStatusReportReturn;
import ccsds.sle.transfer.service.common.types.Credentials;
import ccsds.sle.transfer.service.common.types.InvokeId;
import ccsds.sle.transfer.service.raf.outgoing.pdus.RafProviderToUserPdu;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufInputStream;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLogger;
import io.netty.util.internal.logging.InternalLoggerFactory;

 * This class provides the common SLE functionality across all services.

* It implements SLE BIND and UNBIND operations and also takes over the schedule reports activation/deactivation. *

* When BIND is called, it relies first on the {@link AuthProvider} to obtain user/name passwords information for the * new connection and then on the {@link ServiceInitializer} for obtaining a {@link SleService}. * It then it forwards all the subsequent operations to the newly obtained service. *

* * In order to use it *

  1. create a Netty pipeline with this class at the end of the pipeline
  2. *
  3. make an implementation for {@link AuthProvider} that provides authentication data
  4. *
  5. make an implementation for {@link ServiceInitializer} which based on some configuration creates one of the * {@link CltuServiceProvider} or {@link RafServiceProvider} (or maybe others in the future). *
  6. *
  7. make an implementation of {@link FrameSink} which uplinks the CLTUs
  8. *
  9. make an implementation of {@link FrameSource} which provides telemetry frames
  10. *
* *

* See the {@link SleUdpBridge} for an example on how this class is used to create a SLE to UDP bridge. * * * @author nm * */ public class SleProvider extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter { Isp1Authentication auth; private static final InternalLogger logger = InternalLoggerFactory .getInstance(SleProvider.class); private int invokeId = 1; protected CompletableFuture startingCf; protected ChannelHandlerContext channelHandlerContext; protected AuthLevel authLevel = AuthLevel.ALL; final String responderId; // sleService !=null -> bound SleService sleService = null; int sleVersion = 2; protected List monitors = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); private ScheduledFuture statusReportFuture; final ServiceInitializer serviceInitializer; private AuthProvider authProvider; public int getVersionNumber() { return sleVersion; } public void setVersionNumber(int versionNumber) { this.sleVersion = versionNumber; } public SleProvider(AuthProvider authProvider, String responderId, ServiceInitializer serviceInitializer) { this.authProvider = authProvider; this.responderId = responderId; this.serviceInitializer = serviceInitializer; } @Override public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) { logger.trace("received message: {}", msg); try { InputStream is = new ByteBufInputStream((ByteBuf) msg); BerTag berTag = new BerTag(); berTag.decode(is); logger.trace("berTag: {}", berTag); if (berTag.equals(BerTag.CONTEXT_CLASS, BerTag.CONSTRUCTED, 100)) { SleBindInvocation bindInvocation = new SleBindInvocation(); bindInvocation.decode(is, false); processBindInvocation(bindInvocation); } else if (sleService == null) { logger.warn("Unexpected (bertag: {}) message received while not bound, aborting", berTag); peerAbort(); } else if (berTag.equals(BerTag.CONTEXT_CLASS, BerTag.CONSTRUCTED, 102)) { SleUnbindInvocation unbindInvocation = new SleUnbindInvocation(); unbindInvocation.decode(is, false); processUnbindInvocation(unbindInvocation); } else if (berTag.equals(BerTag.CONTEXT_CLASS, BerTag.CONSTRUCTED, 4)) { SleScheduleStatusReportInvocation sleScheduleStatusReportInvocation = new SleScheduleStatusReportInvocation(); sleScheduleStatusReportInvocation.decode(is, false); processSleScheduleStatusReportInvocation(sleScheduleStatusReportInvocation); } else if (berTag.equals(BerTag.CONTEXT_CLASS, BerTag.PRIMITIVE, 104)) { SlePeerAbort peerAbortInvocation = new SlePeerAbort(); peerAbortInvocation.decode(is, false); processPeerAbortInvocation(peerAbortInvocation); } else { sleService.processData(berTag, is); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.warn("Error decoding data", e); peerAbort(); } } public AuthLevel getAuthLevel() { return authLevel; } public void setAuthLevel(AuthLevel authLevel) { this.authLevel = authLevel; } @Override public void channelRegistered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { this.channelHandlerContext = ctx; } @Override public void channelActive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { monitors.forEach(m -> m.connected()); } public boolean isConnected() { return channelHandlerContext != null &&; } public void shutdown() { channelHandlerContext.close(); } private void processPeerAbortInvocation(SlePeerAbort peerAbortInvocation) { logger.warn("received PEER-ABORT {}", peerAbortInvocation); channelHandlerContext.close(); } protected void processBindInvocation(SleBindInvocation bindInvocation) { logger.debug("processing bindInvocation {}", bindInvocation); if (sleService != null) { logger.warn("recieved bind while already bound"); sendNegativeBindResult(4);// already bound return; } String initiatorId = bindInvocation.getInitiatorIdentifier().toString(); auth = authProvider.getAuth(initiatorId); if (auth == null) { logger.warn("Cannot obtain authentication information for initiator-identifier='{}'", initiatorId); sendNegativeBindResult(0);// access denied return; } verifyBindCredentials(bindInvocation.getInvokerCredentials()); int version = bindInvocation.getVersionNumber().intValue(); if (version < 2 || version > 4) { logger.warn("SLE version {}, not supported", version); sendNegativeBindResult(2); // version not supported return; } String sii = StringConverter.toString(bindInvocation.getServiceInstanceIdentifier()); ApplicationIdentifier appId = ApplicationIdentifier.byId(bindInvocation.getServiceType().intValue()); String responderPortId = bindInvocation.getResponderPortIdentifier().toString(); ServiceInitResult sir = serviceInitializer.getServiceInstance(initiatorId, responderPortId, appId, sii); if (!sir.success) { logger.warn("Cannot get a service instance for initiatorId={}, responderPortId={}, appId={}, sii={}", initiatorId, responderPortId, appId, sii); sendNegativeBindResult(sir.diagnostic); return; } this.sleVersion = version; sleService = sir.sleService; sleService.init(this); changeState(State.READY); SleBindReturn.Result r = new Result(); r.setPositive(new VersionNumber(sleVersion)); SleBindReturn sbr = new SleBindReturn(); sbr.setResult(r); sbr.setResponderIdentifier(new AuthorityIdentifier(responderId.getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII))); sbr.setPerformerCredentials(getBindCredentials()); logger.debug("sending bind return {}", sbr); RafProviderToUserPdu ptu = new RafProviderToUserPdu(); // we use RAF but it's the same message for all services ptu.setRafBindReturn(sbr); channelHandlerContext.writeAndFlush(ptu); } private void sendNegativeBindResult(int diagnostic) { SleBindReturn sbr = new SleBindReturn(); SleBindReturn.Result r = new Result(); r.setNegative(new BindDiagnostic(diagnostic)); sbr.setResult(r); sbr.setResponderIdentifier(new AuthorityIdentifier(responderId.getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII))); sbr.setPerformerCredentials(getBindCredentials()); logger.debug("sending bind return {}", sbr); RafProviderToUserPdu ptu = new RafProviderToUserPdu(); // we use RAF but it's the same message for all services ptu.setRafBindReturn(sbr); channelHandlerContext.writeAndFlush(ptu); } protected void processUnbindInvocation(SleUnbindInvocation unbindInvocation) { verifyNonBindCredentials(unbindInvocation.getInvokerCredentials()); if (sleService == null || sleService.getState() != State.READY) { logger.warn("recieved unbind while not in READY state"); peerAbort(); return; } changeState(State.UNBOUND); SleUnbindReturn.Result r = new SleUnbindReturn.Result(); r.setPositive(BER_NULL); SleUnbindReturn usbr = new SleUnbindReturn(); usbr.setResponderCredentials(getNonBindCredentials()); usbr.setResult(r); logger.debug("sending unbind return {}", usbr); RafProviderToUserPdu ptu = new RafProviderToUserPdu(); // we use RAF but it's the same message for all services ptu.setRafUnbindReturn(usbr); channelHandlerContext.writeAndFlush(ptu); } protected void processSleScheduleStatusReportInvocation( SleScheduleStatusReportInvocation sleScheduleStatusReportInvocation) { logger.debug("Received SleScheduleStatusReportInvocation {}", sleScheduleStatusReportInvocation); SleScheduleStatusReportReturn ssr = new SleScheduleStatusReportReturn(); ssr.setPerformerCredentials(getNonBindCredentials()); ssr.setInvokeId(sleScheduleStatusReportInvocation.getInvokeId()); SleScheduleStatusReportReturn.Result result = new SleScheduleStatusReportReturn.Result(); ReportRequestType rrt = sleScheduleStatusReportInvocation.getReportRequestType(); if (rrt.getPeriodically() != null) { cancelStatusReport(); int nsec = rrt.getPeriodically().intValue(); if (nsec > 0) { statusReportFuture = channelHandlerContext.executor().scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> { sendStatusReport(); }, 0, nsec, TimeUnit.SECONDS); result.setPositiveResult(BER_NULL); } else { DiagnosticScheduleStatusReport dssr = new DiagnosticScheduleStatusReport(); dssr.setSpecific(new BerInteger(2));// invalidReportingCycle result.setNegativeResult(dssr); } } else if (rrt.getImmediately() != null) { channelHandlerContext.executor().schedule(() -> { sendStatusReport(); }, 0, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } else if (rrt.getStop() != null) { cancelStatusReport(); result.setPositiveResult(BER_NULL); } ssr.setResult(result); RafProviderToUserPdu cptu = new RafProviderToUserPdu(); cptu.setRafScheduleStatusReportReturn(ssr); channelHandlerContext.writeAndFlush(cptu); } private void sendStatusReport() { if (sleService != null) { sleService.sendStatusReport(); } else { cancelStatusReport(); } } private void cancelStatusReport() { if (statusReportFuture != null) { statusReportFuture.cancel(true); } } protected void peerAbort() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } protected Credentials getNonBindCredentials() { if (authLevel == AuthLevel.ALL) { return auth.generateCredentials(); } else { return CREDENTIALS_UNUSED; } } protected Credentials getBindCredentials() { if ((auth != null) && (authLevel == AuthLevel.ALL || authLevel == AuthLevel.BIND)) { return auth.generateCredentials(); } else { return CREDENTIALS_UNUSED; } } protected void verifyNonBindCredentials(Credentials credentials) { if (authLevel == AuthLevel.ALL) { auth.verifyCredentials(credentials); } } protected void verifyBindCredentials(Credentials credentials) { if (authLevel == AuthLevel.BIND || authLevel == AuthLevel.ALL) { auth.verifyCredentials(credentials); } } protected InvokeId getInvokeId() { int n = invokeId++ & Short.MAX_VALUE; return new InvokeId(n); } protected void changeState(State newState) { monitors.forEach(m -> m.stateChanged(newState)); } @Override public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Throwable cause) { cause.printStackTrace(); logger.warn("Caught exception {}", cause.getMessage()); monitors.forEach(m -> m.exceptionCaught(cause)); } protected void notifyDisconnected() { monitors.forEach(m -> m.disconnected()); } @Override public void channelInactive(ChannelHandlerContext ctx) throws Exception { logger.debug("Connection {} closed",; super.channelInactive(ctx); cancelStatusReport(); if (sleService != null) { sleService.abort(); } notifyDisconnected(); } /** * Add a monitor to be notified when events happen. * * @param monitor */ public void addMonitor(SleMonitor monitor) { monitors.add(monitor); } public void removeMonitor(SleMonitor monitor) { monitors.remove(monitor); } public void sendMessage(BerType msg) { channelHandlerContext.writeAndFlush(msg); } /** * Checks if the netty outgoing buffer is full. *

* The onlineTimely RAF service should drop messages if the buffer is full. *

* The offline RAF service should back pressure the producer. *

* Note that even if the buffer is full, Netty will accept messages sent with {@link #sendMessage(BerType)}. *

* If the connection is completely stuck, the ISP1 heartbeat should detect the condition and close it. * * @return */ public boolean isWritable() { return; } }

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