org.yamcs.commanding.CommandQueueManager Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.yamcs.commanding;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.yamcs.ConfigurationException;
import org.yamcs.GuardedBy;
import org.yamcs.Processor;
import org.yamcs.Spec;
import org.yamcs.Spec.OptionType;
import org.yamcs.ThreadSafe;
import org.yamcs.ValidationException;
import org.yamcs.YConfiguration;
import org.yamcs.YamcsServer;
import org.yamcs.cmdhistory.CommandHistoryPublisher;
import org.yamcs.cmdhistory.CommandHistoryPublisher.AckStatus;
import org.yamcs.logging.Log;
import org.yamcs.mdb.MatchCriteriaEvaluator;
import org.yamcs.mdb.MatchCriteriaEvaluator.MatchResult;
import org.yamcs.mdb.MatchCriteriaEvaluatorFactory;
import org.yamcs.mdb.ProcessingData;
import org.yamcs.memento.MementoDb;
import org.yamcs.parameter.ParameterProcessor;
import org.yamcs.parameter.ParameterProcessorManager;
import org.yamcs.parameter.ParameterValue;
import org.yamcs.parameter.SystemParametersProducer;
import org.yamcs.parameter.SystemParametersService;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.Commanding.CommandHistoryAttribute;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.Commanding.CommandId;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.Commanding.QueueState;
import org.yamcs.protobuf.Yamcs.Value;
import org.yamcs.time.TimeService;
import org.yamcs.xtce.Parameter;
import org.yamcs.xtce.Significance.Levels;
import org.yamcs.xtce.TransmissionConstraint;
* Implements the management of the control queues for one processor:
* - for each command that is sent, based on the sender it finds the queue where the command should go
- depending on the queue state the command can be immediately sent, stored in the queue or rejected
- when the command is immediately sent or rejected, the command queue monitor is not notified
- if the command has transmissionConstraints with timeout > 0, the command can sit in the queue even if the
* queue is not on hold
* Note: the update of the command monitors is done in the same thread. That means that if the connection to one of the
* monitors is lost, there may be a delay of a few seconds. As the monitoring clients will be priviledged users most
* likely connected in the same LAN, I don't consider this to be an issue.
public class CommandQueueManager extends AbstractService implements ParameterProcessor, SystemParametersProducer {
private static final String MEMENTO_KEY = "yamcs.queues";
private HashMap queues = new LinkedHashMap<>();
CommandHistoryPublisher commandHistoryPublisher;
CommandingManager commandingManager;
ConcurrentLinkedQueue monitoringClients = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<>();
private final Log log;
private Set pendingTcCheckers = new HashSet<>();
private final String instance;
private final String processorName;
Processor processor;
private final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor timer;
private TimeService timeService;
* Constructs a Command Queue Manager.
* @param commandingManager
* @throws ConfigurationException
* When there is an error in the configuration file. Note: if the configuration file doesn't exist, this
* exception is not thrown.
* @throws ValidationException
* When configuration file is incorrect.
public CommandQueueManager(CommandingManager commandingManager) throws ConfigurationException, ValidationException {
this.commandingManager = commandingManager;
processor = commandingManager.getProcessor();
log = new Log(this.getClass(), processor.getInstance());
this.commandHistoryPublisher = processor.getCommandHistoryPublisher();
this.instance = processor.getInstance();
this.processorName = processor.getName();
this.timer = processor.getTimer();
timeService = YamcsServer.getTimeService(processor.getInstance());
var mementoDb = MementoDb.getInstance(instance);
var memento = mementoDb.getObject(MEMENTO_KEY, CommandQueueMemento.class)
.orElse(new CommandQueueMemento());
if (YConfiguration.isDefined("command-queue")) {
Spec queueSpec = getQueueSpec();
YConfiguration config = YConfiguration.getConfiguration("command-queue");
for (String queueName : config.getKeys()) {
YConfiguration queueConfig = config.getConfigOrEmpty(queueName);
queueConfig = queueSpec.validate(queueConfig);
var state = computeInitialState(queueName, queueConfig, memento);
CommandQueue q = new CommandQueue(processor, queueName, state);
if (queueConfig.containsKey("users")) {
if (queueConfig.containsKey("groups")) {
if (queueConfig.containsKey("minLevel")) {
Levels minLevel = Levels.valueOf(queueConfig.getString("minLevel").toUpperCase());
if (queueConfig.containsKey("tcPatterns")) {
var regexes = queueConfig. getList("tcPatterns");
var patterns =;
queues.put(queueName, q);
} else {
var defaultQueueName = "default";
var state = computeInitialState(defaultQueueName, YConfiguration.emptyConfig(), memento);
var queue = new CommandQueue(processor, defaultQueueName, state);
queues.put(queue.getName(), queue);
* Determines the initial state for a specific queue.
* If an explicit state is configured, always use that. Else restore state from a previous run, defaulting to
* {@link QueueState#ENABLED}.
private QueueState computeInitialState(String queueName, YConfiguration queueConfig, CommandQueueMemento memento) {
// If an explicit state is configured, use that.
// Else restore state from a previous run, defaulting to ENABLED.
var state = QueueState.ENABLED;
if (queueConfig.containsKey("state")) {
var stateString = queueConfig.getString("state");
state = stringToQueueState(stateString);
} else {
var queueState = memento.getCommandQueueState(queueName);
if (queueState != null) {
state = queueState.getState();
return state;
private Spec getQueueSpec() {
Spec spec = new Spec();
spec.addOption("state", OptionType.STRING).withChoices("enabled", "blocked", "disabled");
spec.addOption("minLevel", OptionType.STRING);
spec.addOption("users", OptionType.LIST).withElementType(OptionType.STRING);
spec.addOption("groups", OptionType.LIST).withElementType(OptionType.STRING);
spec.addOption("tcPatterns", OptionType.LIST).withElementType(OptionType.STRING);
return spec;
* called at processor startup
public void doStart() {
var sysParamCollector = SystemParametersService.getInstance(processor.getInstance());
if (sysParamCollector != null) {
for (CommandQueue cq : queues.values()) {
public void doStop() {
var sysParamCollector = SystemParametersService.getInstance(processor.getInstance());
if (sysParamCollector != null) {
private static QueueState stringToQueueState(String state) throws ConfigurationException {
if ("enabled".equalsIgnoreCase(state)) {
return QueueState.ENABLED;
if ("disabled".equalsIgnoreCase(state)) {
return QueueState.DISABLED;
if ("blocked".equalsIgnoreCase(state)) {
return QueueState.BLOCKED;
throw new ConfigurationException(
"'" + state + "' is not a valid queue state. Use one of enabled, disabled or blocked");
public List getQueues() {
return new ArrayList<>(queues.values());
public CommandQueue getQueue(String name) {
return queues.get(name);
* Called from the CommandingImpl to add a command to the queue.
* First the command is added to the command history. Depending on the status of the queue, the command is rejected
* by setting the CommandFailed in the command history added to the queue or directly sent using the command
* releaser.
* @param user
* @param activeCommand
* @return the queue the command was added to
public synchronized CommandQueue addCommand(User user, ActiveCommand activeCommand) {
long missionTime = timeService.getMissionTime();
CommandQueue q = getQueue(user, activeCommand.getPreparedCommand());
if (q == null) {
log.warn("No queue available for command {}", activeCommand.getLoggingId());
missionTime, AckStatus.NOK, "No queue available");
return null;
log.debug("Adding command {} to queue {}; queue state: {}", activeCommand.getLoggingId(), q.getName(),
notifyAdded(q, activeCommand);
commandHistoryPublisher.publish(activeCommand.getCommandId(), CommandHistoryPublisher.Queue_KEY, q.getName());
if (q.state == QueueState.DISABLED) {
q.remove(activeCommand, false);
missionTime, AckStatus.NOK, "Queue disabled");
failedCommand(q, activeCommand, "Queue disabled", true);
} else if (q.state == QueueState.BLOCKED) {
missionTime, AckStatus.OK);
// notifyAdded(q, pc);
} else if (q.state == QueueState.ENABLED) {
missionTime, AckStatus.OK);
preReleaseCommand(q, activeCommand);
return q;
// if there are transmission constraints, start the checker;
// if not just release the command
private void preReleaseCommand(CommandQueue q, ActiveCommand pc) {
long missionTime = timeService.getMissionTime();
if (pc.getMetaCommand().hasTransmissionConstraints() && !pc.disableTransmissionConstraints()) {
startTransmissionConstraintChecker(q, pc);
} else {
CommandHistoryPublisher.TransmissionConstraints_KEY, missionTime, AckStatus.NA);
q.remove(pc, true);
releaseCommand(q, pc, true);
CommandHistoryPublisher.AcknowledgeReleased_KEY, missionTime, AckStatus.OK);
private void startTransmissionConstraintChecker(CommandQueue q, ActiveCommand pc) {
TransmissionConstraintChecker constraintChecker = new TransmissionConstraintChecker(q, pc);
private void onTransmissionConstraintCheckPending(TransmissionConstraintChecker tcChecker) {
notifyUpdated(tcChecker.queue, tcChecker.activeCommand);
CommandHistoryPublisher.TransmissionConstraints_KEY, timeService.getMissionTime(), AckStatus.PENDING);
private void onTransmissionConstraintCheckFinished(TransmissionConstraintChecker tcChecker) {
ActiveCommand pc = tcChecker.activeCommand;
CommandQueue q = tcChecker.queue;
TCStatus status = tcChecker.aggregateStatus;"transmission constraint finished for {} status: {}", pc.getCmdName(), status);
long missionTime = timeService.getMissionTime();
if (status == TCStatus.OK) {
q.remove(pc, true);
commandHistoryPublisher.publishAck(pc.getCommandId(), CommandHistoryPublisher.TransmissionConstraints_KEY,
missionTime, AckStatus.OK);
releaseCommand(q, pc, true);
CommandHistoryPublisher.AcknowledgeReleased_KEY, missionTime, AckStatus.OK);
} else if (status == TCStatus.TIMED_OUT) {
q.remove(pc, false);
commandHistoryPublisher.publishAck(pc.getCommandId(), CommandHistoryPublisher.TransmissionConstraints_KEY,
missionTime, AckStatus.NOK);
CommandHistoryPublisher.AcknowledgeReleased_KEY, missionTime, AckStatus.NOK,
"Transmission constraints check failed");
failedCommand(q, pc, "Transmission constraints check failed", true);
// Notify the monitoring clients
private void notifyAdded(CommandQueue q, ActiveCommand activeCommand) {
for (CommandQueueListener m : monitoringClients) {
try {
m.commandAdded(q, activeCommand);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("got exception when notifying a monitor, removing it from the list", e);
private void notifyUpdated(CommandQueue q, ActiveCommand activeCommand) {
for (CommandQueueListener m : monitoringClients) {
try {
m.commandUpdated(q, activeCommand);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("got exception when notifying a monitor, removing it from the list", e);
// Notify the monitoring clients
private void notifySent(CommandQueue q, ActiveCommand activeCommand) {
for (CommandQueueListener m : monitoringClients) {
try {
m.commandSent(q, activeCommand);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("got exception when notifying a monitor, removing it from the list", e);
private void notifyUpdateQueue(CommandQueue q) {
for (CommandQueueListener m : monitoringClients) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("got exception when notifying a monitor, removing it from the list", e);
public void addToCommandHistory(CommandId commandId, CommandHistoryAttribute attribute) {
Value value = attribute.getValue();
switch (value.getType()) {
case STRING:
commandHistoryPublisher.publish(commandId, attribute.getName(), value.getStringValue());
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value type '" + value.getType() + "'");
* send a negative ack for a command.
* @param activeCommand
* the prepared command for which the negative ack is sent
* @param notify
* notify or not the monitoring clients.
private void failedCommand(CommandQueue cq, ActiveCommand activeCommand, String reason, boolean notify) {
commandHistoryPublisher.commandFailed(activeCommand.getCommandId(), timeService.getMissionTime(), reason);
// Notify the monitoring clients
if (notify) {
for (CommandQueueListener m : monitoringClients) {
try {
m.commandRejected(cq, activeCommand);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("got exception when notifying a monitor, removing it from the list", e);
private void releaseCommand(CommandQueue q, ActiveCommand activeCommand, boolean notify) {
// Notify the monitoring clients
if (notify) {
notifySent(q, activeCommand);
private void unhandledCommand(ActiveCommand activeCommand) {
commandHistoryPublisher.commandFailed(activeCommand.getCommandId(), timeService.getMissionTime(),
"No matching queue");
CommandHistoryAttribute attr = CommandHistoryAttribute.newBuilder()
addToCommandHistory(activeCommand.getCommandId(), attr);
for (CommandQueueListener m : monitoringClients) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("got exception when notifying a monitor, removing it from the list", e);
* @param user
* @param pc
* @return the queue where the command should be placed.
public CommandQueue getQueue(User user, PreparedCommand pc) {
for (CommandQueue cq : queues.values()) {
if (cq.matches(user, pc.getMetaCommand())) {
return cq;
return null;
* Called by external clients to remove a command from the queue
* @param commandId
* @param username
* the username rejecting the command
* @return the command removed from the queeu
public synchronized PreparedCommand rejectCommand(CommandId commandId, String username) {"called to remove command: {}", commandId);
ActiveCommand activeCommand = null;
CommandQueue queue = null;
for (CommandQueue q : queues.values()) {
activeCommand = q.getcommand(commandId);
if (activeCommand != null) {
queue = q;
if (activeCommand != null) {
queue.remove(activeCommand, false);
long missionTime = timeService.getMissionTime();
CommandHistoryPublisher.AcknowledgeReleased_KEY, missionTime, AckStatus.NOK,
"Rejected by " + username);
failedCommand(queue, activeCommand, "Rejected by " + username, true);
return activeCommand.getPreparedCommand();
} else {
log.warn("command not found in any queue");
return null;
public synchronized PreparedCommand rejectCommand(String commandId, String username) {
for (CommandQueue q : queues.values()) {
ActiveCommand activeCommand = q.getcommand(commandId);
if (activeCommand != null) {
return rejectCommand(activeCommand.getCommandId(), username);
log.warn("no active command found for id {}", commandId);
return null;
* Called from external client to release a command from the queue
* @param commandId
* - if to rebuild the command binary from the source
* @return the prepared command sent
public synchronized PreparedCommand sendCommand(CommandId commandId) {
ActiveCommand command = null;
CommandQueue queue = null;
for (CommandQueue q : queues.values()) {
command = q.getcommand(commandId);
if (command != null) {
queue = q;
if (command != null) {
preReleaseCommand(queue, command);
return command.getPreparedCommand();
} else {
return null;
public synchronized PreparedCommand sendCommand(String commandId) {
for (CommandQueue q : queues.values()) {
ActiveCommand activeCommand = q.getcommand(commandId);
if (activeCommand != null) {
return sendCommand(activeCommand.getCommandId());
log.warn("no prepared command found for id {}", commandId);
return null;
* Called from external clients to change the state of the queue
* @param queueName
* the queue whose state has to be set
* @param newState
* the new state of the queue
* @return the queue whose state has been changed or null if no queue by the name exists
public synchronized CommandQueue setQueueState(String queueName, QueueState newState/* , boolean rebuild */) {
CommandQueue queue = null;
for (CommandQueue q : queues.values()) {
if (q.getName().equals(queueName)) {
queue = q;
if (queue == null) {
return null;
if (queue.state == newState) {
return queue;
queue.state = newState;
if (queue.state == QueueState.ENABLED) {
for (ActiveCommand pc : queue.getCommands()) {
preReleaseCommand(queue, pc);
if (queue.state == QueueState.DISABLED) {
long missionTime = timeService.getMissionTime();
for (ActiveCommand pc : queue.getCommands()) {
CommandHistoryPublisher.AcknowledgeReleased_KEY, missionTime, AckStatus.NOK, "Queue disabled");
failedCommand(queue, pc, "Queue disabled", true);
// Notify the monitoring clients
return queue;
private void saveMemento() {
var memento = new CommandQueueMemento();
for (var queue : queues.values()) {
var state = CommandQueueState.forQueue(queue);
memento.addCommandQueueState(queue.getName(), state);
var mementoDb = MementoDb.getInstance(instance);
mementoDb.putObject(MEMENTO_KEY, memento);
* Called from a queue monitor to register itself in order to be notified when new commands are added/removed from
* the queue.
* @param cqm
* the callback which will be called with updates
public void registerListener(CommandQueueListener cqm) {
public boolean removeListener(CommandQueueListener cqm) {
return monitoringClients.remove(cqm);
public String getInstance() {
return instance;
public String getChannelName() {
return processorName;
* Called from PRM when new telemetry data is available
public void process(ProcessingData tmData) {
for (TransmissionConstraintChecker tcc : pendingTcCheckers) {
private void scheduleCheck(final TransmissionConstraintChecker tcc, long millisec) {
timer.schedule(tcc::checkImmediate, millisec, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
enum TCStatus {
class TransmissionConstraintChecker {
volatile TCStatus aggregateStatus = TCStatus.INIT;
final List tcsList = new ArrayList<>();
final ActiveCommand activeCommand;
final CommandQueue queue;
int ppmSubscriptionId = -1;
public TransmissionConstraintChecker(CommandQueue queue, ActiveCommand activeCommand) {
this.activeCommand = activeCommand;
this.queue = queue;
List constraints = activeCommand.getMetaCommand().getTransmissionConstraintList();
log.debug("Starting transmission constrant checker with {} checks for command {}, ", constraints.size(),
for (TransmissionConstraint tc : constraints) {
TransmissionConstraintStatus tcs = new TransmissionConstraintStatus(tc);
Set pset = activeCommand.getMetaCommand().getTransmissionConstraintList()
.flatMap(tcs -> tcs.getMatchCriteria().getDependentParameters().stream())
.filter(p -> !p.isCommandParameter())
if (!pset.isEmpty()) {
ParameterProcessorManager ppm = processor.getParameterProcessorManager();
ppmSubscriptionId = ppm.subscribe(pset, tmData -> checkWithTm(tmData));
* This may be called on multiple threads in parallel.
* We cannot move the processing data on a different thread, so we do the check here and use the result in the
* timer thread.
public void checkWithTm(ProcessingData tmData) {
if (aggregateStatus != TCStatus.PENDING) {
ProcessingData cmdData = ProcessingData.cloneForCommanding(tmData, activeCommand.getArguments(),
check(System.currentTimeMillis(), cmdData);
public void checkImmediate() {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (aggregateStatus == TCStatus.INIT) {
// make sure that if timeout=0, the first check will not appear to be too late
for (TransmissionConstraintStatus tcs : tcsList) {
tcs.expirationTime = now + tcs.constraint.getTimeout();
aggregateStatus = TCStatus.PENDING;
if (aggregateStatus != TCStatus.PENDING) {
ProcessingData cmdData = ProcessingData.createInitial(processor.getLastValueCache(),
activeCommand.getArguments(), activeCommand.getCmdParamCache());
check(now, cmdData);
private void check(long now, ProcessingData data) {
TcsUpdate tcsUpdate = new TcsUpdate();
tcsUpdate.aggrStatus = TCStatus.OK;
tcsUpdate.scheduleNextCheck = Long.MAX_VALUE;
for (TransmissionConstraintStatus tcs : tcsList) {
if (tcs.status == TCStatus.PENDING) {
long timeRemaining = tcs.expirationTime - now;
if (timeRemaining < 0) {
tcsUpdate.tcs = tcs;
tcsUpdate.tcsStatus = TCStatus.TIMED_OUT;
tcsUpdate.aggrStatus = TCStatus.TIMED_OUT;
} else {
if (tcs.evaluator.evaluate(data) != MatchResult.OK) {
if (timeRemaining > 0) {
tcsUpdate.aggrStatus = TCStatus.PENDING;
if (timeRemaining < tcsUpdate.scheduleNextCheck) {
tcsUpdate.scheduleNextCheck = timeRemaining;
} else {
tcsUpdate.aggrStatus = TCStatus.TIMED_OUT;
timer.submit(() -> {
if (aggregateStatus != TCStatus.PENDING) {
aggregateStatus = tcsUpdate.aggrStatus;
if (aggregateStatus == TCStatus.PENDING) {
scheduleCheck(this, tcsUpdate.scheduleNextCheck);
} else {
void unsubscribe() {
if (ppmSubscriptionId != -1) {
static class TcsUpdate {
TransmissionConstraintStatus tcs;
TCStatus tcsStatus;
TCStatus aggrStatus;
long scheduleNextCheck;
static class TransmissionConstraintStatus {
TransmissionConstraint constraint;
TCStatus status;
long expirationTime;
MatchCriteriaEvaluator evaluator;
public TransmissionConstraintStatus(TransmissionConstraint tc) {
this.constraint = tc;
status = TCStatus.PENDING;
evaluator = MatchCriteriaEvaluatorFactory.getEvaluator(tc.getMatchCriteria());
public Collection getSystemParameters(long time) {
List pvlist = new ArrayList<>();
for (CommandQueue cq : queues.values()) {
cq.fillInSystemParameters(pvlist, time);
return pvlist;